with a high spectral, femtosecond temporal and nanometer spatial

Institute of Spectroscopy, Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142190, RUSSIA
www.isan.troitsk.ru; onkomp@isan.troitsk.ru
The Institute of Spectroscopy (IS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, worldwide
known with its results of basic researches in the field of spectroscopy of atoms,
molecules, condenced matter, and the IS Center of collective use of scientific
equipment “Optical and Spectral Researches” that represents itself an unique complex
of modern research optical and spectral devices and installations, including the best in
Europe, using this equipment carry out the problem-oriented basic and applied
researches of nanostructural (including biological) and new promising materials with
nondestructive optical methods in a wide spectral range (200 - 2∙106 нм) with a high
spectral, femtosecond temporal and nanometer spatial resolution.
Keynote Personnel:
Boris N. Mavrin (11.11.1939), graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1969).
Engineer, Senior Engineer, Junior Scientist, Senior Scientist, Head of Laboratory at the Institute of
Spectroscopy, PhD (1975), Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sci (1985). 2 books “Optical Vibrational Spectra of
Crystals” (M.: Nauka, 1984, pp.232), and “Lithium niobate: defects, photorefraction, vibrational
spectroscopy, polaritons” (M., Nauka, 2003, pp.255), 163 papers in refereed journals. Relevant
experience: Material Science, Characterization of the structure and properties of materials by Raman
spectroscopy, Empirical and ab initio calculations of the vibrational spectra.
Marina N. Popova (10.03.1941), graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (1964).
Post Graduate Student, PhD from Lebedev Institute of Physics (1968), Junior researcher, Senior
researcher at the Latvian State University, Problem Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics (from 1968 to
1975), Researcher, Senior researcher, Leading researcher, Principal researcher, Head of the Section for
Fourier Spectroscopy at the Institute of Spectroscopy RAS (from 1975 up to now), Doctor of Phys.-Math.
Sci. (1992), Professor (2001), Member of American Physical Society, 137 papers in refereed journals,
Invited lectures at International Conferences. Relevant experience: Material Science, Characterization of
the structure and properties of materials by infrared spectroscopy, Spectra of rare-earth ions,
Spectroscopy of magnetic insulators.
Evgueni A. Vinogradov (03.10.1941), graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(1970), Postgraduate student at the MIPT (1970-1973), PhD from Lebedev Physical Institute (1973).
Junior researcher, Senior researcher, Head of the Section for IR Spectroscopy (1984), Head of the
Laboratory for Spectroscopy of Disordered Media (1985) at the at the Institute of Spectroscopy RAS.
Doctor of Phys.-Math. Sci. (1982), Head of the Laboratory for Physics of Thin Films (1987) at the Lebedev
Physical Institute. Director of the Institute of Spectroscopy, RAS (since 1989 up to now), Head of the
Department of Solid State Spectroscopy (since 1995 up to now), Professor (1986), Head of the Chair of
Quantum Optics (since 1996 up to now) at the MIPT.
Full Member of the of the European Academy of Sciences (2002). More than 200 papers in refereed
journals, invited lectures at International Conferences. Relevant experience: Infrared and Raman
spectroscopy of semiconductors and metals, polariton physics, quantum size effects, phase transitions,
ultrafast phenomena in semiconductors films on a metal, near field optics and spectroscopy.
