report on graduation student productivity

Department of Communication
University of Maryland
Journal Articles (14)
Adams, Heather. "Eleanor Roosevelt: Address By Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt—The Chicago
Civil Liberties Committee (1940)." Voices of Democracy [on-line journal], forthcoming
Barney, Tim. "Adlai E. Stevenson, 'A New America,' Acceptance Address at the Democratic
National Convention (17 August 1956)." Voices of Democracy [online journal], forthcoming.
Cionea, Ioana A. "The Banality of Nationhood: Visual Rhetoric and Ethnic Nationalism in PostCommunist Romania. Controversia 5 (2007): 77-92.
Shen, Hongmei, & Elizabeth L. Toth (2008). “An ideal public relations master's curriculum:
Expectations and status quo.” Public Relations Review, in press.
Stillion Southard, Belinda A., "Beyond the Backlash: Sex and the City and Three Feminist
Struggles," Communication Quarterly (2007), in press.
Stillion Southard, Belinda A., "Militancy, Power, & Identity: The Silent Sentinels as Women
Fighting for Political Voice," Rhetoric & Public Affairs 10(3) (2007), in 399-417.
Stillion Southard, Belinda A. "To Transform and be Transformed: Elizabeth Cady Stanton's
'Address on Woman's Rights,' 1848." Voices of Democracy [online journal], forthcoming.
Stillion Southard, Bjørn F., and Belinda A. Stillion Southard. "Genres at Gettysburg: Abraham
Lincoln, Edward Everett, and the War-Time Eulogy." Voices of Democracy [online journal],
Underhill, Stephen. "J. Edgar Hoover: 'The Menace of the Communist Party' (1947)." Voices of
Democracy [online journal], forthcoming.
McCown, Nance. “The Role of Public Relations with Internal Activists,” Journal of Public
Relations Research, January 2007, pp. 47-68.
Smith S. W., Atkin, C., Munday, S., Skubisz, Christine., & Stohl, C. “The Impact of Personal
and/or Close Relationship Experience on Memorable Messages about Breast Cancer and the
Perceived Speech Acts of the Sender.” Journal of Cancer Education, in press.
Pfau, Michael, Semmler, Shane, Deatrick, Leslie., Mason, Alicia, Nisbett, Gwen, Lane, Lindsay,
Craig, Elizabeth, Underhill, Jill, & Banas, John. "Nuances about the Role and Impact of Affect
in Inoculation." Communication Monographs, in press.
Vardeman, Jennifer E., and Linda Aldoory. "A Qualitative Study of How Women Make
Meaning of Contradictory Media Messages About the Risks of Eating Fish. Health
Communication, in press.
Zhang, Ai. "Growing English Studies: Current Reality in China." Analytical Reports in
International Education, 1(1), 2007, 21-31.
Book Chapters (5)
Chai, Sabine, & Zhong, M. (2008). Born at the crossroads – Chinese American ethnic and
cultural identity. In L. A. Samovar, R. E. Porter, & E. R. McDaniel (Eds.), Intercultural
communication: A Reader (12th ed.).Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
Donofrio, Theresa. “The Voice of Loss: The Transformative Rhetoric of Take Back the
Memorial.” In The Rhetoric of Western Thought. James L. Golden, Goodwin F. Berquist,
William E. Coleman, & J. Michael Sproule, eds. (10th ed.) Kendall/Hunt Publising Company,
2010, in press.
Lamm, Erica Jane and Andrew D. Wolvin. "The Tirangulated Group Interview Project." In
Teaching Ideas for the Basic Communication Course, v. 12. Eds Hugenburg and Hugenburg.
Stillion Southard, Bjorn. “Arguing Benevolence in the Colonization Debate, 1816.” In P.Riley
(Ed.) Engaging Argument (Washington, DC: National Communication Association, 2007): 148154.
Walker, M. Karen. “New Media’s Influence on the Assessment of Publicly Communicated
Terrorist Threats.” In Information Warfare 2.0: How States and Armed Groups Compete for
Strategic Influence, edited by James J. F. Forest. Westport, CT: Praeger Security, 2008, in press.
Published Book Reviews (11)
Adams, Heather B. Review of the Book The Rhetoric of Space: Politics and Place in NineteenthCentury Urban America. The Review of Communication, 2007.
