GHSGT Review Physical Science


GHSGT Review Physical Science


M atter: anything that has mass and takes up space elements pure substances compounds mixtures heterogeneous homogeneous one type of atom more than one type of atom solutions same throughout different parts are visible not held together by bonds held together by bonds mass- amount of matter in an object volume- the amount of space an object takes up

Density- mass divided by volume D=m/v

Weight- mass times acceleration due to gravity W=mg g= 9.81m/s 2

Type of properties What they describe

Physical Properties Describe what matter is

(like an adjective)

Chemical Properties Describe what matter does (like an adverb)


Color, density, hardness, mass, volume, boiling point, conductivity, malleability, melting point, odor, shape, weight

Reacts with oxygen,

Does not react with metals

Ability to burn, ability to corrode, reactivity with light

Type of Changes

Physical Change

Chemical Change

Definition Examples

Does not create a new substance Cutting paper

Phase changes

Tearing paper

Creates a new substance

Dissolving salt in water



Temperature- the measure of how hot or cold something is

Melting point – the point at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid

Boiling point- the point at which a substance changes from a liquid to a gas



Phases changed

Solid to liquid

Heat transferred

Heat gained (heated)




Liquid to solid

Liquid to gas

Gas to liquid

Heat lost (cooled)

Heat gained (heated)

Heat lost (cooled)

Sublimation Solid to gas


Mixtures are separated by Physical Changes!

Heat gained (heated)

Chemical Changes-

- makes a new substance

written as chemical equations

equations use symbols (for elements) and formulas (for compounds)

symbols for elements are found on the periodic table

reactants: the chemicals that do the reacting, the chemicals going into the reaction, written on the left of the arrow normally

products: the chemicals that are made during the reaction, the chemicals coming out of the reaction, written on the right of the arrow normally

Types of reactions:

Synthesis- makes a single product, more than one reactant (on the left) only one product (on the right).

Decomposition- breaking down a single reactant into multiple products, one reactant (on the left)

more than one product (on the right)

Single replacement- an element replaces another element in a compound, one element and a

compound on the left, different element and compound on the right

Double replacement- two compounds switch parts, two compounds on the left, two different

compounds on the right

Evidence of Chemical Reactions


Color change


Gas produced




Light given off


Electric current produced


Temperature changes on its own

Endothermic- heat is taken in from the surroundings, the container of the reaction will feel cool or cold to the touch

Exothermic- heat is given off from the reaction, container of the reaction will feel warm or hot to the touch

Common Chemical Reactions


Combustion- Combining with oxygen rapidly


Rusting- combining with oxygen slowly


Neutralization- reaction between an acid and a base to form a salt and water


Fermentation- partial breakdown of sugars by yeasts to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol, in the absence of oxygen

Naming Ionic Compounds


Write the name of the positive ion without the word ion.


Write the name of the negative ion without the word ion.

Naming Covalent Compounds

Prefix Number of Particular Element mono 1 di tri tetra



4 penta hexa hepta octa





When a pair of elements form more than one type of covalent compound , Greek prefixes are used to indicate how many of each element are in a compound.

Some additional rules

The prefix


is never used for naming the first element of a compound.

The final "o" or "a" of a prefix is often dropped when the element begins with a vowel.

The element that comes first in the following list "goes" first.

B, Si, C, Sb, As, P, N, H, Te, Se, S, I, Br, Cl, O, F



O, which according to the rules should be called dihydrogen monoxide is always called water, and



, or nitrogen trihydride, is always called ammonia

Naming Organic Compounds












Number of Carbons












All single bonds -ane

A double bond -ene

A triple bond -yne


Methane, Ethane, Ethene, Ethyne

Writing Balanced Equations

Law of Conservation of Mass- Matter cannot be created nor destroyed it can only change forms

- What goes in, must come out

Basis for Balancing equations

These numbers are found in a chemical equation:

 Subscripts

The small numbers to the lower right of chemical symbols. Subscripts represent the number of atoms of each element in the molecule.

 Coefficients

The large numbers in front of chemical formulas. Coefficients represent the number of molecules of the substance in the reaction.

The order in which the following steps are performed is important.

While shortcuts are possible, following these steps in order is the best way to be sure you are correct.

Balancing Equations By Inspection

Types of Particles

Atoms- The smallest part of an element that can be identified as that element bonds)

Compound- substance made up of two or more elements chemically combined (held together by

Chemical bonds- force of attraction that hold atoms together (involves either sharing or transferring electrons)

All atoms want a full outer set of electrons. A full outer set consists of 8 electrons and is called an octet. Atoms form compounds to fill their outer set of electrons.

