Lab 1: Maps I: A Visualization Tool – Worksheet

Maps: A Visualization Tool
Preparation: Longitude and Latitude
Lab Section:
1. How many latitude lines does a single line of longitude
intersect (consider only those of whole degree)?
2. Where do the E and W lines of longitude meet?
3. What is the longest line of longitude?
How many lines of longitude does a line of latitude
4. intersect?
5. Where is the longest latitude line?
6. Do the lengths of longitude lines change as you go west?
How do the lengths of latitude lines change as you go
7. north?
8. Does the International Dateline correspond to a latitude
or longitude line?
9. How does the spacing of meridians change as you move
north or south?
10. How does the spacing of parallels change as you move
north or south?
11. What is another name for a line of latitude?
12. Identify the following features in Fig. 1. Using outside sources, find the latitude of
each and enter it on the blank line.
a. North and South Poles
b. Tropic of Cancer
c. Tropic of Capricorn
d. Arctic Circle
e. Antarctic Circle
f. Equator
Fig. 1
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