City of Toronto Green Procurement Sample Environmental Considerations for Contracts and RFPs. ER3" environmental load reducing components: Elimination and reduction of Refuse: Reduce; Reuse; Recycle Energy use Reduction: EnergyStar compliant electronics; EnerGuide rated goods Emissions Reduction: Air Quality: Indoor: Outdoor; Water and Soil Quality: Some examples of City of Toronto incorporating Environmental Choice Program certifications and/or "ER3" components in specifications of are as follows (not complete list): Corporate Calls: Traffic Channelizer Drums: Bidder to offer product with 25-95% target of recycled plastic content for drum Bidder to offer product with 100% target of recycled rubber content for base with a weight range of 15 kg to 20 kg of recycled rubber Envelopes: State if product meets ECP CCD-080 Envelopes/ US EPA/ Green Seal, FSC and/or FSI State post consumer recycled content State if offered product is elemental or total chlorine free Fine Paper: State if product meets ECP CCD-077 or approved equivalent (i.e. Green Seal, Blue Angel, EcoMark) certification State if product is FSC certified State Post consumer recycled content and total recycled content State maximum COD of liquid effluent to make paper State toxicity of liquid effluent to make paper State energy use to make paper State eCO2 emissions emitted when making paper State eSO2 emissions emitted when making paper State solid waste disposed of after making paper Toilet Paper: State if product meets ECP CCD-082 State if product is FSC certified 10-100% State Post consumer recycled content and total recycled content 1 Paper Towel: State if product meets ECP CCD-083/086/087/085/or 084 State if product is FSC certified 10-100% State Post consumer recycled content and total recycled content Paper Cups: State if product is FSC certified 10-100% State Post consumer recycled content and total recycled content Paper Bags: State if product meets ECP CCD-087 State if product is FSC certified 10-100% State Post consumer recycled content and total recycled content Wax Paper: State if paper component is FSC certified 10-100% State Post consumer recycled content and total recycled content of paper component Regular Garbage bags: State if product meets ECP CCD-126a State if packaging is: returnable for re-use contains consumer recycled material Lumber: Bidder to offer product with no CCA (chromium copper arsenate) Bidder to offer product with ACQ (alkaline copper and quaternary ammonium) to CSA O80-14-97 standard Bidder to offer product Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified and stamped Plywood: Bidder to offer product Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified and stamped Bidder to offer product Greenguard certified as low emitting interior 2 product and material certified and stamped when requested De-Icers (Bagged Salt): Bidder to offer more expensive but more environmentally preferred bagged Calcium Chloride as an additional de-icer Insect Repellent Bidder to offer CFC free and HCFC free products State container recycled content Lamps: Bidder to offer linear low mercury fluorescent format with: Minimum power factor of 97% Minimum system efficacy of 76 lumens per watt Lamp life of 15,000 hours minimum Bidder to offer compact low mercury fluorescent format with: Minimum power factor of 97% Minimum system efficacy of 50 lumens per watt Total harmonic distortion of 20% maximum Lamp life of 10,000 hours minimum Pool paint: Bidder to offer high solids with minimum 79% by weight and 65% by volume Bidder to offer acrylic water based paint added as extra item Bidder to offer product with No VOC State recycled content of product State if paint offered is lead-free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Regular paint: State if product meets ECP CCD-76 Bidder to offer product with No VOC State if paint offered is lead-free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. 3 Solid Waste Division: Backyard Composting Units: State if offered product is ECP CCD-127 (e) compliant State total recycled content State post consumer recycled content Bidder to reclaim recyclable packaging including wooden pallets and cardboard Bidder to offer product with 35% minimum of recycled materials Blue and Black 250 litre and 360 litre polyethylene bins: State percentage of total recycled content Green Bins: State if offered product is ECP CCD-127 (e) compliant State minimum percentage of total and post consumer recycled content Liquid Odour Counteractant: Bidder to offer reusable and returnable drums or containers Transportation Division: Asphalt: Product may contain up to 20% recycled asphalt pavement Regenerative Air Street Sweepers: ETV certified (joint Industry Canada and Environment Canada organization) to: Minimum 90% removal efficacy Maximum re-deposit 0.16% Maximum concentration of PM10 air contamination less than 0.08 ug/m38kg Total concentration of PM10 air contamination less than 10 mg/m3*kg Maximum concentration of PM2.5 air contamination less than 0.02 ug/m38kg Total concentration of PM2.5 air contamination less than 5.0 mg/m3*kg Street Sweepers: Bidder to offer units with cleaning solution recycling capability to allow cleaning of 200,000 sq ft minimum 4 Traffic paint: State if paint offered is lead-free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Bidder to offer returnable 20 litre pails Bidder to offer waterborne alternative to organic solvent traffic paint Fleet Division: Antifreeze: Water to contain less than 25 ppm of sulphate State recycled content of 4 litre containers, 250 gallon drums and 5 gallon pails Oils and lubricants: State if made from re-refined base stocks must meet ECP CCD-054 "Re-refined base stock" State if Multigrade 5W20, 5W30, 10W30 and 10W40 oils meet the Energy Conserving Standardization Approval Committee (ILSAC) standard GF-4 Bidder to offer highest performance standards are specified to reduce energy use via reduced friction over time, and minimize air quality impacts. Bidder to offer Empty drums and containers removal Transmission Fluids: Bidder to offer long life transmissions fluids Vehicles: Bidder to offer Hybrid, Electric/Gasoline Vehicles where requested State maximum ethanol blend in gasoline capable of being used that will not void manufacturer's warranty State maximum biodiesel blend in diesel capable of being used that will not void manufacturer's warranty State fuel ratings for City and Highway driving State if paint used lead free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Fuels: Bidder to offer 10% ethanol blended gasoline when requested Bidder to offer on-road diesel for off-road use reducing sulfur content. 