The Beauty of Trash WARM-UP 6 I. Look at the following pieces of art in the pictures and match each one with the material that was used to make it. ___ 1. driftwood ___ 2. metal waste ___ 3. recycled plastic bottles ___ 4. old magazines ___ 5. old soda cans II. Answer the following questions. 1. Which of these pieces of art do you like best? 2. Give some other examples of possible materials that could be used to create a piece of art. [Ans.] 1. A 2. E 3. D 4. C 5. B 1 READING When you look at a pile of litter, what do you see? If you think that it is just trash, Tim Noble and Sue Webster might ask you to look again. These two artists collected garbage from the streets of London and formed it into simple piles. However, when they shone a light on these piles in just the right way, the shadows that were made suddenly came to life. What looked like a bunch of useless junk suddenly became a man and woman sitting back to back. The practice of making art from trash is now known as "junk art." It began with a trend called "found art" in the early 1900s. The artists involved with found art used found objects to create artistic pieces. In the 1960s, the German artist Joseph Beuys, along with other artists, began using ordinary pieces of trash, such as candy wrappers and old tools, to make pieces of art. Some people might have thought that Beuys's creations looked plain, but others found his creations meaningful because Beuys's artwork strongly expressed his beliefs in humanism. Decades later, junk art still remains popular. Some junk artists are serious when they are creating artistic pieces, and their works of art often deal with the subject of environmental protection. A photographer named Chris Jordan often takes pictures of trash, and these pictures show how much the modern world wastes. For example, from a distance, one of his photographs looks like a collection of pretty colors. When people approach this photograph, however, they can see that it actually shows two million plastic bottles, which is the number of plastic bottles thrown away in the United States every five minutes. In Taiwan, a group of junk artists have gathered in Taidong to remember the tragedy caused by Typhoon Morakot in August of 2009. By using pieces of driftwood that were washed up on the beach because of the typhoon, these artists have carved sculptures that stand for the loss caused by the storm as well as the tremendous power of nature. Although driftwood is normally viewed as worthless trash, it holds a special place in the hearts of many junk artists in Taiwan. Rahic Talif, a local artist from the Amis tribe, has great respect for driftwood. He does not begin carving a piece of driftwood until he has imagined its history. By thinking about where the wood came from and how long it had floated until it was washed ashore, Talif creates a story that provides inspiration for his work. One of his carvings shows a group of people dancing and singing on the beach, and it represents rebirth. Junk art's versatility means that it can be both serious and entertaining. Many junk artists create fun things from old or recycled materials. Some create wall decorations by using disposable cups and containers, while others make paintings from unwanted computer parts. The only limit to junk art is the artist's imagination, 2 and there are countless ideas out there waiting to be discovered. Junk art truly embodies the saying that "one man's trash is another man's treasure." ─by Jason W. Crockett Cultural Note 拉黑子‧達立夫 (Rahic Talif) 1962 年出生於花蓮縣豐濱鄉港口村,現為國際知名的阿美族雕刻藝術創作者。 拉黑子可說是臺灣使用漂流木創作的先鋒,對他而言,漂流木充滿了記憶,也記錄了生命變遷的歷程。因此, 他總是親自尋找並扛回欲雕刻的漂流木。拉黑子以不傷害環境的方式,用他的作品表達對大自然的敬畏,並 提醒人們尊重自然。 