Barney, Timothy. Review of Morning in America: How Ronald Reagan Invented the 1980s, by
Gil Troy. Rhetoric & Public Affairs 10, no. 1 (2007): 237–239.
Cionea, Ioana A. "Explaining History through a Rhetorical Lens." The Review of
Communication, 7 (2007): 197-200.
Donofrio, Theresa A. “Review Shadowed Ground: America’s Landscape of Violence and
Tragedy by Kenneth Foote. Rhetoric Society Quarterly 37, no. 2 (2007): 213-216.
Hobler, Mara. Social Consequences of Internet Use: Access, Involvement, and Interaction.
Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies, 2007.
Krueger, Ben. Review of Hanging out in the Virtual Pub: Masculinities and Relationships
Online by Lori Kendall. Resource Center For Cyberculture Studies Website
(, in press.
Patel, Sejal. Review of Encounters by Donald W. Klopf and James McCroskey. Review of
Communication, in press.
Schloss, Renata F. Review of the book Communicating health: Strategies for health promotion.
Public Relations Review, in press.
Skubisz, Christine. A New Framework for Health Literacy. The Review of Communication, in
Smith, Brian G. “The Politics of Words” Review of the Book The Right Words: Great
Republican Speeches that Shaped History. Review of Communication (2007).
Stillion Southard, Bjorn. Review of the essay From the Plaint to the Comic: Kenneth Burke’s
Toward a Better Life. KB Journal [electronic journal] 3.2 Available at (2007).
Awards & Honors (26)
Adams, Heather Brook. Masters Graduate Award. American Association of University Women,
College Park chapter, MD, April 2008.
Adams, Heather Brook. Center for Teaching Excellence Travel Grant (to Lilly-East Conference),
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Barney, Tim. Laureate Essayist (Top Three Paper), James L. Golden Essay Competition,
National Communication Association, November 2007.
Cionea, Ioana. Second Place in Environmental Issues, Climate Change and Sustainable
Development. Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
Cionea, Ioana, Arts and Humanities Travel Grant Recipient, University of Maryland, College
Park, 2007.
Donofrio, Theresa A. J.L. Golden Award (Top Student Paper in Rhetoric), National
Communication Association, 2007.
Epkins, Heather. Top Paper in Public Policy. Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008.
Epkins, Heather. National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism
(START) Fellowship Recipient. University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008.
Han, Bing. Top Three Student Paper in Intercultural Communication. International
Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Herbig, Arthur W. IV. Top Paper in Interpreting Visual Culture and Images. Graduate Research
Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008.
Jiang, Hua. Center for Teaching Excellence Travel Grant (to Lilly-East Conference), University
of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Place, Katie. Top Three Student Papers in Public Relations, National Communication
Association, 2007.
Schloss, Renata. Center for Teaching Excellence Travel Grant (to Lilly-East Conference),
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Shen, Hongmei and Erica Lamm (equal contributions). Center for Teaching Excellence Grant
($3,200) for “Enhancing Teaching Excellence of International Graduate Students in
Communication," University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 2008.
Shen, Hongmei. Top Student Paper, International Communication Association, 2007.
Shen, Hongmei. Inez Kaiser Student of Color Award, AEJMC's Public Relations Division, 2007.
Shen, Hongmei and Elizabeth L. Toth, First Place Teaching Paper, Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, 2007.
Skubisz, Christine. Interpersonal Division Thesis Award for a Master’s Thesis, International
Communication Association, 2007.
Smith, Brian G. Ketchum Excellence in PR Research Award, Awarded by the Institute for
Public Relations, 2007.
Smith, Brian G. Top Student Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the International
Communication Association, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Stillion Southard, Belinda A. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000), Graduate School,
University of Maryland, College Park, May 2008. [Declined due to acceptance of a tenure-track
Stillion Southard, Bjørn F. National Communication Association’s Doctoral Honors Seminar.
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, June 2008.
Underhill, Stephen. National Communication Association’s Doctoral Honors Seminar.
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, June 2008.
Vardeman, Jennifer E. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship ($10,000), Graduate School, University of
Maryland, College Park, May 2008.
Zhang, Ai. Hongmei Shen, and Hua Jiang, First Place Award in High Density, Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, 2007.
Zhang, A. (2007, August). An Exploratory Study of International Ethics: A Chinese Perspective.
