KINSHIP TERMS Descent: the tracing of kinship relationships back to previous

Descent: the tracing of kinship
relationships back to previous
Unilineal descent: descent through one
line only (matrilineal or patrilineal)
Bilateral descent: descent reckoned
through both maternal and paternal
Consanguineal ties: ties of blood
Affinal ties: ties through marriage
Distaff: female side
Samoan terms
Mana: spiritual/supernatural power
Pule: instrumental power
Discussion questions
1. What is the nature of age groups in
Samoa? What are the similarities and
differences between girls’ and boys’
age groups? What role might age
groups play in socialization?
2. What factors are taken into
consideration in title succession?
What factors are taken into
consideration in the selection of a
taupo? What do these processes tell us
about how kinship works in Samoa?
3. Are there any similarities between
what Mead is describing for Samoa
and your own experiences of growing
up Canada?