5 Request eCO2 emissions reduction credits Toronto Public Health oversight each month of vendor's chemical analysis covering methyl esters, ethyl meters, total glycerine and type and percentage of additives CMO Division: City of Toronto Brass Pins: State percentage of recycled brass State if sand or fine aggregate used for sandblasting is recycled FSC certification of Printing Unit: The printing unit also requests Forestry Stewardship Council certified paper for some orders and is also now FSC certified as well. HFA Division: Towels: Bidder to offer heavy duty wrapping or recycled plastic film packaging Combo industrial washer and dryer: Energuide listed item selected before non Energuide items Facilities and Real-Estate Division: Lateral File Cabinets: Bidder to offer CFCs free and HCFCs free products. State if paint used lead free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Bidder to offer maximum Total Volative Organic Compounds is 600 ug/m3 after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer maximum formaldehyde of 20 ppb after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer packaging reduction and/or returnable and reusable packaging Bidder to offer corrugated packaging with a minimum recycled content of 35% State total recycled and post consumer recycled content for: Paper, Plastic, Glass, Paint and Steel Bidder to accept return of obsolete product Chairs: Bidder to offer CFCs free and HCFCs free products. 6 State if paint used lead free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Bidder to offer maximum Total Volatile Organic Compounds is 600 ug/m3 after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer maximum formaldehyde of 20 ppb after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer packaging reduction and/or returnable and reusable packaging Bidder to offer corrugated packaging with a minimum recycled content of 35% State total recycled and post consumer recycled content for: Paper, Plastic, Glass, Paint and Steel Bidder to accept return of obsolete product Keyboard and Mouse platforms: Bidder to offer CFCs free and HCFCs free products. State if paint used lead free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Bidder to offer maximum Total Volatile Organic Compounds is 600 ug/m3 after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer maximum formaldehyde of 20 ppb after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer packaging reduction and/or returnable and reusable packaging Bidder to offer corrugated packaging with a minimum recycled content of 35% State total recycled and post consumer recycled content for: Paper, Plastic, Glass, Paint and Steel Bidder to accept return of obsolete product Workstations: Bidder to offer three intensity fluorescent lighting in either : Linear low mercury fluorescent format with: Minimum power factor of 97% Minimum system efficacy of 76 lumens per watt Total harmonic distortion of 20% maximum Compact low mercury fluorescent format with: Minimum power factor of 97% Minimum system efficacy of 50 lumens per watt Total harmonic distortion of 20% maximum Bidder to offer CFCs free and HCFCs free products. State if paint used lead free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Bidder to offer maximum Total Volatile Organic Compounds is 600 ug/m3 after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer maximum formaldehyde of 20 ppb after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer packaging reduction and/or returnable and reusable packaging 7 Bidder to offer corrugated packaging with a minimum recycled content of 35% State total recycled and post consumer recycled content for: Paper, Plastic, Glass, Paint and Steel Bidder to accept return of obsolete product Hallway Nylon Mats: Bidder to offer product meeting indoor air quality of 0.5 ug/m3 TVOC as per ASTM D5116 Cleaning to be done using ECP CCD-148a - "Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning" and CCD148b - "Carpet and Upholstery Spot and Stain Removers Fire Services Division: Mattresses, Hide-Away Beds, Murphy Beds, Cots, and related: Bidder to offer CFCs free and HCFCs free products. State if paint used lead free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Bidder to offer maximum Total Volatile Organic Compounds is 600 ug/m3 after 10 days of offsite off gassing Bidder to offer maximum formaldehyde of 20 ppb after 10 days of offsite off gassing State total recycled and post consumer recycled content for: Paper, Plastic, Glass, Paint and Steel Bidder to accept return of obsolete product Bidder to state if they participate in recycling or re-use mattress program Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division: Park benches and Picnic Tables: State if slats meet ECP CCD-127 Plastic slats must be made from 100% recycled plastic Skateboard Units: Bidder to offer product with no CCA (chromium copper arsenate) Bidder to offer product with ACQ (alkaline copper and quaternary ammonium) to CSA O80-14-97 standard Sod: Bidder to offer biodegradable stakes that meet ASTM D6400 "Compostable Plastics" 8 Bidder to use certified organic fertilizer or approved from OMRI or OCPP Bidder to use renewable yard waste compost Organic fertilizer: Bidder to use certified organic fertilizer approved from OMRI or OCPP Graffiti removal: Bidder to use products meeting ECP CCD - 047/ 002/ 045/ 046/ 048/ 049/ 51/ 146 (e) and (f)/ and/or 110 State if products used are no VOC products State if products used are lead-free, cadmium free, mercury free, hexavalent chromium free. Information Technology Division: Facsimiles: Bidder to offer delivered units with sleep mode on and automatic power off energy saving features enabled Bidder to offer units capable of using 100% recycled paper Desktop Computers: Bidder to offer Energy Star compliant LCD monitor Bidder to offer energy efficient power supplies" 9