BEST PRACTICES USER MANUAL FOR DATA ENTRY INTO COUNTY CRIMINAL JUSTICE RECORDS SYSTEMS DATA QUALITY PROJECT AUGUST 2008 V 2.2 "This project was supported by Grant No. 2007-DD-BX-0706 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Institute of Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for Victims of Crime. Points of view or opinions in this document are those of the author and do not represent the official position or policies of the United State Department of Justice." TABLE OF CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF DATA ELEMENTS ...................................................................... iii INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 1 1. NAME FIELDS ............................................................................................................................. 2 PREFIX ............................................................................................................................... 2 SURNAME (LAST NAME) .................................................................................................. 2 GIVEN NAME (FIRST NAME) ............................................................................................ 2 MIDDLE NAME ................................................................................................................... 3 MAIDEN NAME .................................................................................................................. 3 SUFFIX ............................................................................................................................... 4 ALIAS LAST NAME ............................................................................................................ 4 ALIAS FIRST NAME ........................................................................................................... 4 ALIAS MIDDLE NAME ....................................................................................................... 5 NICKNAME ......................................................................................................................... 5 2. BIRTHDATE FIELD ..................................................................................................................... 5 BIRTH DATE ...................................................................................................................... 5 3. EYE COLOR FIELD .................................................................................................................... 6 EYE COLOR ....................................................................................................................... 6 4. HAIR COLOR FIELD ................................................................................................................... 6 HAIR COLOR ..................................................................................................................... 6 5. HEIGHT FIELD ............................................................................................................................ 7 HEIGHT .............................................................................................................................. 7 6. WEIGHT FIELD ........................................................................................................................... 7 WEIGHT ............................................................................................................................. 7 7. RACE FIELD................................................................................................................................ 8 RACE .................................................................................................................................. 8 8. ETHNICITY FIELD ...................................................................................................................... 8 ETHNICITY ......................................................................................................................... 8 9. SEX FIELD .................................................................................................................................. 9 SEX ..................................................................................................................................... 9 10. RELIGION FIELD ...................................................................................................................... 9 RELIGION........................................................................................................................... 9 11. STATE FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION (SID) FIELD ......................................................... 10 STATE FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION (SID) ............................................................. 10 12. CHARGE TRACKING NUMBER (OTN) FIELD ....................................................................... 10 CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION (OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER / OTN) * ... 10 13. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FIELDS .................................................................................. 11 SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN) .............................................................................. 11 ALIAS SSN ....................................................................................................................... 11 14. UNITED STATES CITIZEN INDICATOR FIELD ..................................................................... 11 U.S. CITIZEN INDICATOR ............................................................................................... 11 15. ADDRESS FIELDS .................................................................................................................. 12 ADDRESS TYPE .............................................................................................................. 12 ADDRESS LINE 1 (BUILDING/APARTMENT/UNIT) ....................................................... 12 ADDRESS LINE 2 (STREET)........................................................................................... 13 CITY NAME ...................................................................................................................... 13 STATE CODE ................................................................................................................... 13 POSTAL CODE (ZIP CODE)............................................................................................ 14 POSTAL EXTENSION CODE (ZIP CODE EXTENSION) ............................................... 15 16. BOOKING DOCUMENT CONTROL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FIELD ............................. 15 BOOKING DOCUMENT CONTROL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) ........................ 15 17. CONVICTION COURT FIELD ................................................................................................. 16 CONVICTION COURT NAME .......................................................................................... 16 18. CONFINEMENT LOCATION NAME FIELD ............................................................................ 18 CONFINEMENT LOCATION NAME (CORRECTIONAL FACILITY) ............................... 18 i 19. OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER FIELD ................................................................................ 