All STARS Meeting Summary

All STARS Meeting Summary
Monday, January 23, 2006
8:30am to 11:30pm
Anne Beaubien welcomed the attendees. She reminded the group that each committee would be asked to
report out at 9:30am. Action items, including program suggestions, would be reported at the STARS Executive
meeting following this meeting.
Maintenance and update of the STARS Website is taking a lot of work. Anne told the group that the Executive
Committee is considering appointing an Assistant Webmaster. Anne also took a straw poll on whether social
activities such as the Friday evening social and dinner should be continued. Continuing this type of activity was
Mary Hollerich noted that some preconferences are included on the ALA meeting registration forms. She
suggested that STARS pursue this kind of listing for preconferences in the future. There was much nodding and
general agreement with this idea.
Summaries of Committees’ Activities
Boucher Award – Jennifer Block for Suzanne Ward
A winner has been selected and will be announced soon.
Codes, Guidelines, and Technical Standards – Margaret Ellingson
There were two major things discussed by the Committee. First was that the proposed program for New
Orleans (Annual 2007) has been approved. The title is proposed as “Global Resource Sharing in the Real
World.” The focus of the program will be the interplay of standards and policies in resources sharing. There will
be three speakers: Mary Hollerich, Brenda Bailey-Haner, and John Bodfish. Following the speakers will be a
panel of speakers including Carole Smale, National Library of Canada, Dennis Massie, RLG, and Gail Wanner,
SIRSI/Dynix. The program is set for Saturday, June 24, 2006, 1:30pm to 3:30pm.
The second topic of discussion for this Committee was the review process for the ILL Code and Supplement.
There is a diverse group of volunteers who will be working on the review by email as well as at the upcoming
ALA meetings.
Cooperative Collection Development – Mary Hollerich reporting
This new Committee is joint between STARS and CODES. Six people attended a meeting to discuss possible
issues that this Committee could address. Topics included: joint approval plans, e.g., Yankee Book Peddler
and Blackwell; cooperative development of print versus electronic; different models for different types of
libraries; the Aberdeen Woods Conference; best practices; involving vendors and publishers; and sponsoring
conference programs. The Committee will have to work out how and to which Section to submit program
Cooperative Circulation Task Force – Anne Beaubien reporting
The Task Force had a great meeting on Sunday with lots of ideas generated. A final recommendation is
expected in April that will go to STARS and LAMA. As with the Cooperative Collection Development
Committee, the Task Force liked the idea of bringing in vendors for discussion of developments in products that
support cooperative circulation efforts.
Education and Training – Cyril Oberlander
The Committee is working on a basic ILL 101 tutorial for the Website. It will be covering borrowing, lending, the
marc record, remote delivery, distance education, ILL systems and international ILL. Other topics discussed by
the Committee included open access and how to recognize items available in this format, standards, linking, and
statistics. The Committee will be looking into alternative communication forms such as Wikis, Blogs, and use of
the ALA Online Communities.
Interlibrary Loan – Robin Moskal
The proposed program was accepted for New Orleans. It is set for 8am on Sunday, June 25, 2006. The topic is
digitization and its effects on Interlibrary Loan and Resource Sharing. Two people are lined up to talk and one
or two more people are needed. The Committee also talked about what they should do for 2007. Currently they
are leaning toward a preconference. The ILL Discussion Group meeting on the past Saturday had about 90
people attending. There was some discussion about reducing the Discussion Group meeting time from 4 to 2
hours. For the Discussion Group, Cyril pointed out that the four hour time slot was difficult, that if it continued
there should be provision for coffee or water at the break. Saturday’s topics included a discussion of LVIS,
support for distance education, and remote services. There has been some miscommunication about timing for
the ILL Discussion Group but there is no intent currently to change from Saturday morning as the meeting time.
International Interlibrary Loan – Lynn Wiley
The Committee has drafted a survey that should provide data that will help inform other STARS committees. It
asks who does international borrowing and/or lending and with whom as well as how the actual transactions
happen. Hopefully the survey will be distributed within the next month. The results of the survey will be
cumulated in an MS Access database and the Committee plans to report on the survey on an annual basis with
a program for 2008 or possibly 2007.The Committee has reviewed the IFLA report.
Legislation and Licensing – Rick Uttich
ACRL’s Copyright Committee provided an update at this conference. On the international level the European
Commission is revisiting the 1990 copyright-like protection that was established. This has the potential to
relieve pressure on the US. There are many issues at present that have potential effect on resource sharing
including a current House Bill in relation to the anti-circumvention clause, works in the public domain, orphaned
works, book scanning projects such as the Google project, digital rights management, and keeping an eye out
for the reappearance of UCITA. ACRL Copyright Committee will have a program in New Orleans Sunday from
10:30am to noon entitled “Copyrights and Copywrongs – When Uses Collide.”
There is a Section 108 Study Group that has been formed to look at “fair use” issues. Everyone should be
watching for the activity of the Group and if possible attend one of the two open forums that will be held in March
to discuss the draft recommendations they will be putting out.
Membership – Stephanie Atkins
The Committee has been very active working on promotion activities for STARS. The brochure is being revised
and “jazzed up.” In the spring the Committee will be sending out welcome letters with a copy of the brochure to
all new and continuing members. A dropped member survey has been drafted and will be sent out soon. There
has been a concerted effort to provide information about STARS to IFLA, ILDS, the Colorado ILL Conference
and the West Virginia ILL Conference.
The Committee is exploring the development of a list of benefits and values that STARS provides. Currently
there are 400+ members and growing, quite an achievement for a Section as new as STARS.
Nominations – Collette Mak
A very good slate of candidates has been developed. Margaret Ellingson, Jennifer Block, Sue Ward, Cathy
Kellum and Dorcas McDonald have all agreed to support STARS by being on the ballot.
Research and Statistics – Jennifer Block
This is a new Committee this year and has started out with a lot of good ideas. They would like to create a list
of research opportunities, workshops, etc., for the Website. They have also begun discussion of creating an
award for research on resource sharing. The Committee is creating a survey on how data is collected for
resource sharing and what it is being used for.
Vendor Relations – Lars Leon for Lori Smith and Cheryl Truesdell
Neither of the co-Chairs was present so the members had a free form discussion on several topics related to
Task Force on Resource Sharing Response to Natural Disasters
This group has not yet met.
Task Force on Qualifications for Interlibrary Loan Operations Management
This group has not yet met.
Anne mentioned that STARS has two preconferences approved for the 2007 ALA Annual meeting in
Washington D.C.: ILL 101 and Advanced ILL. The meeting was adjourned at 10:26am.