Young Inspectors Assessment EIS Venue Tour

Activity being inspected: EIS Venue Tour
Date of visit: 20th January 2014
Time of visit: 4.30-6.30pm
Author: Young Inspectors
Reception were helpful and organised
We were shown where the changing rooms were
The lady doing the tour didn’t ask what our names were and none of us
knew her name either: could have introduced herself and found out a
bit about us
She didn’t have a staff badge or uniform on that said Staff clearly
The lady doing the tour was kind – she told us how to do the activities
Helpful – explained things well
She was encouraging
Gave us safety rules
She got us all involved sometimes by giving people something to do
who couldn’t take part in that activity, e.g. shouting GO in the running
She didn’t do any demonstrations of how we are supposed to do long
jump or high jump, this would have been helpful
She could have changed the high jump activity and done something
else: a member of our group in a wheelchair couldn’t take part in this at
It was fun
We all got to do different things, e.g. high jump and in the sand pit
Long jump was the best!
I didn’t like the javelin, I kept hurting my arms
I liked the javelin rocket!
I didn’t like the long jump because you get sand in your shoe
We learnt new things
She could have showed us more rooms
It was disappointing that things were empty with the lights off
It was ok – could have been more people training
1 hour activity/ 1 hour tour: it could have been longer doing the
athletics and less time on the tour
We’d have liked more activity time
It wasn’t worth £10 each! We didn’t get long enough on the activities
Good venue – loads of space and a big place
Clean and tidy inside
Loads of signs everywhere
It’s fun to be here, they have proper equipment and good floors
It’s good running on the same track as famous people
They had a big map of EIS near reception
There are bins but not loads
The lift made a really bad noise!
They need more stuff and more equipment that everyone can use:
more things that disabled people can try in the activity
It would have been good to use proper batons in the relay race we did
It was an accessible building
They had automatic doors which is good esp. for wheelchairs
They had lifts to get upstairs
No need for ramps because it was flat from the car park into the
We could all join in with the tour
We could get everywhere
Disabled toilets and an accessible seat in the shower for disabled
people or old people
There were loads of signs and big door signs
Only place to watch the athletics if you’re in a wheelchair was right at
the top of the stand, so you couldn’t sit with friends or family. They
need an escalator or way of letting people in wheelchairs sit anywhere
they wanted
First aid rooms
Loads of fire escapes
Everything we saw was safe
They had big cushions for pole vault and high jump
We used a safety javelin
There was loads of space to move about
Final Score: