Comparative Medicine SOP #: 605. 02 Page: 1 of 4 Biological Material Testing for Murine Pathogens The intent of this standard operating procedure (SOP) is to describe biologic material testing and sample submission. This SOP is intended for use by Principal Investigators (PIs), research staff, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and Comparative Medicine (CM). This SOP is approved by the NUS IACUC. Any deviation must be approved by the IACUC in advance. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction Procedures References Appendix 1. INTRODUCTION Biological material refers to cell fluids, antibody preparations or introduced into an animal, it is a pathogens. Pathogens present in that are inoculated with them. lines, transplantable tumors, serum, tissues, body hybridoma lines. When biological material is potential source of contamination by adventitious these materials have the potential to infect animal Biological materials must be tested for specific pathogens from a CM approved diagnostic laboratory (e.g. IDEXX RADIL, Charles River), prior to use in animals. Please refer to Appendix A for the list of murine pathogens to be tested. Allow 1-2 weeks from the time of sample submission until results are received. The cost of biological material testing is currently borne by CM. Non-animal users are not allowed to use the irradiator(s) located within a NUS/CM vivarium for their biological materials. Please contact Life Sciences Institute (LSI) for use of their irradiator. 2. PROCEDURES a. Biologics that REQUIRE testing prior to in vivo murine use: i. Murine-derived cell lines, transplantable tumors, serum, tissues, body fluids, antibody preparations and hybridomas from originating from rodent colonies outside of CM facilities. SOP #: 605. 02 Page: 2 of 4 ii. Non-murine (including human) derived cell lines, transplantable tumors, serum, tissues, body fluids, antibody preparations and hybridomas that have been passaged through rodents or have been exposed to rodents outside CM animal facilities. b. Possible exemptions from testing: Exemptions must be approved by CM. i. ii. iii. If the murine biological material is derived from donor animals located in the same facility and room as the recipients (or approved room within the same facility with the same health status). Non-murine derived biological that have NOT been passaged through rodent or exposed to murine products. Commercially obtained biologicals for which the vendor can supply negative screening results, satisfactory to CM. c. Submitting samples: i. ii. Contact CM at 65166410 or to arrange testing of biological material. Submit samples to CM Vet Diagnostic Laboratory. a. Complete submission form. Request for Pathogen Screening for Biological Materials. (Appendix B) b. Submit two 1ml cryovial of each cell line sample containing a minimum of minimum of 2 x 106 cells. Cells can be in pellet form, in freeze media, growth media, or PBS. c. For liquid samples, submit two 1ml cryovials with at least 0.5ml. d. Collect all samples aseptically e. Label all samples with PI name and sample ID (cell line designation). f. Contact CM Vet Diagnostic Lab at 6516 6410 for further assistance. 3. REFERENCES RADIL links: eck_/index.html Charles River – Research Animal Diagnostics NUS OSHE: Cornell- Revision # .02 Author Anna Acuna Effective Date 17 July 2012 SOP #: 605.02 SOP #: 605.02 Page: 3 of 4 4. APPENDIX Appendix A Mouse Pathogens Mycoplasma spp. Sendai virus Mouse hepatitis virus Pneumonia virus of mice Minute virus of mice Mouse parvovirus (MPV-1,2,3) Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus Murine norovirus Reovirus-3 Mouse rotavirus Ectromelia virus Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Polyoma virus Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus Mouse adenovirus (MAD-1,2) Mouse Cytomegalovirus K virus Mouse Thymic virus Hantaan virus Rat Pathogens Kilham’s rat virus Toolan’s H1 virus Rat parvovirus Rat cytomegalovirus Rat coronavirus Rat minute virus Sialodacryoadenitis virus Seoul virus Mycoplasma spp Pneumonia virus of mice Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus Sendai virus Mouse adenovirus Reovirus3 Rat Theilovirus SOP #: 605.02 Page: 4 of 4 Appendix B Date: _________________ Please complete the information below: Protocol #: _____________________ OSHE Risk Assessment #____________ Primary Investigator: _____________________ Email/Phone ______________________ Laboratory Contact: ______________________ Email/Phone______________________ In which animal facility and room will this biological material be used in?_______________ The biological material is: 1) Murine-derived: Yes No If yes, is it derived from donor animals located in the same facility and room as the recipients (or approved room within the same facility with the same health status)? Yes Facility and Room No.: No 2) Non- Murine (including human) derived cell lines Yes No If yes, has it been passaged through rodents or exposed to murine products? Yes No If yes, was it passaged through rodents or exposed to murine products in the same room as the recipients or approved room within the same facility with the same health status ? Facility and Room No. :_________________________ Samples submitted Name Example: Hep93C 1. 2. Description / Origin Human hepatocellular carcinoma line *Attach additional sheets if necessary Additional comments: Media PBS