Attachment: Renal Function Tests and Urinary Findings Laboratory measurement of total body water and dehydration is not a realistic procedure in a clinical situation however, present knowledge makes possible the clinical laboratory examination of organ function, specifically renal function as it pertains to maintaining animal health during controlled water access studies. A basic understanding of the mechanism of kidney function is essential to an appreciation of the significance of urinary findings and renal function tests. With normal body function, water balance occurs routinely. The kidneys are the chief organs regulating the internal environment of the body by maintaining a reasonable constancy of composition of the extracellular and, to a lesser extent, the intercellular fluids. Urine is a by-product of these regulatory activities. Changes in urine production (water loss through the kidney) occur in response to the changes in the quantity of functional antidiuretic hormone (ADH) synthesized in the hypothalamus or released from the posterior pituitary. The thirst center in the anterior hypothalamus is stimulated and occurs as a normal compensatory response to maintain hydration. The kidneys ability to maintain normal hydration is determined by its functional unit, the nephron, which consists of two functionally distinct units: 1. the glomerulus is a vascular channel or bed that serves as a filtration unit. In passing through the glomeruli the blood loses an essentially protein-free plasma filtrate. 2. the tubule is lined by epithelial cells which modify urine composition primarily by excretion and reabsorption. The kidney’s functional capabilities are in turn dependent upon the manner in which blood flows through it. The bulk of the blood supplies the tubules but must first pass through the glomeruli. Any interference in blood flow through the glomeruli will affect total renal function and may be followed by degenerative changes in the tubules with resulting abnormalities in blood chemistry parameters. Identifying underlying renal disease or other metabolic diseases which could effect the animals ability to accommodate to a wide range of water intake amounts is essential. This is accomplished by performing routine CBC, chemistry panel and urinalysis during initial health screening and during semi-annual health exams. It is important to recognize that a single determination or a single renal function test indicates only the functional capacity of the kidneys at the time the test was conducted which underscores the need for daily monitoring. The methods that are most widely used and have the greatest value are described as follows. Nonprotein nitrogenous substances, especially urea and creatinine, represent products of intermediary metabolism of both tissue and ingested protein. Significantly increased values are usually the result of accumulation of these substances in the blood because of defective kidney elimination.. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) A. Formation—urea is the principal end product of catabolism of protein formed by the liver. This substance normally has no useful function in the body other than a possible mild diuretic action and is excreted almost entirely by the kidneys. B. Excretion of urea— The glomerulus filters urea in plasma, and under normal conditions approximately 25 to 40 per cent of filtered urea is reabsorbed as it passes through the tubules. Urine flow rates greater than normal diminish tubular reabsorption; conversely, low rates of urine flow increase urea reabsorption in the tubules. Conversely, low dietary levels of protein may result a decrease in BUN. C. Interpretation - Anything that reduces the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) will decreases the rate of excretion of urea nitrogen with a resulting increase in the concentration of Urea levels in the blood. BUN is not only effected by alterations in renal function but also by non-renal physiologic factors and diseases. Physiologically, urea nitrogen levels are increased with a dietary increase in protein. The BUN concentration may be increased as much as 10 mg/dl if the animal is on a diet high in protein. 1. Normal values range from 10 to 40 mg/dl 2. Low values- Protein malnutrition, Hepatic insufficiency, Technical errors in conducting the test 3. Increased values a. Prerenal (non-renal) causes—elevations are seldom over 100 mg/dl. Office of Veterinary Resources Page 1 of 4 2/12/2016 Attachment: Renal Function Tests and Urinary Findings (1) Reduced renal blood flow or factors that reduce net filtration in the glomerulus such as hypotension, adrenocortical insufficiency, or alterations in fluid balance with decreased plasma water as in severe dehydration. (2) Increased protein in the diet causes a transient increase since protein exerts a strong force to prevent fluid from leaving the glomerular capillaries. (3) The status of protein metabolism within the body regardless of diet may also influence urea nitrogen concentration. Catabolic breakdown of the tissues due to fever, trauma, infection, or toxemia may result in a moderate increase in BUN concentration. Similarly a rise in BUN is seen with hemorrhage into the gastrointestinal tract, and administration of drugs that increase protein catabolism (corticosteroids, thyroid compounds) or drugs that decrease protein anabolism (tetracyclines). b. Renal disease—elevation of the BUN will occur when approximately 70% of