Vladilen S. Letokhov (10.11.1939), graduated from Moscow Physical-Technical Institute (1963), Post
Graduate Student (1963-1966), Researcher (1966-1970), PhD (1969), Full Doctor of Science in Physics
and Mathematics (1970), MIT Cambridge, Visiting Professor (1970); Associate Director for Research
(1971-1989) Institute of Spectroscopy of USSR Academy of Sciences; Head of Laser Spectroscopy
Dept. (1970-present), Professor of Physics (1972); Chair of Quantum Optics Moscow Physical-
Technology Inst. (1986-1998); Fellow of American Optical Society, USA; External Member of Max Planck
Society, FRG; Member of European Acad. of Arts and Sciences; Member of European Academy;
Member of Leibniz-Sozietaet. UCLA, Los-Angeles, Blacet Lecturer in Physical Chemistry (1989); Israel
Academy of Sciences, James Franck Lecturer (1989); Bayreth Univ., Emil Warburg Lecturer,
Germany(1990); Iowa Univ., Ida Beam Lecturer, USA (1990); Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Intern. visiting
Professor, USA, (1991); Berkeley Univ., Regent Professor, CA, USA (1993); Univ. Paris-Nord, Part-time
Professor, France (1993-1996); Univ. of Arizona, Part-time Professor, USA (1996-1997); Ecole Normale
Superieure, Paris, Part-time Condorcet Chair (1998); University of Lund, Sweden, T. Erlander Professor
(2000); University of Lund, Institute of Astronomy, Part-time Research Professor (2001-present). Lenin
State Prize (1978); Honorary Jubilee Intern. Medal of 600 Years Anniversary of Heidelberg Univ. (1986);
Docteur Honoris Causa, Univ. Paris-Nord (1995); Quantum Electronics Prize of European Physical
Society (1998); Rojdestvenskii Prize on Optics of Russian Academy of Sciences (2001) State Prize of
Russian Federation in science and technology (2002), Doctor Honoris Causa, Lund University (2005).
Editor of Intern. Handbook "Lasers Sciences andTechnology"; Journal of Laser Chemistry; Journal
"Lasers in the Life Sciences"; Journal of Nonlinear Optics. Member of Editorial Boards of Optics Comm.,
Chem. Physics, Appl. Phys.B., Nuovo Cimento D., Comm. At. Mol. Phys.,Spectrochimica Acta, Chem.
Phys. Lett., Chinese Journ. of Las., Photonics News, Journ. of Modern Optics, Sov. Phys.-JETP, Sov. J.
of Quant. Electronics, Journ. of Appl. Spectroscopy, Bulletin of Russian Academy of Sciences, more than
800 articles in referred journals, 12 monographs in the field of laser physics, spectroscopy, chemistry,
biomedicine and astrophysics.
Sergey V. Chekalin (24.09.1943), graduated from Department of Physics, Moscow State University,
Moscow, USSR. Ms. and B.C.. Major: Physicist (September 1966). Junior Scientist (1966 - 1981), PhD
(1973), Senior Scientist (1981 - 1992), Full Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics (1992),
Leading Scientist (1992-2001), Main Scientist, Head of the Laboratory of Ultrafast Processes
Spectroscopy (2001 to present). Invited scientist in Umea University, SWEDEN. (1993), in Littoral
University, Dunkerque FRANCE (1995), in Brigham Young University, USA (1997), in Lund University,
Sweden (1999 – 2002). 7 books (including “Recent Advances in Ultrafast Spectroscopy”, ed. by
S.Califano, P.Foggi, R.Righini, Firenze, 2003, 418 p.), 131 papers in referred journals, 83
communications at scientific meetings, 8 invited lectures. Relevant experience: ultrashort laser pulses,
ultrafast laser spectroscopy, laser plasma, femtosecond scale photoinduced processes in condenced
matter (semiconductors, high temperature superconductors, fullerenes, metals, microlayered structures,
composite nanostructures, biomolecules), on surface and gas phase; nonlinear optics; femtosecond laser
photoelectron microscopy; femtosecond volume holograms in planar optical waveguides.
Oleg N. Kompanets (24.12.1940), graduated from Moscow Engineering Physical Institute (1968), Post
Graduate Student (1968-1971), PhD (1972). Junior Researcher (1970), Senior Researcher (1976), Head
of the Laboratory of Laser-Spectral Instrumentation (1979), Full Doctor of Science in Physics and
Mathematics (1994), Main Scientist, Head of the Department of Laser-Spectral Instrumentation (since
1995 up to now), Science Deputy Director (since 1991 up to now), Head of the Center of collective use of
scientific equipment “Optical and Spectral Researches” (since 2001 up to now) at the Institute of
Spectroscopy, RAS. 75 papers in refereed journals, invited lectures at International Conferences.
Relevant experience: optical spectroscopy, laser physics, spectral analysis, scientific instrument
developing, laser and optical devices for researches and applications in physics, material sciences,
I. Integrating Activities under the targeted approach
Call INFRA-2008- for nano-materials research, linked with the
European nanotechnology Action Plan, and in the context of a broad
international cooperation.