For some atoms, such as metals, it is easier for them to give up their 1 or 2 electrons in the outer shell and fall back on the full shell beneath those electrons. For other atoms, such as Fluorine, Nitrogen,

Oxygen, it is easier to take 1-3 electrons to fill their outer shell. Some atoms prefer to share electrons.

Some will do both. The noble gases such as Argon and Neon already have a full outer set of electrons and do not react.

Covalent Bonds- sharing electrons between two atoms

Molecules- smallest particle of a covalent compound

Ionic bonds- Transfer of electrons between two atoms

Formula unit- smallest unit of an ionic compound

Ion- a charge particle formed by the loss or gain of electrons

Cation- positively charged ion formed by losing one or more electrons

Anion- negatively charged ion formed by gaining one or more electrons

Elements made up of atoms.

Compounds made up of molecules (covalent) or ions ( ionic).


- made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons

has two regions: nucleus and electron cloud

Nucleus- dense center region of the atom, positively charged, contains protons and neutrons, contains nearly all the mass of the atom

Electron cloud- region around the nucleus where there is a good chance an electron might be found









Relative Mass







Outside of Nucleus (electron cloud)

Atomic number- the number of protons in an atom

- all atoms of an element have the same atomic number

- the element an atom belongs to is determined by the atomic number

- in a neutral atom (no charge) the number of electrons is the same as the atomic number

Mass number- The number of protons PLUS the number of neutrons in an atom

Calculating the number of neutrons in an atom:

Mass number – Atomic number= Number of neutrons

Mass number is found on the periodic table…. It is the number with the decimal.

Atomic number is also found of the periodic table…. It is the whole number without a decimal.

Isotope- has the same number of protons but a DIFFERENT number of NEUTRONS.


Atomic Number (protons)

Mass Number (protons and neutrons)

Carbon- 12






Neutron Number



12 - 6 = 6


14 – 6 = 8

Protons, neutrons, and electrons are made up of even smaller particles called quarks and leptons.

History of the Atom



John Dalton

Where he was from and when

Ancient Greece

England 1803

England 1897

England 1914

What they did

Named the Atom

Proposed an “atomic theory” of solid atoms based on mass

Discovered the electron J.J. Thomson

Ernest Rutherford

England 1932

Denmark 1922

Discovered the proton using his famous gold foil experiment

Discovered the Neutron James Chadwick

Neils Bohr Proposed that electrons orbited the nucleus like planets orbit the sun

Dalton’s Theory


All elements made up of atoms.


Atoms of the same element have the same mass.


Atoms of different elements have different masses.


Atoms combine in small whole number ratios.

He only got 2 of the four right. 1 and 4 are correct. 2 and 3 are incorrect. Atoms of the same element can have DIFFERENT masses and are called


Periodic Table of the Elements

- contains 112 known elements

created by Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev

listed in order of their Atomic Number (number of protons)

vertical columns called families and have similar chemical properties o families have the same number of electrons in their outer shell

rows are called periods and have the same number of occupied energy


Periodic Law- when elements are put in order of their atomic numbers (number of protons) there is a repetition of similar properties as you move through the chart


- Shiny

- good conductors of heat and electricity

- malleable (can be hammered into thin sheets)

- ductile (can be drawn into wire)

- lose electrons in reactions

- less than 4 electrons in their outer shell

- found on left side of the periodic table



brittle (break easily)

gain electrons in reactions

have 4 or more electrons in their outer shell

on the right side of the periodic table


have properties of both metals and nonmetals

along the stair step line that separates metals and nonmetals

Alkali Metals

far left side vertical column on the periodic table


silvery white

highly reactive

never found as elements in nature

only have one electron in their outer shell

can react explosively with water

Alkaline Earth Metals

2 electrons in outer shell

found in minerals in the earth’s crust

not as reactive as Alkali Metals

in second column from the left

Transition Metals

metals in the 10 shorter columns in the middle of the periodic table

usually have 2 outer shell electrons

form brightly colored compounds

Rare Earth Metals

Lanthanide series

Actinide series

At bottom of chart

All actinides are radioactive

All elements after uranium are synthetic or man-made


second column from the right

7 outer shell electrons

react with metals to form salts

most reactive nonmetals

Noble Gases

- Vertical column on the far right of the periodic table

have full outer shell of electrons

do not react normally

Kinetic Theory

All matter is made of atoms and molecules that act like tiny particles.

