Australian Curriculum: English – Achievement Standards

Australian Curriculum: English Achievement Standards Chart – Years 6 - 10
Intentional repetition of aspects of the achievement standard provides examples of their possible representation across different strands and sub-strands
R = Receptive modes (listening, reading and viewing) P = Productive modes (speaking, writing and creating)
> = understandings (first paragraph) # = skills (second paragraph)
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
variation and
Language for
Text structure
R # listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions
P > understand how language features and language patterns can be used for
R # explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources
R # listen for and explain different perspectives in texts
P > understand how to express or challenge a point of view
P > understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other
sources to express or challenge a point of view
P # make presentations
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions, using language features to
engage the audience
R # listen for and identify different emphases in texts to elaborate upon discussions
R # explain the effectiveness of language choices used to influence the audience
P# contribute actively to class and group discussions, using language patterns for
R # explain how language choices and conventions are used to influence an audience
R # listen for ways texts position an audience
R # select evidence from the text to explain how language choices and conventions
are used to influence an audience
P # compare and evaluate responses to ideas and issues
R > evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R # develop and justify their own interpretations of texts
P> explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives
R > understand how the use of text structures can achieve particular effects
P # use accurate punctuation for clarity
R > understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are
dependent on audience, purpose and context
R # demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and
vocabulary affects meaning
P # demonstrate understanding of grammar when creating texts
P # use accurate punctuation when creating and editing texts
R > understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of
language mode and how this varies for different purposes and audiences
P > understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular
purposes and effects
P # use accurate punctuation
R > analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect
R # select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and
conventions are used to influence an audience
P > demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create
innovative texts
P # use accurate punctuation
R > evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R # listen for ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular
P> experiment with language features, stylistic devices, text structures and images to
develop their own style
P > show how selection of language features can achieve precision
P # develop cohesive, logical arguments
R > analyse and explain how images and vocabulary are used by different authors to
represent ideas, characters and events
P > understand how language features and language patterns can be used for
P # demonstrate understanding of grammar
P > show how specific details can be used to support a point of view
P > explain how their choices of language features and images are used
P # make considered choices from an expanding vocabulary
P # use accurate spelling
R > demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and
vocabulary affects meaning
P > understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence an
P > create texts showing how language features and images from other texts can be
combined for effect
P # use a variety of more specialised vocabulary when creating texts
P # create structured and coherent texts for a range of purposes, contexts and
R > explain how language features are used to represent different ideas and issues in
R > explain how images are used to represent different ideas and issues in texts
R > explain how vocabulary is used to represent different ideas and issues in texts
R # show how ideas can be expressed in new ways, through combining ideas,
images, and language features from other texts
P > understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular
purposes and effects
P > explain the effectiveness of language choices they use to influence the audience
P > show how ideas can be expressed in new ways, combining ideas, images and
language features from other texts
P # create texts for different purposes, selecting language to influence audience
P # select vocabulary for effect
R > analyse and explain how images…distinguish the work of individual authors
R > analyse and explain how …vocabulary choices…distinguish the work of individual
R # select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and
conventions are used to influence an audience
P > understand how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of
P > demonstrate how manipulating language features can create innovative texts
when creating texts
P > understand how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of
P > demonstrate how manipulating images can create innovative texts when creating
P # use accurate spelling and punctuation
R > explain how the choice of language features contributes to the development of
individual style
R > explain how choice of images contributes to the development of individual style
R > explain how the choice of vocabulary contributes to the development of individual
P > develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices
and images
P > show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic
P # demonstrate understanding of grammar, vary vocabulary choices for impact
P # vary vocabulary choices for impact when creating and editing texts
R > understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are
dependent on audience, purpose and context
R # listen for and explain different perspectives in texts
P > understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other
sources to express or challenge a point of view
R # select evidence from a text to show how events, situations and people can be
represented from different viewpoints
R > analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect
R > analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features
distinguish the work of individual authors
R # select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and
conventions are used to influence an audience
R > evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R # listen for ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular
R # select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it
R # analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by
different authors to represent ideas, characters and events
P > explain how their choices of language features and images are used
P # show how specific details can be used to support a point of view
R > understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are
dependent on audience, purpose and context
R > demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and
vocabulary affects meaning
R > understand that texts reflect different viewpoints
R # select specific details from texts to develop their own response, recognising that
texts reflect different viewpoints
R # explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources
P > understand how to draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other
sources to express or challenge a point of view
R > explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent
different ideas and issues in texts
R > understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of
language mode and that this varies for different purposes and audiences
P > explain the effectiveness of language choices they use to influence the audience
P > understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular
purposes and effects
R # evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own
P > understand how interpretations can vary by comparing their responses to texts to
the responses of others
R > explain how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary contributes
to the development of individual style
R > evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R # explain how the choice of language features, images and vocabulary contributes
R # develop and justify their own interpretations of texts
R # evaluate other interpretations, analysing the evidence used to support them
P > explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development
of cohesive and logical arguments
P > explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development
of cohesive and logical arguments
P # justify opinions, develop and expand arguments to the development of individual
R > analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by
different authors to represent ideas, characters and events