POST-READING ACTIVITIES I. Reading for the Main Idea―Skimming Skim the reading and choose the best answer to the question. ( ) What is the main idea of the reading? (A) For junk artists, disposable cups and containers can be used to create works of art. (B) Joseph Beuys began to use ordinary pieces of trash to create meaningful works of art in the 1960s. (C) By using old materials, junk artists not only create works of art but also express their social beliefs. (D) Rahic Talif creates his works of art by carving driftwood. II. Reading for Details―Scanning Scan the reading and choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements. ( ) 1. According to the reading, "junk art" is _____. (A) only meant for fun (B) unpopular nowadays (C) the practice of throwing trash away (D) the practice of making art from trash ( ) 2. According to the reading, what can we say about Tim Noble and Sue Webster's piece of junk art? (A) It cost them much money to create this piece. (B) It looks like a pile of trash when there is no light shining on it. (C) The shadow created by it showed a man lying on his back. 3 (D) Two million plastic bottles were used to create it. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. Which of the following about Chris Jordan is true? (A) He is an artist who carves driftwood. (B) He is an artist who takes photographs of trash. (C) He makes a living by recycling plastic bottles. (D) He has thrown away two million plastic bottles. According to the reading, Rahic Talif does NOT _____. (A) think driftwood holds a special place in his heart (B) respect driftwood like other junk artists in Taiwan (C) view driftwood as worthless trash (D) carve sculptures out of driftwood In the last paragraph, the author implies that _____. (A) many different things can be used to create art (B) we should collect driftwood because it is valuable (C) many artists have no imagination (D) junk artists are all crazy people III. Topics for Discussion 1. What does the phrase "junk art" mean? 2. Would you like to create art by using old or recycled materials? Why or why not? [Ans.] I. C II. 1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A VOCABULARY I. Words for Production n. [U] trash or garbage such as pieces of paper, cans, etc., 1. litter that have been thrown away or left in a public place (被 扔在公共場所的) 垃圾,廢棄物 ► After the picnic, we picked up all the litter and cleaned up the area. 在野餐過後,我們撿起所有的垃圾並清理整個區域。 2. shadow 4 n. [C] a dark shape made on a surface when a person or a thing is between that surface and a light 影子 ►Nick's shadow fell on the ground when he stood in the sun. 當 Nick 站在陽光下,他的影子落在地上。 n. [U] the darkness caused when something blocks light 陰暗處 ► Because of the tall tree beside the house, my room is always in shadow. 因為屋旁的那棵大樹,讓我的房間總是在陰暗處。 3. bunch n. [C] (sing.) (informal) a large amount of something, or a large number of people or things 大量,大批 ► Ian was very busy because he had a bunch of work that needed to be done today. Ian 很忙碌,因為他今天有大量的工作需要完成。 n. [C] a group of the same things that grow together or are tied together 一束,一串 ► On Mother's Day, we gave our mother a big bunch of carnations. 我們在母親節送給母親一大束康乃馨。 4. junk n. [U] garbage, especially things that are considered useless, worthless, or unwanted 廢物,無價值的東西 ► The box is full of junk, such as broken bottles and cracked tea cups. 這個盒子裡都是廢物,像是破掉的瓶子以及裂開的茶杯。 5. object n. [C] something that can be touched or seen, but that is not alive 東西,物品 ► Please put all of the objects in your bag on the table. 請將你袋子裡所有的東西都放到桌上。 6. ordinary adj. average, common, or not special 普通的,平常的 ► It was a perfectly ordinary day today; nothing special happened. 5 今天是很普通的一天;沒有什麼特別的事情發生。 7. belief n. [C] an opinion about something that one thinks is good or true 理念,信念 ► There is a growing belief that people should treat pets with respect rather than view them as toys. 人們應該用尊重的態度對待寵物而不只是將他們視為玩具, 這個理念越來越多人認同。 8. photographer n. [C] a person who takes photographs, especially as a job or as an artist (專業) 攝影師 ► Kevin is a fashion photographer; his job is to take pictures of models. Kevin 是位時尚攝影師;他的工作是幫模特兒拍照。 