Student Development Club/Org ____ Fraternity or Sorority ____ Music Activities Group ____ Other ____ Student Development Formal/Social Policy & Registration DUE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 FOR ALL SPRING EVENTS! (Student Organizations must abide by all Villanova University policies) Please complete all sections of this form and return to the Office of Student Development by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 for SPRING events. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the event. Additionally, Villanova University will NOT pay expenses for non-approved, non-sanctioned, or canceled events. EVENT INFORMATION Name of sponsoring organization: Requested date of event: ____________________ Venue Name and Location of event: Venue Contact & Phone #: BUS INFORMATION (please see list of University Preferred and Approved Transportation Companies) Bus Company: Bus Company Contact & Phone #: Number of Buses: All pick-ups and drop-offs will be in Villanova University’s East Main Lot. Time of Pick-Up: Time of Drop-Off: ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Expected number in attendance: Contact Person(s) & Phone #s: I certify that I have read and will adhere to the applicable policies noted at the top of this form as well as the guidelines set forth in that attached Policy. I further understand that the Office Student Development and Villanova University use this form for informational purposes rather than approval purposes. Signature of organization: PARTY MONITORS Members of the sponsoring organizations (18 yrs of age or older) who are 100% alcohol free during the Social/ Formal Event and hours leading up to the Social/ Formal Event who helps organize the logistics of the Social/ Formal Event: loading and unloading of buses, monitoring members and guests at third party venue, arranging rides for those who need to leave the venue. Party monitors must be Villanova University students or employees. The number of party must be at least 10% of the total in attendance. For example, if the formal has 100 people in attendance, 10 must be party monitors. I have read the above party monitor job description and will be responsible for the duties listed above for this planned Social/Formal Event. Party Monitor Printed Name Party Monitor Signature 1________________________ ______________________ 2________________________ ______________________ 3________________________ ______________________ 4________________________ ______________________ 5________________________ ______________________ 6________________________ ______________________ 7________________________ ______________________ 8________________________ ______________________ 9________________________ ______________________ 10_______________________ ______________________ 11_______________________ ______________________ 12_______________________ ______________________ 13_______________________ ______________________ 14_______________________ ______________________ 15_______________________ ______________________ 16_______________________ ______________________ 17_______________________ ______________________ 18_______________________ ______________________ 19_______________________ ______________________ 20_______________________ ______________________ Revised August 2014 Student Development Formal/Social Policy PURPOSE The purpose of the guidelines set forth in this document is to guide and be accountable for the student organizations at Villanova University in the management of their organizations and members. This policy applies to all Formal events planned by any/all student organizations. This policy will help to facilitate a safe and healthy social environment, as well as assist all organizations in the Social/ Formal Event planning. A Social/Formal Event is a social event held by one organization in which each active member may invite one guest. Members must be on VU Groups rosters at the beginning of the academic year. EMERGENCY INFORMATION The following list is the proper protocol when dealing with an emergency situation: 1. Call 911 2. Call Villanova University Public Safety – 610-519-4444 3. Call Organization Advisor 4. Call the Office of Student Development - 610-519-4210 SOCIAL/FORMAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS A. Organization(s) proposing to hold a Social/Formal Event must be in good academic, social, and disciplinary standing as determined by the Office of Student Development and the Dean of Students. B. All Social/Formal Events must be registered in the Office of Student Development by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 with party monitors identified. C. The vendor contract, certificate of insurance, and liquor license will be reviewed by the Office of Student Development Staff to determine compliance with the described checklist. D. All Social/Formal Events, which require buses on campus, must be registered in the Office of Student Development by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015. E. Organizations will follow the Villanova University Student Development Safety, Liability, & Responsibility Policy. F. Organizations MUST provide substantial food for attendees. A banquet/catering contract must be submitted as part of this paperwork. G. Organizations cover the full cost of the Social/Formal Event with ticket sales. Groups must have a positive 9-account balance of at least $500 as a back up H. Groups may have one Social/ Formal Event per semester with approval from the Office of Student Development. Revised August 2014 FUNDING/TICKETING A. All invoices and contracts must be submitted to the Office of Student Development for review, signature and payment. NO STUDENTS are authorized to sign these contracts. Payment must come through the Office of Student Development. B. ALL TICKET SALES must be done through the Office of Student Development using NO TICKETS MAY BE SOLD OUTSIDE OF THE OFFICE OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENT. C. When registering on ONLY Members may purchase tickets and must list the name of their non-member guest in the custom field. NON-MEMBERS may not purchase tickets. D. Social/Formal Events shall be paid for by the participants. Organizations may use “9” account to pay for costs associated with the formal EXCEPT alcohol if the fundraiser was deemed a fundraiser for the formal. Fundraising events to benefit the organization may not be used to fund formals. E. There is a possibility of gaining some subsidy from University funds (the “3” account) by hosting community events and/or doing service as an organization throughout the year. Organizations