20 OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER (OTN) / CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION ..... 20 20. CHARGE INFORMATION FIELDS ......................................................................................... 21 CHARGE SEQUENCE ID ................................................................................................ 21 CHARGE STATUTE TITLE .............................................................................................. 22 CHARGE STATUTE SECTION ........................................................................................ 22 CHARGE STATUTE SUBSECTION ................................................................................ 22 CHARGE DEGREE .......................................................................................................... 23 CHARGE SEVERITY LEVEL ........................................................................................... 23 CHARGE GRADE ............................................................................................................ 24 CHARGE APPLICABILITY TEXT (INCOHATE CHARGE) .............................................. 24 21. CASE DOCKET ID FIELD ....................................................................................................... 25 CASE DOCKET ID ........................................................................................................... 25 22. JUDGE OFFICAL TYPE FIELD............................................................................................... 25 JUDGE OFFICIAL TYPE .................................................................................................. 25 23. PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION INDICATOR FIELD ........................................................ 25 PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION INDICATOR (PSI).................................................... 25 24. SENTENCE INFORMATION FIELDS ..................................................................................... 26 SENTENCE DATE ........................................................................................................... 26 SENTENCE EFFECTIVE DATE....................................................................................... 26 SENTENCE TERM MINIMUM.......................................................................................... 26 SENTENCE TERM MAXIMUM ........................................................................................ 26 CONDITIONAL RELEASE PROJECTED DATE (MINIMUM RELEASE DATE) .............. 27 SENTENCE EXPIRATION DATE (MAXIMUM RELEASE DATE) ................................... 27 25. DETAINER INFORMATION FIELDS ...................................................................................... 27 DETAINER STATUS ........................................................................................................ 27 ARREST APPREHENSION DETENTION ORDER (DETAINER / WARRANT) .............. 27 26. SUPERVISION INFORMATION FIELDS ................................................................................ 28 COURT ORDER SUPERVISING AGENCY NAME ......................................................... 28 SUPERVISION TYPE ....................................................................................................... 30 SUPERVISION PERSON STATUS.................................................................................. 30 DATE OF ADDITION TO SUPERVISION ........................................................................ 31 27. WEAPON FIELD ..................................................................................................................... 31 WEAPON .......................................................................................................................... 31 28. PLACE OF BIRTH FIELD ........................................................................................................ 32 BIRTH PLACE (PERSON NATIONALITY / COUNTRY OF BIRTH) ................................ 32 SPECIAL THANKS AND END NOTES ......................................................................................... 40 ii ALPHABETICAL LISTING OF DATA ELEMENTS A ADDRESS LINE 1 (BUILDING/APARTMENT/UNIT)…………………………………….. ADDRESS LINE 2 (STREET)………………………………………………………………. ADDRESS TYPE…………………………………………………………………………….. ALIAS FIRST NAME…………………………………………………………………………. ALIAS LAST NAME………………………………………………………………………….. ALIAS MIDDLE NAME………………………………………………………………………. ALIAS SSN……………………………………………………………………………………. ARREST APPREHENSION DETENTION ORDER (DETAINER / WARRANT)………. 12 12 12 4 4 4 11 27 B BIRTH DATE…………………………………………………………………………………. BIRTH PLACE (PERSON NATIONALITY / COUNTRY OF BIRTH)…………………… BOOKING DOCUMENT CONTROL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN)……………… BUILDING/APARTMENT/UNIT (ADDRESS LINE 1)…………………………………….. 5 32 15 12 C CASE DOCKET ID…………………………………………………………………………… CHARGE APPLICABILITY TEXT (INCOHATE CHARGE)……………………………… CHARGE DEGREE………………………………………………………………………….. CHARGE GRADE……………………………………………………………………………. CHARGE SEQUENCE ID…………………………………………………………………… CHARGE SEVERITY LEVEL……………………………………………………………….. CHARGE STATUTE SECTION…………………………………………………………….. CHARGE STATUTE SUBSECTION……………………………………………………….. CHARGE STATUTE TITLE…………………………………………………………………. CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION (OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER / OTN)... CITY NAME…………………………………………………………………………………… CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (CONFINEMENT LOCATION NAME)…………………… CONDITIONAL RELEASE PROJECTED DATE (MINIMUM RELEASE DATE)……… CONFINEMENT LOCATION NAME (CORRECTIONAL FACILITY)…………………… CONVICTION COURT NAME……………………………………………………………… COUNTRY OF BIRTH (BIRTH PLACE / PERSON NATIONALITY)…………………… COURT ORDER SUPERVISING AGENCY NAME……………………………………… 25 24 23 24 21 23 22 22 22 10 13 18 27 18 16 32 28 D DATE OF ADDITION TO SUPERVISION…………………………………………………. DETAINER / WARRANT (ARREST APPREHENSION DETENTION ORDER)………. DETAINER STATUS………………………………………………………………………… 31 27 27 E ETHNICITY…………………………………………………………………………………… EYE COLOR………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 6 iii F FIRST NAME (GIVEN NAME)……………………………………………………………… 2 G GIVEN NAME (FIRST NAME)……………………………………………………………… 2 H HAIR COLOR………………………………………………………………………………… HEIGHT……………………………………………………………………………………….. 6 7 I INCOHATE CHARGE (CHARGE APPLICABILITY TEXT)……………………………… 24 JKL JUDGE OFFICIAL TYPE……………………………………………………………………. 25 M MAIDEN NAME………………………………………………………………………………. MAXIMUM RELEASE DATE (SENTENCE EXPIRATION DATE)……………………… MIDDLE NAME………………………………………………………………………………. MINIMUM RELEASE DATE (CONDITIONAL RELEASE PROJECTED DATE)……… 3 27 3 27 N NATIONALITY (BIRTH PLACE / COUNTRY OF BIRTH)…………………… NICKNAME…………………………………………………………………………………… 32 5 O OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER (OTN) / CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION... OTN (CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION / OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER)... 20 10 PQ PERSON NATIONALITY (BIRTH PLACE / COUNTRY OF BIRTH)…………………… PIN (BOOKING DOCUMENT CONTROL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER)……………… POSTAL CODE (ZIP CODE)……………………………………………………………….. POSTAL EXTENSION CODE (ZIP CODE EXTENSION)………………………………. PREFIX………………………………………………………………………………………... PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION INDICATOR (PSI)………………………………….. 