photograph vt. 拍照,照相 ► Erica asked us to gather together so that she could photograph all of us. Erica 要我們聚在一起,她好幫我們全部人照相。 photograph n. [C] 照片,相片 (非正式寫法為 photo) ► We took more than one thousand photographs when we traveled around Europe last summer. 我們去年夏天到歐洲旅遊時拍了超過一千張的相片。 9. approach vt.; vi. to get near or move closer to someone or something 靠近,接近 ► As the train approached the station, it slowed down gradually. 當火車進站時,它的速度緩緩變慢。 ► Alan's birthday is approaching, so his friends are planning a party for him. Alan 的生日快要到了,所以他朋友正為他籌劃生日派對。 10. carve vt. to make something, such as a sculpture, pattern, etc., by cutting it from wood or stone 雕刻 ► The huge rock was carved into the shape of an elephant. 6 這顆大石頭被雕刻成大象的形狀。 11. sculpture n. [C][U] a work of art that is made by carving or shaping wood, stone, metal, etc. 雕塑品,雕像 ► This famous artist is good at creating sculptures of horses. 這位有名的藝術家很會創造馬的雕像。 12. storm n. [C] very bad weather with a lot of rain, strong winds, and often lightning 暴風雨 ► A big storm broke shortly after the sky became dark. 在天空變暗後,暴風雨很快便來臨。 13. tremendous adj. huge, great, or very strong 巨大的,強烈的 ► Leon's dance performance was a tremendous success, and the audience enjoyed it a lot. Leon 的舞蹈表演十分成功,觀眾們都很喜歡。 14. ashore adv. toward or onto land from an area of water like the sea or a river 往岸上,上岸 ► After swimming in the lake for two hours, we went ashore to get something to eat. 在湖中游泳了兩小時之後,我們上岸去找些東西吃。 15. inspiration n. [U] a sudden feeling or a new idea that helps or enables a person to do or create something 靈感 ► Sean often draws his inspiration for writing from Shakespeare's works. Sean 常常從莎士比亞的作品中汲取寫作的靈感。 n. [C] (usu. sing.) a person, place, thing, etc., that gives someone new ideas to do or create something 啟發靈感 的人或物 ► Emma's trip to Africa was the inspiration for her new book. Emma 的非洲行是啟發她新書的靈感。 7 inspire vt. 賦予靈感,啟發 ► The design of the house was inspired by nature. 這棟房子的設計靈感取自於大自然。 vt. 激勵,鼓舞 ► Dr. Kohl's speech has inspired us to start a campaign for animal rights. Kohl 博士的演講激勵我們開始為動物權利請命的運動。 16. entertaining adj. enjoyable and fun 娛樂的,使人愉快的 ► This story is quite entertaining, and I had a lot of fun reading it. 這個故事頗具娛樂性,讀它讓我有很多樂趣。 entertain vt.; vi. 娛樂,使快樂 ► The clown entertained us with his funny tricks. 那小丑用他有趣的把戲娛樂我們。 entertainment n. [U][C] 娛樂 (節目、活動等) ► The bar offers evening entertainment to its customers on weekends. 那酒吧在周末提供顧客夜間娛樂活動。 17. material n. [C][U] something, such as plastic, wood, metal, etc., used to make a particular thing 材料,原料 ► Fanny used recycled materials, like candy wrappers, to decorate the handbag. Fanny 用回收的材料,如糖果包裝紙,來裝飾這個手提包。 n. [U][C] cloth used to make clothes, curtains, etc. 布料 ► We will need a lot of soft material to make the dress. 我們將需要許多柔軟布料來做洋裝。 18. limit n. [C] a point beyond which something stops being possible or existing 限制,極限 ► There's a limit to everyone's patience, so don't push a person too far. 8 每個人的忍耐度都有極限,所以不要把人逼太緊。 n. [C] the greatest or smallest level or amount that is 限度,限額 allowed ► The time limit for the exam is one hour. 這場考試限時一小時。 limit vt. 限制,限定 ► The number of participants in the marathon is limited to 500 people. 這場馬拉松的參賽者名額限定為五百人。 19. treasure n. [U] a collection of something valuable, such as gold, silver, jewelry, etc. 珍寶,金銀財寶 ► In the story, the young man discovered the hidden treasure by following the treasure map. 在這個故事裡,年輕人藉由藏寶圖的指示而發現隱藏的珍寶。 n. [C] (usu. pl.) a very special, valuable, and important object (有藝術或歷史價值的) 珍品 ► The National Palace Museum contains many ancient and artistic treasures. 故宮博物院裡有許多古老的藝術珍品。 treasure vt. 珍惜,珍藏 ► I've always treasured the moments that I spent with my grandparents. 我總是十分珍惜和祖父母相聚的時光。 II. Words for Recognition 1. German adj. 德國的 2. humanism n. [U] 人本主義 3. driftwood n. [U] 漂流木 4. rebirthn. [U] 新生,再生 9 5. versatilityn. [U] 多用途,多功能 6. disposable adj. 