arts in education – youth music programme

SYMPHONIC WIND BAND (SWB) - Conductor ~ Alan Holford
Rehearsal Venue
Eyres Monsell Primary School, Simmins Crescent, Leicester, LE2 9AH
Saturdays 10.00am. - 12.30pm.
Congratulations on achieving a place in the Symphonic Wind Band 2010/2011. The Symphonic Wind Band
is Arts in Education’s senior wind band offering members an outstanding opportunity to work together to achieve
the very highest standards of performance. Last year memorable concerts took place throughout the year at De
Montfort Hall and Holy Trinity Church. Members of the band can look forward to an exciting year in 2010 / 2011.
Students who were members of the band last year or attended the band’s concerts will know that the Symphonic
Wind Band performs to a very high standard. This is achieved through the commitment of members of the band
and the high level of training offered by the staff of the Arts in Education Service. Standards are not achieved
lightly and before accepting this offer of a place in the band, it is important that you consider the commitment
As a result of your audition you clearly have the potential for the band, but this is only the beginning. You will be
expected to practise your parts regularly, and seek help with parts from instrumental teachers to enable you to
perform to your best and take full advantage of the opportunity you have with the band. You will be expected to
attend all rehearsals, courses and concerts as scheduled. You are an important part of a team and the
success of the band and ultimately your enjoyment very much depends on your commitment and
Please read the enclosed rules, procedures and information sheets carefully.
In the event of illness on the day of a concert please arrange for someone, (possibly another member of the
group who lives nearby), to deliver music to the concert venue in time for the rehearsal as a 'dep player' may be
required. If you are experiencing transport difficulties with a particular concert please telephone Arts in Education
who may be able to offer a solution or give you contact telephone numbers for parents of other children in the
group who live close to you and may be able to assist.
In return for making this commitment, the band will provide you with inspiring major new musical experiences,
enormous encouragement and expert technical guidance. The performances will be of the highest standard you
have ever achieved, and the targets will help you lift your playing to new heights.
Provisional Concert and rehearsal schedule
Please see the attached sheet for all known SWB rehearsal dates, course dates and performance events. Full
details of performances (rehearsals, ticket information, etc. will be issued two/three weeks prior to the
Please check the rehearsal and concert dates carefully. This is very important; if key members of the band
are unavailable on concert dates the band may be unable to perform. Advance notice of your commitment
at this stage will help us plan in good time.
Sheet Music
The cost of buying or hiring sheet music is a big expense to this band. Please take great care of all music issued
to you and always return it punctually and in good condition. There will be charges for both late and non-return of
music - £5 for every copy returned after the deadline to cover the extra costs incurred and £10 for every copy
which we have to replace.
If for whatever reason you decide to leave the band / orchestra / ensemble, you must return all your music to
Fiona Chamberlain at Arts in Education as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in you being charged for
Concert Dress
Gents. Black jacket, bow tie, trousers, shoes and black socks plus black shirt.
Ladies. black evening dresses or skirt (at least knee length), or black trousers with black blouse and
black shoes.
The first course this year is Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th September at Eyres Monsell Primary School
from 10.00am until 4.00pm each day.
On Saturday 18th it will be possible for members to use the Arts in Education transport to get to the
course but members need to make their own arrangements for transport home on this day,
and to and from the course on Sunday 19th.
N.B. Please note that on these days and on other full day training courses throughout the year
students are allowed to leave the rehearsal site at lunch time. Any parents who do not wish their child to leave
the site should provide them with a packed lunch and drinks each day and make their wishes clear to their child.
Students who remain on site during the lunch hour will be supervised, however students who leave the site will
not be supervised by Arts in Education staff. A register will be taken at the start of the afternoon.
Transport is provided from various points around the County and City at a subsidised cost to parents.
Members using Arts in Education transport should normally proceed to Guthlaxton Campus where
Saturday staff will direct them to the shuttle bus that takes them to Eyres Monsell Primary School.
Boosey & Hawkes National Concert Band Festival
Once again the Band will be participating in the above. We are awaiting confirmation of regional final dates and
will forward these to you as soon as possible but it is likely to be towards the end of the Autumn Term.
Tour 2011
It is hoped that a group of 60+ musicians from the Symphonic Wind Band and the Concert Band will be able to
tour to Spain. The expected dates are Friday 15th – Sunday 17th July 2011 for the pre-tour course and the tour
from Monday 18th – Monday 25th July 2011. Please note these dates will be confirmed in due course. Places
will be allocated in the first instance to members of the Symphonic Wind Band and Arts in Education very
much hope that all members will be able to participate in the tour. It is anticipated that the cost will not
exceed £625.00. In order to plan the year, Arts in Education need to know now if you will be joining the tour.