requesting subsidy MUST meet with the Director of Student Development before planning. SCHEDULING A. Student Organizations may plan one Social/Formal Event throughout the course of one semester. B. Social/Formal Events may NOT occur on Sundays, Reading Day, post- Reading Day, during midterm/finals week, during orientation, or holidays defined by the Villanova Calendar and the Office of Student Development. C. Social/Formal Events may only be scheduled when the general body of the organization votes to have such an event. You may be asked to show a copy of the meeting minutes when majority vote for the Social/Formal Event was gained. CONTRACT All Social/ Formal Events MUST be held at a third party venue. Under NO circumstances may a member’s residence be used to host a recognized Social/ Formal Event. The contract, certificate of insurance, and liquor license will be reviewed by the Office of Student Development Staff to determine compliance with the described checklist. A. Social/ Formal Events will not be approved for certain venues which have presented problems in the past. Please check with the Office of Student Development to see if your proposed venue is on the Not Approved List. a. Finnegan’s Wake, Ben Franklin Yacht Company/Christopher Columbus Cruise, Roxy, BBQ Tequilla, Derricks, Mission Grill, Downey’s, FISO, Farmhouse, and Philapatrian are Not Approved Vendors b. OMAR, Bill Z, Crystal, or ANY OTHER 4TH PARTY PROMOTERS MAY NOT BE USED. Students must work directly with owners/managers at the venue. Revised August 2014 B. A third party venue will be chosen by the student organization(s), in conjunction with the Office of Student Development, taking into account the number of agreed-upon guests. C. Venues must be within one hour driving distance from Villanova University. D. The venue or the hosting organization(s) must provide adequate and substantial food for those in attendance. E. The Third Party Vendor Checklist must be incorporated into the contract with the venue. F. Licensed bartenders must be hired from the third party vendor to serve throughout the duration of the Social/ Formal Event. G. Only beer, wine, mixed drinks, and non-alcoholic drinks are permitted. Shots, champagne, or any common container (i.e. kegs, jungle juice, etc.) are not permitted. H. Students may not distribute wristbands to indicate legal drinking age. The venue must check all IDs. ATTENDANCE A. The number of guests in attendance will be determined on a case by case basis by the Office of Student Development Staff. Conditions for consideration will include, but will not be limited to: a. Current organization(s) standing as determined by the Office of Student Development. b. Number of organizations working in conjunction to plan and execute said event. c. Past precedent set by the organization(s) in the planning and execution of prior, similar events. d. Realistic character of event as proposed by host organization(s). B. The maximum number of guests will be no more than the number of registered/active members plus one guest. C. The host organization(s) shall certify that it has compiled a list of guests and provide the names of the guests and the organization member the guest is acquainted with to the Office of Student Development no later than 3:00pm the day of the event. For Saturday events, this information must be submitted to the Office of Student Development no later than 5:00pm the Friday prior. TRANSPORTATION Only University preferred or approved transportation companies may be used. A. The organization(s) responsible for the event will provide third party transportation to and from the event. B. The organization(s) will further insure that there is a seat available for each person in attendance on the transportation vehicle. C. All buses will pick up and drop off in East Main Lot (“Pike Lot”). D. Party monitors will be stationed at each bus to verify guest list and identification. E. Party monitors present at initial bus pickup in East Main Lot have the right and responsibility to refuse entrance to any guest: a. Appearing visibly under the influence of alcohol. b. Falsely representing his or her identity for the purpose of gaining entrance to the event. Revised August 2014 SAFETY, LIABILITY, & RESPONSIBILITY A. The host organization(s) must maintain a list of all persons in attendance. The host organization(s) shall certify that it has compiled a list and provide the number of guests on such list to the Office of Student Development no later than 3:00pm the day of the event. For Saturday events, this information must be submitted to the Office of Student Development no later than 5:00pm the Friday prior. B. In addition to their submitted guest list, the host organization(s) will submit an agreement (provided by the Office of Student Development) to be signed by each party monitor. The number of party monitors will be determined on a case by case basis and shall consist of no less than 10% of total guests in attendance. Conditions for consideration will include, but will not be limited to: a. Number of organizations working in conjunction to plan and execute the event. b. The previously agreed-upon number of expected guests in attendance. c. The size and set-up of the third party vendor. d. The number of buses secured for transportation to and from the event. C. The responsibility of party monitors will include, but will not be limited to: a. Verification of the guest list prior to transportation of guests to the event location. b. General maintenance of a respectable and responsible social environment. c. Responsible communication with vendor management and staff throughout the duration of the event. d. General assistance should any unforeseeable circumstance present itself. e. Should a student attending the event be deemed unfit to remain at the event (as determined by either the vendor or party monitor), the party monitor will arrange for a ride back to campus. The student removed from the event will be personally responsible for financing the ride; however, the party monitors will have sufficient funds to advance the cost of the taxi. D. