Timetable for the 12th MOAS/PC - Organization of American States

Timetable for the 20th MOAS/PC (September – November 2014)
Week (According to
weekly meetings)
First week
(September 11th)
Second week
(September 15th – 19th)
Actions and Activities
Welcoming session for Fall
Interns (DHR)
OAS Overview
September 25th- During the MOAS presentation:
• Brief PowerPoint presentation of the MOAS/PC.
• Distribution of MOAS Brochures, "What & How”, the Permanent Council and the MOAS/PC, and the
Timetable for preparation.
• Presentation of two proposed themes for the MOAS/PC: Interns will select one topic--which includes
two subtopics (electronic vote - see below).
Third week
(September 22nd –
MOAS Overview by Nelly
Robinson, MOAS Program
Coordinator, and Jeymar Bianchis,
MOAS Consultant:
• General Presentation on the
• What is expected of participants
and how to get there
• Presentation of the proposed
Topics for the 20th MOAS/PC
• Presentation of candidates for
MOAS authorities
Total: 2 Hours
Election of Authorities
• Interns interested in running for MOAS/PC Authorities present their candidacy for the election of: 2
Committee Chairs; 1 Secretary General; 2 Committee Secretaries; and 2 Public Information Officers.
Each candidate has one (1) minute to share his/her experience and qualifications with the audience.
• The elections will be conducted electronically, during the afternoon.
• The Internship Program will send the electronic link for the election of the MOAS/PC Authorities and
for the selection of the Topics of the Model.
During the week
• The Internship Program will send the country and committee assignments.
• Read the documents distributed during the MOAS Overview.
• Visit the Permanent Council Web page to learn about its functions and committees.
• Before the MOAS, plan to attend or watch at least two of the PC sessions through live webcast or
videos by demand.
• Check the “Pyramid for Preparation” published on the MOAS/PC Web page and follow the steps.
• Read and conduct research about your assigned country.
Sources of information about assigned country, topics and MOAS/PC procedures:
• OAS Web page (http://www.oas.org) and MOAS Web page (http://www.moas.oas.org).
• List of Reference Documents (to be published on the MOAS Web page).
Fourth week
(September 29th –
October 3rd)
Overview about the InterAmerican Commission of Women
October 2nd
Fifth week
(October 6th – 10th)
OAS Tour
October 9th
During the week
• Familiarize yourself with the dynamics of the MOAS/PC: Read the Instructions and Modus Operandi.
• Read and conduct research about your assigned country.
During the week
• Attend (or watch) at least two sessions of the Permanent Council.
Sixth week
(October 13th – 17th)
Presentation by OAS Experts on
the MOAS Topics
October 16th
Seventh week
(October 20th – 24th)
Briefing at Pan American Health
October 23rd
Eighth week
(October 27th – 31st)
Briefing at The Inter-American
Development Bank
October 31st
Ninth week
(November 3rd – 7th)
Briefing at The World Bank
November 6th
Nov. 12th - Mock session
Presentation on the process to
create a resolution in the
committees and instructions on
drafting a resolution, by the
MOAS Program Coordination
Team (1 hour)
Tenth Week
(November 10th –
20th MOAS/PC
Thursday & Friday
November 13th & 14th
During the week
• If not done yet, attend (or watch) at least two sessions of the Permanent Council.
• Research the position of your assigned country regarding the topic of your Committee.
• Very important: Write down the main information of your assigned country regarding the topic of
your committee; this will be the basis for your Position Paper and the General Statement to be read by
each country delegate, during the first session of each Committee.
During the week
• If not done yet, attend or watch at least two (2) sessions of the Permanent Council.
• Continue research on the position of your assigned country regarding the topic of your Committee,
and its correlation with other countries of the Hemisphere.
• Check the diagrams and checklists on the Working Groups procedure, and on the debate in the
Committees and in the MOAS Permanent Council, published on the MOAS Web page.
During the week
• Use the List of Reference Documents published on the MOAS Web page to inform yourself about the
topic to be discussed in your Committee.
• Research the position of your assigned country regarding the topic of your Committee.
During the week
• Think about a proposal to be presented in your committee that is innovative and could offer a good
solution to the topics.
November 12th - During the Mock Session:
• Review and cross reference of the Order of Business with the Modus Operandi.
• Demonstration of debate: Mock session.
• Review of the Modus Operandi: answer to questions about the procedures of the MOAS/PC, or
clarification about the Modus Operandi.
During the week
• Review all the documents and instructions provided by the MOAS Coordination and finish your
Position Paper.
• Prepare you General Statement based on your Position Paper.
Before the MOAS/PC
• Think about an innovative proposal to be presented in your Committee which offers a good solution
to the topics.
• Finish your General Statement and read all the instructions and the Order of Business.
20th MOAS/PC:
Thursday, November 13th: from 8:45am to 5:30pm
Friday, November 14th: from 8:45 am to 5:30pm
Location: Ruben Dario and Padilha Vidal (GSB) – Proceedings according to the Order of Business