32 15 14 15 2 25 R RACE………………………………………………………………………………………….. RELIGION…………………………………………………………………………………….. 8 9 S SENTENCE DATE…………………………………………………………………………… 26 iv SENTENCE EFFECTIVE DATE……………………………………………………………. SENTENCE EXPIRATION DATE (MAXIMUM RELEASE DATE)……………………… SENTENCE TERM MAXIMUM…………………………………………………………….. SENTENCE TERM MINIMUM……………………………………………………………… SEX……………………………………………………………………………………………. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN)……………………………………………………... STATE CODE………………………………………………………………………………… STATE FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION (SID)…………………………………………. STREET (ADDRESS LINE 2)………………………………………………………………. SUFFIX………………………………………………………………………………………... SUPERVISION PERSON STATUS………………………………………………………... SUPERVISION TYPE……………………………………………………………………….. SURNAME (LAST NAME)…………………………………………………………………... 26 27 26 26 9 11 13 10 13 4 30 30 2 TUV U.S. CITIZEN INDICATOR………………………………………………………………….. 11 W WARRANT / DETAINER (ARREST APPREHENSION DETENTION ORDER)………. WEAPON……………………………………………………………………………………… WEIGHT………………………………………………………………………………………. 27 31 7 XYZ ZIP CODE (POSTAL CODE)……………………………………………………………….. ZIP CODE EXTENSION (ZIP + 4 / POSTAL EXTENSION CODE)……………………. 14 15 v INTRODUCTION The County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP), in conjunction with the County Chief Adult Probation and Parole Officers’ Association and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Institute, received grant funding to improve the quality of information collected within the local criminal justice record keeping system. The grant provides for CCAP to develop a method for Pennsylvania to improve the quality of information collected within the local criminal justice automated records systems. This “Best Practices User Manual for Data Entry into County Criminal Justice Records Systems” has been developed as part of this grant and is based on the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) version 2.0. The NIEM is the result of a collaborative effort by the justice and homeland security domains to produce a set of common, consistent and well-defined data elements to be used for data exchange. NIEM was designed to be used as a consistent baseline for exchanging information within and across local, state, federal and tribal agencies. Through consulting with Pennsylvania county and state criminal justice subject matter experts, the data elements listed within this manual were determined to be the critical core set of data elements common across these agencies. This manual is intended to provide the criminal justice practitioner with a reference guide to entering this information in a standard and consistent manner, ultimately improving the quality of information within the local records management system. It is anticipated that counties involved with standardizing the information entered into their local records management systems, following the NIEM guidelines, will benefit through: 1. INCREASED REPORTING ACCURACY: The more consistently, accurately and more standardized the data entered within records management system(s), the more meaningful the reports will be for county administrators. Effective management and planning can only be achieved with accurate reports. 2. IMPROVED ELECTRONIC REPORTING: Counties are increasingly being required to electronically report and to transfer criminal justice information. However, the ability to successfully transfer meaningful and accurate information is hindered by differences in how and what data is entered in the records management systems. 3. STANDARDS-BASED INFORMATION SHARING: Standards-based information sharing can also mean quicker access to and better understanding of data that crosses system, agency and jurisdiction borders. This means that individuals will not have to reenter the same data multiple times, delay critical decisions for lack of data or take action based on inaccurate or incomplete information. 4. IMPROVED PUBLIC SAFETY: Timely access to quality information enables better decision making, which can easily translate into saving lives. Getting the right information to the right people all of the time means that officials will be properly equipped to make informed decisions in planning for, preventing or responding to criminal incidents and day-to-day operations. 5. IMPROVED GOVERNMENT EFFECTIVENESS: The ability of government personnel to effectively serve the public and to deliver positive outcomes, hinges on the availability of appropriate and accurate information. Access to such information ensures that decisions are made and assistance provided as quickly as possible. Additional information regarding the Data Quality Grant, a pdf version of this document, and a searchable data repository can be obtained on CCAP’s website at the following address: Additional information regarding the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) can be found at . 1 1. NAME FIELDS PREFIX A title or honorific used by a person. CODE CAPT DR GENERAL JUDGE LT MISS MR MRS MS PROF REV PREFIX CAPTAIN DOCTOR GENERAL JUDGE LIEUTENANT MISS MISTER MRS MS PROFESSOR REVERAND Format: No punctuation is to be used Comment: The above list is not necessarily a complete list of prefixes. SURNAME (LAST NAME) A last name or family name of a person. Best Practice: Example: SMITH, MCKEE, OHARE, SMITH-JONES Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included when entering the Surname (last name). That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces in the Surname (last name). GIVEN NAME (FIRST NAME) A first name of a person. BEST PRACTICE: EXAMPLE: SNOOPY, SANDY-MAE Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included when entering the Given Name (First Name). That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces in the Given Name (First Name). 2 MIDDLE NAME A middle name of a person BEST PRACTICE: EXAMPLE: SNOOPY, SANDY-MAE, OHARE Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available, and abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included when entering the Middle Name. That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces in the Middle Name. MAIDEN NAME An original surname of a person before changed by marriage. Best Practice: Example: SMITH, MCKEE, OHARE, SMITH-JONES Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included when entering the Maiden Name. That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces in the Maiden Name. 2. Some records management systems do not provide for a Maiden Name field, in this case, the Alias Last Name field should be used to enter the Maiden Name. 3 SUFFIX A term appended after the family name that qualifies the name. CODE I II III IV V JR SR PhD MD LLD JD ESQ DO SUFFIX FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH FIFTH JUNIOR SENIOR DOCTOR OF PHILOSPOHY MEDICAL DOCTOR DOCTOR OF LAWS JURIS DOCTOR ESQUIRE DOCTOR OF OSTEOPATHY Format: No punctuation should be used. Comment: The above list is not intended to be a complete list of suffixes. ALIAS LAST NAME An alternate last name or family name of a person. Best Practices: Example: SMITH, MCKEE, OHARE, SMITH-JONES Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included. That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces in the Alternate Surname (Alias Last Name). ALIAS FIRST NAME An alternate first name of a person. BEST PRACTICE: EXAMPLE: SNOOPY, SANDY-MAE Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included. That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces in the Alternate First name (Alias First Name). 