Historical nature scientific divulgation as possibility to comprehend

The function of scientific divulgation texts with historical
approach as possibility to comprehend the role played by
experimentation in the scientific production
Maria José P. M. de Almeida, Roberto Nardi, Leandro Londero da Silva
This paper reports outcomes related to a research carried out among prospective physics
teachers on the use of scientific divulgation texts in classrooms. The text used in this
research named “The prism and the pendulum: the ten most beautiful experiments in
science”, written by Robert P. Crease, has historical nature, and it was analyzed
critically by future physics teachers, during a course, when they were asked to take
position about their representations on science and teaching, especially about the
teaching of physics in High School. We sought more properly to comprehend their
interpretations related to some possible roles played by experimentation in the scientific
production and in the science teaching. The course was designed using as teaching
methodology lectures on the theme, seminar planning and presentation by the future
teachers, readings, small and classroom groups discussions, written productions derived
from analysis and synthesis of texts and production and solution of questions related to
the ten experiments described in the book. The book’s historicity and certain text
limitations were analyzed from a review based on history of science and science
education literature. The conception on the role of experimentation in science was
analyzed using Kuhn’s and Bachelard’s epistemologies and science education research
outcomes. On the other hand, the interpretation of future teachers’ positions on
scientific. Divulgation conceptions were supported by the discourse analysis initiated in
France by Michel Pêcheux, approach which takes the language transparency and
historicity as fundamental.
Maria José P. M. de Almeida,
Faculty of Education, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Roberto Nardi
School of Science, Education Dept., São Paulo State University, Bauru, SP, Brazil.
Leandro Londero da Silva
PhD student , Faculty of Education, State University of Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brazil