Adult and Community Learning Fee Policy Policy Statement St. Helens Council is a not for profit organisation. This policy has been produced with regard to council policies and strategies and supports key council priorities and service objectives. In considering charging levels, consideration has been given to the wider community benefits that may be obtained from the provision of the service. The fees and charges are applied in a fair and consistent manner and will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they are fit for purpose. As part of the council, ACL deliver programmes of learning to adults across the borough and the main source of funding for this learning is through the Skills Funding Agency. The SFA policy in particular for Community Learning, is to ask providers to develop and implement a policy on fee income/charging. Services are asked to seek more in fees from those who can afford to provide payment, ensuring that the maximum amount of public funding can be focussed on supporting disadvantaged learners. ACL offer a range of adult education opportunities in local venues. Full details are available on request or on our website. Programmes are divided into Personal and Community Development Learning, Family English, Maths and Language, Wider Family Learning, Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities, all within a funding allocation through Community Learning. Also available is an Adult Skills programme through Skills for Life and Employment, which are qualification bearing. FREE Courses include Family English, Maths and Language (FEML) Skills for Life programmes aim to improve the literacy, numeracy and language skills of parents, improve parents’ ability to help their children learn and to improve children’s acquisition of literacy, numeracy and language. Wider Family Learning (WFL) These courses are for families to learn together, developing the skills or knowledge of both the adult and child participants. They aim to help parents be more active in the support of their children’s learning and development and to understand the impact of that support. Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) One of the aims of this programme is to support local voluntary and community sector organisations to develop their capacity to deliver learning opportunities for residents of disadvantaged neighbourhoods. The other aim is to support skills for jobs and have a greater impact on individuals by raising their skills levels and increasing their chances of gaining sustained employment. Adult Skills Programme These courses are intended to enable learners to develop skills and progress towards full level 2 qualifications. An integral part of these courses is the provision of advice, guidance and information about progression opportunities and a qualification to help towards either further education or employment. FEE PAYING Courses include Community Learning under (PCDL) Courses under this strand are designed for personal development, cultural enrichment, intellectual or creative stimulation and enjoyment. There is no requirement for learners to necessarily progress to other learning, but providers should have systems in place to signpost learners to further learning as appropriate. Course Administration An annual registration fee of £5 is required on all fee paying courses, with the exception of Basic/Functional Skills (English, Maths, ICT) and is payable once per year. This fee will be applicable across courses for the year and enable the learner to progress onto other areas if required. The full course fee for a 10 week programme will be £60 and a 5 week programme will be £30, which equates to £3 per hour. ACL Fee Policy updated June 2014 FEE remission Fee remission is available to those who are in receipt of active benefits. Proof of this will be required before the start of the course. Categories are listed below: • • • • Job Seekers Allowance Employment and Support Allowance Universal Credit Any state benefits and not currently in employment Our Fees to partners and organisations for specific training and course delivery is based on tutor rates at and if applicable, administrative charges at Point 28 inclusive of superannuation charges (14.66). There may be occasions when reduced costs are appropriate and these will be generally at 50% of these calculations. Refunds Course fees are refundable if we have to close the course or you withdraw from your course before it starts. The registration fee will be retained. We may also give partial refunds if you have to stop taking the course for a medical or employment reason. You will need to provide a doctor's note or a letter from your employer. First Aid at Work courses and Paediatric First Aid courses (no concessions) Paediatric First Aid Course This is an Ofsted required course for those people who are looking after children, e.g. child minders, school staff, nursery and crèche workers. The course duration is twelve hours, usually over two days. The cost for these courses will be £75. First Aid at Work Course (FAAW) This course is designed for those people who want to receive the most thorough First Aid Training. The course duration is 18 hours, usually over three days. For internal staff, the cost per person will be £154. For external organisations, the cost per person will be £161 First Aid at Work Re-qualification Course (FAAW Requal) This course is suitable for people wishing to renew a valid First Aid at Work certificate. The course duration is 12 hours, usually over two days. For internal staff, the cost per person will be £121. For external organisations, the cost per person will be £127. Emergency First Aid at Work Course (EFAAW) This course is designed for people who want to receive training in first aid and is especially suitable for nominated first aiders in smaller, low risk working environments. The course duration is 6 hours (one day). For internal staff, the cost per person will be £66. For external organisations, the cost per person will be £69 Refresher sessions are available at a cost of £38 per person for internal staff and £40 per person for external organisations. Awareness sessions on specific topics are also available at a cost of £30 per person. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Training An AED in the workplace is an invaluable addition to health and safety provision for employees, proven to save lives. With installation of an AED it is recommend that you train personnel in the workplace. Previous first aid knowledge is not necessary. This course teaches the essential skills. Internal staff £40 – External staff £45 per person. Group bookings – on application, discounts can be offered for a minimum of 12. Payment Payments should be made before the start of the course. Card payment by telephone to 01744 677314/675/313, cheques by post or payment made in person with either cash or cheque at Park Road Centre, St. Helens, WA9 1HE or at any St Helens library counter. Review The policy will be reviewed regularly in line with national changes to funding or local government procedures. ACL Fee Policy updated June 2014