Hartlebury Castle Preservation Trust

Date of meeting: 31ST March 2012 at 2.p.m.
Venue: Hartlebury Castle
In attendance: Ms Alison Brimelow CBE (Chair), Mr Simon Denton (Treasurer), Trustees,
Members, Mr Nick Molyneux (guest speaker)
The Agenda was adopted. There were no late matters arising to be included.
Nick Molyneux, English Heritage's Senior Inspector of Historic Buildings , gave a lively and
informative presentation on the history of Hartlebury Castle. He took the meeting through the
chronology, from the grant of land in Hartlebury to the Bishop of Worcester by King Burghred of
Mercia in the 9th century; its establishment by 1268 as a Bishop's Palace; its place, in the preschism era, as one among a number of episcopal houses including Worcester, Blockley, Wick
Episcopi, Kempsey, and London; its secularisation as a country house following the schism;
Queen Elizabeth I's visit; its reprieve during the English republic (when it came close to being
demolished); its re-establishment from 1675 as a Bishop’s seat, and one of the Bishop's principal
residences ; and the development of the Hurd Library. Nick also referred to the forensic,
documentary detail of the Castle’s development as a fascinating agglomeration of different
architectural styles, culminating in an early introduction of neo-gothic as the predominant style of
the main exterior. He also illustrated the use of different materials and techniques, some locally
sourced and some drawn from further across the region, and the Castle’s importance to the
regional economy over the centuries.
A fuller note of Nick's talk can be obtained from HCPT.
Minutes of AGMs 2010 and 2011
These were approved nem con.
Treasurer's report
Simon Denton explained that the accounts presented to the meeting were interim in nature and
were subject to the first review by independent examiner, who has indicated he is content with
Income: fund-raising has been consistently strong over last 3 years, half the sums coming
from the Friends and events. An income of £16k in 2011/12 represents a good effort. However,
there has been a drop in membership numbers and this needs to be addressed, particularly as we
drive forward the HLF bid. Membership income will not enable the purchase the Castle, but it gives
Hartlebury Castle Preservation Trust
Registered Company No.6779241
Registered Charity No. 1127871
Registered Office Address:
Tewkesbury Villa, 3 Shrubbery Street,
Kidderminster DY10 2QZ
the Trust financial ballast at start of year, enabling the Trust to plan and to source specialist
Also, donations and legacies have not been pushed, despite the goodwill extending as far as a
donor based in Canada. Again, a drive to scale-up donations and legacies is required.
Expenditure: this comprises almost entirely professional fees of £30k in connection with the HLF
bid. The Trust is are heavily dependent on volunteer help, is a mid-sized charity and Wiltshire &
Co is the examiner. Simon recommended that he be retained.
The accounts were received and approved nem con, as was Wiltshire & Co's re-appointment.
The Chairman’s report
Alison Brimelow elucidated upon the short written Annual Report which had been circulated. She
acknowledged the relatively simplicity and economy of language in the report, and observed that
the Church Commissioners had not been easy to deal with. However, progress has been made in
recent weeks. Negotiations were at a sensitive stage, and it was now foreseeable that a value and
an acquisition price could be agreed. In that event, Church Commissioners would add their support
a revised bid to HLF for HCPT's acquisition of the Castle.
Alison also referred to independent advice on value from Andrew Grant which it was hoped would
put further pressure on Church Commissioners to cut a deal at a sensible level. Alison thanked
Wychavon DC (who are paying for the District Valuer's advice) and Worcestershire County Council
for consistent support. For time being, HCPT remains in business, pressing the Church
Commissioners to agree a deal, and while no assurances can be given, a deal is in prospect.
In response to an inquiry from the floor, Alison indicated that she would remain in post for time
being, but if efforts to secure the property within the next few months fail, she would step down.
Appointment and re-appointment of Trustees
Alison advised them meeting that normally [3?] trustees would come up for re-election; but as
negotiations had reached a sensitive point and the trustees had worked well together to get this
far, she proposed that all trustees remain in office for time being. It was noted that Victoria Lacks
was intending to resign and that a new membership secretary would be needed.
Buildings report
This was delivered by David Simons of Haleys.
The flood repairs are completed and a good new heating system is in place in residential parts.
Risky storage tanks have been stripped out. However, generally there is neglect.
David paid tribute to the tenacious efforts Virginia Wagstaff who has kept up the pressure on
Church Commissioners, drawing attention to numerous instances of deterioration and hazardous
conditions requiring attention. He pointed out that repairs to Hurd Library ceiling had been
undertaken thanks to Norman Underwood, and the interior of the Library is looking good. Smiths
Gore do reasonable job of cyclical care but there has been no preventative maintenance so that,
for example, windows are deteriorating. A knotweed treatment programme is under way and this
will continue for several years to come - a factor which affects value. The running costs are
uneconomic, including £600 per week for oil. The case for reinvestment in the fabric is all too
Hartlebury Castle Preservation Trust
Registered Company No.6779241
Registered Charity No. 1127871
Registered Office Address:
Tewkesbury Villa, 3 Shrubbery Street,
Kidderminster DY10 2QZ
DS paid tribute to Bruce Clark of Nash Partnership for his guidance, and also remarked that
Andrew Shenton of Smiths Gore had put in a lot of personal effort but has now left that firm. It
remains to be seen whether his successor at Smiths Gore, Chris Battersby, will show the same
level of commitment. The basic problem is that the Church Commissioners have no interest in
caring for and maintaining the Castle.
There was a helpful comment from the floor on the importance of a RICS Red Book valuation as
the basis of the price, which will take into consideration all the problems with the property which
David referred to.
The meeting closed at 2.55 pm
Hartlebury Castle Preservation Trust
Registered Company No.6779241
Registered Charity No. 1127871
Registered Office Address:
Tewkesbury Villa, 3 Shrubbery Street,
Kidderminster DY10 2QZ