6th Grade Music Appreciation 2014-2015 Required Materials 1. A folder devoted only to Music Appreciation This should be used to keep worksheets and handouts so they can be used as reference later in the quarter. 2. A spiral bound notebook to be brought to class, everyday. This will be used to write notes that can be used to help on the homework assignments. 3. Pencil We will be writing everyday in class, make sure you have your pencil! 4. An open mind. We will be exploring all types of music from around the world. * Students should bring all of the required materials to class everyday. Grading Music Appreciation is an academic class, and each student begins with an A in this class. Students’ grades will be based upon homework, tests/quizzes, daily participation, listening log, and projects. The homework is due the next day at the beginning of class. If the homework is turned in later, the student will not receive full credit. PARTIAL CREDIT IS BETTER THAN NO CREDIT!!!! If a student has an excused absence when the homework is due, then the student can turn in the homework the next day of school for full credit. Students are responsible for asking Mr. Henry for the material they missed in class. Classroom Conduct Conduct in the classroom is very important. We need a positive environment where everyone feels safe to share their thoughts/opinions or try new activities, whether it is with a partner or when working alone. This begins with respect. Respect yourself, your classmates, the music, and the teacher. Positive participation will ensure the best grade possible! All of the school rules apply, including gum. There will be no gum chewing in the classroom. If Mr. Henry has to ask you more than once to not have gum, consequences will be given for your actions. Remember: treat everyone how you would want to be treated. Curriculum Listening to a variety of music from all around the world Learning the history of our National Anthem Learning the history of Music Learning about musical form 1920s- today music and history of the US Music in movies. Favorite Artist/ Band Project Mr. Henry’s Contact Information Phone: E-mail: whenry@pblpanthers.org Website: http://pblchorus.weebly.com Or go to the PBL Website and under High School Links- Choral Department Music Appreciation Student Contract Music appreciation students and parents please read the following page carefully. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Mr. Henry. Then sign, date, and return this page to Mr. Henry by Monday, August 25th, 2014. We have read this syllabus, and understand all of the procedures. Date: Print: Student Parent/Guardian Signature: Student Home Phone: Parent/Guardian Work/Cell: Parent E-mail: *This is the first grade that will maintain you’re A for the quarter!!!!