用後即可丟棄的 7. embodyvt. 具體表現 IDIOMS AND PHRASES 1. along with together with someone or something else 連同,與…… 一起 ► The bakery sells fresh bread along with several other baked goods. 這間麵包店除了賣麵包也一起賣其他的烘焙產品。 2. deal with to talk about something or have something as a subject 涉及,論及 ► Mr. Howard's speech dealt mostly with the economy. Howard 先生的演講大部分是論及經濟。 3. throw away to get rid of something, or to put something useless and no longer wanted into a trash can 扔掉,丟棄 ► I still need those old magazines, so please don't throw them away. 我還需要那些舊雜誌,所以請別把它們扔掉。 4. wash up (the sea or the waves) to carry something ashore (海浪) 把……沖上岸 ► The dolphin has been washed up on the beach, and many people are trying to save it now. 海浪把那海豚沖上岸了,現在許多人正試著要搶救牠。 10 Word Smart 字尾 "-less" 可加在名詞後構成形容詞,表示「沒有……的,缺少……的」之意。 care → careless 粗心的 rest → restless 不得安寧的 harm → harmless 無害的 use → useless 沒用的 home → homeless 無家可歸的 worth → worthless 沒有價值的 GRAMMAR IN USE 1 S + Vt (keep/leave/find) + O + Adj 本句型中的 keep、leave、find 皆為不完全及物動詞,因主詞加上動詞及受詞後句意仍不 完整,故受詞後面再接形容詞作受詞補語,keep 及 leave 在此表示「使……保持……狀 態」,而 find 則表示「發現……處於……狀態」。 Examples: 1. Please keep the door shut. 2. We cannot leave this problem alone. 3. Some people might have thought that Beuys's creations looked plain, but others found his creations meaningful. Let’s Try! A. 圈選出正確的答案以完成下列各句。 1. Mona found the movie (frighten, frightening). 2. The severe earthquake left many people (homeless, homelessness). 3. We wear coats to keep ourselves (warm, warmly) in the winter. 4. I found this math question (difficult, difficulty). 5. Please keep your dog (quiet, quietly); it is late and we're trying to sleep. [Ans.] 1. frightening 2. homeless 3. warm 4. difficult 5. quiet B. Julia 和 Emma 是室友,她們一起擬定了幾則生活公約。根據句型將以下各題的字詞重組 以完成這份公約。 1. When you go out, 11 (the windows/don't/open/leave). 2. (keep/down/your voice) if the other person is sleeping or studying. 3. If you 4. are taking a shower. 5. Boil some water if you container/find/empty (空的)). (dirty/the bathroom/find), please clean it up. (the rest of the bathroom/dry/keep) when you (the water [Ans.] 1. don't leave the windows open 2. Keep your voice down 3. find the bathroom dirty 4. Keep the rest of the bathroom dry 5. find the water container empty 2 S + Aux + not + V... + until + S + V.... until 為一連接詞,用來引導副詞子句。在此句型中,主要子句須用否定語句,以表達「直 到……才……」的意思。 Examples: 1. Rahic Talif does not begin carving a piece of driftwood until he has imagined its history. 2. Mark will not go home until he finds his lost bike. Let’s Try! A. 根據句型改寫下列句子。 1. Simon agreed to hold the party because we promised to help him. → 2. After Amy attends her friend's wedding, she will go abroad. → 3. When it is midnight, I usually go to bed. → [Ans.] 1. Simon did not agree to hold the party until we promised to help him. 12 2. Amy won't/will not go abroad until she attends her friend's wedding. 3. I usually don't go to bed until it is midnight. B. 根據句型將下面兩欄中的句子配對並改寫句子。第一題為範例。 1. We often realize the value of health. ‧He went to junior high school. 2. People can legally drive cars. ‧She read the newspaper. 3. Helen learned about the earthquake. ‧I got a love letter from her. 4. Teddy had studied English. ‧They pass the driving test. 5. I knew that Mary liked me. ‧We get sick. 1. We often don't realize the value of health until we get sick. 2. 3. 4. 5. [Ans.] 2. People can't legally drive cars until they pass the driving test. 3. Helen didn't learn about the earthquake until she read the newspaper. 4. Teddy hadn't studied English until he went to junior high school. 5. I didn't know that Mary liked me until I got a love letter from her. ENGLISH WORKSHOP I. Word Puzzle 以下的文字迷宮中有八個關於本課的關鍵字,你能找出它們在哪裡嗎?它們有可能垂直、水 平,或是以對角線的方式散落在文字迷宮裡。 