Sunday, Sept. 25 14:00-17:00 Registration 18:00 Arrival coffee 19:00 – 19:05 Welcome: Madalena Tarsounas 19:05 – 19:55 Keynote lecture: Elizabeth Blackburn, Telomeres and telomerase regulation in humans under adverse conditions. 19:55-20:45 Session 1 - Telomere structure and function, Chair: Thanos Halazonetis Eric Gilson: How telomere topology determines chromosome stability and replicative senescence? Peter Baumann: Telomerase RNA Biogenesis. 20:45 Dinner Monday, Sept. 26 9:00-10:35 Session 2 – Cellular responses to dysfunctional telomeres, Chair: E. Blackburn Frank Buchholz: Harnessing high throughput biology for novel insights into DNA repair and telomere length regulation Sandy Chang: Single strand telomere binding protein Pot1b is essential for hematopoietic stem cell survival and function Short talks - Madalena Tarsounas: Checkpoint responses emanating from uncapped telomeres Jacqueline Jacobs: A functional genetic screen identifies factors critical for DNA damage response signaling and repair activities at uncapped telomeres. Sara Sandin - Structure of active, dimeric human telomerase in complex with telomeric DNA 10:35-11:15 Coffee break 11:15-12:45 Session 3 - Mechanisms and regulation of DSB repair and DSB signaling, Chair: Tony Carr The Gray Institute Lecture, Daniel Durocher: Orchestration of DNA damage signaling by regulatory ubiquitylation Yoshi Shiloh: The ATM-mediated DNA damage response: from specific pathways to system – and back George Iliakis: The role of DNA ligase III in DNA replication and DNA double strand break repair Short talk - Vassilis Gorgoulis: ATM downregulates oncogene-induced ARF expression through a Protein Phosphatase 1–mediated pathway 13:00-15:00 Lunch 15:00-17:00 Poster session (posters no. 1-30) 17:00-17:45 Coffee 17:45-19:30 Session 4 - Chromatin structure and DNA repair, Chair: Daniel Durocher Dimitris Thanos: Stochastic inter-chromosomal interactions coordinate the antiviral transcriptional program Tim Richmond: Structure and mechanism of the chromatin remodeling factor ISW1a Anna Friedl: Double-strand break-induced transcriptional silencing Short talks Steve Jackson: Assembly and disassembly of proteins at sites of DNA damage Batsheva Kerem: Failure of origin activation in response to fork stalling leads to chromosomal instability at fragile sites. 19:30-21:00 Dinner 21:00-21:55 Outdoors session – DNA damage repair and ageing, Chair: Vassilis Gorgoulis Jan Hoeijmakers: Genome maintenance: impact on aging and disease Short talks – Paula Martinez: In vivo synthetic lethality of 53BP1 and TRF1 deficiencies. Douglas Oliveira: FACT-dependent recruitment of RNF20 during DNA repair. Tuesday, Sept. 27 9:00-10:30 Session 5 - Responses to replicative stress 1, Chair: Oskar Fernandez-Capetillo Tony Carr: Replication forks restarted by homologous recombination display a high frequency of errors at inverted repeats Philippe Pasero: Spontaneous replication stress regulates replication timing in budding yeast Vincenzo Costanzo: Understanding the role of DNA repair and chromatin remodelling factors in vertebrate DNA replication Short talk Thanos Halazonetis: DNA replication stress in human cancers 10:30-11:10 Coffee break 11:10-12:55 Session 6 - Responses to replicative stress 2, Chair: Kim Nasmyth John Tainer: FEN1 and the MRN complex at the replication-repair interface Sarantis Gagos: Chromosome instability in replication stress and telomere dysfunction Camilla Sjogren: Replication-induced topological tension and the Smc5/6 complex Short talks Jo Murray: Smc5/6 regulates recombination and chromosome segregation. Bekker-Jensen Simon: Rapid deubiquitylation of p15(PAF) in cellular responses to replication stress 13:00-15:00 Lunch 15:30-17:00 Session 7 - Chromosomal alignment and segregation, Chair: Steve Jackson The KuDOS Lecture, Kim Nasmyth: Running rings around chromosomes Andrea Musacchio: Dissecting mitotic progression with small molecule inhibitors Steve Doxsey: Cilia assembly machinery is required for chromosome alignment and spindle orientation Short talks - Joanna Morris: The 19S proteasomal de-ubiquitinating enzyme POH1 co-ordinates the mammalian DNA damage response. 17:00-17:40 Coffee 17:45 Trip to Sounio (sunset 19:14) 20:00 Dinner with poster viewing (posters no. 31-65) Wednesday, Sept. 28 9:00-10:30 Session 8 - The DNA damage response in tumorigenesis and cancer therapy, Chair: Sandy Chang Ruth Muschel: Strategies for radiosensitization of tumours: implications for therapy Jiri Bartek: DNA damage response: Mechanistic insights and impact on cancer treatment Gillies McKenna: High-throughput screening for genes determining radiosensitivity Short talk - Dimitris Kletsas: DNA damage, cellular senescence and role in tissue homeostasis 10:30-11:10 Coffee break 11:10-12:25 Session 9 - Mouse models for genome instability, Chair: Jos Jonkers The MicroLeman Lecture, Andre Nussenzweig: Functional connection between FA, NHEJ and HR in repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks. Jos Jonkers: Studying therapy response and resistance in genetically engineered mouse models of BRCA-associated breast cancer EMBO YIP Lecture, Oskar Fernandez Capetillo: Exploiting oncogeneinduced replicative stress for cancer therapy 12:30-14:00 Lunch and airport departure End of the meeting