CONSTITUTION OF LAMOSA LAND ACCES MOVEMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA PREAMBLE We, the Rural dispossessed people of South Africa have borne the brunt of colonial, apartheid and Bantustan regimes forced evictions from our land, destruction of our homes, abject apartheid poverty and starvation. Oppression, exploitation and abuse of farmdwellers. We have suffered from the migrant labour systems that have resulted in the collapse and destruction of the African family structure and life. Our communities are starving because of high unemployment and exploitation of labour by the minority capitalists. We have seen our children stunted in every sense, because of the lack of food, safe water, sanitation, shelter and energy. We lack basic needs such as access to health, education, Libraries, information and communications facilities and services. We have seen the quality of our lives deteriorating due to lack of access to our ancestral land, we have seen commercial farmers poising our lands and natural resources through the extensive use of chemicals, our land is mined by capitalists and our mineral rights have being taken. We have seen the land reform restitution processes failing to readdress land dispossession, the redistribution processes failing to meet the needs of population growth and land needs of future generations, the security of tenure processes failing to secure full land rights. We have seen the shift from implementing transformational and progressive development as enshrined Reconstruction and Development Programs policy framework the constitution and the bill of rights. We are saddened by the discrimination in meeting basic needs e.g. construction of RDP houses in urban townships. Given these experiences, we are committed to, and have come together to fight for transformational and progressive land reform processes in South Africa. Transformational and progressive land reform processes mean and embrace – Restoring land to its proper owner/s; and through Redistribution address and meet population growth and future generations land needs; Reconciliation and Reparation for apartheid injustices, loss of wealth and addressing the skewed distribution of wealth and skills; Access to interest free capital, industrial and agricultural extension services; Access to skills development programs; Meeting of basic Human Rights and/or Needs 1 Furthermore we adopt the rural development charter and demand that Integrated Rural Development Programs focus on Community Economic Development. Twelve years since the establishment of our organisation, our communities are worse off; we commit our selves once more to advocate and fight for restoration of our land, and equitable redistribution of the 87% of our land in the hands whites capitalist’s racists. 1. NAME 1.1 The name of the organization is: LAND ACCESS MOVEMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA. 1.2 The shortened form of the name of the organisation is LAMOSA Hereinafter referred to as the organisation. 2. BODY CORPORATE LAMOSA shall: 2.1 Exist in its own right, separately from its members. 2.2 Continue to exist even when its membership changes and there are different office bearers. 2.3 Be able to own property and other possessions, and 2.4 Be able to sue and be sued in its own name. 3. VISION LAMOSA vision is to see self-sufficient families by the year 2010 engaged in sustainable livelihoods collective activities, responding to the needs of their community and pursuing a shared vision for transformational and progressive collective actions aimed at creating and growing sustainable and prosperous communities. 4. MISSION LAMOSA mission is to combat poverty through advocacy, facilitating and creating opportunities to empower poor people to access land rights and help themselves through facilitation and promotion of Community Economic Development (CED) programs. 5. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES LAMOSA purpose is to work in partnerships with its affiliates and poor rural communities their organisations, social entrepreneurs and their enterprises, social movements, faith organisations, public and private development institutions and agents to empower people through People Centred Development (PCD) interventions that are aimed at enhancing and growing people capacities, abilities, knowledge, and knowhow which gives the poor control over their lives and increases their ability to mobilise sufficient development resources and pursue a better quality of life and prosperity. LAMOSA role is to grow, empower and nuture community based Leadership, build and strengthen institutional effectiveness and capacity of Community Based Organisation (CBO), social movements and enterprises amongst those 2 communities working towards eliminating social injustices, ensuring social stability through building a positive attachment to a culture of substantive democracy and values. 