artist recycled A C U S E L E S E H N L H J K C junk trash J E W S R E G O L U A R T I S T litter unwanted I R N I U G A V T P T K F O E X plastic useless T R E C Y C L E E U D U N H Q V R D P L A S T I 13 S M D A T C D Y C A C U S E L E S S E H N L H J K C M J E W S R E G O D L U A R T I S T A I R N I U G A V T T P T K F O E X C T R E C Y C L E D E U D U N H Q V Y R D P L A S T I C [Ans.] II. Showing Your Creativity 垃圾藝術不但是種藝術形式,也是實踐環保的一種方式。以下提供一些材料的英文名稱: (ring) tabs candy wrappers old jeans broken tiles glass containers milk cartons used disks 現在,兩人一組,發揮你的創意,與同學用英文討論如何利用上列或任何其他可回收的材料 做出簡單的藝術品或是實用的東西。以下為範例: A: What do you want to make? B: I want to use some old jeans to make a bag, and I would sew (縫) some tabs onto the bag to decorate it. How about you? A: I may cut a milk carton and put it on my desk so I can put my pens in it. And I think I'll glue (黏) some candy wrappers onto the carton to make it more colorful. B: Sounds cool! CONVERSATION Taylor, an artist who makes sculptures out of driftwood, has just finished a piece of art. His good friend, Carol, is giving him some compliments about his amazing work. 14 (C = Carol, T = Taylor) C: Wow! What a great sculpture! Is it of a woman? It appears to be a woman when I approach nearer. T: Well, you can imagine it as a man or a woman, or a boy or a girl. I put several pieces of wood together to make a general human shape. C: But it's holding a round object that looks like a baby, so it seemed to be a woman to me. For me, that's extremely emotional and powerful. T: Thanks. I think men can hold babies, too! I carved that piece of driftwood in the shape of a circle so that people can make it be whatever they are feeling at that time. C: That's so creative. What do you imagine it to be? T: It keeps changing. It might be anything from a boy holding a football to a woman holding her baby! C: It does hold my interest when I'm looking at it. Anyway, I really like it. T: Thanks! I'm really glad you appreciate it. Tips for You compliment n. [C] 讚美 LISTENING PRACTICE 下面五題,每題錄音機會播出一段對話及一個相關的問題,聽完後請從 A、B、C、D 四個選 項中,選出一個最適合的答案。 ( ( ( ) 1. (A) Her sculpture is impressive. (B) Her sculpture is ordinary. (C) She has no imagination. (D) She is destroying the planet. ) 2. (A) Alex plays music terribly. (B) Alex plays with his friends in a band. (C) The woman will write some new songs for Alex. (D) The woman was not invited to see the next performance of Alex's band. ) 3. (A) Tony needs to buy a new camera. (B) Tony takes very good photographs. (C) She is a great photographer. (D) Her pictures are just ordinary. 15 ( ( ) 4. (A) It's too short to wear to the party. (B) It's not OK to wear at the party. (C) She should wear it to the party. (D) She should wear another dress to the party. ) 5. (A) He doesn't care about the planet. (B) He didn't explain his ideas clearly. (C) His speech inspired her a lot. (D) His speech was nothing special. [Ans.] 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. C [Script] 1. M: Wow! That's a really interesting sculpture that you're working on. What is it? W: Well, the hand on the right represents human beings, and the broken ball that the hand is holding is the earth. It shows how we are destroying our planet. M: You're so creative. In my opinion, it's a totally amazing sculpture. W: Thanks so much for your compliments. Q: What does the man think about the woman? 2. W: I really enjoyed hearing your band playing last night, Alex. M: Really? Actually, we're just a bunch of friends having fun together. W: But you all played very well, and everyone there thought that it was a tremendous performance. M: Hey, thanks. We will play some new songs next week. You should check it out. Q: Which of the following is true? 3. M: Hey, those are great pictures, Jenny. I love the close-up views of the flowers. W: Ah, they're nothing. I was just having some fun with my new camera. M: I'm serious. A professional photographer couldn't take better pictures than these. W: Don't give me that, Tony. Anyone can take nice pictures of flowers! Q: What does Jenny think? 