4 ALIAS MIDDLE NAME An alternate middle name of a person. BEST PRACTICE: EXAMPLE: SNOOPY, SANDY-MAE, OHARE Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included when entering the Alias Middle Name. Apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces. NICKNAME A nickname or street name of a person. BEST PRACTICE: EXAMPLE: SNOOPY, SANDY-MAE, OHARE Format: 1. Complete names should be used if available; and thus, abbreviations for the name should not be used. 2. Punctuation and Spaces: Hyphens are the only form of punctuation to be included. That is, apostrophes and other forms of punctuation or special characters should be eliminated. Do not include any spaces. 3. Some case records management systems provide for entry of a Nickname; but for those that do not, the Nickname should be entered in an Alternate / Alias name field. 2. BIRTHDATE FIELD BIRTH DATE Calendar date on which a person was born Best Practice: CCYY-MM-DD Example: 2007-09-23 Format: 1. Gregorian date (CCYY-MM-DD): Year (CCYY), Month (MM), and Day (DD). 2. The user interfaces of many case records management systems use the format of MMDDYYYY; therefore, conversion to CCYY-MM-DD would occur when electronically exchanging information. Comment: If birthdates is unknown, leave blank and do not put zeros. 5 3. EYE COLOR FIELD EYE COLOR The color of the eyes of a person. EYE COLOR CODE BLK BLU BRO GRN GRY HAZ MAR MUL PNK XXX EYE COLOR TEXT BLACK BLUE BROWN GREEN GRAY HAZEL MAROON MULTICOLORED PINK UNKNOWN 4. HAIR COLOR FIELD HAIR COLOR A color of the hair of a person. HAIR CODE BLK BLN BLU BRO GRN GRY ONG PNK PLE RED SDY WHI XXX HAIR TEXT BLACK BLOND OR STRAWBERRY BLUE BROWN GREEN GRAY OR PARTIALLY GRAY ORANGE PINK PURPLE RED OR AUBURN SANDY WHITE UNKNOWN OR COMPLETELY BALD 6 5. HEIGHT FIELD HEIGHT A measurement of the height of a person. Best Practices: FEET, INCHES: 1. Height must be expressed in FEET and INCHES. 2. Fractions of an inch should be rounded off to the nearest inch. Example: HEIGHT 5’11” 6’0” 70” 72 ½” CODE 511 600 510 601 Format: 511 6. WEIGHT FIELD WEIGHT A measurement of the weight of a person. Best Practices: POUNDS: 1. Weight must be expressed in POUNDS, using three digits. 2. Fractions of a pound should be rounded off to the nearest pound. Example: WEIGHT 94 Pounds 186 Pounds 210 ½ Pounds CODE 094 186 211 7 7. RACE FIELD RACE A classification of a person based on factors such as geographical locations and genetics. (Description of the race code.) RACE TEXT AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKAN NATIVE ASIAN OR PACIFIC ISLANDER BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN UNKNOWN WHITE RACE CODE I A B U W Comment: American Indian or Alaskan Native – a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Americas and maintaining cultural identification through tribal affiliations or community recognition. Asian or Pacific Islander – a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent or the Pacific Islands. Black or African American – a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. White - a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa or Middle East. 8. ETHNICITY FIELD ETHNICITY A cultural lineage of a person. ETHNICITY TEXT HISPANIC NON-HISPANIC UNKNOWN ETHNICITY CODE H N U 8 9. SEX FIELD SEX A gender or sex of a person. SEX TEXT FEMALE MALE SEX CODE F M Comment: 1. “UNKNOWN” is a gender option within NIEM and NCIC codes, but the PA criminal justice practitioners requested this option be removed within best practices. The business process reason for this is that the sex of a person must be known in jails and other agencies to determine housing and gender specific services. 10. RELIGION FIELD RELIGION A religion to which a person subscribes or believes; a categorization of spiritual beliefs. RELIGION TEXT BUDDHIST BAHAI CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN-CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN-ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN-PENTECOSTAL CHRISTIAN-PROTESTANT HINDU JAINS JEWISH MOSLEM MOSLEM-DRUZE MOSLEM-SHIITE MOSLEM-SUNNI OTHER PARSI (ZOROASTRIAN) SIKH UNKNOWN ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION CODE BUDDH BAHAI CHRIS CATHO ORTHO PENTE PROTE HINDU JAINS JEWIS MOSLE DRUZE SHIIT SUNNI OTHER PARSI SIKH UNKNO ZOROZ 9 11. STATE FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION (SID) FIELD STATE FINGERPRINT IDENTIFICATION (SID) A number issued by a state Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints. Best Practice: 123-45-67-8 (User Interface generally includes hyphens) Format: 12345678 (When the SID is exchanged electronically, no hyphens or spaces are used to separate the numbers.) Comments: 1. ONLY Pennsylvania SID’S are to be entered into this field. 2. SID’s from other states should always be entered into a Miscellaneous ID field. 3. The first time someone is fingerprinted they are assigned a SID. This is the main key along with OTN which connects PBPP, AOPC and DOC records management systems. Without an SID, data cannot be applied to CCHRI. 12. CHARGE TRACKING NUMBER (OTN) FIELD CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION (OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER / OTN) * A unique identifying number assigned to an entire set of charges for an arrest. Different numbers may appear in the set if cases have been consolidated. Best Practices: Q333333-0 (User Interface) Q3333330 (When exchanging data) Format: Q3333330 No spaces, no hyphens or other punctuation. Many records management systems will pre-format the OTN, for example Q333333-0; however, when electronically exchanging data, no punctuation marks or spaces area used. Comment: An OTN is assigned for every arrest fingerprint taken. This is the main key into CCHRI. Without the OTN, any data that is sent to CCHRI cannot be applied. *Due to the interchanging of Charge Tracking Identification and Offense Tracking Number, the OTN is cross referenced in Number 19. 10 13. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER FIELDS SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER (SSN) A unique reference to a living person; assigned by the United States Social Security Administration. Best Practices: 123-45-6789 (User Interface) 123456789 (electronically exchanging information) 999999999 (If no SSN is available, then all “nines” should be entered.) Format: 123456789 Comment: 1. Many records management systems will pre-format the SSN in the user interface in the standard format of 123-45-6789. 2. When electronically exchanging information, there should be no spaces or hyphens in the SSN. ALIAS SSN An alias reference to a living person; not assigned by the United States Social Security Administration to this person. Best Practices: 123-45-6789 (User Interface – entered with other alias information) 123456789 (No hyphens when exchanging information electronically) Comment: 1. Many records management systems will pre-format the SSN in the user interface in the standard format of 123-45-6798. 2. When electronically exchanging information, there should be no spaces or hyphens in the SSN (ex. 123456789). 