IS proposal:
Characterization of nano-structures and new promising materials with
nondestructive methods of optical spectroscopy in a wide spectral range
with a high spectral, femtosecond temporal and nanometer spatial resolution
(Advised by Professors Evgueni Vinogradov, Vladilen Letokhov, Boris Mavrin, Marina Popova,
Sergey Chekalin, and Oleg Kompanets)
Effective using the existing unique modern research infrastructure of the Institute Spectroscopy Center of
collective use “Optical and Spectral Researchers” for characterization of the structure and physical
properties of nanomaterials with methods and deviсes of optical spectroscopy.
Experimental Facilities:
- Modern Fourier-Transform and Raman Fourier-spectrometers:
1) high-resolution Fourier-spectrometer BOMEM DA3.003 (spectral region 10-20000 сm-1, spectral
resolution up to 0.004 сm-1); 2) the best in Europe Fourier-spectrometer Bruker IFS 125HR (spectral
region 5-50000 сm-1, spectral resolution up to 0.0001 сm-1); 3) Fourier-spectrometer Bruker IFS 66v/s
(spectral region 50-7500 сm-1, spectral resolution up to 0.25 сm-1); 4) Raman Fourier-spectrometer Bruker
RFS 100/s with 1.06 mkm excitation (Raman microscope, diamond anvil cell); 5) mutichannel Raman
spectrometer with triple monochromatization (Raman microscope, diamond anvil cell), optical cryostats.
- Laser femto-nano-optical complex on the base of last generation lasers, laser projection photoelectron
spectromicroscope and modern multichannel registration systems, having no analogues in Europe,
lacated on modern optical tables in special “clean” thermostabilized room and ensuring a wide tuning
range from 240 to 11 000 nm (in terahertz - from 105 to 106 nm), high temporal resolution (pulse duration)
- 32 fs and less, excitation pulse energy – up to 2.5 mJ at 800 nm, pulse repetition frequency – 1 kHz,
and spatial resolution in the spectromicroscope regime - 5 nm.
Short description of the previous (2004-2006) researches:
Raman and infrared spectra are unique signatures for a studied materials. Using Raman or infrared
spectral methods individual spectra have been obtained and such properties of materials as composition,
structure, damage and structural imperfections, clustering and amorphous state have been studied.
These methods and equipment were used to investigate phase transitions of fullerites under high
pressure and high temperature, structural transformations of carbon nanotubes under high pressure with
shear deformation and at encapsulation of material, the structure of ceramics irradiated by high-current
pulsed electron beam, porous materials and other. We have found the formation of superhard phases of
fullerites, polymerization of fullerene molecules, a change of an electronic structure of filled nanotubes;
we have investigated the structure of several hard coatings in dependence on the deposition parameters.
Another method used to characterize the properties of materials (including magnetic materials) is the
method of rare-earth spectroscopic probe. It delivers information on a local structural environment,
structural and magnetic phase transitions, type of a magnetic structure, degree of lattice and/or magnetic
disorder. Using this method, we studied freestanding films of rare-earth-doped xerogels confined in
porous anodic alumina and have found both amorphous and crystalline phases which influenced the
luminescent properties. A series of different new magnetic powdered and crystalline materials was
studied and magnetic ordering as well as spin reorientation phase transitions have been detected. Among
these materials, recently discovered new multiferroic rare-earth iron borates have a device potential, in
particular, in spintronics devices.
Laser femto-nano-optical complex and methods of laser spectroscopy were used to characterize ultrafast
(femtosecond scale) processes in nanomaterials (thin films, organic samples), for photoelectron
projection spectromicroscopy of nanostructural materials with nanometer scale spatial resolution, for
development of femtosecond electron optics to investigate nanomaterials with ultrahigh spatial-temporal
resolution (simultaneously), for laser femtochemistry of molecular complexes to create methods for
control of chemical reactions with femtosecond infrared laser radiation, for utrafast spectroscopy
(characterization) of nanomaterials in THz-domain, etc.