4. M: That's a really pretty dress you're wearing! W: Really? I think it's a little too short. Do you think it's OK for the party tonight? M: Sure. Everyone there will like it. W: Wow, thanks, I'll wear it then. Q: What does the man think about the woman's dress? 5. W: I thought you spoke very well about saving the environment last night. 16 M: Do you think so? I was simply explaining why we should care about the environment. W: Yeah, that's why we were all so inspired by it. It came from the heart. M: It was really nothing special. I'm just an ordinary person who cares about the planet. Q: What does the woman think about the man? ────────────────Do It Yourself───────────────── I. Vocabulary 填入最符合句意的單字以完成句子。 _________ 1. _________ 2. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ [Ans.] 1. material 6. sculpture Ivy's skirt is made by fine m_____l. Joanna has to set a l_____t on how much she can spend every month, or she may buy too many clothes. 3. My cat slowly a_____hed a mouse and intended to catch it. 4. The only son's death has been a t_____s loss for Mr. and Mrs. Carlson. 5. Maggie is very e_____g and funny, and she always makes us laugh. 6. Bob made a s_____e of his father out of stone. It is really a great artistic creation. 7. Without my glasses, I could only see unclear o_____ts. I couldn't recognize what they actually were. 8. "Happy" is no o_____y cat because he can use the toilet just like humans. 9. Rosie received a b_____h of flowers from her boyfriend. 10. The writer's creative i_____n often comes from her family life. 2. limit 7. objects 3. approached 8. ordinary 4. tremendous 9. bunch 5. entertaining 10. inspiration II. Multiple Choice 根據句意選出語法最適當的答案。 ( ( ) 1. _____ the bell ringing, the students returned to their seats. (A) To be heard (B) To hear (C) Hearing (D) Heard ) 2. This building looks _____ a Japanese temple. 17 ( ( ( (A) like (B) as (C) around ) 3. Do you like the song _____ by Wendy just now? (A) that singing (B) to sing (C) singing ) 4. There is a boy _____ in the middle of the room. (A) sit (B) to sit (C) sat ) 5. People _____ children often need a bigger house. (A) who have (B) who having (C) to have (D) × (D) sung (D) sitting (D) have [Ans.] 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. A III. Sentence-writing 將下列被打散的字詞重組成合乎語法的句子。 1. keep herself/Jane/busy/at work/likes to __________________________________________________________________ 2. open/left/Ben/after/he entered/the door/the room __________________________________________________________________ 3. the online game/Amber/interesting/found __________________________________________________________________ 4. shouldn't/You/calls/until/come in/the manager/your name __________________________________________________________________ 5. Lynn/searched/until/find her keys/her bag/couldn't/she __________________________________________________________________ [Ans.] 1. Jane likes to keep herself busy at work. 2. Ben left the door open after he entered the room. 3. Amber found the online game interesting. 4. You shouldn't come in until the manager calls your name. 5. Lynn couldn't find her keys until she searched her bag. IV. Guided Translation 根據中文,填入最適當的單字以完成英文句子。每格限填一字。 1. 別把那漂流木扔掉。我想雕刻它。 Don't _____________ the driftwood _____________. I want to _____________ it. 2. Dana 珍惜她家人的每張照片。 18 Dana _____________ every _____________ of her family. 3. 市長昨天連同一些政府官員出席了這場重要會議。 The mayor attended the important meeting yesterday, _____________ _____________ some government officials. 4. 這份報告論及普羅大眾對於狗仔隊的看法。 The report _____________ _____________ the general public's ideas about the paparazzi. 5. 暴風雨過後,地面上到處都是垃圾。 After the _____________, there is l_____________ everywhere. [Ans.] 1. throw, away, carve 2. treasures, photograph/photo/picture 3. along, with 4. deals/dealt, with 5. storm, litter 19