Urinary System Test

Name ________________________
Urinary System Test
1. List the functions of the following parts of the urinary system: (8 points)
a. Bladder
b. Kidney
c. Ureter
d. Urethra
2. Label the following diagram: (8 points)
Word Bank: Aorta, Inferior vena cava, Kidney, Renal artery, Renal vein, Ureter, Urethra, Urinary bladder
Multiple Choice
Each kidney contains approximately ______ nephrons.
a. 10 million
c. 100,000
b. 1 million
d. 10,000
The filtering unit of the kidney is called the __________.
a. nephron
c. loop of Henle
b. glomerulus
d. collecting duct
The urinary system interacts most closely with the ______ system.
a. nervous
c. skeletal
b. muscular
d. circulatory
Normal components of urine in a healthy person include:
a. hydrochloric acid and water.
c. lipids and water.
b. ions and water.
d. none of the above.
Urine is formed in the _______.
a. kidney
b. urethra
Urine reaches the urinary bladder by:
a. the force of gravity.
c. kidney and bladder
d. kidney and urethra
b. suction from the empty bladder.
c. pressure exerted on the ureters by movements of the
digestive organs.
d. peristalsis.
The average pH for normal urine is ______.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
The _______ brings blood to the kidney.
a. renal artery
b. renal vein
c. nephron
d. glomerulus
The _______ carries blood away from the kidney.
a. renal artery
c. nephron
b. renal vein
d. glomerulus
_____10. The _______ is a bundle of capillaries where filtration occurs.
a. renal artery
c. nephron
b. renal vein
d. glomerulus
_____11. This is caused by abnormal cells, could cause an imbalance in hormone levels and occurs only
in males.
a. prostate cancer
c. analgesic nephropathy
b. glomerulonephritis
d. neurogenic bladder
_____12. ________ is caused by a bacterial infection that affects the capillaries inside Bowman’s capsule.
a. prostate cancer
c. analgesic nephropathy
b. glomerulonephritis
d. neurogenic bladder
_____13. ___________ is when renal failure is caused by taking pain relievers.
a. prostate cancer
c. analgesic nephropathy
b. glomerulonephritis
d. neurogenic bladder
_____14. ___________ is when the muscles and nerves that control the bladder do not function
a. prostate cancer
c. analgesic nephropathy
b. glomerulonephritis
d. neurogenic bladder
_____15. Which of the following is not a stage in urine formation?
a. secretion
c. excretion
b. filtration
d. reabsorption
_____16. “Normal” urine is ________.
a. dark yellow and clear
b. pale yellow and clear
c. colorless and clear.
d. colorless and hazy.
_____17. You can survive forever without functioning kidneys if you get dialysis.
a. true
b. false
_____18. Urine should not contain glucose and protein.
a. true
b. false
_____19. A male’s urethra is longer than a female’s urethra.
a. true
b. false