P > explain how their choices of language features and images are used
R > demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and
vocabulary affects meaning
P # create texts showing how language features…from other texts can be combined
for effect
R > explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent
different ideas and issues in texts
P > understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular
purposes and effects
R > analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features
distinguish the work of individual authors
R # explain how language choices and conventions are used to influence an
R > evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R > listen for ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular
P # create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and
P # make presentations, using a variety of strategies for effect
P > understand how the selection of a variety of language features can influence an
P > create texts showing how language features and images from other texts can be
combined for effect
P # demonstrate understanding of grammar, use a variety of more specialised
vocabulary, accurate spelling and punctuation when creating texts
P > understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular
purposes and effects
P > show how ideas can be expressed in new ways, combining ideas, images and
language features from other texts
P # take into account intended purposes and the needs and interests of audience
when creating texts to create specific effects
P # demonstrate understanding of grammar, select vocabulary for effect and use
accurate spelling and punctuation
P # create texts for different purposes, selecting language to influence audience
P # make presentations using language patterns for effect
P > demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create
innovative texts
P > understand how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of
P # create texts that respond to issues, interpreting and integrating ideas from other
P > show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic
P > develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices,
text structures and images
P > develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices,
text structures and images
P # create a wide range of texts to articulate complex ideas
R # analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by
different authors to represent ideas, characters and events
P > understand how language features and language patterns can be used for
R > understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are
dependent on audience, purpose and context
R > recognise that texts reflect different viewpoints
R # explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent
different ideas and issues in texts
R > analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect
R # listen for ways texts position an audience
R > evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R # listen for ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular
R # listen to discussions, clarifying content and challenging others’ ideas
R # select and use evidence from a text to explain their response to it
P > show how specific details can be used to support a point of view
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions, using a variety of strategies for
P # make presentations using a variety of strategies for effect
R > demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and
vocabulary affects meaning
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions, using language features to
engage the audience
P # draw on personal knowledge, textual analysis and other sources to express or
challenge a point of view
P # make presentations using language features to engage the audience
R # listen for and identify different emphases in texts, using that understanding to
elaborate upon discussions
R # explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent
different ideas and issues in texts
R # identify different emphases in texts, using that understanding to elaborate upon
P > explain the effectiveness of language choices they use to influence the audience
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions, using language patterns for
P # make presentations using language patterns for effect
R # listen for ways texts position an audience
P > compare their responses to texts to the responses of others
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions, comparing and evaluating
responses to ideas and issues
P # make presentations, comparing and evaluating responses to ideas and issues
P # contribute actively to class and group discussions, building on others' ideas,
solving problems, justifying opinions and developing and expanding arguments
P # make presentations, justifying opinions and developing and expanding arguments
R # compare and analyse information in different texts, explaining literal and implied
R # analyse and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used by
different authors to represent ideas, characters and events
P # create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and
R > understand how text structures can influence the complexity of a text and are
dependent on audience, purpose and context
R > recognise that texts reflect different viewpoints
R > demonstrate understanding of how the choice of language features, images and
vocabulary affects meaning
R # listen for and explain different perspectives in texts
R # explain issues and ideas from a variety of sources, analysing supporting evidence
and implied meaning
R # explain different perspectives in texts
R > understand how the selection of text structures is influenced by the selection of
language mode and that this varies for different purposes and audiences
R # listen for and identify different emphases in texts
R # interpret texts, questioning the reliability of sources of ideas and information
R # explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to represent
different ideas and issues in texts
R # select evidence from the text to show how events, situations and people can be
represented from different viewpoints
R # select evidence from the text to analyse and explain how language choices and
conventions are used to influence an audience
R # listen for ways texts position an audience
R # evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own
P > understand how interpretations can vary by comparing their responses to texts
R # evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways
R # evaluate other interpretations, analysing the evidence used to support them
R # listen for ways features within texts can be manipulated to achieve particular
R # evaluate how text structures can be used in innovative ways by different authors
R # evaluate other interpretations, analysing the evidence used to support them
R # develop and justify their own interpretations of texts
R # evaluate other interpretations, analysing the evidence used to support them
P > explain different viewpoints, attitudes and perspectives through the development
of cohesive and logical arguments
P # justify opinions, develop and expand arguments
P > show how specific details can be used to support a point of view
P # create detailed texts elaborating on key ideas for a range of purposes and
P # make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, using
a variety of strategies for effect
P # make and explain editorial choices
P > create texts showing how language features and images from other texts can be
combined for effect
P # create structured and coherent texts for a range of purposes and audiences
P # demonstrate understanding of grammar, use a variety of more specialised
vocabulary, accurate spelling and punctuation when creating texts
P # understand how to draw on textual knowledge, textual analysis and other sources
to express or challenge a point of view
P > explain the effectiveness of language choices they use to influence the audience
P > understand how the selection of language features can be used for particular
purposes and effects
P # create texts for different purposes, selecting language to influence audience
P # take into account intended purposes and the needs and interests of audiences
when creating and editing texts to create specific effects
P # create texts that respond to issues, interpreting and integrating ideas from other
P # demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create
innovative texts
P # edit for effect, selecting vocabulary and grammar that contribute to the precision
and persuasiveness of texts and using accurate spelling and punctuation
P > show how the selection of language features can achieve precision and stylistic
P > develop their own style by experimenting with language features, stylistic devices,
text structures and images
P # create a wide range of texts to articulate complex ideas
P# edit texts, demonstrating understanding of grammar, varying vocabulary choices
for impact, and accurately use spelling and punctuation
Literature and
Responding to
Texts in
with others
Creating texts