14. UNITED STATES CITIZEN INDICATOR FIELD U.S. CITIZEN INDICATOR True if a person is a citizen of the United States; false otherwise. Best Practices: True; False Yes; No Checkbox 11 15. ADDRESS FIELDS ADDRESS TYPE Categorization of the type of address ADDRESS TYPE Contact Mailing Address Location Address ADDRESS DESCRIPTION A postal address by which a person or organization may be contacted. A geophysical location described by postal information. Comment: ADDRESS LINE 1 (BUILDING/APARTMENT/UNIT) ADDRESS LINE 1: The first line of address text. The building name, apartment name and/or unit name for where the Defendant lives ARREST SUBJECT MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS DATA ELEMENT DESCRIPTION OF ADDRESS DATA ELEMENT Building A physical structure at an address. Delivery Point ID An identifier of a single place or unit at which mail is delivered. Delivery Point A single place or unit at which mail is delivered. Secondary Unit A particular unit within a larger unit or grouping at a location. RouteName* A name and number of a postal route. Examples: RR 3 BOX 12000 RR 2 BOX 9800 RR 1 BOX 17A Comments: 1. This would be the first line of the address. 2. Print rural route addresses as: RR N BOX NN. Do not use the words RURAL, NUMBER, NO., or the pound sign (#). 3. Change the designations RFD and RD (as a meaning for rural or rural free delivery) to RR. Note: RD is no longer acceptable. 12 ADDRESS LINE 2 (STREET) ADDRESS LINE 2: The second line of address text. The street name and number where the Defendant lives Comment: This would be the second line of the address. CITY NAME The name of the city in which the Defendant lives Format: ALL CAPS STATE CODE The USPS 2 letter code for the name of the state in which the Defendant lives STATE CODE US Postal State Code STATE DESCRIPTION AA AE AK AL AP AR AS AZ CA CO CT DC DE FL FM GA GU HI IA ID IL IN KS KY LA Armed Forces Americas (except Canada) Armed Forces Africa, Canada, Europe, Middle East ALASKA ALABAMA Armed Forces Pacific ARKANSAS AMERICAN SAMOA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA DELAWARE FLORIDA FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA GEORGIA GUAM HAWAII IOWA IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA KANSAS KENTUCKY LOUISIANA 13 MA MD ME MH MI MN MO MP MS MT NC ND NE NH NJ NM NV NY OH OK OR PA PR PW RI SC SD TN TX UT VA VI VT WA WI WV WY MASSACHUSETTS MARYLAND MAINE MARSHALL ISLANDS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSOURI NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS MISSISSIPPI MONTANA NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA NEBRASKA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW MEXICO NEVADA NEW YORK OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA PUERTO RICO PALAU RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VIRGINIA VIRGIN ISLANDS VERMONT WASHINGTON WISCONSIN WEST VIRGINIA WYOMING POSTAL CODE (ZIP CODE) An identifier of a post office-assigned zone for an address. Format: 22222 14 POSTAL EXTENSION CODE (ZIP CODE EXTENSION) An identifier of a smaller area within a post office-assigned zone for an address. Format: 2222 16. BOOKING DOCUMENT CONTROL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FIELD BOOKING DOCUMENT CONTROL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PIN) A number assigned by a booking system to identify a unique booking event within a specific jail. Comment: PIN – Per Incarceration Period booking number 15 17. CONVICTION COURT FIELD CONVICTION COURT NAME A county court in which a conviction was issued. PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS AND JUDICIAL DISTRICTS COUNTY JUDICIAL NO. COUNTY DISTRICT 1 Adams 51 2 Allegheny 5 3 Armstrong 33 4 Beaver 36 5 Bedford 57 6 Berks 23 7 Blair 24 8 Bradford 42 9 Bucks 7 10 Butler 50 11 Cambria 12 Cameron 13 Carbon 56 14 Centre 49 15 Chester 15 16 Clarion 18 17 Clearfield 46 18 Clinton 19 Columbia 20 Crawford 30 21 Cumberland 9 22 Dauphin 12 23 Delaware 32 24 Elk 59 25 Erie 6 26 Fayette 14 27 Forest 28 Franklin 29 Fulton 30 Greene 13 31 Huntingdon 20 32 Indiana 40 33 Jefferson 54 34 Juniata 41 35 Lackawanna 45 36 Lancaster 2 37 Lawrence 53 47 Cameron-Elk 59 25 Columbia-Montour Forest-Warren 26 37 39 Fulton-Franklin 39 16 38 Lebanon 52 39 Lehigh 31 40 Luzerne 11 41 Lycoming 29 42 McKean 48 43 Mercer 35 44 Mifflin 58 45 Monroe 43 46 Montgomery 47 Montour 48 Northampton 49 Northumberland 8 50 Perry 41 51 Philadelphia 1 52 Pike 60 53 Potter 55 54 Schuylkill 21 55 Snyder 56 Somerset 57 Sullivan 58 Susquehanna 34 59 Tioga 4 60 Union 17 61 Venango 28 62 Warren 63 Washington 27 64 Wayne 22 65 Westmoreland 10 66 Wyoming 44 67 York 19 38 Montour-Columbia 26 3 Snyder-Union 17 16 Sullivan-Wyoming Warren-Forest 44 37 Comment: 1. PA county criminal justice users commonly enter the county number. 2. When electronically exchanging data, both the county number and judicial district number are used. 17 18. CONFINEMENT LOCATION NAME FIELD CONFINEMENT LOCATION NAME (CORRECTIONAL FACILITY) The name of the confining institution. PA COUNTY INSTITUTION / CORRECTIONAL FACILITY ADAMS COUNTY ADULT CORRECTIONAL COMPLEX ALLEGHENY COUNTY JAIL ARMSTRONG COUNTY JAIL BEAVER COUNTY PRISON BEDFORD COUNTY PRISON BERKS COUNTY PRISON BLAIR COUNTY PRISON BRADFORD COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY BUCKS COUNTY MEN/WOMENS CCC BUCKS COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY BUTLER COUNTY PRISON CAMBRIA COUNTY PRISON CARBON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY CENTRE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY CHESTER COUNTY PRISON CLARION COUNTY PRISON CLEARFIELD COUNTY PRISON CLINTON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACIITY COLUMBIA COUNTY PRISON CRAWFORD COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY CUMBERLAND COUNTY PRISON DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON DELAWARE COUNTY PRISON ELK COUNTY PRISON ERIE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS FAYETTE COUNTY PRISON FRANKLIN COUNTY JAIL GREENE COUNTY PRISON HUNTINGDON COUNTY JAIL INDIANA COUNTY JAIL JEFFERSON COUNTY PRISON JUNIATA COUNTY PRISON LACKAWANNA COUNTY PRISON LANCASTER COUNTY PRISON LAWRENCE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY LEBANON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY LEHIGH COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS LUZERNE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY LYCOMING COUNTY PRISON MCKEAN COUNTY PRISON MERCER COUNTY JAIL MIFFLIN COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY MONROE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY LOCATION GETTYSBURG PITTSBURGH KITTANING ALIQUIPPA BEDFORD LEESPORT HOLLIDAYSBURG TROY DOYLESTOWN DOYLESTOWN BUTLER EBENSBURG NESQUEHONING BELLEFONTE WEST CHESTER SHIPPENVILLE CLEARFIELD MCELHATTAN BLOOMSBURG SAEGERTOWN CARLISLE HARRISBURG THORTON RIDGWAY ERIE UNIONTOWN CHAMBERSBURG WAYNESBURG HUNTINGDON INDIANA BROOKVILLE MIFFLINTOWN SCRANTON LANCASTER NEW CASTLE LEBANON ALLENTOWN WILKES-BARRE WILLIAMSPORT SMETHPORT MERCER LEWISTOWN STROUDSBURG 18 MONTGOMERY COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY MONTOUR COUNTY PRISON NORTHAMPTON COUNTY PRISON NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY PRISON PERRY COUNTY PRISON CURRAN FROM-HOLD CORRECTIONAL FACILITY DENTENTION CENTER HOUSE OF CORRECTIONS PHILADELPHIA INDUSTRIAL CORRECTIONAL CENTER ALTERNATIVE/SPECIAL DETENTION RIVERSIDE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY PIKE COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY POTTER COUNTY PRISON SCHUYLKILL COUNTY PRISON SNYDER COUNTY PRISON SOMERSET COUNTY JAIL SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY TIOGA COUNTY