F Part 3 Spatial Distribution of Deposits

Spatial distribution of deposits
Alluvium and Hydrography
Figure 34 Alluvium and hydrography. Alluvial deposits (yellow) and older alluvial deposits
(brown) occur where streams (blue) have lateral accommodation space, in the flat middle region
between the highlands of the catchment. Alluvial deposits also occur below large sources of
water, such as Kongressbreen or the Strike valley. Beheaded glacial drainages are also evident to
the north of Kongressbreen.
Colluvium, Talus and Bedrock
Figure 35. Colluvium, talus and bedrock. Distribution of colluvium (orange), talus (red),
and bedrock (black) in the catchment. The highlands of the south and north are largely
defined by colluvial and talus deposits while the flat middle region of the catchment is
defined by widespread outcrops of bedrock. The gradient defines the distribution of slope
deposits and bedrock exposures.
Solifluction and Colluvial Fans
Figure 36. Solifluction and colluvial fans. Distribution of colluvial fans(brown), alluvial/colluvial
fans (yellow tan and light tan) and soliflucted material (dark brown). The largest surfaces of
soliflucted material are located below long strike slopes in the Gipshuken formation. These long
slopes produce large amounts of fine material when compared to the low slope areas defined by
the Kapp Starostin formation. A general conceptual model of slope originating units could be
colluvial deposits or colluvial fan deposits grading into soliflucted material deposits and then
grading into fluvial channel (the fluvial runoff portion of this model may not always be present.
This correlation of units and surfaces is best seen on the slopes immediately south of the lake.
LIA Glacial Deposits
Figure 37. LIA glacial deposits. The Little Ice Age (LIA) deposits of the catchment are
located near the two cirques, which formed the glacier (dark green= LIA till and light
green = LIA ice-cored moraine). The presence of high topographic divides to the west of
the glacier (yellow) provides shading and may allow for wind loading of the cirques.
Pre-LIA Glacial Deposits
Figure 38. Pre-LIA glacial deposits. Green indicates the extent of Pre-LIA Till. Till is
predominately located between the highlands to the north and south of the lake.
Preservation of the till is higher away from areas dominated by slope processes.