CITY OF NANAIMO PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL REVISED DATE: June, 2001 Page 1 of 4 7.8 Pregnancy & Parental Leave POLICY STATEMENT APPLICATION This policy applies to CUPE Employees. IAFF employees are governed by the Provincial Employment Standards Act. DEFINITIONS Pregnancy Leave – leave for a birth mother Parental Leave - leave for a birth mother, birth father or adopting parents DURATION Pregnancy leave for birth mothers shall provide a period of up to (17) seventeen weeks for birth of a child. Parental leave shall provide up to an additional (35) thirty-five weeks for a maximum combined total of (52) fifty-two weeks. If a Birth mother chooses not to take pregnancy leave she may be provided up to (37) thirty-seven weeks parental leave. Birth fathers and adopting parents may be provided up to (37) thirtyseven weeks parental leave. If any adjustment is needed in the length of pregnancy, parental or general leave, the request must be made in writing to the Human Resources Department. When a longer period of pregnancy and parental leave is required for health reasons this request must be supported by a doctor's certificate. An extension up to a maximum of one additional year shall be allowed. COMMENCEMENT At an employee's request, pregnancy leave may begin from 11 weeks prior to the birth and shall not end before the expiration of six weeks following the actual date of birth of the child (unless the employee requests a shorter period). CITY OF NANAIMO PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL REVISED DATE: June, 2001 Page 2 of 4 7.8 Pregnancy Leave & Parental Leave Leave must be requested 8 weeks (two months) before the date of leave. The request must be accompanied by a certificate from a medical practitioner stating that the employee is pregnant and the estimate probable date of birth of the child. In the case of adoption, an adoption certification must be submitted. BENEFITS An employee on pregnancy and/or parental leave may elect to continue medical, or other group benefits for a period of (12) twelve months by arranging with the Payroll Department to pay the employee's share of premiums in advance. This may be done through a series of post-dated cheques made payable to the City of Nanaimo. The Employer will continue to pay its share of premiums during this period. All premium deductions will resume upon the employee's return to work. Employees on pregnancy and/or parental leave will not accrue sick leave entitlements, but will continue to accrue seniority. Statutory holiday pay is not in effect while an employee is on pregnancy and/or parental leave. The employee's return to work date should be confirmed at least two (2) weeks prior to the expiry of the pregnancy and/or parental leave to enable mutually convenient arrangements for return to employment. The employee returning to work shall be reinstated in the former position or in a comparable position. VACATION ACCRUAL Employees on pregnancy and/or parental leave are not entitled to paid vacation leave accrual for the duration of the leave, but are entitled to unpaid vacation leave for their entitlement. Should further interpretation be required, the Employment Standards Act will be referred to. CITY OF NANAIMO PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL REVISED DATE: June, 2001 Page 3 of 4 7.8 Pregnancy Leave & Parental Leave Combined Leaves Should an employee request a combination of leaves associated with pregnancy leave; for consistency the approved leave will be allocated in the following fashion: Pregnancy Leave Parental Leave Vacation without pay Vacation with pay Leave of Absence without pay max. 17 weeks max. 35/37 weeks (restrictions apply) max. 1 year Parental Leave An employee, on his or her written request for parental leave, is entitled to a leave of absence from work, without pay, for a maximum period of (37) thirty-seven consecutive weeks, commencing: in the case of a natural mother, immediately following the end of the pregnancy leave taken, unless the Employer and employee agree otherwise. in the case of the natural father, following the birth of the child and within a 52 week period of the birth. in the case of an adopting mother or father, following the adoption of the child and within a 52 week period after the date the adopted child comes into the actual care and custody of the mother or father. CITY OF NANAIMO PERSONNEL POLICY MANUAL REVISED DATE: June, 2001 Page 4 of 4 7.8 Pregnancy Leave & Parental Leave Note: If: the new born child or adopted child will be or is at least six months of age at the time the child comes into the actual care of the mother or father, and it is certified by a medical practitioner or the adoption agency that an additional period of parental care is required because the child suffers from a physical, psychological or emotional condition, then the employee is entitled to a further general leave of absence from work, without pay, for a period not exceeding a total of five consecutive weeks commencing immediately following the end of the parental leave previously taken. THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF COMBINED PREGNANCY AND PARENTAL LEAVE ENTITLED TO EMPLOYEES IS (52) FIFTY TWO WEEKS. Reference: CUPE Collective Agreement Article 24(i)(j) HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Shannon Graham, Asst. Manager Finance – Budget FROM: John McNeill, Labour Relations Manager DATE: 1997 – OCT – 27 SUBJECT: STATUTORY HOLIDAYS FILE: 2755-50 Further to my letter of September 15/97 and our subsequent discussions, I am convinced that we need to establish a consistent practice. Currently we are doing nothing which, in my opinion, is not acceptable. Therefore, I am recommending we adopt a practice that is applied consistently in all cases of combinations of leaves associated with maternity leave. The following listing indicates the order in which combined leaves will occur. This listing includes all leaves, however, if only some combined leaves are applied for, the non-applicable leaves will be disregarded. Particular notice should be paid to the vacation without pay and with pay. If a statutory holiday occurs during either period, they shall be dealt with as per the Collective Agreement and policy. That is: stat during vacation without pay – (extend vacation without pay by the number of stat days) – vacation with pay – daily rates as per the Collective Agreement. I will instruct Human Resources staff of this practice. If you have any questions or any comments, please advise. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Maternity Leave Parental Leave LOA Without Pay Vacation Without Pay Vacation With Pay John McNeill LABOUR RELATIONS MANAGER JM*dk