
Saturday October 25
Registration 14h 00
Reception 18h 00
Dinner 19h 30
First session Chair Richard Zimmermann
21h 00 Nica Borgese
Requirements for unassisted translocation of polar domains across lipid bilayers
21h 30 Carol Deutsch
Tunnel Vision
22h 00 Arnold Driessen
Mechanisms of Sec-mediated protein translocation and membrane protein insertion
Sunday October 26
Second Session Chair Jerry Hazelbauer
9h 00 Tassos Economou
Do not follow the leader
9h 30 Thomas Becker
Novel insights into the assembly of the TOM complex
9h 45 Wilbert Bitter
Type VII secretion systems in mycobacteria, role of ESX-5
10h 00 Ralf Erdmann
The RING-finger peroxins function as E3-ligases required for receptor ubiquitination
in peroxisomal protein import
10h 30 Coffee
11h.00 Justin Boddey
Defining the PEXEL: Role of the Plasmodium Export Element in trafficking parasite
proteins to the infected erythrocyte
11h 15 Bettina Bölter
Tim17/22/23 homologs in chloroplasts: function and significance in protein transport
11h 30 Misha Bogdanov
Physiological basis for positive-inside rule: lipid-protein interactions affect the potency
of charged residues as topological signals.
11h 45 Thomas Brüser
Regulation of Tat transport
12h 00 John Collier
Translocation of anthrax toxin across the endosomal membrane
12h 15 Olivera Francetic
Testing the pseudopilus function in type II secretion
12h 45 Genviève Dujardin
Intragenic and extragenic compensatory mechanisms that improve respiratory
functions in oxa1 point mutants
13h 00 Lunch
14h 30 Poster Session 1 and refreshments
Third Session Chair Paul Lazarow
17h 00 Toshi Endo
Coordinated functions of mitochondrial translocator proteins for protein translocation
across and into the membranes
17h 15 Reid Gilmore
In vivo kinetics of membrane protein integration
17h 45 Krisztian Fodor
Recognition of an unusual Peroxisomal Targeting Signal 1 by the import receptor
18h 00 Marc Fransen
Peroxisome membrane dynamics in cultured mammalian cells
18h 15 Pierre Genevaux
A quality control network for presecretory proteins in Escherichia coli
18h 30 Elzbeith Glaser
Import of amyloid beta peptide into mitochondria
18h 45 Manu Hegde
Regulating entry of proteins into the ER
19h 15 Volkhard Helms
Statistical methods for helical transmembrane bundles: TMX and MINS
19h 30 Business session
20h 00 Dinner
Monday October 27
Fourth Session Chair Wolf Kunau
8h 30 Hannes Herrmann
The zinc-binding protein Hot13 is a component of the mitochondrial disulfide relay
8h 45 Steve High
The complexities of membrane protein biosynthesis at the ER
9h 15 Kelly Hughes
Characterization of the flagellar secretion system
9h 30 Carla Koehler
New small molecule tools for studying mitochondrial protein translocation
10h 00 Andreas Kuhn
YidC binds its substrate proteins by the transmembrane regions TM1, TM3 and TM4
10h 15 Trevor Lithgow
Assembling beta-barrel membrane proteins
10h 30 Coffee Break
11h 00 Matthias Müller
Molecular contacts along the Tat pathway
11h 30 Masato Nakai
Protein import into chloroplasts is mediated by a 1-MD translocation complex at the
inner envelope membrane
11h 45 Walter Neupert
The TIM23 complex of mitochondria: Dissecting its functions in protein translocation
and membrane insertion of precursor proteins
12h 15 Davis Ng
Involvement of the greater endomembrane system in secretory protein quality control
12h 45 Ing-Marie Nilsson
Membrane integration efficiency of two ABC transporters, predicted to be structurally
13h 00 Lunch
14h 30 Posters and refreshments
Fifth Session Chair Ben Berks
17h 00 Sjur Olsnes
Requirements for translocation of exogenous fibroblast growth factor into the cytosol
and nucleus
17h 15 Klaus Pfanner
Versatility of the mitochondrial protein import machinery
17h 45 Ophry Pines
The Mitochondrial Targeting Sequence tilts the balance between mitochondrial and
cytosolic dual-localization
18h 00 Departure for Chateau visit and dinner
Tuesday October 28
Fifth Session (continued) Chariman Ben Berks
8h 30 Lin Randall
Mapping the interaction surfaces on the proteins of the Sec system using sitedirected spin labeling and EPR spectroscopy
9h 00 Doron Rapaport
Evolutionary conserved sorting of beta-barrel membrane proteins
9h 30 Colin Robinson
Quality control functions of the twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway in
Escherichia coli
10h 00 Karin Römisch
Interactors of the Sec61 complex in the ER membrane
10h 30 Coffee Break
Sixth Session Chair Tony Pugsley
11h 00 Dirk Schneider
Protein transport and targeting in cyanobacteria
11h 15 Tom Silhavy
Suppression of Translocator Jamming by a Proto-oncogene Homologue in E. coli
11 h 45 Irmi Sinning
Co- and post-translational protein targeting by the signal recognition particle (SRP)
12h 00 Jürgen Soll
Metabolic redox regulation of protein import into chloroplasts
12h 30 Jack Taunton
Selective and promiscuous inhibitors of cotranslational translocation
13h 00 Lunch
14h 30 Poster session and refreshments
Sixth Session (continued) Chair Tony Pugsley
17h 00 Jan Tommassen
Species-specificity of the bacterial outer membrane protein assembly machinery
17h 30 Cees van den Hondel
Upregulation of secretory pathway genes of Aspergillus niger by induction of protein
secretion in chemostat cultures
17h 45 Gunnar von Heijne
Dual-topology membrane proteins
18h 15 Ute Vothknecht
Calcium/Calmodulin regulation: An eukaryotic addition to protein import into
eukaryotic organelles
18h 30 Gabriel Waksman
Fiber Formation Across the Bacterial Outer Membrane by the Chaperone/Usher
19h 00 Steve White
Stability and Helix-Gating of the SecYEG Translocon
19h 15 Wolfgang Wintermeyer
Membrane targeting of translating ribosomes in E. coli
19h 30 Richard Zimmermann
The protein translocase of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and related diseases
20h 00 Dinner and party.