Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation Questions Environmental Protection London Borough of Hounslow Civic Centre Hounslow TW3 4DN 020 8583 5555 pollution@hounslow.gov.uk www.hounslow.gov.uk v2.0 1 Introduction This Flood Risk Management Strategy (FRMS) explains how the council and other stakeholders will manage flood risks in the borough. It builds on the Preliminary and Strategic Flood Risk Assessments, and the Multi-Agency Flooding CONOPS that identified the likelihood of flooding in the borough and the responsibilities all stakeholders have to manage it. It also states specific actions to reduce the risk of flooding in areas at greatest risk. The activities identified in this strategy will help to reduce the risk of flooding, but recognises flooding is a naturally occurring phenomena that will continue to occur. Of the 96,000 properties in Hounslow, approximately 16,000 (or 15%) are at risk from flooding from a one in 1,000 year event (0.1%). Most of the properties at risk of flooding (approximately 90%) are located in Chiswick, Brentford and Isleworth. The primary source of flood risk is these areas are tidal flooding from the River Thames. However, it should be noted that the likelihood of flooding is seen as ‘low’ given the established flood defences locally, and those downstream (including the Thames Barrier). Public Consultation To support the development of the Flood Risk Management Strategy this public consultation seeks to identify how individuals, groups and business would like the council and its partner agencies to focus on local flood management activities. We have identified a number of questions that are drawn from the Flood Risk Management Strategy that we would like to consult on, and are keen to obtain your feedback. The consultation also included a section where you can make additional suggestions beyond those identified in the Strategy that may be considered in future flood management activities. v2.0 2 Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) We accept that we can do little about when and where water may fall that may result in potential flooding. We believe that through careful management and exercising the powers the council has over new development through the planning process we may secure additional benefits to the community through the use of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). I would be interested in fitting SuDS to my property. 1 Disagree 2 3 4 5 Agree Would you be interested in any of the following SuDS initiatives for your property? Water butts – rainwater capture Wastewater recycling /reuse e.g.bath water/washing machine water Vertical gardens/ walls e.g. growing plants on south facing wall Rooftop gardens e.g. grass on roof Installing permeable paving or gravel as opposed to concrete or soakaways Do you have any additional comments/suggestions? Communicating Flood Risk Flooding is an ever-present risk for the borough. This comes from the Thames and smaller rivers, flash floods, groundwater and other flooding events. The Council communicates well about the flood risk to residents and businesses 1 Disagree 2 3 4 5 Agree Do you have any additional comments/suggestions? v2.0 3 Flood Guidance The Council and its partners provide more targeted information to residents and businesses about how they can increase their flood protection for their premises 1 Disagree 2 3 4 5 Agree Do you have any additional comments/suggestions? Flood Prevention The borough has identified funds to support flood protection devices for homes. This a valuable use of limited council resources 1 Disagree 2 3 4 5 Agree Would you be interested in installing flood protection measures for your property? Yes No Have you already installed property flood protection measures? Yes No If yes, what systems have been installed? Do you have any additional comments/suggestions? v2.0 4 Future Actions We have attempted to create a comprehensive set of actions to minimise flood risk across the borough. Are there any activities that you feel we have not proposed that should be considered in any Flood Risk Management Strategy? Do you have any additional comments/suggestions? Can you identify any areas in the borough that have experienced historic flooding that should be included in our flood records? Please give details below. Do you feel the Strategy makes it clear what responsibilities Risk Management Authorities have? Please give details. Please send your completed questionnaire to: Email: pollution@hounslow.gov.uk Thank you. v2.0 5