Timetable for the 9th MOAS/PC

Timetable for the 9th MOAS/PC
(According to
Thursday's Regular
Interns Meetings)
(January 20)
Welcoming session for Winter/Spring
Interns (DHR)
(January 27)
OAS Presentation by the Director of the
Department of International Affairs
Total: 1 hour
February 2:
MOAS Overview by Nelly Robinson, MOAS
Program Coordinator:
* General Presentation on the MOAS/PC.
* What is expected and how to get there
* About the election of authorities
Total: 2 Hours
Third & Fourth
(February 3 - 16)
Actions and Activities
February 2 - During the MOAS presentation:
• DIA/MOAS will distribute: What & How, and Timetable for preparation.
• Instructions on the Election of Authorities. Interns will organize and decide when to elect the
MOAS/PC Authorities at a later date and will inform DIA/MOAS and DHR. Elections need to be
done before February 11, by secret ballot, for the positions of: MOAS President, MOAS
Secretary General, 1 Rapporteur and 1 Public Information Officer (PIO) → the Job Descriptions
with the responsibilities for each post will be posted on the 9th MOAS/PC Web page.
• Possible topics for the MOAS/PC: We are proposing general themes and Interns must decide
the topic, before February 11, and inform DIA/MOAS and DHR.
February 3- 16
• February 11 (proposed): Election of authorities and of MOAS/PC Topic
•February 15: DIA/MOAS will send the country assignments.
• Visit the Permanent Council web page to learn about its functions, committees, statutes,
rules of procedure, and watch a web cast of a session (or videos of a past session).
Information can be found in:
• OAS Webpage (http://www.oas.org) and MOAS webpage (http://www.moas.oas.org).
• The Annotated Agenda of Topics (to be sent by email, and posted on the MOAS web page).
Fifth & Sixth
(February 17
March 3)
Regular Internship Weekly Sessions
Training sessions on: 1. Effective
Communication for Results - All interns
(2hrs) 2. Leading for success - MOAS
Authorities, Rapporteurs and Groups
Representatives (1hr)By experts in those
fieldsTotal: 3 hours
Eighth & Ninth
(March 10-23)
(March 24-30)
Speech on the Topic of the MOAS/PC
by OAS expert(s) on the issue
February 17 - March 3
• Individually, research the position of your assigned country regarding the topic of the Agenda,
begin drafting a position paper with this information (this will be handy as the basis for your
country's General Statement--to be read during the MOAS/PC). - Check the document "The
Countries' position on the Topics" (to be sent by email, and posted on the MOAS web page).
• Attend at least two sessions of the Permanent Council
March 3 - During the weekly meeting:
• Attend the Communications training session as it will help the work of ALL delegates and
authorities during the MOAS/PC.
March 3-9:
• Contact Permanent Missions to the OAS with specific questions about country positions in
regards to the topics of the agenda.
March 10- During the weekly meeting:
• Bring specific questions regarding the topic and discuss them with the OAS Expert.
Total: 1.5 hours
March 10 - 23, During the week:
• Write any approach or idea about the topic you may want to propose during the MOAS/PC.
• Continue your Research on the position of your assigned country regarding the topic of the
Regular Internship Weekly Sessions
March 24 - 30
• Review all the documents and instructions provided by the DIA/MOAS, especially: Annotated
Agenda, Countries' positions and Modus Operandi.
Thursday, March 31
Time: 9:00am - 5:30pm
March 31 - April 1
Celebration of the MOAS/PC
Friday, April 1
Time: 9:00am - 4:00pm
Location: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building
Proceedings according to the Order of Business