Receipt of the Susanne A. Roschwalb Grant by the Public Relations Division of the Association
for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in Washington DC, USA.
Conference Presentations (94)
Adams, Heather Brook. “The Recalculation of Gendered Space in Eleanor Roosevelt’s ‘Civil
Liberties’ Address.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association,
Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Adams, Heather Brook. “Talking (Back) About Home: Considering the Discourse of Class in
Academia.” Presentation, annual convention of Rhetoric Society of American, Seattle, WA, May
Adams, Heather Brook. “Transgression and Presidential Spectacle: Franklin D. Roosevelt's
‘Address at Arthurdale.’” Presentation, annual convention of Eastern States Communication
Association, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2008.
Allen, Susan D. “Can Emotion Derail Intercultural Negotiations? An Examination of Theory and
Findings in an Understudied Research Stream.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Austin, Lucinda L., Lubran, M., Patel, Sejal, & Skubisz, Christine. “The effect of ‘At-aglance’ nutrition symbols and nutrition information on cognitive processing and purchase intent:
An Eye-Tracking Approach.” Paper to be presented to the NCA Summer Conference 2008:
Methods and Measures for Communication and Cognition Research, College Park, MD, July
Austin, Lucinda L. “Exploring Compassion and Public Relations: A Case Study of HighEmotion Conflict.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association,
Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Austin, Lucinda L. “Enabling marginalized voices in public relations graduate education.”
Presented as part of a discussion panel at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication 90th Annual Convention, Washington, DC, August, 2007.
Austin, Lucinda, and Erik Halvorsen. “What Drives Political Activity in College Students? An
Application of the Situational Theory of Publics.”Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction
Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Austin, Lucinda, and Erik Halvorsen. “What Drives Political Activity in College Students? An
Application of the Situational Theory of Publics.” Paper to be presented to the 58th Annual
International Communication Association, Public Relations Division, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, May 2008.
Barney, Timothy, “An Illinois Egghead Challenges King Eisenhower’s Court: Adlai Stevenson
and the ‘New America’ at the 1956 Democratic National Convention.” Presentation, annual
convention of Eastern States Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2008.
Bessarabova, Elena. “‘You Ain’t Guilting Me into Nothing:’ Guilt, Adolescents, and Reactance.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Bessarabova, Elena. “Social Cognitive Approaches to Communication Interventions.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Cionea, Ioana. “An Argumentation Perspective on Negotiation: Review of Current Literature and
Direction for Future Research.” Presentation, International Association for Conflict
Management, Budapest, Hungary, 2007.
Cionea, Ioana. “Argumentation and Culture: A Typology of Current Research Directions.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Cionea, Ioana. “Factors Influencing Intercultural Communication Competence: The Effect of
Individual Predictors and Expectancy Violations.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Cionea, Ioana. “Red, Yellow and Blue: A Case Study in Romanian Nationalism Employing
Kenneth Burke’s Concept of Identification.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Cionea, Ioana and Leah Waks. “A Profile of Energy Consumption Behaviors among
Undergraduates at the University of Maryland.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction
Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Depritis, Abbe. “Bridging the Cultural Gap: Changing Instructional Methods.” Presentation,
Southern States Communication Association, Savannah, GA, April 2008.
Depritis, Abbe and Erica Lamm “Toward a Theory of Communication Teaching Competency.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007. (Wolvin, Andrew, Erica Lamm, Abbe Depretis, and Janna Whitney. “Toward a
Theory of Communication Teaching Competency.” Presented at the 2007 National
Communication Association Meeting in Chicago, Illinois.)
Donofrio, Theresa A. “Citizenship and Consumption in Kenneth Cole’s 9/11 Advertising.”
Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
April 2008.
Donofrio, Theresa A. “For the Sake of the Fetus or for the ‘Health’ of the Nation? Two Threads
of Antiabortion Rights Discourse.” Presentation, Southern States Communication Association,
Savannah, GA, April 2008.
Donofrio, Theresa A. “Questioning the Bounds of Interactivity: Commemoration and
Consumption at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial.” Presentation, annual convention of
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Donofrio, Theresa A. “The Rhetorical Process of 'Bearing Witness’: The U.S. Holocaust
Memorial Museum’s Speakers Bureau Workshop Series.” Presentation, annual convention of
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Donofrio, Theresa A. “Spatial Authority & Agentic Loss: 9/11 Families’ Claim to Ground Zero
through ‘Take Back the Memorial.’” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Donofrio, Theresa A. “‘Today Is Not a Dress Rehearsal’: Citizenship and Consumption in
Kenneth Cole’s 9/11 Advertising.” Working Paper accepted to Rutger’s University Invitational
Masters Student Institute, New Brunswick, NJ, October 2007.