6. VALUES Accountability and transparency to all our members and partners; Economically, efficient use of resources and self-reliance; People active involvement and participation; Collective transformational and progressive social, economic, political and cultural actions; Promote and ensure gender equality and active participation and involvement of vulnerable groups especially physically challenged people in all our activities; Preservation and conservation of natural, cultural and artistic heritage; Sustainable and replicable projects; and Culture of Democracy 7. INCOME AND PROPERTY 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 LAMOSA will keep a record of its assets and liabilities. Office bearers, Board members, Regional or Provincial committee members serve on voluntary basis and shall not be paid for serving on LAMOSA board and committees. LAMOSA may not give any of its money or property to its members or office bearers. The only time it can do this is when it pays for work that a member or office bearer has done for LAMOSA the payment must be a reasonable amount for the work that has been done. A member or office bearer can only get money back from LAMOSA for the expenses that she/ he has paid for or on behalf of LAMOSA Members, office bearers and employees of LAMOSA do not have personal rights over the property and assets that belong to LAMOSA If LAMOSA has funds that can be invested, the funds may be invested with registered financial institutions or LAMOSA can get securities that are listed on a licensed stock exchange as set out in the stock exchange control act, 1985. LAMOSA will always go to different banks or reputable financial advisors to seek advice on the best way to look after its funds. A separate investment account shall be kept for all income from membership fees, books and reports and sales of LAMOSA memorabilia 8 MEMBERSHIP Membership shall opened to individuals, communities, landless people who want to access land and agrarian rights and organisations working towards eliminating poverty, social injustices, ensuring social stability through building a positive attachment to a culture of substantive democracy. Membership of LAMOSA shall be divided into four categories: 3 8.1.1 Patrons: Patrons of LAMOSA and founding members shall be the “Think tank” that contribute towards shaping and build LAMOSA and shall be responsible for assisting in seeking, acquiring and attracting development resources LAMOSA. Patrons may be invited to LAMOSA AGM as advisors or observers with no voting powers. Patrons may be co-opted to the Board of Directors or Provincial Structure to give technical support and have no voting powers Patrons may be used for arbitration, mediations matters by LAMOSA. Patrons and founding members meet annually to plan for attracting resources to the organisation. 8.1.2 Affiliate membership: Dispossessed and landless Communities, Rural Community Based Organisation and collective enterprises shall be granted affiliate membership. Each affiliate member shall be represented by three elected members on the constituency assembly and/or Annual General Meeting; Each affiliate member shall pay an annual membership fee of R350.00 per annum Paid up affiliate members shall be represented by two representatives at the annual General Meeting with full voting powers Affiliate member communities and/or organisations shall be responsible for collecting individual memberships fees from its constituency on Behalf of LAMOSA and keep a membership list of its members. 8.1.3 Individual members: Individual membership shall be opened to community members who are members of an affiliate organisation. Each individual member belonging to a community affiliate organisation shall pay an annual membership fee of R50.00 per annum; Individual of Household membership shall pay an annual fee of R50.00 per annum. Paid up individual members shall have full voting powers at the AGM Only paid up individual members shall attend training courses and events sponsored by LAMOSA 8.1.4 Associate membership: Service provider’s organisations and individuals that provide services to LAMOSA members shall be granted associate membership status. Each associate member shall pay an annual membership fee of R100.00 per annum Paid up Associate members shall be represented by one representative Per Province on the constituency assembly and/or Annual General Meeting with full voting powers 8.1.5 If an individual, community or organisation wants to become a member of the organization, an application for membership shall be lodged with the management committee. 4 8.1.6 The management committee has the right to either refuse or accept this application for membership. 8.1.7 Application for membership will be by individual application or group affiliation. 8.1.8 Members of LAMOSA must attend its Annual General Meetings (AGM). At the annual general meeting, members exercise their right to determine the policy of the organization. 8.1.9 Members who resign or whose membership have been terminated by the network will not be entitled to benefits of membership; 8.1.10 Members who fail to pay annual membership fees will not be entitled to benefits of membership; 8.1.11 Members whose membership have being terminated by the governing Board may appeal to the Annual General Meeting to be reinstated 8.1.12 LAMOSA shall not affiliate or owe allegiance to any political organisation or party, but does not restrict its members from becoming members of a political party. However, request of support from such a party and/or organisation may be made. Any party and/or organisation that have an interest in the affairs of LAMOSA may on application and approval of a general meeting be given an observer status only. 9 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS (AGM) and/or CONSTITUENCY ASSEMBLY The Annual General Meeting shall be held once a year towards the end of LAMOSA Financial year. The AGM will deal with the following primary business, amongst others: Agree to the items to be discussed on the agenda Write down who is there and who has sent apologies because they cannot attend. Read and confirm the previous Annual General Meeting minutes. Receive and consider the Chairperson's report. Receive and consider the secretary’s report. Receive and consider the Financial reports Receive and consider the Executive Directors report. Amend the constitution if necessary. Develop a program and framework for LAMOSA activities during the coming year. Biannually elect new office bearers. 