Fairfield County Staff, Area, Ministry Checklist and Explanations 2007 – 2008 Each Staff and volunteer team leader will develop and document the following and present it to its supervisor for input, approval and encouragement. 1. Spiritual Growth Plan OVERALL this plan answers 1) What do you need to be healthy in Christ 2) What is your role/responsibility in your spiritual growth) How do you spiritually feed self on daily basis? What is your church involvement? How are you being discipled /mentored? When is your annual vacation with family? How many vacation days are you taking when? When is your monthly day away? When is your weekly Sabbath? What else you need to be healthy in your primary relationships (family, spouse, dating, social?) How do you care for yourself physically? DUE: ASAP 2. Ministry Goals Sheet What are your measurable goals in the following areas for your specific areas of responsibility? Categories should be based upon your unique job description and could include Contact Work Club Campaigners/Discipleship Weekend Camping Summer Camping Leader Recruitment/Development WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 1 of 7 Committee Recruitment (Family Weekend) Personal Fundraising Area Fundraising DUE: ASAP 3. Weekly Schedule Based on your spiritual growth plan, your job description, your goals, and any other expectations what does a typical week look like? See format examples that use Excel, color code, etc Think about hour of the day, be intentional, and leave some flex When and how many vacation days do you plan to take this year? 1. Click here to see YL Staff vacation policy 4. Personal Fundraising What is your personal support goal? How and how often will you ask for support? How do you keep personal donors informed and thanked consistently? DUE: Oct. 1 5. Contact Log Some way of tracking kids you meet in ministry Use this list for prayer, Club mailers, camp sell, etc Can do same for key adults that you meet Use this to build your formal database DUE: ONGOING 6. Leadership Development Plan Each area/region will develop and implement its own annual written plan, with numerical targets, for strengthening the leadership pipeline (summer staff, student staff, volunteers and volunteer team leaders) How will you recruit potential volunteers? Who is on your Matthew 9:38 (new workers) Prayer List? How are you getting people (leaders, recruits, alumni, senior campaigners) to Leadership Weekend? How will you maximize Saturday Leadership venues? Who will you bring? WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 2 of 7 How will you contribute to making the venue excellent? DUE: NOW Each Area will develop and document the following with its Staff team… 1. Prayer Strategy How will people in your area engage in spiritual warfare via prayer and fasting? How will you ensure all elements of ministry are bathed in payer How are prayer requests being made known? What consistent prayer times are being held? What prayer “rituals” do you maintain (like praying before every meeting, etc) How are staff calling others (individuals, groups like Committee, churches, other community groups to pray? Do you have a Matthew 9:38 (new workers) List? 2. New Ministry Growth Plan Each area will develop and implement a two-year written plan to begin at least one new ministry every other year, and each region will have a twoyear written plan to begin at least one new area every other year. 3. Adult work recruitment and growth plan How you growing the area Committee? How are you recuiting Committee? What is your recruitment, placement, retiring process? How are you training the Area Committee? How are you thanking the Committee? How are you instilling ownership within the Committee? How often does the Committee meet? How is the Committee chair (not the AD) leading the Committee? How are you getting adults to experience YL Ho are you maximizing Family Weekend? How are you getting adults to see Clubs, etc How are you getting adults to a YL property? How are you setting up non-committee teams of adults to serve? Parents to help with food, admin, etc Engage and enlist Non-Christian adults as ministry to them How are you developing relationships with Churches, community groups, etc? Do youth workers get together in your town? When do pastors meet? WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 3 of 7 Do you know mission boards? WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 4 of 7 4. Year-long Communication Plan How will communicate to various “audiences”? Committee Donors Parents Churches What consistent communicate pieces will you create? How often? Hard copy newsletters E-Newsletters Informal Email Updates Press Releases Club/Schedule of Events Mailers Camp/Event Registration Mailers M-site development What technical training do you need to pursue? Who will set- up? Who will maintain it? How often will it be updated? 5. Finance Plan Field Development Tool (FDT) “Completely completed” every Sept (cashflow forecasts, PPL updated and strategy for each donor set, etc) Who will update monthly? (cashflow and PPL) Who will email it monthly to County Director, Committee chair, Committee finance chair? Annual Budget Form (involve Committee) Annual Vision Statement- SEE VISION STATEMENT DOCUMENTS What is your funding plan? Who and how are you working the individual donor list (PPL)? What face to face asks are you setting up? What local events are you planning (Golf, banquet, small parties, etc) How are you leveraging regional and county fundraising events? (Trump, etc) How are donors being consistently thanked and updated? 6. Miscellaneous Admin Items P-Card system GPS- who will meet periodic update deadline Regional and county email requests and reporting Summer Camp Spot (Including Work Crew and Assignments) Request in September WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 5 of 7 Each Ministry will develop and document the following with its leader team… 1. Team Plan How often does your team meet together? How are leaders being encouraged, thanked, informed, equipped, trained, given feedback, etc? What steps are you taking to align leaders with authentic relationships with kids? Does every leader know “the plan” and their role in it? o Overall strategy o Campaigner Roles o Club Roles What is your involvement on campus? Within the community? What is your strategy to truly reach “every kid”? 2. Contact Work Plan How are you meeting new kids? What is your involvement on campus? Within the community? What is your strategy to truly reach “every kid”? 3. Club Plan 4. What is your overall outreach club? When, where, why does Club meet? How are you training leader team on Club? How are you delegating elements of Club? How are you giving Campaigners ownership of Club Plan at least a semester ahead How are kids being invited to Club? What PR materials are used to market Club? What does Club look like and why? o Best platform to reach a large group of kids with the gospel Campaigner/Discipleship Plan What is your overall follow-up/discipleship plan? What is your Campaigner meeting plan? (when, how often, what does it feel like, what do you do, what do you teach) How are you integrating work crew, service project, community service, etc? How are you encouraging kids to do work crew? How you urging leaders to go deeper with kids? How are you making Club and Camp “Campaigner-driven?” WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 6 of 7 5. Camping Plan Utilizing club ministry and relationships with kids, each area will develop and implement its own annual written plan to take 15% greater number of kids to summer camp How will you market and “sell” weekend trips? Summer trips? How will you use Club to sell Camp? How will you integrate Campaigners to sell camp? How are you ensuring parents readily have all camp info in advance? How are you picking the right camp dates/spots? How are you ensuring you are not losing money on trips and that every kid can afford to go? How are you ensuring top-notch camping admin? WORKING DOCUMENT SEPTEMBER 2007 Page 7 of 7