In the field of the nanomaterial characterization IS Center of collective use has a close cooperation with
more than three tens of institutes and universities of many regions of Russia and abroad, among them
are: Technological Institute for Superhard and Novel Materials (Troitsk), Joint Institute of nuclear
(Dubna), RAS Institute of Solid State Physics (Chernogolovka), RAS Institute of
Crystallography (Moscow), Science Center of Fiber Optics (Moscow), RAS L.V. Kirensky Institute of
Physics (Krasnoyarsk), RAS Institute of Laser Physics (Novosibirsk), Moscow State Institute of Steel and
Alloys, Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow State University, Kazan State University
as well as Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquee de l’E tat Solide, CNRS-UMR7574 (Paris, France), Paris VI
University, Greningen University (Holland), New Scotland University (Kanada), Technion (Izrael), CRC
(Hungary) and other.
Relevant publications
1. Popov M., Koga Y., Fujiwara S., Mavrin B.N., Blank V.D. Carbon nanocluster-based superhard materials. New
Diamond and Frontier Carbon Technology, v.12, N 4, p.229-260 (2002).
2. Denisov V.N., Mavrin B.N., Karavanskii V.A. Identifying side products on surface of porous semiconductors
GaAs and GaSb by Raman scatering. Opticheskii Zhournal, t.69, N 2, p.3-7 (2002).
3. Efimov V.V., Khasanov S.S., Mavrin B.N., Novikova N.N., Shilnikov A.V., Burkhanov A.I., Sikolenko V.V.,
Sternberg A., Tiutiunnikov S.I., Tobleus D.M., Yakovlev V.A. Structure and lattice dynamics in PLZT x/65/35
ceramics irradiated by high-current pulsed electron beam. Ferroelectrics, v.302, p.327-333 (2004).
4. Blank V.D., V.A. Ivdenko, A.S. Lobach, B.N. Mavrin, N.R. Serebryanaya The Fourier-Raman spectra of HiPco
single-wall carbon nanotubes under high pressure.n Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 100, p.245 (2006).
5. Blank V.D., Denisov V.N., Kirichenko A.N., Lvova N.A., Martyushov S.Y., Mavrin B.N., Popova D.M., Popov
M.Yu., Tatyanin E.V., Zakhidov A.A. Nanostructured superhard carbon phase obtained under high pressure with
shear deformation from single-wall nanotubes HiPco. Physica B, Vol. 382, 58-64 (2006).
6. Blank V.D., Denisov V.N., Kirichenko A.N., Kuznetsov M.S., Mavrin B.N., Nosukhin S.A., Terentiev S.A.
Raman spectra of boron-doped diamond grown by the temperature-gradient technique. Russian Chemical Journal,
Vol. L, 92-95 (2006).
7. Kiryushantsev-Korneev Ph.V., Shtansky D.V., Petrzhik M.I., Levashov E.A., Mavrin B.N. Thermal stability and
oxidation resistance of films. Surface@Coating Technology, Vol. 201, 6143-6147 (2007).
8. M.N. Popova, E.P. Chukalina, T.N.Stanislavchuk and L.N. Bezmaternykh, Different types of magnetic ordering
in RFe3(BO3)4, R=Gd, Tb, Er, and Y, as studied by the method of Er 3+ spectroscopic probe, JMMM 300 (2006),
9. D. Fausti, A. Nugroho, S.A. Klimin, M.N. Popova, L.N. Bezmaternykh, and P. van Loosdrecht, Raman scattering
from phonons and magnons in RFe3(BO3)4 (R=Gd,Nd,Tb,Er), Phys. Rev. B. 74 (2006) 024403-1 - 024403-12.
10. M.N. Popova, S.A. Klimin, E.P. Chukalina, E.A. Romanov, B.Z. Malkin, E. Antic-Fidancev, B.V. Mill, G.
Dhalenne, High-resolution optical spectroscopy investigation of Nd2BaNiO5 and Nd0.1Y1.9BaNiO5 and crystal-field
parameters for rare-earth linear-chain nickelates, Phys. Rev. B, 71 (2005) 024414.
11. S. Klimin, D.Fausti, A. Meetsma, L. N. Bezmaternykh, P.H.M. van Loosdrecht, T.T.M. Palstra, X-ray structure
determination of the trigonal iron-helicoidal-chain compound GdFe3(BO3)4, Acta Cryst. B61 (2005) 481-485.
12. B. Z. Malkin, A. R. Zakirov, M. N. Popova, S. A. Klimin, E. P. Chukalina, E. Antic-Fidancev, Ph. Goldner, P.
Aschehoug, G. Dhalenne, Optical spectroscopy of Yb2Ti2O7 and Y2Ti2O7:Yb3+ and crystal-field parameters in rareearth titanate pyrochlores, Phys. Rev. B 70 (2004) 075112.