10 Elections 10.1 Elections of office bearers at all level of LAMOSA structures (National, Provincial and District levels) and affiliate members shall be held biannually at a Annual General Meeting (AGM) and/or constituency assembly or at a special meeting supported by 75% members of the Board members or three provincial structures. 10.2 The board of LAMOSA shall appoint an independent individual or organisation to conduct free and fair elections. 10.3 Election shall be by secret ballot 10.4 Regional and provincial elections shall elect office bearers and additional members 5 10.5 National elections for board members shall elect office bearers only (Board member are Chairpersons and Secretaries of Provincial Structures (8) and women and youth structures (4) representatives. and co-opted members.(Maximum 4) 10.6 Nomination for board office bearers must be made and submitted to officials running the elections before the start of the AGM 10.7 Nominations from the floor for board office bearers must be seconded by a minimum of 20% of AGM participants 10.8 Nominations for board office bearers must be seconded by four affiliate organisation 10.9 Each province will appoint three election observers who would serve as elections observers and report to the AGM on their findings on free and fair elections. 11. GOVERNANCE AND MANAGEMENT 11.1 11.2 11.3 The Board of Directors will oversee the affairs of LAMOSA. The board of Directors meets quarterly. 6 members need to be at the Board meeting to take decisions. This constitutes a quorum. 11.4 The Board of Directors shall consist of elected chairpersons and Secretaries of Provincial structures (8), Chairperson and Secretaries of women and Youth National structures (4) the Executive Director and not more than four co-opted professional and/or technical advisors who have no voting rights. 11.5 .The elected office bearers shall be the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, Deputy Secretary and Treasurer 11.6 Board members will serve for two years, but they can stand for re-election for Another term in office after that. Depending on what kind of service they give to organization, they could stand or be re-elected into office repeatedly. This is so long as their services are needed and they are ready to give their services voluntary. 11.7 If a member of the Board does not attend three meetings in a row, without having applied for and obtaining leave of absence from the Board, then the Board will find a new member to take that person's place. 11.8 The Board will meet at least once bimonthly. Minutes will be taken at every meeting to record Board decisions. The minutes of each meeting will be given to Board at least two weeks before the next meeting. The minutes shall be confirmed as true record of proceedings, by the next meeting of the Board, and shall thereafter be signed by the chairperson. 11.9 The Secretary is responsible for taking minutes of Board meetings. 11.10 As the second highest organ of the organisation has the right to lead, directs the work of LAMOSA, and co-opts not more than two additional members at any time during its term of office. 11.11 Board shall order yearly auditing of its books and control of funds. 11.12 The Governing Board shall employ a Executive Director, the Director has to employ staff 11.13 At each Board meeting the Executive Director shall present quarterly reports, planned activities and financial projections for the following period. 6 11.14 LAMOSA has the right to form the sub-committees herein referred to as Management Committees (ManCom). Management Committees are established to implement decisions of the Board. Management committees may make recommendation to the board. 11.14.1 A Management Committee (AdmManCom) consisting of not less than three Board members and the Executive Director shall assist and support the Executive Director in executing Office Administration, Financial and Human Resources Management, organisation – state of provincial and affiliate structures and membership. 11.14.2 Program Management Committee (ProManCom) consisting of not less than three Board members and the Executive Director shall assist and support the Executive Director in the development and executing of LAMOSA program. 11.14.3 Both Committees are responsible for program development, self-reliance and fundraising. 11.14.4 Both Committees are responsible for submitting quarterly reports and projections to the Board. 11.10.5 Management Committees meet at least bimonthly or as required. 11.10.6 2 members form a quorum at a management meeting. 11.10.7 Minutes will be taken at every management meeting to record proceedings. The minutes shall be confirmed as true record of proceedings, by the next meeting of the ManCom, and shall thereafter be signed by all members of the ManCom.. 11.10.8 Minutes of each ManCom meeting will be consolidated to the Executive Director’s Quarterly report which must be given to Board at least 7 days before the Board meeting. 12 DUTIES OF OFFICE BEARERS 12.1 Chairperson The Chairperson, as the leader of the organisation, chairs all Board meeting that the chairperson must attend. The chairperson must: 12.1.11. Ensure that that all members stick to the rules and procedures that are in the constitution. 12.1.12. work collective and democratically with other team members; 12.1.13. Serve as ex-office on sub-committee, Being ex-officio means she or he can attend all the organisation’s meetings and take part in discussions but when it comes to voting on issues in the sub committees she or he may not vote. 12.1.14. Ensures that the Annual General Meeting takes place; 12.1.15. See that annual audit occurs and that the annual report is written. 