Please complete the attached form and if you intend to tour enclose a £75.00 non-refundable deposit. Of course,
if the tour does not go ahead, all deposits will be refunded. The Friends of Arts in Education will once again try to
offer some financial help to individuals in need of assistance – for support categories please see paragraph
below. The tour taking place and the final cost will depend on enough players in all sections making the
N.B The Friends support for tours in the new academic year will still be in line with the County Council benefit
categories that are outlined on your registration form. If you are in receipt of a listed benefit the Friends of Arts in
Education may be able to offer support up to a maximum amount of £100.00, if their funds allow. If you are in
receipt of 100% fee remission you are not required to make a written application, but need to indicate
clearly on the attached form the amount you are requesting up to a maximum of £100.00.
These requests are the priority for this academic year, but if you do not receive a listed benefit and feel that you
have exceptional circumstances that may merit support, you can write to The Chair of The Friends of Arts in
Education, c/o Arts in Education, Knighton Fields Centre. Your request for support would need to clearly outline
the reasons for the need for support and the amount requested. You may be required to provide evidence of your
financial circumstances. Any requests to the Friends should be returned with your commitment slip.
Arts in Education Website
Arts in Education regularly circulates written information about classes, rehearsals and performances to
parents/carers. It is not possible to direct mail all information because of the numbers involved and routine letters
are often handed directly to students. Arts in Education will also be putting copies of any letters to performance
groups on our website on the bulletin board so that parents / carers can check details or obtain another copy if a
letter is mislaid at Letters regarding performances will be posted on the Performance
Information page.
Remember - the first rehearsal is at the venue listed above on SATURDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER
Autumn Term 2010
11th, 18th, 25th, September
2nd, 9th 30th October
(no rehearsal 16th or 23rd October)
6th, 13th, 20th, 27th November
4th, 11th December
(no rehearsal 18th, 25th December or 1st Jan)
Autumn Term Course Dates
Saturday 18th September 10.00am – 4.00pm – Eyres Monsell
Sunday 19th September 10.00am – 4.00pm – Eyres Monsell
Spring Term 2011
8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th January
5th, 12th February
(no rehearsal 19th, 26th Feb)
5 , 12 , 19 , 26 March
2nd, 9th April
(no rehearsal 16th, 23rd, 30th April)
Spring Term Course Dates
Saturday 8th January 10.00am – 4.00pm – Eyres Monsell
Sunday 9th January 10.00am – 4.00pm – Eyres Monsell
Summer Term 2011
7th, 14th, 21st May
11th, 18th, 25th June
(no rehearsal 28th May, 4th June)
Summer Term Course Dates
Saturday 7th May 10.00am – 4.00pm – Eyres Monsell
Sunday 8th May 10.00am – 4.00pm – Eyres Monsell
Autumn Term 2010
Gala Concert – Sunday 5th December 2010 - De Montfort Hall, Leicester
National Concert Band Festival – November 2010 details TBC
Spring Term 2011
Band Concert – Saturday 26th March 2011 – 7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Leicester.
Summer Term 2011
Summer Concert - Saturday 25th June –7.30pm Holy Trinity Church, Leicester
Please return this with your acceptance form
I have read and understood the information about this year's SWB commitments. I shall make every effort to
attend all rehearsals and concerts, and should like to join the band.
Signature of student
.................................................. Please print your name ................................................
Parent, please countersign here ………………………………………………
If you have already booked activities which clash with any of the planned SWB dates, please write the details
My son/daughter will be free for the pre-tour course and Tour in July 2011 and would like to attend, subject to
receiving further details of the tour.
I anticipate that I would be able to pay the estimated full amount of £625.00 (the full amount would be
requested in instalments and if the cost rose above the estimated amount parents/carers would be informed
and have the opportunity to withdraw). I understand a deposit cheque for £75.00 payable to Leicestershire
County Council will be requested if a place is offered.
I am in receipt of a Benefit outlined on my child’s registration form and have provided evidence as requested.
I understand that the Friends of Arts in Education may be able to offer support of a maximum of £100.00
towards the full cost of my son/daughter’s tour place if their funds allow. Please indicate below the amount
you are requesting up to a maximum of £100.00
Amount Requested
£ …………….
I am not in receipt of a Benefit outlined on my child’s registration form, but I am enclosing a request with this
form to The Chair, Friends of Arts in Education, c/o Knighton Fields Centre
Signature of Parent / Carer ………………………………………… Date:…………………………..
NAME (in caps)…………………………………………