Epkins, Heather. “How National Security Reporters Make Meaning of Terrorism Information.”
Presentation, Department of Homeland Security Academic Summit, Washington, DC, March
Epkins, Heather. "How Capitol Hill Staffers Make Meaning of the Discover America Partnership
Campaign: An Extension of the Situational Theory of Publics." Publics Relations Society of
America Educators Academy Convention, Philadelphia, PA, 2007.
Epkins, Heather. “How National Security Reporters Make Meaning of Terrorism Information.”
Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
April 2008.
Fritz, Sabine. “Developing a Typology of Interaction Goals in Negotiation.” Presentation, annual
convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Fritz, Sabine.“Ethnic Identity Transference in 2nd Generation Chinese Americans: A
Comparison of Male and Female Patterns.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Han, Bing. “Face Goals in Conflict Avoidance: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.” Paper to be
presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May
2008. (Top Three Student Paper in Intercultural Communication.)
Han, Bing. “How to Become a Professor: Faculty Perceptions of Communication PhD Student
Characteristics Needed to Succeed in Academia.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Han, Bing. “The Relative Effect of Positive and Negative Humorous Gossip on Perceptions of
Gossiper and the Target of Gossip.” Paper to be presented at the International Communication
Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Han, Bing. “A Typology of Emphatic Communication: Reviewing Empathy as a Communicative
Act.” Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference,
Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Herbig, Arthur W. IV, “Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Equality, and The American
Dream: Rhetorical Ideographs and Narratives.” Presentation, annual convention of Eastern States
Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA, May 2008.
Herbig, Arthur W. IV. “Dan Quayle and ‘The Media’: The Oversimplification of Complex
Meanings.” Presentation, annual convention of Eastern States Communication Association,
Pittsburgh, PA, May 2008.
Herbig, Arthur W. IV. “Whatever Happened to Spearchucker? The Television Program
M*A*S*H and the Issue of Racial Representation.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction
Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Hobler, Mara. (2008). "Games, gender, and community: a case study of identity and
representations." Mid-Winter Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication, Pittsburgh, PA, February 29- March 1, 2008.
Jiang, Hua. “Gender, Leadership, and Teams: Examining Female Leadership from an
unCONVENTIONAL Perspective.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University
of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Jiang, Hua. “Toward an Integrated Model: Linking Employee Communication, P-O Fit,
Sensemaking, Organizational Identification, and EOR Outcomes.” Paper to be presented at the
International Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Aldoory, Linda, Jiang, Hua, Toth, Elizabeth L., & Sha, B.-L. “Work-Family Discourse in Public
Relations: Development of a Work-Personal Continuum for Gender Theory.” Presentation at the
convention of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,
Washington, DC, August 2007.
Krueger, Ben. "Evil That Good May Come: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Moral Theory of
Thomas Aquinas." Presentation, NCA/AFA Summer Conference on Argumentation, Alta, Utah,
August 2007.
Krueger, Ben. “Evil That Good May Come? A Rhetorical analysis of the Moral Reasoning of
George W. Bush.” Presentation, annual convention of Rhetoric Society of American, Seattle,
WA, May 2008.
Krueger, Ben. “John F. Kennedy's Commencement Address to American University.”
Presentation, annual convention of Rhetoric Society of American, Seattle, WA, May 2008.
Lamm, Erica. “"A Test of Listenability in College Lectures.” Presentation, International
Listening Association, Portland, ME, March 2008.
Luo, Yi. “The Role of Communication in Transformational Change: A Multilevel Model
Linking Communication, Sensemaking and Emotions,” Presentation, Graduate Research
Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Luo, Yi. “Toward an Integrated Model: Linking Employee Communication, P-O Fit,
Sensemaking, Organizational Identification, and EOR Outcomes.” Paper presented at the
International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Mason, Michele. “Delivery and the Integrated Art of Rhetoric.” Presentation, annual convention
of Rhetoric Society of American, Seattle, WA, May 2008.
