Grant County Art Guild P.O. Box 456, Silver City , NM 88062 575-574-2831 The Pinos Altos Art Gallery located in the Historic Hearst Church on Golden Avenue in Pinos Altos, NM PRESIDENT: Nikki O'Connell Muise 534-9415 VICE-PRESIDENTS: Karen Muench 388-1607 and Tom Vaughan 590-1588 SECRETARY: Carolyn Paez 538-9462 TREASURER: Donna Schmidt 534-2899 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Lois DeLong 388-4759 Arlene Sarkela 538-9761 Barbara Kejr 538-8216 Barbara Smith 388-1701 Setta Roberts 538-9176 Jan Wagner 654-0032 GUILD FACILITATOR: Barbara Smith 388-1701 GUILD HISTORIAN: Mary Margaret Soule' 538-2888 COMMUNICATIONS: Publicity - Sandy Feutz and Tom Vaughan Website and Gallery Calendar - Nikki O’Connell Muise September 2012 NEWSLETTER The next meeting is Friday, October 12, at 3:00 p.m. at the Pinos Altos Art Gallery (We will be closing the Gallery for the winter - please remove belongings and help clean up.) Minutes from the September 14, 2012 Meeting The meeting was called to order by the President, Nikki O’Connell Muise at 3:02pm. Linda Reynolds moved that the minutes be accepted as published and Donna Schmidt seconded the motion. Motion passed. The President welcomed one of our newest members, Stacey Schwartz, a clay animal sculptor. The following Treasurer’s Report was given by the Treasurer, Donna Schmidt. The General Treasury beginning balance, August l, 2012= $691.05. Receipts in the general treasury were: Silver Spirit Gallery (one member)/$50, PA Gallery donation jar/$31.07=a total of $81.07. Expenses to the general treasury were: PNM-gallery electricity/$57.39, Cell phone/$16.57, J & J Signs-sign board/$100, New Mbr. Packet postage/$3.90, General supplies-Donna Schmidt/$22.53=a total of 200.39. This leaves an ending balance in the general treasury ending August 31, 2012 or $571.73. PA Gallery Sales-August 2012 are as follows: Receipts: Square Inc. #7/Nikki’s CC demo and donation/$1.10, Square Inc. #8-$103 less $3.76 charge/$99.24=total receipts of $100.34. Expenses were reimbursement to three artists for CC sale #6/99.24. This leaves an ending PA Gallery Sales balance of $1.10 as of August 31, 2012. Purchase Prize Show beginning balance August 1, 2012=-72.85. Total receipts were $455.00 for Entry Fees. Expenses were $0.00, Leaving a Purchase Prize Show ending balance 8/31/12 of $382.15. 2012 Workshop by Sue Hunter began with a beginning balance, August 1, 2012 of $893.40. Receipts were 2 Members @ $180.00 and 2 non-members @ $195.00=total receipts of $750.00. Total expenses were $50.00 donation to Indian Hills Baptist Church for reserving and use of their fellowship hall for the workshop . This left a workshop balance of $1,593.40. The ending balance of the guild checking account as of 8/31/12 is $2,548.38. Much discussion followed about the guild finances. Questions were raised: Do we have enough to last? Donna stated that we should be okay if we are careful. Donna also mentioned she had received our next electric bill which is $92.33. Several reasons were debated as to this high cost. The lights were left during the week at the gallery, but perhaps there was a mistake in the reading by the electric company (Donna will follow-up on this), but the final word was that everyone needs to be very careful in making sure all lights are out when leaving the gallery at any time. Lois motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Mary Margaret Soulẻ and the motion passed. Nikki showed those present the poster and vendor flyer made for the Christmas Boutique and announced that they are on the website and have been e-mailed to all members and last year’s participating vendors. Spaces will be 8x8 and will be sold for $20 to guild members and $25 to non-guild members. Nikki will be at the event all day to run credit card purchases. The question was raised “will the guild allow all vendors to utilize our credit card sales account?" Much discussion followed. Carolyn Paez made a motion to charge any non-member vendor wishing to use the guild credit card a 7.75% fee (5% above the 2.75% that is automatically charged on all usage). This would allow those wishing to have credit cards sales to do so and the guild would profit a small bit from their sales. Malika Crozier seconded the motion and it passed. Nikki brought up the problem with insurance and the need to make sure we would be covered; she is trying to contact the Silco’s director. Last year we grossed more from the bake sale than from the show and would like to repeat the bake sale but help is needed! Baking will be on Friday, December 7 at 9:00am at Glad Tiding Church and people will also be needed to man the booth on Saturday. Please commit to at least one small task to help -- remember, everyone benefits from the proceeds. Barbara Kejr explained the need for the guild to support the PA Fire Department and had tickets available for sale for their October Fiesta raffle. The Fiesta will be the first weekend in October. Go and have fun supporting the Fire Department that serves our gallery. The Masters Show was discussed and the prospectus is available for download on the guild website. The Library is being renovated but the target date for completion is in November or December so this should not affect our showing date. Lois DeLong reported that everything was on target for the Purchase Prize Show. All art must be removed from the gallery by Sunday, September 23, 2012 by 