These tiny particles are always in motion. The higher the temperature the faster the particles move.

At the same temperature, more massive (heavier) particles move slower than less massive

(lighter) particles.


rigid structure

do not take the shape of their container

molecules vibrate in their positions but do not move past each other


take the shape of their container

molecules can move past each other

can flow

have freedom of movement


can fill their container

spread in all directions

molecules move very fast and are very far apart

State of Matter





Not definite




Gas Not definite Not definite

Viscosity-the attraction between molecules of a liquid, determines how fast or slow something flows

Pressure- force per unit area, or force divided by area


homogeneous mixtures

same throughout

made up of two parts

Solute- the substance being dissolved

Solvent- the substance doing the dissolving

Solubility- the ability of a substance to dissolve in another substance

Acids and Bases


Substance that produces Hydrogen ions (H + ) in solution

Hydrogen combined with one or more nonmetals

Vinegar, citrus fruits, tomatoes, tea, sodas

Sour taste

Turn blue litmus red

pH less than 7

can neutralize bases


substance that produces hydroxide ions in solution (OH )

metal combined with a hydroxide


taste bitter

turn red litmus blue (base- blue- bitter- remember your b’s)

pH greater than 7

neutralize acids

Neutralization reactions- reaction between an acid and a base producing a salt and water pH scale – how basic or acidic something is

7 is neutral example: pure water less than 7- acidic hydrochloric acid, sodas greater than 7- basic baking soda, ammonia

Indicators- change color in different pH solutions

Indicators tell the pH of a solution

Examples: phenolphthalein and litmus


Nuclear changes- changes in the nucleus of an atom

3 Types of Nuclear Reactions

Nuclear Fission

Splitting the nucleus into two smaller nuclei

Nuclear chain reaction- the splitting of the first nucleus releases particles which strike nearby nuclei, and cause them to split. This continues until there are no more nuclei to split or all the particles are absorbed.

The splitting of a nucleus releases a great deal of energy

Uncontrolled chain reactions are used in nuclear bombs

Controlled nuclear fission is used to create electricity

Nuclear Fusion

Two smaller nuclei join together to create a larger nucleus

Occurs in stars and the sun

Radioactive Decay

Spontaneous breakdown of a nucleus

Releases particles or rays and a lot of energy

3 types of decay

Alpha decay

Positively charged

Release of a helium nucleus from the nucleus undergoing decay (2 protons and 2 neutrons)

Easiest radiation to protect yourself from

Stopped by a sheet of paper

Beta decay

Negatively charged particle

High speed electrons emitted from nucleus

Can be stopped by a thin sheet of aluminum foil

Gamma decay

High energy radiation

No particle emitted just energy

Can penetrate several feet of concrete

Half- Life

Amount of time it takes for half of a sample to undergo radioactive decay

Number of Half lives







a push or pull on an object

mass times acceleration


½ x ½

½ x ½ x ½

½ x ½ x ½ x ½

Amount of sample remaining

½ sample remaining

¼ sample remaining

1 /


sample remaining

1 /


sample remaining

Types of Forces

Gravitational force- a universal force between two objects, all objects exert gravity, but it may not be measurable

Weight- measure of the force of gravity on an object

Gravity is dependent on the size of the objects and the distance between them

The further apart two objects are the more the gravity between them decreases

Electromagnetic Force- caused by positive and negative electrical charges in matter

Electric forces- forces between electric charges

Magnetic forces- forces between magnetic charges

Opposites attract

Like charges repel

Nuclear Forces- forces in an atom’s nucleus that hold the protons and neutrons together

Frictional Forces- forces that oppose the motion of two objects in contact

sliding friction occurs when a solid surface slides over another solid surface

rolling friction occurs when an object rolls across a solid surface, rolling friction is less than sliding friction

static friction occurs between the surfaces of two objects that touch but do not move

Net force- combination of all the forces on an object

20 N

-20 N

Net force = 20 N + -20N

Net force = 0 N

Balanced Forces- net force equal to zero

Unbalanced Forces- net force not equal to zero

Unbalanced forces cause an object’s motion to change

Speed- how fast something goes

Average speed = distance divided by time

Velocity= speed AND direction

Momentum is how hard something is to stop

Momentum = mass times velocity p = mv (p = momentum)

Acceleration= change in velocity over time

A = v f

– v i

/ t

F= ma

Unit of force is the Newton (N)


Laws of

M otion


1st Law of

M otion


2nd Law of

M otion


3rd law of motion

F= ma an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion until a force acts up on it for every action there is an equal but op p osite reaction inertiaresistance to change in motion

A man pushes a 50 kg box across a horizontal cement surface, causing the box to accelerate at 0.50 m/s 2 .

