KIDS Processing Proposal - Oregon Department of Education

Oregon Department of Education
KIDS processing Proposal
Current System
The current KIDS processing system has issues with reporting consistency, a reliable
communication process for errors, and an architecture that will make statewide
validation very challenging, if at all possible, given the tight timelines for processing
To start with, data is submitted or pulled from the affiliated district’s student information
systems (SIS) to the Regional Data Warehouse (RDW). There the RDW transforms the
data to ensure it meets defined business rules. In the process errors in the data
submitted are communicated back to the affiliated district for correction. Once data is
ready to be submitted by the RDW, files are extracted for their districts and sent to ODE
for processing.
At ODE the data is first loaded to a staging area for examination. Files and records that
do not meet the minimum qualifications are rejected. Mainly those minimum
qualifications are: 1) An SSID must be present, 2) the format of the data provided must
be correct, and 3) the time period submitted for must be valid. Further business rules
are then applied to ensure that additional required data is present and that the data
provided conforms to the values expected for each of the data elements. Key checking
is also done to ensure that data provided in separate files are properly linked to each
other. If there are records in a file for a student with no corresponding student record, a
key related error is produced. Currently this error reporting is at a summary level. The
report is combined with any rejects encountered during the data staging and emailed to
the corresponding RDW. From there the RDW manages the distribution of errors to
their affiliated districts which then correct their student system data. Data that passes
the validations are posted to the operational data store (ODS) from staging and
following the statewide validation process data are posted to the ODE data warehouse
(KIDS DW in the diagram) from the ODS.
OSAT data is presently being extracted from the Student Centered Staging
transactional database which houses all assessment test results and placed in a folder
for the RDW to download. This process may be scheduled for a daily or weekly extract.
There are problems taking the data from the transactional system because it is not
designed to keep an audit trail needed to properly communicate changes to the RDW.
If a record is deleted, there is no notification of the deletions.
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Proposed Vision
ODE proposes to streamline the process to aid in statewide validations and to reduce
duplicated effort it takes to maintain six individual database systems. By using a
Central ODS the need for cross database calls are eliminated. Attempting to ensure the
data quality from six separate databases can be difficult resulting in much slower
processing and instability at times which introduces unacceptable risk.
The present validation process will be replaced by a run time application we are calling
the Core Validation Application. This program will read in the present file set produced
and perform the validations for format, minimum requirements and more. Essentially it
will be the responsibility of this application to perform all the basic validation rules such
 Required columns are present.
 Code values provided exist in the list of valid values.
 Numeric fields contain properly formatted numeric data.
 Date fields contain valid dates.
 Valid key data for linking tables is provided.
Following the processing of data, the valid data, errors and rejects are sent to ODE so
that they may be available for review by the RDW’s districts.
The extraction of OSAT data will be from the new Student Centered ODS rather than
from Student Centered Staging. Student Centered has all the auditing columns
necessary to properly repeat reports and can send data to the RDW when a record is
deleted, updated or inserted. The process will be much cleaner than the present
extraction. Data will be extracted in a format very similar to the tables within the
database rather than extracting several large flat rows as it is done now in the
adjustment format. The process of synchronizing data between the RDW and ODE will
be greatly simplified.
Data from the Student Centered ODS will also be posted nightly to the OSAT DW in the
same area as the KIDS warehouse data. This will be the publicly consumable OSAT
data which, like the KIDS data warehouse, will be stripped of student identifying
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Vision Detail
The process starts off similar to the current system with data coming from the District
SIS to the RDW. Data is transformed by the RDW and extracted for shipment from their
warehouse to ODE. The Core Validation Application is then called to do the basic
validation rules. This application will start out by checking with ODE to see if there are
new metadata or validation rules to add to the application. Changes made will be
logged so there is an audit trail of the changes applied should there be a problem.
The application will produce files that can then be sent to ODE for processing.
 A valid data file
 An invalid data file with related errors
 A file with rejected data and related reasons for rejection
At this point we now know we have properly formatted data. The files are sent to ODE
for processing. The checks performed externally will not be repeated again internally.
Instead, the record will be check-summed and a checksum will be determined again as
the data is read into Staging to ensure that the row has not changed from the time it
was validated.
The invalid and rejected data will be stored for display to the district. The valid data will
then be loaded to the Central ODS. Statewide error resolution will then be performed
resulting in errors that could not be determined locally. Statewide and complex cross
column validations will be done at ODE. Additional errors found will be stored in the
same table as those found by the RDW earlier.
Data that passes the statewide and complex validation will be posted that evening to the
warehouse (KIDS DW).
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Error Distribution Detail
It is in this area that we get the most improvement in the system processing. Following
the statewide and complex validations, the errors and rejects will be broken down and
reported by topic area to the appropriate staff (based on staff chosen by the RDW,
district or school). In this way staff with specific knowledge of the data can be assigned
to deal with related errors. In addition, ODE can provide direct communication to staff
resulting in faster resolution of the error.
A summary report that contains information about the errors for a specific district will be
created and sent via email with a link back to ODE. When the district clicks the link they
will be directed to ODE’s Central Login site and challenged for a user name and
password. From there the district can navigate to the KIDS errors and see those errors
relevant to them. While reviewing the errors the district can correct the associated
errors in their student system.
The RDW will also receive emails for their districts with a larger amount of information
(a summary for all the errors essentially) and may review them online in the same
fashion. Errors found may not be related to an entry error in the district’s student
system, but rather a transformation error in the process of pushing the data to the RDW
and on to ODE. The RDW will be able to resolve these errors through reviewing the
Errors found should remain in the system until a successful processing of the same data
is accomplished. There may also be the need for manually clearing certain error types
in special circumstances.
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 Communication improvement by targeting key staff by content area with errors
related to the data they maintain.
 Core validation performed uniformly with everyone using the same rules
promotes consistency.
 Leveraging staff at ODE to maintain the core validation reduces burden on
Regional Data Warehouse providers to provide same functionality on multi
platforms and keep business rules in sync.
 Central ODS makes it possible to do statewide validations in a timely and stable
 Utilizing central login to keep all the errors behind secure communication lines
eliminates the need to share raw data via email.
 Less time spent overall in communication and more time spent resolving data
problems and improving the system.
 ODE needs to have the core validation run on a computer at the Regional
Warehouse Providers that has access to the internet.
 How data will be accepted for promotion to the warehouse is still under
discussion. Right now a nightly promotion is proposed.
 Staff involved in the communication process need to be setup in Central Login
with an account and granted access to error and rejected data.
 Mainly time from ODE to develop the core validation application, statewide
validation routines and a web application for the review of errors.
 Some time from the Regional Warehouse Provider to setup the core validation
routine in the system and aid in the identification of staff that need access to the
errors and rejects.
 Very little time from the School Districts / Schools to also aid in the identification
of staff that need access to the errors and rejects.
 Training in the form of online demonstrations and walkthroughs that will explain
what is expected of districts who receive emails to resolve errors in the KIDS
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