McCown, Nance. “Opening eyes through communication technology: Enhancing humanity
through two-way public relationships.” Faculty-student colloquia presented at the Spring
Humanities Symposium, Messiah College Center for Public Humanities, Grantham, PA,
February 2008.
Patel, Sejal. “Are Dichotomized Cultural Studies Missing Something? Exploring Hybrid
Cultures in Trust and Intercultural Negotiation.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Patel, Sejal. “State of the Knowledge about Trust in Cross-Cultural and Intercultural Research.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Patel, Sejal. “What Do We Think of Gossipers? The Impact of Gossip Valence and Relationship
Type on Liking and Trustworthiness.” Paper presented at the International Communication
Association, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Payne, David. “The Relative Effect of Positive and Negative Humorous Gossip on Perceptions
of Gossiper and the Target of Gossip.” Paper to be presented at the International Communication
Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Place, Katie R. “A Local Community and How They Make Meaning of a Grassroots Public
Relations Campaign.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD, April 2008.
Place, Katie R. “Public Relations Practitioners and Power-Control: How They Make Meaning of
Power in an Organization.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication
Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Samek, Alyssa, “Political Skin: The Scopophilic Gaze and Constructing the ‘Other.’”
Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
April 2008.
Shen, Hongmei. “Three Dimensional Model of Social Responsibility Management by
Multinational Corporations.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Shen, Hongmei and Elizabeth L. Toth, "Toward an Ideal Master's Curriculum in the 21st
Century." Presentation at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication,
Washington, D.C. August, 2007.
Skubisz, Christine. “The Impact of Personal and/or Close Relationship Experience on
Memorable Messages about Breast Cancer and The Perceived Speech Acts of the Sender.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Skubisz, Christine. “The Influence of Achievement-Related Memorable Messages on Behavioral
Intention to Achieve.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association,
Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Smith, S. W., Atkin, C, Munday, S., LaPlante, C, Kotowski, M, Skubisz, Christine, & Stohl, C.
“Types and Sources of Memorable Breast Cancer Messages: Their Impact on Prevention and
Detection Behaviors.” Paper presented at the International Communication Association,
Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Smith, S. W., Atkin, C, Munday, S., LaPlante, C, Kotowski, M, Skubisz, Christine, & Stohl, C.
“Action Tendency Emotions Associated with Memorable Breast Cancer Messages and
Prevention and Detection Behaviors.” Paper presented at the Kentucky Conference on Health
Communication, Lexington, KY, April 2008.
Atkin, C., Smith, S.W., Munday, S., Skubisz, Christine, & Stohl, C. “Perceived Speech Acts of
Memorable Messages about Breast Cancer as a Result of Personal or Close Relationship
Experience with Breast Cancer.” Paper presented at the National Communication Association,
Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Smith, Brian G. “Creating recognition for employee recognition: A case study on marketing
persuasion, public relations and branding.” Paper to be presented at the annual conference of the
International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada, May 2008. (Top Student Paper.)
Stillion Southard, Belinda. "Chicago Women’s Voices: From Suffrage to the Presidency,"
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Stillion Southard, Bjørn F. “African American Colonized: Correspondence with the American
Colonization Society,” Paper presented at Eastern States Communication Association,
Pittsburgh, PA, May 2008.
Klumpp, James F. and Bjørn F. Stillion Southard, "Moderate Political Argument: A
Philosophical and Empirical Examination," AFA/NCA Conference on Argumentation, Alta, UT,
August, 2007.
Stillion Southard, Bjørn F., " Revolution and Restoration: Competing Rhetorics of American
Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1776-1817," American Society for the History of Rhetoric
Conference, Chicago, IL, November, 2007.
Stillion Southard, Bjørn F. and Andrew Wolvin. “Study of Jimmy Carter’s presidential
listening skills.” Presentation, International Listening Association, Portland, ME, March 2008.
Turner, M. M., Bartholomew, A., & Weissman, Paula L. “Angry voters: An examination of
anger induced by political advertisements and its effect on persuasive outcomes.” Presented at
the National Communication Association Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Underhill, Jill Cornelius. “Guilt Out the Vote: The Use of Guilt Appeals to Motivate Behavior.”
Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
April 2008.