13. R.Z. Levitin, E.A. Popova, R.M. Chtsherbov, A.N. Vasiliev, M.N. Popova, E.P. Chukalina, S.A. Klimin, P.H.M.
van Loosdrecht, D. Fausti, L.N. Bezmaternykh, Cascade of phase transitions in GdFe3(BO3)4, Pis'ma v ZhETF 79,
№9, (2004) 531-534 [JETP Letters 79, No. 9 (2004) 423–426].
14. S.A. Klimin, E.P. Chukalina, M.N. Popova, E. Antic-Fidancev, P. Aschehoug, N.V. Gaponenko, I.S. Molchan,
D.A. Tsyrkunov, Absorption and emission spectra of erbium-doped titania xerogels confined in porous anodic
alumina, Physics Letters A 323, 159–163, (2004).
15. E. P. Chukalina, D. Yu. Kuritsin, M. N. Popova, L. N. Bezmaternykh, S. A. Kharlamova, V. L. Temerov,
Magnetic ordering of NdFe3(BO3)4 studied by infrared absorption spectroscopy, Phys. Lett. A 322 (2004) 239.
16. M.N. Popova and B.Z. Malkin. Relaxation processes in rare earth doped crystals as studied by high resolution
Fourier spectroscopy, in: Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures, Eds. V.E.Borisenko,
S.V.Gaponenko, V.S.Gurin. World Scientific, NJ, London, Singapore, Hong Kong, 2003, pp.560 – 567.
17. E.A.Vinogradov, Yu.E.Lozovik, Ultrafast Photoinduced Processes on The Schottky Barrier. Izvestiya Akademii
Nauk, v.68, № 1, p. 25-28, 2004 (in Russian).
18. E.A.Vinogradov, B.N.Mavrin, L.K.Vodopyanov, Raman Scattering and Optical Normal Vibrations of the Zn 1xCdxSe Crystal Lattice. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, v.99, No.4, pp.749-755, 2004.
19. L.K. Vodopyanov, E.A. Vinogradov, V.S. Vinogradov, I.V. Kucherenko, B.N. Mavrin, N.N. Novikova, and
P.V. Shapkin. Optical phonons in Zn1-xCdxSe alloys. Phys. Stat. Solidi, (c) 1, No 11, p.3162-3165, 2004.
20. E.A.Vinogradov, A.N.Vystavkin, A.V.Pestryakov. Measurement of the Characteristics of Supersensitive LowTemperature Submillimeter-Wave Direct-Detection Receivers Using a Planckian Radiator. Journ. of
Communications Technology and Electronics, v.49, №12, p. 1417-1422, 2004.
21. E.A.Vinogradov, Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Microcavity Polaritons. ANNALS of the European Academy
of Sciences, EAS publishing house, p 138-151, 2005.
22. E.A.Vinogradov, Yu.E.Lozovik. Ultrafast photoinduced shift of cavity modes in semiconductor microcavity
under femtosecond excitations". Invited report on the 4th International Conference on Physics of Light-Matter
coupling in Nanostructures (PLMCN4), St. Petersburg, Russia, June 29 - July 3, 2004. Phys. Stat. Sol.(c), 2, №2,
791-794, 2005.
23. E.A.Vinogradov. Ultrafast photoresponse on cavity modes frequencies in a "vacuum - semiconductor film metal" microcavity. Laser Physics, 15, №7, p. 954–965, 2005.
24. I.T.Sorokina, E.Sorokin, A.Di Lieto, M.Tonelli, B.N.Mavrin, E.A.Vinogradov. A new broadly tuneable roomtemperature continuous-wave Cr2+:ZnSxSe1-x laser. “OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics”, vol. 98, Advanced
Solid-State Photonics, (Optical Society of America, Washington DC), p. 263-268, 2005.
25. E.A.Vinogradov, B.N.Mavrin, N.N.Novikova, and V.A.Yakovlev. Mode Dispersion in the Optical-Phonon
Spectra of Mixed Crystals ZnS1-xSex . Physics of the Solid State, 48, No. 10, p. 1940–1946, 2006.
