Appendix E - Proposal for an intergenerational dance project Plan

Appendix E – Proposal for an intergenerational dance project
Appendix E - Intergenerational dance project proposal
Dance Physics aims to deliver an intergenerational dance project, focusing on the
theme of crime and the fear of crime, which will bring generations of Church Street
residents together in a purposeful, mutually beneficial dance project. This project
aims to build a more cohesive community and tackle the fear of crime that exists in
the neighbourhood.
The project aims to outline the positive contributions that different generations have
to offer each other and those around them. This project is an effective way to
address a number of issues, many of them key government priorities such as
building active communities, promoting citizenship, regenerating neighbourhoods
and addressing inequality.
Intergenerational initiatives have direct impacts on those involved, as well as on their
communities. Participants will develop increased self-esteem from being able to
share and give to others. Through physical activity participants will improve their
health as well as gaining a greater sense of being valued members of their
The older generation can act as positive role models, both of engaged citizenship
and of active ageing. The younger generation can represent a link to the future. All
generations benefit from engaging with each other on equal terms, breaking down
barriers and challenging negative stereotypes.
The outcomes of this project will be achieved through a range of creative/social
events that will encourage interaction and dialogue between different generations
based in Westminster, and the publicity of these events and the issues explored
Project plan
Working with a range of community organisations based in Westminster (Church
Street Management, Open Age, Dream Arts, Saint Paul’s) Dance Physics will recruit
30 participants ranging in age from 13-70 participants will be targeted from Local
schools, Youth clubs, leisure centres, Library’s, Day centres and residential homes.
To kick start the project Dance Physics will hold a social evening entitled (Generation
Dance) this event will bring together dance groups from the community to showcase
their talent in an evening of Performance. The event will be held with the view of
attracting a group of dance enthusiasts that will help shape the project. After this
event Dance Physics will hold two taster workshops. Through discourse and practical
dance workshops participants will be able to explore their feelings, attitudes and
perceptions of crime in their community, discovering similarities and differences.
There will be an addition on week intensive project week that will enable participants
to document their findings. This period of exploration will be documented on film and
shown at a number of community events throughout the borough. This will culminate
in a show, screening the films that have been developed by the dance group. We
hope that this can be held at the Cockpit Theatre in the heart of the community. We
will towards this event gaining positive local publicity, hence maximising the
communication to the local residents. We also plan to work with local schools and the
youth club, as well as community groups such as the Over 50’s Group and Drop in
Centre, to show the dvd and use this as a basis for spreading the message of the
Appendix E – Proposal for an intergenerational dance project
Dance Physics will work with a maximum of 30 people based in the Church Street
Participants will gain the following:
 The opportunity to learn a range of dance styles.
 Improved personal fitness.
 Performance opportunities
 Self confidence
 Sense of achievement.
 Opportunity to share achievements with family, friends and the wider
The wider community will gain the following:
The key aims of this project are to:
 Challenge ageism
 Bridge the gap between generations.
 Provide an opportunity for younger and older people to enhance their quality
of life.
 Address issues of marginalization and exclusion
 Ultimately to reduce the fear of crime in the area
Running over period of approximately 6 months, we aim to start this project in
October/November 2009 and conclude in April 2010.
Planning fees
Whole Day Planning meeting
1 day Planning Material
1 x Film Artist
2 x artists
2 x Artists
Film Artist @ £50
Marketing and Publicity
Leaflet design,
printing and
Venue Hire
Cockpit Theatre
Food & Drink
Support Staff
Food and
3 x Support Staff
Artist fees
2 x Dance Artists
1 x Film Artist
2 x Taster Workshops
Studio Hire
2 x Artists
4 hours per day
2 x Artists @ £250 per
I x film artist @ 250
per day
Social Evening
Residency Fee
Dance Sessions
10 sessions over 1 week
Filming and Editing
Film Screening
Food and Drink
Food & Drink for
participants and
Appendix E – Proposal for an intergenerational dance project
Copy of DVD for Participants
Venue Hire
Administration Fee
Contingency @ 5%
Funds contributed by
Funds contributed by Church
Street Neighbourhood Forum
Total requested from Ward
1 x Photographer @
250 per day
30 DVDs for
Management and
Administration of
£ 855.00