The Urinary System

24 PART 1
The Urinary System
The Urinary System
Important functions of the kidneys
Maintain the chemical consistency of blood
Filter many liters of fluid from blood
Send toxins, metabolic wastes, and excess water out of the body
• Main waste products are three nitrogenous compounds
• Urea
• Uric acid
• Creatinine
Organs of the Urinary System
Urinary bladder
Location and External Anatomy of Kidneys
Kidneys are red-brown in color
Located retroperitoneally
Behind the peritoneum
Lateral to T12–L3 vertebrae
Average kidney is 12 cm tall, 6 cm wide, 3 cm thick
Is the concave surface
• Vessels and nerves enter and exit
Location and External Anatomy of Kidneys
Fibrous capsule
Capsule of dense connective tissue surrounds the kidney
Inhibits spread of infections
Perirenal fat capsule
External to renal capsule
Renal fascia
External to perirenal fat capsule
Contains fat
Internal Gross Anatomy of the Kidneys
Frontal section through the kidney
Renal cortex
• Superficial region, granular appearance
Renal medulla consists of
• Cone-shaped renal pyramids
Renal pelvis
Major calices
Minor calices
Internal Gross Anatomy of the Kidneys
Gross vasculature
Renal arteries branch into segmental arteries
• Segmental arteries branch into interlobar arteries
• Arcuate arteries branch from interlobar arteries
Internal Gross Anatomy of the Kidneys
Nerve supply—renal plexus
A network of autonomic fibers
An offshoot of the celiac plexus
Supplied by sympathetic fibers from
• Lowest thoracic splanchnic nerve
• First lumbar splanchnic nerve
Microscopic Anatomy of the Kidneys
Nephron is the functional unit of the kidney
Over 1 million nephrons in each kidney
Mechanisms of Urine Production
Filtrate of blood leaves kidney capillaries
Most nutrients, water, and essential ions reclaimed
Active process of removing undesirable molecules
Nephron Structure
Nephron is composed of
Renal tubule
Renal corpuscle
24 PART 2
The Urinary System
Nephron Structure
Renal corpuscle—first part of nephron
Glomerulus and glomerular capsule
• Glomerulus—tuft of capillaries
• Capillaries of glomerulus are fenestrated
• Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule
• Parietal layer—simple squamous epithelium
• Visceral layer—consists of podocytes
Filtration Membrane
The filtration membrane
• Filter that lies between blood in the glomerulus and capsular space
• Consists of three layers
• Fenestrated endothelium of the capillary
• Filtration slits between foot processes of podocytes
• Basement membrane
Filtration Membrane
Basement membrane and slit diaphragm
Hold back most proteins
Allow passage of
• Water
• Ions
• Glucose
• Amino acids
• Urea
Renal Tubule
Filtrate proceeds to renal tubules from glomerulus
Proximal convoluted tubule
Nephron loop
• Descending limb
• Descending thin limb (DTL)
• Ascending thin limb (ATL)
• Thick ascending limb (TAL)
Distal convoluted tubule
Renal Tubule
Collecting ducts
Receive urine from several nephrons
Play an important role in conserving body fluids
• Posterior pituitary secretes ADH
• Increases permeability of collecting ducts and distal convoluted tubules to
Classes of Nephron
Cortical nephrons
85% of nephrons
Juxtamedullary nephrons
15% of nephrons
Contribute to kidney’s ability to concentrate urine
Blood Vessels Associated with Nephrons
Nephrons associate closely with two capillary beds
Peritubular capillaries in cortical nephrons or vasa recta in juxtamedullary
Blood Vessels Associated with Nephrons
Produce filtrate that becomes urine
Fed and drained by arterioles
• Afferent glomerular arteriole
• Efferent glomerular arteriole
Blood Vessels Associated with Nephrons
Efferent arteriole has a smaller diameter than afferent arteriole
Generate 1 liter of fluid every 8 minutes
• 99% of filtrate is resorbed by tubules
Blood Vessels Associated with Nephrons
Peritubular capillaries
Arise from the efferent arterioles draining cortical glomeruli
Are adapted for absorption
• Low-pressure, porous capillaries
• All molecules secreted by nephrons into urine are from peritubular capillaries
Blood Vessels Associated with Nephrons
Vasa recta
Continue from efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons
Are thin-walled looping vessels
• Descend into the medulla
Are part of the kidney’s urine concentrating mechanism
24 PART 3
The Urinary System
Juxtaglomerular Complex
Juxtaglomerular complex
Functions in regulating blood pressure
An area of specialized contact between terminal end of the ascending limb and
afferent arteriole
Granular cells—modified smooth muscle cells with secretory granules
• Contain the hormone renin
• Renin—secreted in response to falling blood pressure in afferent arteriole
Juxtaglomerular Complex
Macula densa—end of nephron loop
Adjacent to granular cells
Tall, closely packed epithelial cells
Monitor solute concentration in the filtrate
Signal granular cells to secrete renin
Initiates renin-angiotensin mechanism
Juxtaglomerular Complex
Mesangial cells
Located around base of the glomerulus
• Regulate blood flow within the glomerulus
Extraglomerular mesangial cells
Interact with macula densa and granular cells
• Help regulate blood pressure
Carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder
Oblique entry into bladder prevents backflow of urine
Histology of ureter
Mucosa—transitional epithelium
Muscularis—two layers
• Inner longitudinal layer
• Outer circular layer
Adventitia—typical connective tissue
Urinary Bladder
A collapsible muscular sac
Stores and expels urine
Full bladder—spherical
• Expands into the abdominal cavity
Empty bladder—lies entirely within the pelvis
Urinary Bladder
Urachus—closed remnant of the allantois
In males
• Lies directly inferior to the bladder
• Surrounds the urethra
Urinary Bladder
Urinary bladder is composed of three layers
Mucosa—transitional epithelium
Thick muscular layer—detrusor
Fibrous adventitia
Epithelium of urethra
Transitional epithelium
• At the proximal end (near the bladder)
Stratified and pseudostratified columnar—mid urethra (in males)
Stratified squamous epithelium
At the distal end (near the urethral opening)
Internal urethral sphincter
Involuntary smooth muscle
External urethral sphincter
Voluntarily inhibits urination
Relaxes when one urinates
In females
Length of 3–4 cm
In males—20 cm in length; three named regions
Prostatic urethra
• Passes through the prostate gland
Intermediate part of urethra
• Through the urogenital diaphragm
Spongy (penile) urethra
• Passes through the length of the penis
Disorders of the Urinary System
Urinary tract infections
More common in females
Burning sensation during micturition
Renal calculi
Kidney stones
Bladder cancer
3% of cancers—more common in men
Kidney cancer
Arises from epithelial cells of uriniferous tubules
The Urinary System Throughout Life
Embryo develops three pairs of kidneys
• Only metanephros persists to become the adult kidneys
• Metanephric kidney produces urine by fetal month 3
• Contributes to the volume of amniotic fluid
The Urinary System Throughout Life
Kidney and bladder function declines with advancing age
Nephrons decrease in size and number
Tubules are less efficient at secretion and resorption
Filtration declines
Recognition of desire to urinate is delayed
Loss of muscle tone in the bladder
Study collections