PRISON UNION COUNTY PRISON VENANGO COUNTY PRISON WARREN COUNTY PRISON WASHINGTON COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY WAYNE COUNTY PRISON WESTMORELAND COUNTY PRISON WYOMING COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY YORK COUNTY PRISON CODE ALB CAM CBS CHS COA CRE DAL FRA FRS FYT GRA GRE GRN HOU HUN LAU MAH MER MUN PIT PNG PA STATE INSTITUTION / CORRECTIONAL FACILITY ALBION CAMP HILL CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS CHESTER COAL TOWNSHIP CRESSON DALLAS FRACKVILLE FOREST FAYETTE GRATERFORD GREENSBURG GREENE HOUTZDALE HUNTINGDON LAUREL HIGHLANDS MAHANOY MERCER MUNCY PITTSBURGH PINE GROVE NORRISTOWN DANVILLE EASTON SUNBURY NEW BLOOMFIELD PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA LORDS VALLEY COUDERSPORT POTTSVILLE SELINSGROVE SOMERSET MONTROSE WELLSBORO LEWISBURG FRANKLIN WARREN WASHINGTON HONESDALE GREENSBURG TUNKHANNOCK YORK LOCATION ALBION CAMP HILL CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS CHESTER COAL TOWNSHIP CRESSON DALLAS FRACKVILLE MARIENVILLE LABELLE GRATERFORD GREENSBURG WAYNESBURG HOUTZDALE HUNTINGDON SOMERSET FRACKVILLE MERCER MUNCY PITTSBURGH INDIANA 19 QUE RET ROC SMI SMR WAM CODE 102 103 104 105 201 202 203 204 205 301 302 303 304 305 319 QUEHANNA BOOTCAMP RETREAT ROCKVIEW SMITHFIELD SOMERSET WAYMART KARTHAUS HUNLOCK CREEK BELLEFONTE HUNTINGDON SOMERSET WAYMART PA COMMUNITY CORRECTIONAL CENTERS PHILADELPHIA CCC #2 PHILADELPHIA CCC #3 PHILADELPHIA CCC #4 PHILADELPHIA CCC #5 SCRANTON CCC ALLENTOWN CCC HARRISBURG CCC YORK CCC JOHNSTOWN CCC PITTSBURGH CCC #1 PITTSBURGH CCC #2 PITTSBURGH CCC ERIE CCC SHARON CCC RIVERSIDE CCC LOCATION PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA SCRANTON ALLENTOWN HARRISBURG YORK JOHNSTOWN PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH PITTSBURGH ERIE SHARON PITTSBURGH Comment: This is a commonly a free text field. Pennsylvania criminal justice practitioners recommended the field be locked down so the data is entered in a standard way. 19. OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER FIELD OFFENSE TRACKING NUMBER (OTN) / CHARGE TRACKING IDENTIFICATION A unique identifying number assigned to an entire set of charges for an arrest. Different numbers may appear in the set if cases have been consolidated. Best Practices: Q333333-0 (User Interface) Q3333330 (When exchanging data) Format: Q3333330 No spaces, no hyphens or other punctuation. Many records management systems will pre-format the OTN, for example Q333333-0; however, when electronically exchanging data, no punctuation marks or spaces area used. Comment: 1. OTN is assigned for every arrest fingerprint taken. This is the main key into CCHRI. Without this key, data that is sent to CCHRI cannot be applied 2. Due to the interchanging of Charge Tracking Identification and Offense Tracking Number, the OTN is cross referenced in Number 12. 20 20. CHARGE INFORMATION FIELDS Please note: The following two tables are provided here to illustrate the charge information fields discussed within this section. TABLE 1: Example of how charges might appear in a user’s records management system SEQ.# CHARGE CHARGE DESCRIPTION GRADE DEGREE 1 182701A1 Simple Assault 2 182709A1 Harassment – Subject Other to Physical Contact Summary 3 753802A1* DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely – 1st Off Misdemeanor 2 4 753743A Accident Involv damage Attended Vehicle/Prop Misdemeanor 3 Table 2: Example of how charges are listed on AOPC’s website ( Offense/ Title Section Subsection Grade Description 18 2701 A1 SIMPLE ASSAULT HARASSMENT - SUBJECT OTHER TO 18 2709 A1 S PHYSICAL CONTACT DUI: GEN IMP/INC OF DRIVING SAFELY - 1ST 75 3802 A1* M OFF ACCIDENT INVOLV DAMAGE ATTENDED 75 3743 A M3 VEHICLE/PROP 18 903 A1 CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY ENGAGING Statute Code CC2701A1 VC3802A1 VC3743A CC0903A1 CHARGE SEQUENCE ID A sequentially assigned number for charge tracking purposes Best Practice: The first charge under the arrest might be assigned Charge Sequence ID 1, the second would be 2 and so forth. Example: SEQ.# 1 2 3 4 21 CHARGE STATUTE TITLE An identifier of a set of laws for a particular jurisdiction. The Purdons title identifier for a given statute. Best Practice: Comprised of Charge, Charge Section and Charge Subsection Example: (from AOPC’s example page 19) Title 18 18 75 75 18 CHARGE STATUTE SECTION An identifier of a section or category within a code book. The Purdons numeric section identifier for a given statute. Example: (from the “CHARGE” section above of the user’s system example and from AOPC’s example on page 19) 2701 2709 3802 3743 2707.1 CHARGE STATUTE SUBSECTION The Purdons numeric sub-section identifier for a given statute. Example: (from the “CHARGE” section above of the user’s system example and from AOPC’s example on page 19) A1 A1 A1* A A1 22 CHARGE DEGREE A degree of a charge. CHARGE DEGREE CODE CHARGE DEGREE TEXT 1 First Degree 2 Second Degree 3 Third Degree 4 Fourth Degree 5 Fifth Degree 6 Sixth Degree 7 Seventh Degree 8 Eighth Degree Comment: Statute Sub-Section (Example: Title 18 Section 2502 Sub-Section A, B & C are First Degree, Second Degree and Third Degree respectively.) CHARGE SEVERITY LEVEL A severity level of a charge Best Practices: FULL TEXT CODE FELONY F HOMICIDE H MISDEMEANOR M SUMMARY S Example: (from the user’s system example on page 19) GRADE Summary Misdemeanor Misdemeanor 23 CHARGE GRADE Charge Grade is a combination of Charge Degree and Charge Level of Severity, categorizing the severity of an offense, M1 - ? Misdemeanor, F1 - ? Felony, S, S1 - ? Summary CHARGE GRADE CODE CHARGE GRADE DESCRIPTION F FELONY F1 FELONY 1ST DEGREE F2 FELONY 2ND DEGREE F3 FELONY 3RD DEGREE M MISDEMEANOR M1 MISDEMEANOR 1ST DEGREE M2 MISDEMEANOR 2ND DEGREE M3 MISDEMEANOR 3RD DEGREE H1 MURDER 1ST DEGREE H2 MURDER 2ND DEGREE S SUMMARY OFFENSE S1 SUMMARY OFFENSE 1ST DEGREE S2 SUMMARY OFFENSE 2ND DEGREE S3 SUMMARY OFFENSE 3RD DEGREE S4 SUMMARY OFFENSE 4TH DEGREE S5 SUMMARY OFFENSE 5TH DEGREE S6 SUMMARY OFFENSE 6TH DEGREE S7 SUMMARY OFFENSE 7TH DEGREE S8 SUMMARY OFFENSE 8TH DEGREE CHARGE APPLICABILITY TEXT (INCOHATE CHARGE) A degree of involvement a person is being charged with committing in an offense. (Also referred to as the ACS code or inchoate statute.) Best Practices: SOLICITATION CONSPIRACY ATTEMPT Example: (Also reference user and AOPC example on page 19) As shown in the table directly below: 18903A1 represents Engaging in a Criminal Conspiracy to Tamper with the Ignition Interlock or a conspiracy to engage in 753803B2. SEQ.