Pfau, Michael, Semmler, Shane, Deatrick, Leslie., Mason, Alicia, Nisbett, Gwen, Lane, Lindsay,
Craig, Elizabeth, Underhill, Jill, & Banas, John. "Nuances about the Role and Impact of Affect
in Inoculation." Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association
Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Underhill, Jill Cornelius. “The role and effects of emotion in negative political advertising,”
Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Montreal,
Canada, May 2008.
Underhill, Stephen. “J. Edgar Hoover’s Battle Against Liberalism: Building the Anti-Communist
Consensus.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College
Park, MD, April 2008.
Vardeman, Jennifer, & Aldoory, Linda. “How women make meaning of shared involvement in
news about bioterrorism.” Commission on the Status of Women, Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, DC, August 2007.
Vardeman, Jennifer E., & Tindall, N. T. J., “Enabling Marginalized Voices in Public Relations
Graduate Education.” Panel accepted to the Public Relations Division and the Graduate Student
Interest Group, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington,
D.C., August 2007.
Walker, M. Karen. “The Importance of ‘Standing’ in Argumentation: Transformational
Diplomacy and the U.S. Department of State.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Walker, M. Karen. “Reciprocal Obligations and Citizenship in Diaspora.” Panel presentation,
International Communication Association Pre-Conference on Mediating Global Citizenship,
Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Weissman, Paula. “Exploring the influence of problem recognition and involvement on
perceived susceptibility to skin cancer." Paper to be presented at the International
Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Weissman, Paula. “An Organizing Model for Conceptualizing Cognitive Processes Underlying
Cultivation Effects.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association,
Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Xie, Xiaoying. “Are Asians Really Okay with Contradictions? Using Dissonance to Explain
Cultural Differences in Responding to Contradictions.” Presentation, annual convention of
National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Xie, Xiaoying. “Obligations and Costs in Direct and Indirect Relationships: A Cross-Cultural
Analysis.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago,
IL, November 2007.
Xie, Xiaoying. “Role enactment and constraints: Cultural and individual differences in
negotiation behaviours.” Presentation, annual convention of National Communication
Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Xie, Xiaoying. “A Roles Approach: Modeling Individual and Cultural Differences in Conflict
Strategies.” Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference,
Montreal, Canada, May 2008.
Xie, Xiaoying. “Thinking Explicitly or Not: Using Support Theory to Examine Cultural
Difference in Communication Styles.” Presentation, annual convention of National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Cai, Deborah A., Fink, Edward L., & Xie, Xiaoying Y. “Brother, can you spare some time, or a
dime?”: Transitivity of obligation in the U. S. and China. Paper to be presented at National
Communication Association, Chicago, IL, November 2007.
Yao, Shuo, Deborah A. Cai, and Edward L. Fink. “Cultural Differences in Account Strategies:
An Attributional Approach.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD, April 2008.
Liu, Meina and ShuoYao. “Why Do Chinese and Americans Differ in Attributions of
Responsibility: Investigating the Universality vs. Culture-Specificity of Cognitive Appraisals.”
Presentation, annual convention of National Communication Association, Chicago, IL,
November 2007.
Zhang, Ai. “An Exploratory Study of International Ethics: A Chinese Perspective.” Paper to be
presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Montreal, Canada, May
Zhang, Ai, Hongmei Shen, and Hua Jiang, "Culture and Chinese Public Relations: A MultiMethod "Inside out" Approach." Presentation at the Association for Education in Journalism and
Mass Communication, Washington, D.C., August, 2007.
Zhang, Ai. “Enabling marginalized voices in public relations graduate education.” Panel
participant at the annual conference of The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication in Washington, DC., August 2007.
Zhang, Ai. “Dwelling in the Beingness of Inter-being: A Home-Searching Journey in a Foregin
Place.” Presentation, Graduate Research Interaction Day, University of Maryland, College Park,
MD, April 2008.
Academic Placements of Ph.D. Students for 2008 (7)
Bing Han, University of South Carolina—Aiken, Aiken, SC
Nance McCown, Messiah College, Grantham, PA
Belinda Stillion Southard, Indiana University Purdue University—Fort Wayne,
Fort Wayne, IN
Bjorn Stillion Southard, Marion College, Indianapolis, IN
Jennifer Vardeman, University of Houston, Houston, TX
Xiaoying Xie, California State University—Sacramento, Sacramento, CA
Shuo Yao, Radford University, Radford, VA