the nephrons are nonfunctional. The correlation between the BUN level and the severity of renal disease is usually fairly good if one considers the duration of the condition. c. Postrenal uremia (1) Perforation of the urinary system allowing urine to escape (2) Obstruction of the urinary system- Obstruction of only one ureter will not result in uremia unless the opposite kidney is impaired. Serum Creatinine(1). (2) (3) Creatinine production is not as easily influenced by catabolic factors affecting urea formation. Therefore, As there are A. Formation—creatinine is formed in the metabolism of muscle creatine and phosphocreatine and is not affected by dietary protein, protein catabolism, age, sex, or exercise B. Excretion—after being filtered by the glomerulus, it is excreted in the urine 1. Daily production of creatinine from muscle metabolism is relatively constant and since it is not excreted or absorbed by the renal tubules to any degree, it can be used as a rough index of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR). 2. Creatinine is not influenced by diet C. Interpretation 3. Normal values for any laboratory should be established on samples from normal animals within the area. Normal values range from 1 to 2 mg/dl. 4. Low values have no significance. 5. Increased values a. The glomerular filtration rate is reduced when creatinine is over 2 mg/dl. b. As with the BUN, there is a correlation between the degree of elevation and the degree of renal impairment. There is a tendency for the creatinine to be elevated later than the BUN in the progress of generalized renal disease. c. In addition to primary renal disease, creatinine will be elevated in prerenal and postrenal uremia due to impaired blood flow or obstruction of the urinary system 6. conditions such as fever, toxemia, infection, and drug administration do not as readily influence creatinine levels. Since fewer nonrenal factors that may influence creatinine concentration, it has had the reputation of being a more specific test for the diagnosis and prognosis of progressive renal disease than is the determination of serum UN level. In general, if the cause of decreased perfusion is rapidly corrected, the kidneys will return to a normal functional status. If the condition is permitted to persist, renal ischemia may develop and result in the destruction of organ structure. The following interpretations of the results of laboratory tests for blood urea nitrogen can be made: 1. If BUN concentration exceeds 35 to 45 mg/dl, GFR is diminished. 2. Abnormal BUN concentration known to be caused by abnormal excretion may be due to prerenal, primary renal, or postrenal factors. Every effort should be made to determine the underlying cause of uremia in order to establish a meaningful prognosis and select an appropriate treatment. Office of Veterinary Resources Page 2 of 4 2/12/2016 Attachment: Renal Function Tests and Urinary Findings 3. Only a rough correlation can be made between the degree of elevation of BUN and the severity of renal function impairment. This may be partly related to duration of renal disease, since progressive diseases that destroy renal parenchyma at a relatively slow rate permit remaining viable nephrons to undergo structural and functional compensation. 4. A single determination of BUN concentration, regardless of the value obtained, does not provide a reliable index of the reversibility or irreversibility of the disease process. Elevated serial determinations of BUN levels are cause for permanent exclusion from controlled water access. Urinalysis and urine specific gravity Urine is not only altered by diseases occurring in the kidneys, but many extrarenal conditions produce changes that may be of diagnostic significance as to the general condition of the animal. For correct interpretation, the urinalysis should be conducted on a somewhat selective basis and evaluated in terms of the clinical signs observed by the attending veterinarian. 1. Gross visual examination Although the simplest of all procedures conducted on urine, gross examination of urine is the one most consistently overlooked. A considerable amount of information can be gained from observing and recording volume, color, transparency, odor, and appearance of foam in a specimen. Urine volume is dependent upon several physiologic factors, including water and other fluid intake, environmental conditions, diet, and the size and activity of the animal. Normal urine production varies according to animal species. In the normal animal, high urine volume is usually associated with low specific gravity and low urine volume with high specific gravity. High urine volume and low specific gravity are often, but not always, associated with renal disease. Urine volume will decrease with decreased fluid intake and high environmental temperature and is commonly associated with dehydration resulting from loss of body water, as in diarrhea and excessive vomiting, but may also occur with terminal renal disease. Renal perfusion can be monitored by insertion of an indwelling catheter and observing the rate of urine flow. If renal perfusion is adequate, a flow rate of 0.5 to 1.0 ml/hour/lb body weight is expected; less is an indication that renal perfusion is decreased, and therapy should be instituted to restore it. Increases in urine volume may be present transiently owing to increased fluid intake and following parenteral administration of fluids or administration of corticosteroids. Pathologic increases in urine volume are associated with metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus), renal disease, and some liver diseases. 