If he pushes with a force of 40 N, what is the frictional force acting between the box and the floor?

Net force= mass times acceleration



= ma



= (50 kg)(0.50m/s 2 )= 25 N

F friction

= F man

–F net

= 40 N – 25 N= 15 N


Work= force times distance W=fd

If the force doesn’t act over a distance then no work is done

Unit of work is the Joule (J)


Rate at which work is done

Power = work divided by time P = w/t

Unit of power is the Watt (W)

Simple Machines

Make work easier or faster

Do NOT decrease the amount of work done

Work with one movement

6 types



Wheel and axle

Inclined plane




3 Types

1 st class lever fulcrum in the middle

2 nd class lever load is in the middle

3 rd class lever effort is in the middle

Inclined planes- ramps

Pulleys- wheels with a rope wrapped around them

Screws- an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder

Wheel and axle- a wheel attached to a rod

Wedge –two inclined planes back to back

Effort force- the force applied

Work input- work done on a machine

Effort distance- the distance through which the effort force acts

W i

= F e

x d e

Work output – the amount of work the machine does

Resistance force – the force applied by the machine

Resistance distance – the distance the resistance force moves through

W o

= F r

x d r

Mechanical advantage- the number of times the machine multiplies the effort force

MA= F r

/ F e or MA = d e

/ d r

Efficiency- a comparison of the work output to the work input, written as a percentage

E=( W o

/ W i

) x 100%

Efficiency can never be more than 100%


Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy can never be created nor destroyed, it only changes forms.

Types of energy

Light (Radiant)



Heat (Thermal)





Mechanical energy- the energy of objects

2 types of mechanical energy

Kinetic energy- energy of motion

KE= ½ mv 2

m = mass

v = velocity

Gravitational Potential energy- energy of position

PE = mgh m = mass g = gravity = 9.8 m/s 2 h = height above ground

Energy Sources

Fossil Fuels ( need to reduce dependence)

Geothermal (heat from inside the earth)

Hydroelectric (using running water to make electricity)


Solar (from the sun)


Heat transfer

The movement of thermal energy from warmer to cooler materials

3 ways heat transfer occurs


Conduction- heat transferred by two objects in contact with each other a.

Conductors- materials that allow heat to transfer easily b.

Insulators- materials that slow the transfer of heat


Convection- heat transferred by the movement of fluids


Radiation- heat transferred through electromagnetic waves, can move through empty space, how the sun’s energy gets to earth


A disturbance that repeats the same cycle of motion

Transfers energy

Transverse wave particles move at right angles to the direction of the wave

(particles move up and down) example: ocean waves

Longitudinal waves particles move in the same direction as the direction of energy ( move back and forth)


Crest- highest point of a transverse wave

Trough- lowest point of a transverse wave

Amplitude- the distance from the line of origin to a crest or trough

Proportional to the amount of energy in a wave

Wavelength- distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave

Symbol lambda (

 to represent wavelength

Frequency- the number of complete waves that pass a point in a certain amount of time

Measured in Hertz (Hz)

Period- the amount of time it takes for one wave to pass a point

Measured in seconds

Speed- how fast the wave is moving

Wave speed = frequency times wavelength

V = f x

4 basis wave interactions


Reflection- the bouncing back of a wave when it strikes a boundary a.

Law of Reflection- the angle at which the wave bounces off a boundary is equal to the angle at which the wave struck the boundary


Refraction- The bending of a wave when it passes from one medium to another, this occurs due to a change in speed


Diffraction occurs when a wave passes through an opening and spreads out


Interference- when two or more waves occupy the same spot and combine to produce a single wave a.

Constructive interference- when the waves meet crest to crest or trough to trough and make a larger wave b.

Destructive interference when waves meet crest to trough and make a smaller wave c.

Total destructive interference- when two waves with the same amplitude meet crest to trough and cancel each other out completely

Electromagnetic Waves

All light waves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Electromagnetic waves produce both electric fields and magnetic fields.

All electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.