12.2 Deputy Chairperson The vice-chairperson takes over the chairperson’s tasks and duties when she or he is not available. The vice-chairperson should keep in close contact with the chairperson. 7 The vice chairperson must: 12.10.5 Take on duties and functions that have been delegated on him or her 12.10.6 Serve as ex-officio on sub committees. If both the chairperson and the vice –chairperson do not attend a meeting, then the Board members must elect a chairperson from amongst themselves for that meeting. 12.3 Treasurer The treasurer must ensure that proper policies and procedures of administration of all monies that come to, and spent by LAMOSA This includes for example, membership fees, donations and monies raised from fund raising are in place and operational. The treasurer must ensure through the Executive Director that: 12.3.1 Proper records of what LAMOSA receives are kept, and of what it spends; 12.3.2 Keep a proper records of members and donors; 12.3.3 Pay organisational accounts; 12.3.4 Be responsible for collecting membership fees from all members; 12.3.5 Makes sure that the organisation does not spend more than it have; 12.3.6 Prepare quarterly financial projections for board meetings; and 12.3.7 Prepare LAMOSA annual financial statements to present to the Annual General Meeting 12.3.8 The Treasurer is responsible for fundraising and collecting of membership fees 12.3.9 The treasures must ensure that a Finance, Administration and Human Resources Management Committee is established by the Board 12.4 Secretary The Secretary is responsible for making sure that the LAMOSA administration runs smoothly. The Secretary must work closely with the Chairperson, vice chairperson, Treasurer and Executive Director. The Secretary must ensure that: 12.4.1 Proper records and minutes of all meetings are kept; 12.4.2 All correspondence that the organisations receives and sends is dealt with; 12.4.3 Notices of all meetings of LAMOSA and quarterly reports are sent to all boar members at least seven days before a scheduled meeting; 12.4.4 Working with provincial secretaries Organises, establish and build affiliate organisation and provincial structures; 12.4.5 Does other duties that she or he may be asked from time to time; 12.4.6 An appropriate venue for the meeting is prepared 12.4.7 Work with provincial secretaries to build organs of LAMOSA 12.4.8 Delegates the orgnisation fiction to the Deputy Secretary 12.5Deputy Secretary 8 The Deputy Secretary will be in charge of doing the secretary’s duties when she or he is not available. 12.5.1 The deputy Secretary organises and build the organs of LAMOSA 12.5.2 Ensure the membership lists at all level of LAMOSA are accurate and up to date 12.5.3 Ensures that membership fees are paid by all members 12.5.4 Assists with the organisation of LAMOSA events and activities 13 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Executive Director will work hand in glove with the Chairperson, all officials and Management Committees in implementing the mandate of the AGM, and is responsible for: 13.1 Leading and directing the organisation to accomplish its mission and objectives. 13.2 Creating a framework for effective governance. 13.3 Developing the governing Board members and staff. 13.4 Ensures that the mandate of the AGM is implemented and accomplished 13.5 Assisting the Board members in executing their duties and other responsibilities through the staff of the organization. 13.6 The Executive Director will represent the organisation in all legal actions of the organisation and those instituted against the organization. 13.7 The Executive Director acts as the public relations officer of LAMOSA 13.8 Appointment of Auditors and preparations of yearly reports. 13.9 The Executive Director shall be responsible for employing and managing staff of the organisation. 13.10 Fund raising, accessing, unblocking and attracting other local and international development resources to LAMOSA. 13.11 Marketing, communication and public relation activities of LAMOSA. 13.12 Safe keeping and protection of LAMOSA assets, knowledge and information. 13.13 Program development, implementation and monitoring 13.14 Ensures that management systems, policies and procedures are in place and adhered to. 13.15 Creating an enabling environment for a culture of democracy and tolerance to diversity 13.16 Linkages and Networking 13.17 Knowledge management. 14 POWERS OF THE ORGANIZATION The Board of directors shall have power and authority they believe it is required to be able to achieve the objectives of the organization as stated in point number 2 of this constitution. Its powers shall include among others: 14.1 The power and authority to raise funds or to invite and receive contributions. 14.2 The powers to buy, hire, or exchange any of the property that it needs to accomplish its objectives. 9 14.3 The right to make regulations for proper management, including procedure for application, approval or termination of membership 14.4 Decide on the powers and functions of office bearers. 14.5 The power to appoint and discipline the executive director. 14.6 The power to establish a disciplinary proceeding against those Members and staff who commit breech the code of conduct. 14.7 The power and authority to establish relationships with those organisations sharing similar ideas, aims and objectives with this organization. 