# 1 CHARGE 753808B2 CHARGE DESCRIPTION Tamper W/Ignition Inter – Provide Breath Sample GRADE Misdemeanor DEGREE 3 INCOHATE OFFENSE 18903A1 24 21. CASE DOCKET ID FIELD CASE DOCKET ID An identifier used to reference a case docket. Best Practices: CP-00-CR-0000000-YYYY 22. JUDGE OFFICAL TYPE FIELD JUDGE OFFICIAL TYPE A kind of Judicial Official An authority who can conduct a hearing before the court and issue orders. Best Practices: Magisterial District Justice Court of Common Pleas Trial Judge Bail Commissioner Municipal Court Judge Comment: Bail Commissioner and Municipal Court Judge are unique to Philadelphia 23. PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION INDICATOR FIELD PRESENTENCE INVESTIGATION INDICATOR (PSI) The sentencing suggestion(s) sent by a probation department to the court handling a criminal case. Identify whether a PSI was completed and who completed it. CODE PSI DESCRIPTION 1 COUNTY 2 3 PBPP NOT REQUESTED Comment: County – PSI completed by the county PBPP – PSI completed by PBPP Not Requested – No PSI was requested 25 24. SENTENCE INFORMATION FIELDS SENTENCE DATE The date the Judge ordered the sentence. The date the sentence was imposed. Best Practices: Year, Month, Day Format: CCYY-MM-DD Comment: Sentence Start Date cannot be prior to the Sentence Effective Date. SENTENCE EFFECTIVE DATE The date sentence term calculations begin, with calculations for credit time. Identify the start date of a sentence. Best Practice: Year, Month, Day Format: CCYY-MM-DD SENTENCE TERM MINIMUM A minimum range or duration for a term. The minimum term of the sentence that can be applied based on sentencing guidelines. Best Practices: DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS; HOURS Format: PnYnMnDTnH, where nY is the number of years, nM is the number of months, nD is the number of days and nH is the number of hours. SENTENCE TERM MAXIMUM A maximum range or duration for a term. The maximum term of the sentence that can be applied based on sentencing guidelines. Best Practices: DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS; HOURS Format: PnYnMnDTnH, where nY is the number of years, nM is the number of months, nD is the number of days and nH is the number of hours. 26 CONDITIONAL RELEASE PROJECTED DATE (MINIMUM RELEASE DATE) An expected date of conditional release. This date may change over time. ConfinementReleaseDate - The date that the subject was / should be released. Best Practices: DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS Format: CCYY-MM-DD SENTENCE EXPIRATION DATE (MAXIMUM RELEASE DATE) The date a sentence expires. Best Practices: DAYS, MONTHS, YEARS Format: CCYY-MM-DD 25. DETAINER INFORMATION FIELDS DETAINER STATUS A status of a detainer lodged against a person. Best Practices: LIFTED LODGED ARREST APPREHENSION DETENTION ORDER (DETAINER / WARRANT) Warrant/Detainer: A request filed by a criminal justice agency with the facility in which an inmate is incarcerated, asking the facility either to hold the inmate for the agency or to notify the agency when release is imminent. Detainers are usually based on outstanding criminal charges, outstanding parole or probation violations, or additional sentences already imposed against the inmate. DETAINER TYPES Federal – Unsentenced Federal – Sentenced Federal – ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency) Federal – Violation of Probation Federal – Violation of Parole Out-of-State - Unsentenced 27 Out-of-State – Sentenced Out-of-State – Violation of Probation Out-of-State – Violation of Parole County – Unsentenced County – Sentenced County – Violation of Probation County – Violation of Parole County – Violation of County Intermediate Punishment County – Costs, Fines and Restitution County – Domestic Relations Local – Magisterial Confidential – Non-holding Detainer Execution – Formally Sentenced Execution Pending – Penalty Phase Determined, not yet formally sentenced LIFE Commuted LIFE Re-entry Department of Corrections Sentence PBPP – PA Board of Probation and Parole Warrant Other 26. SUPERVISION INFORMATION FIELDS COURT ORDER SUPERVISING AGENCY NAME Supervising County Name The county that is supervising the offender COUNTY NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 PA COUNTY NUMBERS AND JUDICIAL DISTRICTS JUDICIAL COUNTY DISTRICT Adams Allegheny Armstrong Beaver Bedford Berks Blair Bradford Bucks Butler Cambria Cameron-Elk Carbon Centre Chester 51 5 33 36 57 23 24 42 7 50 47 59 56 49 15 28 16 17 18 Clarion Clearfield Clinton 18 46 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Columbia Columbia-Montour Crawford Cumberland Dauphin Delaware Elk Erie Fayette 26 30 9 12 32 59 6 14 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Forest Forest-Warren Franklin Fulton-Franklin Greene Huntingdon Indiana Jefferson Juniata Lackawanna Lancaster Lawrence Lebanon Lehigh Luzerne Lycoming McKean Mercer Mifflin Monroe Montgomery Montour Montour-Columbia Northampton Northumberland 37 39 39 13 20 40 54 41 45 2 53 52 31 11 29 48 35 58 43 38 26 3 8 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Perry Philadelphia Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder-Union Somerset 41 1 60 55 21 17 16 57 58 59 60 Sullivan-Wyoming Susquehanna Tioga Union 44 34 4 17 29 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Venango Warren Warren-Forest Washington Wayne Westmoreland Wyoming York 28 37 27 22 10 44 19 Comment: The county agencies use the “County Number”; but, electronic data exchange utilizes the “County Number” and the “Judicial District”. SUPERVISION TYPE A judicial requirement that a person fulfill certain conditions of behavior in lieu of jail time CODE SUPERVISION TYPES SUPVERVISION TYPES DESCRIPTION 1 2 Probation Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition 3 4 5 Probation Without Verdict Parole Intermediate Punishment SUPERVISION PERSON STATUS A status of a person under supervision. SUPERVISION PERSON STATUS CODE SUPERVISION STATUS DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 ACTIVE ADMINISTRATIVE ABSCONDER CLOSED NON-REPORTING 6 UNKNOWN 30 DATE OF ADDITION TO SUPERVISION A date a status was set, effected, or reported. Date of addition to supervision; Supervision start date Effective date of probation as recorded from the sentencing order. Best Practices: CCYY-MM-DD Format: CCYY-MM-DD 1. Gregorian date (CCYY-MM-DD): Year (CCYY), Month (MM), and Day (DD). 2. The user interfaces of many case records management systems use the format of MMDDYYYY; therefore, conversion to CCYY-MM-DD would occur when electronically exchanging information. 27. WEAPON FIELD WEAPON A property item used as an instrument of attack or defense. A property item used in an offense. TYPE OF WEAPON Asphyxiation (by drowning, strangulation, suffocation, gas, etc.) Automatic Firearm (type not stated) Automatic Handgun Automatic Rifle Automatic Shotgun Blunt Object (e.g., club, hammer, etc.) Club/Blackjack/Brass Knuckles Drugs/Narcotics/Sleeping Pills Explosives Fire/Incendiary Device Firearm (type not stated) Handgun Knife/Cutting Instrument (e.g., ax, ice pick, screwdriver, or switchblade) Lethal Cutting Instrument (e.g., switchblade knife or martial arts stars) Motor Vehicle (when used as a weapon) Other (any weapon or force, including deadly diseases, not fitting the above specifically coded weapons/force) Other Automatic Firearm Other Firearm Personal Weapons (i.e., hands, feet, teeth, etc.) Poison Rifle Shotgun Unarmed CODE 85 11A 12A 13A 14A 30 17 70 60 65 11 12 20 16 35 90 15A 15 40 50 13 14 1 31 28. PLACE OF BIRTH FIELD BIRTH PLACE (PERSON NATIONALITY / COUNTRY OF BIRTH) A country in which a person was born. CODE AA AB AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AX AZ BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BJ BK BL BM BN BO BP BQ BR BS BT BU BV BW BX BY BZ PLACE OF BIRTH SHORT DESCRIPTION Albania Alberta Andorra Anguilla Afghanistan Aguascalientes Ashmore and Cartier Islands Antigua and Barbuda Aruba Alaska Alabama American Samoa (Islands) Algeria Angola Armenia Azores Islands Arkansas Australia Argentina Austria Azerbaijan APACHE TRIBE Arizona Baja California (Northern Section) Barbados British Columbia Bahamas, The Bahrain/Bahrein Bassas Da India (French possession) Belgium Belize (formerly British Honduras) Burundi Baja California (Southern Section) Baker Island Bangladesh Bermuda Bhutan British Indian Ocean Territory Bosnia