Math: Whole Numbers: Addition and Subtraction

Math: Geometry and Measurement
Week- Jan 18-Jan 21
M3G1.a.Draw and
classify previously
learned fundamental
geometric figure and
scalene, isosceles, and
equilateral triangles.
M3G1.b. Identify and
compare the properties of
fundamental geometric
M3G1 c. Examine and
compare angles of
fundamental geometric
M3A1. Describe and
extend numeric and
geometric patterns.
M3P1. Students will solve
problems (using appropriate
a. Build new mathematical
knowledge through
problem solving.
c. Apply and adapt a
variety of appropriate
strategies to solve
d. Monitor and reflect on
the process of
mathematical problem
M3P2. Students will reason
and evaluate mathematical
a. Recognize reasoning
and proof as
Teacher may decide to use one of the following to
engage and hook the students to the new unit of
Geometry and measurement:
1) Video clip (Real life connection)The Futures
Channel: Geometry: Bicycle Design
Teacher can share this clip to engage and connect the relevance of geometry to
real life occupations.
2) Teacher can display pictures or a floor plan of a new playground, house, school
etc. Then ask the students if they would desire to have these new things built.
Questions about what math skills will be necessary to build these things can be
discussed as a hook and engagement into the unit.
Monday- MLK Holiday
Morning Work periodGeorgia Math tb pg. 413. Have students use what they know to pre-assess their
background knowledge and vocabulary for the lessons for this week. Facts practice
is on pg. 670 for early finishers.
Class period- Lines, Line Segments, Rays, and Angles
Unit A Lesson 2 (Vol. 1) – Georgia Expressions
lesson 15.1 (Georgia Math.
Warm up – Have students brainstorm different real life items that use or have lines.
(3-5 min activity).
Introduction: Review vocabulary words: line, line segment, ray, angle, right, angle,
parallel lines, intersecting lines, and perpendicular lines.
Teacher can use the fllp charts (classifying lines/classifying angles) to facilitate the
teaching of the vocabulary words and examples.
Guided practice can be conducted on the flip chart when students have to come to
the board to classify the types of lines/angles.
Also teachers can use Georgia Expressions Vol.1 class activity pg. 53 -54.
Students will have to define and explain their understanding of each type of line/line
segments/Parallel and perpendicular lines.
Independent practice:
Group 1: Re-teach sheet 15.1
Group 2: Practice sheet 15.1
Group 3: Enrichment sheet 15.1
Closure: Math Journal: Teacher can ask students to answer these questions in their
journal: What kind of angle does the letter L form? What kind of lines form the
addition symbol? How many end points does a ray have?
Morning Work periodReview lesson : Lines, Line segments….. Students complete independent practice
and problem solving on pg. 416 and 417 in Georgia Math textbook.
Homework/ problem
solving sheet for
Homework/ problem
solving sheet for
Homework/ problem
solving sheet for
Friday : Read for
30 mins.
fundamental aspects of
b. Make and investigate
c. Develop and evaluate
mathematical arguments
and proofs.
M3P3. Students will
communicate mathematically.
a. Organize and
consolidate their
thinking through
b. Communicate their
thinking coherently
and clearly to peers,
teachers, and others.
c. Analyze and
evaluate the
thinking and
strategies of others.
d. Use the language of
mathematics to
mathematical ideas
M3P4. Students will make
connections among
mathematical ideas and to
other disciplines.
a. Recognize and use
connections among
mathematical ideas.
b. Understand how
mathematical ideas
interconnect and build
on one another to
produce a coherent
M3P5. Students will represent
Class period- Classifying Triangles
Warm up – Have students look at a picture of a polygon (a triangle) and irregular
polygon(a rectangle), also a figure that is not a polygon (letter S) (building on
previous taught vocabulary -2nd grade). Have students explain which a polygon,
irregular polygon, is and which is not. Students can explain why.
Introduction: Teacher will introduce the lesson by using a flipchart to review
polygons (understanding that triangles are polygons), angles (understanding that
triangles can be classified by their angles and sides) and introduce types of
Guided practice: Students will participate in flip chart activities, write notes and
classify different types of triangles with the teacher.
Teacher may use Georgia Expressions Class activity pg. 112 and 113 in Vol. 1.
Students will have to explain what the different angles and sides of triangles mean
in their own words. (Unit B Lesson 3).
Small group practice: Hands On activity: Students can make 3 different types of
triangles using toothpicks and marshmellows. Students will have to label each
model made. Some groups will work independently, in pairs or have teacher
assistance based on ability.
Independent Activity:
Group 1: Re-teach sheet 15.3
Group 2: Practice sheet 15.3
Group 3: Enrichment sheet 15.3
Closure: Math Journal: Have students record what they have learned about
triangles in this lesson.
Morning Work periodTriangle lesson review: Georgia Math pg. 422-423. Teacher can review flipchart
and morning work activity.
Class period- Quadrilaterals
Warm up – Transparency 15.4 Problem of the day/Spiral Review
Introduction to QuadrilateralsTeacher may give out guided notes for students to keep during the powerpoint
presentation. Teacher will use Classifying powerpoint to teach the vocabulary of
Guided Practice:
Use Georgia Expressions Vol.1 pg 67 and 68 to have students evaluate different
Quadrilaterials. Teacher will guide the class in this activity. (Teacher may want to
make copies of the page so students can record on the graphic organizers created
in the class activity).
Independent Practice:
Group 1: Re-teach sheet 15.4
Group 2: Practice sheet 15.4
Group 3: Enrichment sheet 15.4
Closure: Math Journal: Students will identify and describe different quadrilaterals.
FridayMorning Work periodReview Lesson: Quadrilaterials- Georgia math tb pgs. 425. .
mathematics in multiple ways.
a. Create and use
representations to
organize, record, and
mathematical ideas.
b. Select, apply, and
translate among
representations to solve
c. Use representations to
model and interpret
physical, social, and
Class period- Review in centers
Center 1: Lines, Line Segments, Rays, and Angles – Measuring up Lesson 49 pg.
Extention: Use toothpicks and marshmellows to create a ray, line segment, line,
obtuse, acute and right angles.
Center 2:Triangles- – Students will watch a quick clip reviewing Triangles. Then
they will have to use venn diagrams to sort the different types of triangles.
Extention: Create a venn diagram sorting a few triangles
Center 3: Quadrilaterials: guess who book :flip book of 3 or more quadrilaterials
where students write the properties of the quadrilaterial on the outside flap (guess
which quadrilaterial I am) and illustrate/label the answer on the inside.
Closure: Math Journal: Students will reflect on what they feel confident have a
strong understanding in, and also what they still need help understanding.
Next Monday- Quiz