15 MEETINGS AND PROCEDURES 15.1. The Board of Directors must hold at least four ordinary meetings each year. 15.2. The chairperson in conjunction with the secretary can call a special meeting if they if they are notified by any four committee members at least thirty days (30) before such meeting, But these two must let other management committee members know the date of the proposed meeting not less than twenty one (21) days before it is due to take place. They must also tell the other members of the committee which issues will be discussed at the meeting. If,however, one of the matters to be discussed is to appoint a new management committee members not less than sixty (30) days notice. 15.3. The chairperson shall act as the chairperson of the management committee. If the Chairperson does not attend a meeting, then members of the committee who are present will choose which one of them will chair that meeting. This must be done before the meeting starts. 15.4. There shall be a quorum whenever such a meeting is held. 15.5. When necessary, the management committee will vote on issues. If the votes are equal on an issue, then the chairperson has either a second or a deciding vote. 15.6. Minutes of all meetings must be kept safely and always be on hand for members to consult. 15.7. If the management committee thinks it is necessary, then it can decide to set up one or more sub-committees. It may decide to do this to get some work done quickly. Alternatively, it may want a sub-committee to do an inquiry, for example. There must be at least three people on a sub-committee. The sub-committee must report to the Management committee on its activities. It should do this regularly. 16 FINANCE 16.1. The Board of Directors shall appoint the accounting officer/auditor. His/her duty is to audit and check on the finances of LAMOSA. 16.2. The Finances of the organisation shall be kept in a bank account and all transactions shall be conducted by means of a banking account; 10 16.3. Whenever funds are taken out of the bank account, the Executive Director and at least one of the other three signatories will sign cheques for any withdrawal. 16.4. The financial year of the organization shall be December of one year to the 28 January of the following year. 16.5. LAMOSA accounting records and reports must be ready and handed to the Director of Non-profit Organizations within six (6) months after the financial yearend. 16.6. If LAMOSA has funds that could be invested, the fund may only be invested with registered Financial Institution. These institutions are listed in section one (1) of the Financial Institutions (Investment of Funds) Act, 1984. The Centre can also get securities that are listed on a licensed stock exchange as set out in the Stock Exchange ControlAct.1985. The organization can go to different banks to seek advice on the best way to look after its funds. 17 OFFICE BEARERS LIABILITY 17.1. Office bearers or members of LAMOSA shall not become liable for any of the obligations and liabilities of the organisation solely by virtue of their status as members or office bearers of the organisation. 17.1.1. Office bearers shall not be personally liable for any loss suffered by any person as a result of an act or omission which occurs in good faith while the office bearer is performing function for or on behalf of LAMOSA 18 CHANGES OF THE CONSTITUTION 18.1. The constitution can be change by a resolution. The resolution has to be agreed upon and passed by not less than two thirds of the members who are at the AGM or special general meeting. Members must vote at this meeting to change the constitution. 18.1.1. Two thirds of the members shall be present at a meeting ("the quorum") before a decision to change the constitution is taken. Any annual general meeting may vote upon such a notion; if the details of the changes are set out in the notice referred to in 9.2 above. 18.1.2. A written notice must go out not less than fourteen (14) days before the meeting at which the changes to the constitution are going to be proposed changes to the constitution that will be discussed at the meeting. 18.1.3. No amendments may be made which would have the effect of making the centre cease to exist. 19. DISSOLUTION 19.1. The organization may close down if at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at the meeting convened for the purpose of considering such matter, are in favour of closing down. 11 19.2. 19.3. When LAMOSA closes down it have to pay off all its debts. After doing this, if there is property or money left over it should no be paid or given to members of the LAMOSA It should be given in some way to another non-profit organisation that has similar objectives. The Board of Directors of the organization will decide what LAMOSA these should be. 20. ADOPTION OF THE CONSTITUTION This constitution was approved and accepted by founding members of LAMOSA at the annual General Meeting October 2003. ---------------------------------------------Chairperson Hezekiel M Maredi ----------------------------------------Secretary Sophy Phoshoko 12 Appendix 1 LAMOSA ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE COMMUNITIES Affiliate Organisations Patrons and Founding members Individual members and/or Affiliates Organs of LAMOSA Associate members Constituency Assembly Annual General Meeting Biannual General Meeting Finance Management Committee Management Committee and/or Governing Board Program Management Committee Executive Director Finance and Administration Officer Field Operations And Affiliate Services Manager Program Research and Development Manager Women Structure Lipompo Provincial Committee NorthWest Provincial Committee Mpumalanga Provincial Committee Youth Structure 13