Sampling and Analysis of the Volcanic Gases from the Tatun Volcano Group 大屯火山群氣體採集與分析 Hsiao-Fen Lee (李曉芬), Yang, T.F. (楊燦堯), TUN-JEN HSIAO (蕭敦仁) (Institute of Geosciences, National Taiwan University) The variation in compositions of fumaroles and bubbling gases of hot springs is closely related to volcanic activity. Number of studies point out that there was significant anomalous variation in compositions of eruptive gases before volcanic eruptions. Geochemists have being utilizing the technique of Giggenbach bottle (Giggenbach, 1975) to collect and analyze volcanic gases for a long time. We are also following the same method for gas sample collection and analytical procedures. The present study focuses on sample collection and analytical procedures to test if different sampling time and weather will influence the analytical result or not. However, volcanic activity from each area shows anomalous variation in gas compositions. It is useful to monitor volcanic activity by identifying the sources and variation in compositions of fumaroles and bubbling gases of hot springs.