Av. Paes de Barros, 2.820 ap. 82 – São Paulo / SP

Historian, Cultural Management and Writer
April 12, 1961
Phone numbers: 55-11- 9675.9647 / 2729.2581
e-mail: celioturino65@gmail.com
facebook: celioturino
Adress: Av. Paes de Barros, 2.820 ap. 82
São Paulo - SP
Zip code: 03114-001
twitter: celioturino
Master of History (UNICAMP) - 2004
Specialist in Cultural Management - (Pontifícia Universidade Católica - SP - Pos lato sensu)
- 1986
History - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) 1979-1984
PONTO DE CULTURA – O Brasil de baixo para cima (Ed. Anita Garibaldi, 2009)
NA TRILHA DE MACUNAIMA - ócio e trabalho na cidade (Ed. SENAC, 2005)
O LAZER NOS PROGRAMAS SOCIAIS (Ed. Anita Garibaldi, 2003)
Author of many essays and articles published (Public Policy, Education, Leisure, Sports, Culture) in
numerous books and magazines.
Secretary of Culture Programs and Projects - Ministry of Culture – Government of Brazil
Executive Director of Sports and Leisure Programs – City Hall of São Paulo (2001-2004);
Owner: DUO - Culture-marketing Company (1994-2000)
Secretary of Culture and Tourism – City Hall of Campinas, SP (1990-1992)
Government Secretary – City Hall of Campinas, SP (1989-1990)
Executive Chief of Division: Culture Museum (History Museum, Natural History,
Antrapologic, Native Indian, Image and Sound Museum, Contemporary Art Museum) –
City Hall of Campinas (1983-1988)
Av. Paes de Barros, 2.820 ap. 82 – São Paulo / SP
celioturino65@gmail.com - 55-11- 9675.9647 / 2729.2581
Cultural Decentralization in "Favelas" and poverty groups – City Hall of Campinas (19801984).
Idealization, organizer and manager of the Living Culture program and the Points of
Culture. Public Policy reference to several countries in Latin America and Europe, with
more than 3,000 Points of Culture in 1,100 cities throughout Brazil and benefiting 8 million
people. The program includes actions such as Culture and Health, Living School, Young
Agents of Culture, Exploitation of Traditional Culture and teachers “Griots”, playful and
Culture Child Interactions Aesthetics (artistic residencies in Culture Points, including
international exchange), Free Media, Digital Culture, among others;
Programa Mais Esporte (MORE SPORTS program). Community Centers Sports for
children on the outskirts of São Paulo, benefiting more than 20,000 and having served as a
conceptual basis for the SECOND TIME program, the Federal Government;
RECREIO NAS FÉRIAS (Recreation on Vacation). Program for Culture and Leisure at
holiday time, initiated in Campinas (1990/91) and has benefited 90,000 children and
adolescents in each edition, with duration of one week. Subsequently been incorporated in
the city of São Paulo (2001 onwards), benefiting 200,000 children and adolescents per issue;
Young Agents (between 16 and 24 years, with per capita income of half the minimum wage)
in community work such as Community Recreation to work in Open Schools, Parks and
Streets leisure Monitor Board Games (chess, checkers, etc.), Referee Agents Theatre, Digital
Culture, Heritage, Culture Points management. The program started in São Paulo and has
benefited 5,500 people, was later applied by the federal government benefited over 11,000
young people;
CULTURAL POLICY in Campinas (1990/92). In this period the city of Campinas
became widely known for its intense cultural activity. Within one year the paying public in
the municipal theater jumped from 22,000 to 105,000 (per semester), with several national
premieres. It was happened when the three editions of FIT (International Theatre Festival);
theater Bag Blue, the opening of 11 Houses of Culture (Pontos de Cultura of the embryo),
the creation of the Municipal Council for Culture, the Cultural Incentive Law, allocating
0.5% of the municipal cultural projects selected by public bidding via STIMULUS Award ($
500 thousand and 72 winners in nine categories since the first edition - 1991, recall the time
that the only funding policy in the mainstream culture country was via tax breaks), lodging,
and preservation of 22 historic buildings and inventory of the envelope area of the center of
Campinas, a total of 5,000 buildings, the City Museum - Lidgerwood; Municipal Aquarium,
Art Gallery, Braille Library, Coffee Lake (cultural park with 300,000 mt2), among other
Organizing several shows of Arts and Cultural Groups Film Societies in poor neighborhoods
and slums in the city of Campinas (1980/84).
Av. Paes de Barros, 2.820 ap. 82 – São Paulo / SP
celioturino65@gmail.com - 55-11- 9675.9647 / 2729.2581
National Council for Cultural Policy and National Council for Cultural Incentive-CNIC2004-2010;
Chairman of the Municipal Fund for Support of Culture - Campinas - 1990-92 (Public Fund
for Culture);
Chairman of the Cultural Heritage Protection of Campinas - Condepacc (Policy and
Conservation and Environmental Historical Falling) 1990-92;
Chairman of the Municipal Culture of Campinas - founder and first president - 1991-92 (this
time the council had 1 / 3 of the government and two thirds of the company and the election
was direct - with the subsequent change of government was the composition changed and
the president is now indicated by the mayor);
Chairman of the Forest Preservation Santa Geneva - 1990-92 (his performance won award
for best environmental preservation of the country with award Du Pont);
Law on the Establishment of the Municipal Council for Culture - Campinas (formulation
and systematization of the law), 1991;
Incentive Act to cinemas - Campinas - 1990 (idealization, formulation and systematization)
- 1992 - This law is simple and comes in a context of closing cinema halls across the
country, it created an exemption for ISS (5% the ticket) to the cinema, in contrast to the
exhibitors had to offer free admission for seniors and students from the public. As a result,
Campinas is the largest city park for residents player in Brazil;
Incentive Law Culture - Campinas (ideation, formulation and systematization of the law),
1991 - This was the first law of the country was in a different way of tax exemption laws
(Rouanet, Mendonça, etc.), ensuring a public fund with 0.5% of municipal revenue streams
for public selection of cultural projects.
January, 2011
Célio Roberto Turino de Miranda