and Hercegovenia Bouvet Island (Norwegian territory) Burma British Solomon Islands (now SolomonIslands) Botswana Bulgaria Bolivia Balearic Islands Brunei Byelarus Brazil 32 CA CB CC CD CE CF CG CH CI CJ CL CM CO CP CQ CR CS CT CU CV CW CY CZ DA DB DC DD DE DF DG DH DI DJ DK DL DM DN DO DP DR DS DT DV DW EE EK EL EN EO ER ES ET EU EY EZ FA FC FD California Colombia Cuba Canada (unknown province) Campeche Chad Caroline Islands Chihuahua Chiapas Cambodia (formerly Khmer Republic and Kampuchea) Colima Cameroon Colorado Cayman Islands Chile Costa Rica Cyprus Connecticut Coahuila Cape Verde Islands Central African Republic Ceylon (Now Sri Lanka) Canal Zone Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes Clipperton Island (French possession) District of Columbia Cocos (Keeling) Islands Delaware Distrito Federal (Mexico, D. F.) Comoros (or Comoros Islands) Benin (formerly Dahomey) Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands (Australian territory) Denmark Devil's Lake Sioux Tribe Dominica Djibouti Durango Comanche Nation Dominican Republic Miami Tribe Muscogee (Creek) Tribe Seneca-Cayuga Tribes Citizen Band Pottawatomie Tribe Absentee Shawnee Equatorial Guinea El Salvador England Ethiopia Europa Island (French possession) Estonia Eretria Ecuador Egypt (formerly United Arab Republic) Czech Republic Falkland Islands Fond du Lac Finland 33 FG FJ FL FN FO FP FR FS FX GA GB GC GD GE GF GG GI GJ GK GM GN GO GP GR GS GT GU GY GZ HD HE HI HK HL HN HO HR HS HT HU IA IB IC ID IE II IL IM IN IO IQ IR IS IT IU IW IX IY French Guiana Fiji Florida France Faroe Islands French Polynesia French Southern and Antartic Lands Federated States of Micronesia Sac and Fox Georgia Gabon Greece Georgia Germany Guernsey Ghana Guinea Grenada Gambia, The Guam Greenland Glorioso Islands (French possession) Guadeloupe Guerrero South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands Guatemala Guanajuato Guyana Gaza Honduras Heard Island and McDonald Island Hawaii Hong Kong Hidalgo New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) Howland Island Christmas Island Saint Helena Haiti Hungary Iowa Isle of Man Iceland Idaho Ireland (not Northern Ireland) India Illinois Madeira Islands Indiana Indonesia (now includes Portuguese Timor) Iraq Iran Israel Italy (includes Sicily and Sardinia) Niue Iowa Tribe Menominee Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) 34 JA JE JI JL JM JN JO JR JU KB KC KE KH KI KK KN KO KP KS KT KU KW KY KZ LA LB LC LD LE LF LH LI LL LN LO LP LS LT LU LX LY MA MB MC MD ME MF MG MH MI MJ MK ML MM MN MO MP MQ Japan Jersey Johnston Island Jalisco Jamaica Jan Mayen Jordan Jarvis Island Juan de Nova Island Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati) Croatia Kenya Manahiki Island Kingman Reef Kickapoo Tribe North Korea South Korea Shakopee Kansas Kazakhstan Kuwait Kiowa Kentucky Kyrgyzstan Louisiana Liberia Mille Lacs Moldova Lesotho Slovakia Lithuania Liechtenstein Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Lebanon Slovenia Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Laos LATVIA Saint Lucia Luxembourg Libya Massachusetts Manitoba Michoacan Maryland Maine Malawi Mongolia Marshall Islands Michigan Monaco Mariana Islands Mali Mexico (unknown Mexican state) Minnesota Missouri Madagascar (included in Malagasy Republic) Morocco 35 MR MS MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ NA NB NC ND NE NF NG NH NI NJ NK NL NM NN NO NP NQ NR NS NT NU NV NW NX NY NZ OA OC OF OG OH OI OK OM ON OO OR OS OT PA PB PC PD PE PF PG PI PK PL Morelos Mississippi Montana Mauritania Maldives Midway Islands Mexico (State) Malta Malaysia Nayarit Nebraska North Carolina North Dakota Holland (Netherlands) Newfoundland (includes Labrador) Nigeria New Hampshire Northern Ireland New Jersey New Brunswick Nuevo Leon New Mexico Niger New Guinea (now Papua New Guinea) Nepal New Caledonia Nauru Nova Scotia Northwest Territories Nicaragua Nevada Norway Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) New York New Zealand Oaxaca Macao (now spelled Macau) Norfolk Island Osage Nation Ohio Okinawa Oklahoma Oman Ontario Otoe-Missouria Tribe Oregon Oglala Sioux Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Pennsylvania Puebla Pitcairn,Henderson, Ducie, and OenoIslands Palau, Republic of Prince Edward Island Parcel Islands Guinea-Bissau (formerly Portuguese Guinea) Philippines Pakistan Palmyra Atoll 36 PM PN PO PQ PR PS PT PU PV PW QA QR QU RA RB RC RE RF RG RH RI RL RR RS RU RV RW RY SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SI SJ SK SL SM SN SO SP SQ SR SS SU SV SW SY SZ TA TB TC TD TE TF Panama Ponca Tribe Poland Quebec Puerto Rico Saint Pierre and Miquelon Portugal Peru Paraquay Pawnee Tribe Qatar Quintana Roo Queretaro Russia Republic of Congo, Brazzaville People's Republic of China Reunion Russian Federation Gibraltar Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) Rhode Island Red Lake Montserrat Spanish Sahara (now Western Sahara) Romania/Rumania Socialist Republic of Vietnam Rwanda Republic of Yemen Sierre Leone (Sierra Leone) Saudi Arabia South Carolina South Dakota Seychelles South Africa Senegal San Marino Sinaloa Namibia (South-West Africa) Seminole Nation San Luis Potosi Somalia Saskatchewan Sonora Spain Sweden Singapore Scotland Sudan Svalbard Swaziland Syria Switzerland Tamaulipas Tabasco Trucial States (now United Arab Emirates) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Spratly Islands Tuamotu Archipelago 37 TG TH TJ TK TL TM TN TO TP TR TS TT TU TV TW TX TY TZ UC UG UK UM UR US UT UV UY UZ VA VB VC VI VL VT VV VY VZ WA WB WD WE WF WI WK WL WN WS WT WV WY XX YG YO YT YU YY ZA ZB Tonga Thailand Tajikistan Tokelau Tlaxcala Tromelin Island (French possession) Tennessee Togo Sao Tome and Principe Turks and Calcos Islands Nevis and Saint Christopher 'Kitts' Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Ellice Islands (now Tuvalu) Taiwan, Republic of China Texas Turkey Tanzania, United Republic of Turtle Mtn. Band of Chipewa Uganda Ukraine Mauritius Turkmenistan United States of America (USA) (unknown state) Utah Burkina Faso Uruguay Uzbekistan Virginia British Virgin Islands Veracruz U.S. Virgin Islands Navassa Island Vermont Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Vatican City Venezuela Washington West Bank Wyandotte Tribe White Earth Wallis and Futuna (French territory) Wisconsin Wake Island Wales West Indies (unknown island) Western Samoa Wichita Tribe West Virginia Wyoming Unknown Yugoslavia Mayotte Yukon (Territory) Yucatan All others (not listed elsewhere) Zacatecas Martinique 38 ZC ZD ZI ZM ZO ZR Surinam Macedonia Canary Islands Zambia Mozambique Congo Kinshasa, now Zaire 39 SPECIAL THANKS AND END NOTES Special Thanks Special thanks continue to be extended to the members of the Data Quality Steering Committee, along with the Pennsylvania County Criminal Justice Subject Matter Experts and the users of the county criminal justice records management systems. Document Revisions This document is intended to be a growing document; and as such will undergo revisions as necessary due to feedback and policy changes. Comments and Assistance For comments and / or assistance with this manual or questions regarding the data quality project, please contact any of the following individuals through The County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania (CCAP), 717-526-1010. Margaret Davis, Project Manager, Mark Proper, Technical Specialist, Rita Reynolds, Director, Technology Services, 40