5:00pm. Members were asked to sign up for food donations. Nikki will e-mail members not in attendance reminding them to sign up to bring food and let Sandy know what they will be bringing. Ruth Hamby is looking for someone replace her as a gallery sitter on September 28, 2012. She is signed up to take the Sue Hunter Workshop. If you are willing to sit, please contact Ruth. Karen Muench related that a new manager is at Sun Valley and that things have changed somewhat. After discussing the venue of Sun Valley, it was decided that a number of members wanted to continue hanging there. Karen and Barbara Kejr will check with the manager and make sure things are still suitable for our members. Carolyn Paez reported that the sign to be placed at the Moose Lodge corner of Pinos Altos Road is finished but was printed by J&J Signs at the cost of $200. When Carolyn and Donna began painting the sign and realized the paint was not going to stick to the sign surface, they contacted J&J and were given the discount price of $200.00. Feeling this was the only way to go, since we had already purchased the signboard, they made the decision to have J&J complete it. We wanted to be sure the sign portrayed a professional face for the guild, not something substandard. Carolyn suggested that each member donate $5.00 to help cover that cost. After much discussion, it was decided that not everyone would donate and the treasury should pay for it, so as not to set a precedence of going beyond the funds in our treasury. Discussion followed about framing and setting the sign and the need for more members to help out. The website bios and image project has virtually stalled due to lack of some members not sending in information. All bios that were received earlier this year are on the website (but not images). Nikki announced that she would like to finish this project by the first of November. If you want your information included and have not sent it to Nikki or Sandy, you must do so by the end of October. New business was opened by the President asking members to be open to serving on a committee and becoming a working member. There are approximately 8 members who do the majority of the volunteering , and there needs to be more balance. The Silent Auction Committee will be meeting, chaired by Carolyn Paez, with Donna Schmidt, Jan Wagner, Vicki Pelham, Barbara Smith, and Karen Muench. Nikki brought up the question raised after the last guild meeting about the importance of the guild meeting at time other than when the gallery is open. At the last several meetings, customers have come to the gallery during the guild meeting. This has been very awkward for both the guild and the visitors and potential customers. Discussion followed as to when and where the guild might meet. It was suggested that a noon meeting be tried at Isaac’s, several churches were mentioned, and various other locations. Karen Muench moved that the members decide through an e-mail vote, Linda Reynolds seconded and the motion passed. Nikki said she would send it out to coincide with the minutes. Karen Muench moved that the meeting be adjourned at 4:32pm. Linda Reynolds seconded, motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Paez, Secretary Members in attendance were: Lois DeLong Roz Springer Linda Reynolds Nikki O’Connell Muise Stacey Schwartz Karen Muench Marilyn Burbrink Mary Margaret Soulẻ Malika Crozier Barbara Kejr Donna Schmidt Vicki Pelham Ruth Hamby Cynthia Hickman Carolyn Paez NOTICE RESPONSIBILITIES AND SCHEDULE FOR PURCHASE PRIZE SHOW Sun. Sept. 23: - ALL items in the Gallery MUST be removed by 5 p.m. Mon. Sept. 24: - Paintings entered in the Purchase Prize Show are hung. Those hanging the paintings are Donna Schmidt, Lois DeLong, Linda Reynolds, Carolyn Paez and Nikki O'Connell Muise (Hang at 9 a.m). Tues. Sept. 25 - Show is judged. Lois DeLong, Linda Reynolds and Tom Vaughan will assist the judge (morning - Lois will check with judge for time.) - Reception at 6 p.m. Sandy Feutz and Barbara Kejr responsible for the reception. - MEMBERS WITH NAMES BEGINNING WITH LETTERS L THROUGH Z REQUESTED TO BRING REFRESHMENTS. ALSO ANYONE ELSE WHO DID NOT BRING REFRESHMENTS FOR THE MEMBER’S SHOW RECEPTION. Sept. 26, 27 & 28 - Painting workshop with Sue Hunter, 9 a.m. at Indian Hills Baptist Church. Sun. Oct. 7 - Show ends and paintings are removed. Oct. 8 - Remaining paintings are removed and mailed to artists by Ruth & Homer Hamby and Lois DeLong Holiday Art Festival Deming Convention Center Sat. Nov. 17—9-5 Sun. Nov. 18—11-4 Booths 10x10--$70/2 days Tables available-$10 2 chairs provided with each space All spaces are indoors Deming-Luna County Chamber of Commerce PO Box 8, Deming, NM 88031 575-546-2674 New Email Address From: Nancy & John Wachholz Hi We have a new email provider. Our address is now Please update your Member List! ATTENTION VENDORS FOR ONE TABLE-8’ Glad Tidings Church $15/1 day—$20/2 days HOLIDAY BAZAAR FRIDAY, NOV. 2, 10:00am—6:00pm and SATURDAY, NOV. 3, 9:00am—3:00pm (and 1 item for doorprizes) MAIL COUPON TO: CHURCH BAZAAR 61 Coleman Drive, Silver City, NM 88061 OR CALL 538-9462 NAME_________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER___________________________________ NUMBER OF TABLES NEEDED_________________ Days to sell: ______Fri. ______Sat. ______Both Type of merchandise you will be selling: ____________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR TABLES—OCTOBER 1ST