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations of this Formal/ Social Policy will result in disciplinary action, including the loss of privilege to hold such events. Revised August 2014 Student Development Formal/Social Policy Checklist (to be used by the planning committee) This is an abbreviated checklist to assist you in actual action steps that need to happen. It is the organization’s responsibility to know, practice, and uphold this document in its entirety. In addition, it is expected that the organization will guide and hold accountable the members of its organization and those in attendance at the event. In order to plan and have a registered form event in the 2014 SPRING Semester, CHECK the following steps: ____ Did you review and SUBMIT the vendor the “Third Party Vendor Checklist” at least 14 days before the event? ____ Did you receive and SUBMIT all necessary documentation pertaining to the “Third Party Vendor Checklist” 14 days prior to the event? ____ Did you SUBMIT the contract, certificate of insurance, and liquor license to the Office of Student Development 14 days prior to the event? ____ Did you SUBMIT the banquet/catering menu detailing food offerings 2 weeks before the event? ____ Did you submit the COMPLETE Event Registration Form to the Office of Student by FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015. ____ Did your officers/leaders review the requirements and expectations set out in the Formal/ Social Policy at your last organization meeting? ____ Did you SUBMIT a list of individuals attending the event to the Office of Student Development with by 3:00PM on the day of the Social/Formal Event? Revised August 2014 Student Development Third Party Vendor Checklist (to be completed by the THIRD PARTY) Date of Event: ______________________ The venue/ vendor must initial next to each of the below items. This Third Party Vendor Checklist is part of the agreement between the venue and Villanova University for the event. THE VENDOR MUST: ____1. Be properly licensed to serve alcohol by the appropriate local and state authority. This might involve both a liquor license and a temporary license to sell on the premises where the function is to be held. ATTACH COPIES OF THE THIRD PARTY VENDOR’S STATE AND LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSES TO THE CHECKLIST. _____2. Be properly insured with the coverages and minimum limits set forth below: General Liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence minimum (or greater if required by your (inter)national fraternity or sorority) Liquor Liability: $1,000,000 each occurrence* *For events not on the third party vendor’s premises, the Liquor Liability policy must include off premises liquor liability coverage, which must be specifically evidenced on the insurance certificate. Note: Liquor Liability coverage may exist under the third party vendor’s General Liability policy; this is acceptable as long as the coverage meets the $1,000,000 each occurrence limit requirement and is evidenced on the certificate. Automobile Liability including owned, non-owned, and hired autos** **Only applicable for events not held at the third party vendor’s premises. The certificate of insurance must name Villanova University as additional insured (and the local chapter of the fraternity or sorority hiring the vendor, the (inter)national fraternity or sorority with whom the local chapter is affiliated if applicable.) ATTACH A COPY OF THE THIRD PARTY VENDOR’S CERTIFICATE(S) OF INSURANCE EVIDENCING THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS. _____3. Agree in writing to cash/credit card sales only, collected by the vendor, during the function. No open bar of any kind is permitted. _____4. Assume in writing all the responsibilities that any other purveyor of alcoholic beverages would assume in the normal course of business, including but not limited to: A. Checking identification cards upon entry. B. Clearly stating in the agreement if the event is “18 to enter and 21 to drink” or specifically a “21 and older event.” C. Not serving individuals less than 21 years of age. D. Not serving individuals who appear to be intoxicated. E. Certifying that all bartenders are licensed and will serve throughout the duration of the event. F. Maintaining absolute control of ALL alcoholic containers present. G. Collecting all remaining alcohol at the end of the event. No excess alcohol – opened or unopened – is to be given, sold or furnished to the organization or attendees. Revised August 2014 H. Removing all alcohol from the premises, if applicable. I. Cease serving alcohol 30 minutes before the end of the event. J. Not serving shots, champagne, or any common container beverages (i.e. Kegs, jungle juice, etc.). Only beer, wine, mixed drinks, and non-alcoholic drinks may be served. The written agreement for the event must be attached to this initialed and signed Third Party Vendor Checklist. _____________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Vendor _____________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Representative of Vendor Signature & Date _____________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Representative of Vendor Printed Name and Title _________________________________________________________________________ Student Development’s Signature & Date Revised August 2014 KNOW YOUR RISK (12/97) ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1. The possession, sale, use, or consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, while on organization premises or during a student organization’s event or any situation sponsored by the organization, or in any event an observer would associate with a organization, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher educations and must comply with either BYOB or Third Party Vendor Guidelines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through organization funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of, or on behalf of, the organization. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity of common sources of such alcoholic beverage, e.g. kegs or cases is prohibited. 3. OPEN PARTIES, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the organization, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, shall be forbidden. 4. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal “drinking age”). 5. The possession, sale or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on organization premises or during a student organization event or at any event that an observer would associate with the organization is strictly prohibited. 6. No organization may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor, charitable organization or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) where alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. 7. No organization may co-sponsor or co-finance a function where alcohol is purchased by any of the host organizations, groups or organizations. 8. No member shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in “drinking games.” 9. No alcohol shall be present at any induction or recruitment event of the organization. Revised August 2014