26. V.A.Averchenko, A.P.Alodjants, S.M.Arakelian, S.N.Bagayev, E.A.Vinogradov, V.S.Egorov, A.I.Stolyarov,
I.A.Chekhonin, High-temperature Bose-Einstein condensation of polaritons upon intracavity laser pumping of
matter. Quantum Electronics, 36(6), 532-538, (2006).
27. E.A.Vinogradov, V.A. Yakovlev, N.N.Novikova, M.N.Popova, S.K.Saikin, B.Z.Malkin, Isotopic disorder effect
in the infrared reflection spectra of 6Lix7Li1−xYF4 single crystals. Solid State Communications, 142, 256-260 (2007).
28. S. V. Chekalin. Ultrafast Processes of Photoinduced Charge and Energy Transfer in Nanostructural Fullerene–
Metal Films, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 103, No. 5, pp. 756–767 (2006).
29. O.V. Misochko, T. Dekorsy, S.V. Andreev , V.O.Kompanets, Yu.A.Matveets, A.G. Stepanov, and S.V.
Chekalin. Effect of intense chirped pulses on the coherent phonon generation in Te, Appl.Phys.Lett. 90, 071901
30. S. K. Sekatskii, B. N. Mironov, V. O. Kompanets, Yu. A. Matveets, S. V. Chekalin, G. Dietler and V. S.
Letokhov. Nonperturbing Observation of Optical Near Field, Appl.Phys.Lett. v.83, p.4900 (2003).
31. S V Chekalin. The unique femtosecond spectrometric complex as an instrument for ultrafast spectroscopy,
femtochemistry, and nanooptics. Physics – Uspekhi, Vol.49(6) p.634 (2006).
32. Aseyev S.A., Mironov B.N., Chekalin S.V., and Letokhov V.S. Femtosecond laser photoelectron projection
microscopy of organic nanocomplexes. JETP Letters, Vol. 80, No. 8, pp. 568–571 (2004).
33. Mironov B.N., Aseyev S.A., Chekalin S.V., and Letokhov V.S. Femtosecond laser photoemission microscopy
of capillary nanotips with ultrahigh spatial resolution. J. of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, Vol. 101, No. 4,
pp. 628–634 (2005).
34. Aseyev S.A., Mironov B.N., Chekalin S.V., and Letokhov V.S. Femtosecond laser source of nanolocalized
directed photoelectrons. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89 art. 112513 (2006).
35. Letokhov V.S. Some prospects of EUV-X-Ray femtosecond pulses in chemical physics – Femtochemistry and
Femtobiology (Ultrafast dynamics in molecular science), Ed. A. Douhai and J. Santamaria (Spain, 2001) pp. 459 –
36. O.N.Kompanets. Portable optical biosensors for the determination of biologically active and toxic substances.
Physics – Uspekhi, Vol.47(6) p.630-633 (2004).
37. Skuridin S.G., Dubinskaya V.A., Lagutina M.A., Kompanets O.N., Golubev V.G., Rebrov L.B., Bykov V.A.,
Yevdokimov Yu.M.. Discovery of genotoxicants of vegetation origin due to film type biosensing elements.
Biomedical technologies and radioelectronics, 2006, No.3, p. 38-43 (in Russian).
38. Skuridin S.G., Dubinskaya V.A., Kompanets O.N., Yevdokimov Yu.M.. A new type of biosensing molecular
constructions for biotechnology and medicine. Anthology of clinical medicine, Vol.XII, 119, (2006 (in Russian).
IS International Grants in the Field of Nanomaterials
- Grant INTAS No.99-0155 “Macroscopic Quantum Effects In Low-Dimensional Magnetic
Metal Oxides”, 2000-2002;
- The Collaborative Linkage Grant NATO No.PST.CLG.978 751 “Advanced Opto-Electronic
Materials”, 2002-2003;
- Research Grant RFBR-Bel. No.02-02-81014 “Investigation of luminescece enhancement
processes in mesoporous xerogels formed in mesoporous anodic alumina”, 2002-2004;
FP6 program NoE_EXCEL “To Overcome the Fragmentation of European Research in
Multifunctional Thin Films”, 2005-2009;
- Project in the framework of the RAS – CNRS (France) cooperation “Optical properties of
low-dimensional and frustrated magnetic systems containing rare earths”, 2006-2007.