All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed in a vacuum (3.0 x 10 8 m/s)

The full range of frequencies and wavelengths is called the electromagnetic spectrum.

(left to right increasing wavelength, decreasing frequency)

Visible light- the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be seen by the human eye

Roy G. Biv Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

Polarized light- light that has been filtered to only vibrate in one direction


Virtual images- appear to be behind the mirror, cannot be shown on a screen

Real images- appear in front of the mirror, light rays actually meet there, can be shown on a screen

Plane mirror and convex mirrors form only virtual images

Concave mirrors form both real and virtual images.

Concave- mirror that caves in

Convex- mirror that bows out

Concave :


Plane mirror:

Lenses refract light rather than reflect it.

Converging lens:

Diverging lens:

Converging (convex lenses) form real and virtual images.

Diverging (concave lenses) form virtual images.

Lenses are used to magnify objects and correct vision problems.


Form of energy that causes objects to vibrate

Longitudinal waves make up sounds

Compression- area where the particles are closer together (same as a crest in a transverse wave)

Rarefaction- area of the wave where the particles are farther apart (same as a trough in a transverse wave)

Loudness- the intensity or amount of energy in the wave

Pitch- the frequency of the wave (determines how high or low a wave sounds)

Greater the frequency the higher the pitch

Lower the frequency the lower the pitch

Doppler Effect occurs when a sound source moves, causing the pitch to increase as the source moves closer, and causing the pitch to decrease when the source moves away (remember how an ambulance sounds when it is moving toward you and away from you)

Timbre- sound quality, caused by the blending of various pitches or tones

Sound that is pleasing to the ear is called music

Sound that is not pleasing to the ear is called noise

Sound travels fastest through solids, next fastest through liquids, and slowest through gases.

Sound doesn’t travel at all through the vacuum of space (where there is no medium or material to carry it, not to be confused with a vacuum cleaner… sound travels quite well in a vacuum cleaner just ask any indoor pet.)

When sound waves hit another object, they can be absorbed, travel through the object, or they can be reflected.

Reflected sound waves are called echoes.


Static electricity- the accumulation of like charges

Cause by


Rubbing two objects together, like a balloon and your hair


Transfer of charges from one object to another by touching the objects together


A charged object is brought near to an uncharged object, since opposite charges attract, the charges in the uncharged object move in such a way as that the charges opposite the ones on the charged object are closer to the charged object

This causes the uncharged object to behave as if it is charged

Law of Electric Charges – opposites attract, like charges repel

Electric fields- area in which the electric force is noticeable

Strength of electric field depends on the distance from the charged particle

Electric discharge- when electric charges leave an object that has static electricity built up

Electric current- the flow of electric charges

Electric current is produced by the flow of electrons

Electric current only flows in circuits

Circuit- a complete, closed path for electron flow

5 ways to produce an electric current


Electromagnetic generators- turn a coil of wire through a magnetic field (

Electromagnetic Induction), as the coil rotates, the flow constantly reverses directions creating an alternating current (AC), this is how electricity is produced for our homes


Electrochemical cells- also called batteries, produce electric current from chemical reactions, produces direct current (DC)


Solar cells- produce electricity from light


Thermocouples- produce electricity from heat


piezoelectric cells produce electricity when pressure is applied to certain crystals

Electric Current- when electrons flow through a wire, measured in amperes (A).

Potential Difference- the electrical potential energy between two places in a circuit, measured in Volts (V) also called Voltage

Resistance- The opposition to the flow of current measured in ohms (


Good conductors such as copper have low resistance

Resistance in wires is depends on thickness, length, and temperature

Ohm’s Law


Voltage= current times resistance

Series circuit- charges only have one path to flow through

If one light goes out they all go out

R total

= R


+ R


+ R



Parallel Circuit- charges have more than one path to flow through

If one light goes out, the others stay on

R total

= 1 /


+ 1 /


+ 1 /



Series parallel circuits have some elements in series and some in parallel

Magnetic field- region around a magnet or current carrying wire where magnetic forces are noticeable

Magnetism- the force of attraction or repulsion due to electron motion

Magnets have 2 poles a north and a south

Like poles repel

Opposite poles attract

Magnetic domains- groups of atoms with magnetic poles aligned

If most of the domains line up the material is considered magnetized

Electromagnet- a coil of wire wrapped around a iron bar, with electric current flowing through the wire

Generators use electromagnetic induction to create electricity

Electromagnetic induction- a wire turning through a magnet to produce electricity
