EPC Exhibit 131-8 May 8, 2009 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Decimal Classification Division To: Caroline Kent, Chair Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. General Division From: Joan S. Mitchell, Editor in Chief Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Re: Table 1. Standard Subdivisions The accompanying PDF contains all updates to Table 1 approved by EPC since Meeting 124. These updates include an improved development for T1—072 Research and T1—079 Competitions, awards, financial support; changes to the representation of groups of people in T1—08 in the schedule and index; the revised caption at T1—09 History, geographic treatment, biography; extensions to collected biography; and other minor updates. In reviewing Table 1, we found minor wording changes to suggest in the records for T1—068 and T1—0683. We also expanded the set of references in the T1—092 Manual note to substantive discussions of biography elsewhere in the Manual, and addressed the conflicting instructions at the end of the T1—092 Manual note. These changes are summarized below, and included in the PDF. Not summarized below, but included in the PDF, are the changes proposed in EPC Exhibit 131-21.1 with respect to T1—014, T1—0141, and T1—03. We noticed when entering the record for T1—0141 that a discontinuation note from Table 4 was accidentally carried over into the T1—0141 entry in the aforementioned exhibit; the correct version of the T1—0141 entry is included in the Table 1 PDF. We also present one topic for discussion at the end of this paper: the provision for T1—0286 Waste technology. 1 T1—068 Management The change in wording in the class-elsewhere note at T1—068 was prompted by our review of “in the sense of” during preparation of EPC Exhibit 131-7.1. The change in wording in T1—0683 matches similar wording previously approved by EPC at 658.325. —068 Management Class management in the sense of carrying out ordinary activities of subject a routine activity called management associated with a profession, occupation, hobby in 001-999 without adding notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., management of patients 616 (not 616.0068); class interdisciplinary works in 658 See Manual at T1—068; also at T1—068 vs. 353-354 —068 3 Personnel management (Human resource management) Including management of fringe employee benefits, of in-service training and residency, of wages and salaries Class comprehensive works on in-service training and residency in –07155; class interdisciplinary works on labor relations in 331.88 For management of executive personnel, see —0684; See also 331.21 for wages; also 331.255 for fringe employee benefits 2 Manual note at T1—092 We propose to add references to all substantive discussions of biography elsewhere in the Manual. We also propose to eliminate the section on “Approximating the whole” (the penultimate section of the T1—092 Manual note) and revise the last section on “Biography associated with place rather than subject.” Both sections were added in DDC 22 to replace instructions under the “Division policies” section of the T1—092 Manual note found in DDC 21. The instructions in the current “Approximating the whole section” are in conflict with the general rules for the addition of standard subdivisions. Exceptions to the general rule are treated in the note at 796.092 for sports, and in the revised last section for biographies associated with place (plus in a longer discussion in the Manual note at 930-990: Biography). Only the first section and the last two sections of the current Manual note at T1—092 are shown below. The full Manual note with all changes incorporated can be found in the Table 1 PDF. T1—092 Biography The following instructions apply also to notation 2 from Table 2 when numbers from Table 2 are added directly without the interposition of T1—09. In the following notes the word "biography" is used for stylistic convenience; however, the instructions apply fully to description and critical appraisal as well as other aspects of treatment of individuals. Do not use T1—092 for the actual works of a person except where instructed to do so at certain numbers in 700-779. See also discussion at 3A: Biography; also at 170.92 vs. 171; also at 230-280; also at 200.92 and 201-209, 292-299; also at 220.92; also at 297.092; also at 300 vs. 600: Biography; also at 338.092; also at 362.1-.4 vs. 610; also at 610.92 vs. 615.534092; also at 615.53: Biography; also at 700.92; also at 709.2 vs. 381.457092; also at 779 vs. 770.92; also at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 780.92; also at 781.6; also at 784-788; also at 796.092; also at 913-919: Add table: 04: Biography; also at 920.008 vs. 305-306, 362; also at 920.009, 920.03-.09 vs. 909.09, 909.1-.8, 930-990; also at 930-990: Wars: Personal narratives; also at 930-990: Biography. ... 3 Approximating the whole Add T1—092 even in cases when a person's work may not approximate the whole of the most specific available number. Conversely, do not add T1—092 to extremely minute subjects, e.g., class ball players at the number for game they played, not in subordinate numbers for specific positions on the field, even if a player filled only one position. Biography associated with place rather than subject Class an individual biography in the number most nearly covering the history and civilization of the place and time of the activity emphasized when a work is not clearly associated with any subject but is clearly associated with a place, even in cases when a person’s activity may not approximate the whole of the most specific period, e.g., use 979.46104092 for the diary of a resident of San Francisco during the Gold Rush. See also discussion at T1—0922 vs. T1—093-099; also at 930-990: Biography. Discussion Topic: T1—0286 Waste technology The provisions at T1—0286 Waste technology first caught my attention when I went to address the following class-elsewhere note under T1—0288 Maintenance and repair: “Class conservation in the sense of environmental engineering and waste technology in —0286.” Since conservation and restoration are neither indexed nor mentioned at T1—0286, I did not plan to propose adding see-also references to link the two records as recommended in EPC Exhibit 131-7.1; I planned simply to delete the class-elsewhere note from T1—0288. However, upon further inspection of both records, I found some additional issues related to the application of T1—0286, the mix of topics and relationships in T1—0286, and the indexing of conservation and restoration (plus preservation) at T1—0288 and elsewhere. All require additional investigation. A summary of the issues follows: T1—0286 is currently referenced several places in the 600s and at 770.286. A quick survey of Dewey Section classifiers discloses infrequent use of the standard subdivision, except to express green technology. The relationships expressed in T1—0286 are not the same as their schedule equivalents. The caption at T1—0286, Waste technology, corresponds to waste technology in 628.4 Waste technology, public toilets, street cleaning. The topics in the class-here note at T1—0286, environmental engineering and pollution control engineering, refer to 4 topics in 628 Sanitary and municipal engineering and 628.5 Pollution control technology and industrial sanitation engineering, respectively. Environmental engineering is not even mentioned at 628, but is indexed to that number. The terms used at 628 are “environmental protection engineering” and “environmental health engineering.” Both of these topics are indexed, but T1—0286 is not associated with either index term. The three topics in the class-here note under T1—0288 Maintenance and repair—conservation, preservation, restoration—currently appear in the Relative Index without qualifiers. “Conservation of natural resources” is the Relative Index term associated with the environmental aspects of conservation. The maintenance and repair aspects plus environmental aspects of restoration are merged into a single index entry, Restoration. The maintenance and repair aspects of preservation plus the preservation of biological specimens are merged into a single entry, Preservation. We are considering adding the qualifier “(Maintenance and repair)” to the Relative Index entries for Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration. We also are considering changing “Restoration—natural resources” to “Restoration of natural resources” to match the entry “Conservation of natural resources.” We are still investigating the best treatment for the three subheadings under Preservation related to specimens—these are really built from a special subdivision of T1—075 under 570.752 related to Collection and preservation of specimens. They are already indexed under the type of specimen with “preservation” as a subheading. Perhaps adding a new entry, “Preservation of specimens,” with the types of specimen as subheadings, is the best approach. We will continue our investigation of these matters, and propose a solution at Meeting 131 for action at Electronic Meeting 131A. We welcome comments and suggestions in advance of Meeting 131. 5