2. Urine color The color of a urine specimen can be noted but to be valid, interpretation of urine color must be associated with the physical condition of the animal, the history of drug dosage, and age of the specimen. The following color designations can be used. The yellow color of urine depends on the concentration of urochromes. If urine is concentrated, the amount of urochrome per volume is increased, and urine appears darker than normal; whereas if urine volume is increased, urochromes are diluted, and the urine is pale. Dark urine, due to the concentration of urochromes, occurs in association with dehydration, fever, decreased blood pressure, nephrosis, renal disease, and reduced fluid intake. Pale urine, on the other hand, is seen in diabetes mellitus, increased water intake, nephrosis, and chronic and acute generalized nephritis. Urine may also be pale following administration of ACTH or corticosteroids or parenteral administration of fluids. In general, urine that is dark is high in specific gravity; conversely urine that is pale is usually of low specific gravity. Yellow-brown to greenish-yellow urine may be due to the presence of bile pigments in the specimen. Hemoglobin produces a wine-red urine that changes to brownish as it is converted to alkaline or acid hematin depending upon the pH. Hematuria also results in a red to brown color. The transparency of urine can be recorded as clear, flocculent, or cloudy. Urine excreted from most species of domestic animals is clear and may become cloudy as it cools and precipitation of crystals occurs. Precipitation is most likely to occur in highly concentrated urine. Pathologically, cloudy urine may be observed when any of the Office of Veterinary Resources Page 3 of 4 2/12/2016 Attachment: Renal Function Tests and Urinary Findings following are present: leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells, bacteria, mucus, fat, and crystals (if present when the urine is voided). The cause of cloudy urine can be accurately ascertained only by microscopic examination of the specimen. 3. Urine odor The odor of the urine is not diagnostic and is normally derived from the volatile organic acids present. An odor of ammonia may appear if urea is being converted to ammonia by bacterial action. Ketone bodies impart a characteristic sweetish, fruity odor and may be detected in urine in association with diabetes mellitus. 4. Specific gravity The specific gravity of urine is a measurement of the relative amount of solids in solution and is an indication of the degree of tubular reabsorption or concentration by the kidney. Under conditions of normal renal function and normal metabolism, the specific gravity or urine varies inversely with the volume of urine excreted. If large volumes of urine are excreted, the specific gravity is usually low, whereas if small quantities are being eliminated, the specific gravity is generally high. Determination of the specific gravity of urine should be a routine procedure in any analysis particularly if a metabolic disease is suspected or clinical signs of kidney disease are observed. As urine specific gravity is related to urine volume, and urine volume, in turn, is related to water intake and body metabolism, it is difficult to ascribe specific values for the normal animal. In general, specific gravity for most animal species will be in the range of 1.015 to 1.045, but values as low as 1.001 and as high as 1.060 to 1.080 can occur. Randomly collected urine specimens may have a specific gravity from 1.001 to 1.080 in animals with normal kidney function. Electrolytes - alterations observed in renal disease and some of the general mechanisms involved. It must be recognized that serum or plasma electrolyte values do not necessarily reflect total body concentration, and deviations from the animal’s normal level must be interpreted with this fact in mind. Electrolyte concentrations in plasma fluctuate rapidly with changes in the composition of extracellular and intracellular fluid. These fluctuations have as their net result a redistribution of water among the fluid compartments of the body in order to maintain osmolarity. POTASSIUM. Potassium is removed from plasma by active reabsorption in the proximal tubules and is then actively excreted by cells of the distal tubules. The quantity of potassium handled by the kidneys is determined by the potassium intake. If a patient with renal disease becomes oliguric or anuric, potassium is retained and hyperkalemia may develop. If a patient with renal disease maintains adequate urine flow, the plasma potassium level remains normal unless acidosis develops. SODIUM. Ability to retain sodium is frequently lost in the presence of generalized chronic renal diseases characterized by polyuria. This functional loss is accompanied by a deficiency in total body sodium that may or may not be reflected in plasma sodium concentration. Sodium loss through the diseased kidneys is accompanied by water loss as the body attempts to maintain body fluid isotonicity. PHOSPHATE. Most of the phosphate excretion by the kidney is by glomerular filtration, with a variable amount of reabsorption by the tubules. Hyperphosphatemia typically occurs with chronic progressive and generalized acute Office of Veterinary Resources Page 4 of 4 2/12/2016