Challenges of Patterned Media S.N. Piramanayagam**, **-Senior Member, IEEE, 1 Abstract—Hard disk drive industry has been looking at a successor for the granular perpendicular recording media technology for more than 5 years. Patterned media technology, in the form of discrete tracks and subsequently in discrete bits, was believed to be one of the potential candidates. However, the interest in patterned media has been declining because of certain challenges. This paper discusses the technological and economical challenges associated with patterned media and some potential solutions. Index Terms—patterned media, electron beam lithography, nano-imprint lithography, areal density I. INTRODUCTION Hard disk drives have been increasingly using granular perpendicular media for the past 5 years. The current areal density stands at around 500 Gbpsi, roughly indicating a 4-fold increase compared to the initial products [1-4]. It is widely believed that the areal density progress beyond 1 Tbpsi is very difficult without introducing alternative technologies such as energy-assisted magnetic recording or patterned media recording. Energy-assisted magnetic recording (EAMR) makes use of media materials with a high anisotropy constant (Ku) to increase thermal stability of smaller grains. The writability on such high Ku materials is enabled from the assistance of external energy, which may be in the form of heat. Patterned media, using discrete bits, is on the other side of the technology spectrum, where media materials with a Ku smaller than the current ones can be used. Thermal stability is rather achieved by increasing the volume, V, of the magnetic units. While challenges of EAMR are in obtaining highanisotropy media with smaller grain size, high temperature lubricants and in fabricating integrated heads with energy delivery, bit-patterned media faces severe lithography challenges. Patterned media using discrete-track was expected to provide a smooth transition from granular to bit-patterned media, as it involves granular media and Manuscript received 29 August, 2010 (date on which paper is submitted for review). All the authors are with Data Storage Institute, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) Singapore. Corresponding author: S.N. Piramanayagam (Phone: +6568748550, email: All rights reserved - © Copyright 2014 IEEE lithography. However, the progress in both the technologies is not sufficient to make a transition. This paper will focus on the challenges of patterned media in both forms. II DISCRETE TRACK MEDIA Discrete track media extends the granular perpendicular recording media technology by isolating neighboring tracks by a non-magnetic material. The non-magnetic material may be obtained by ion-implantation to convert a magnetic material into non-magnetic or by physically removing the magnetic material and filling it back with a non-magnetic material [5-8]. The advantages are gained from reduced track-edge noise. Areal density demonstrations have been made at close to 900 Gbpsi, indicating the potential of this technology. However, commercial products with DT media are not available. Although the technology challenges introduced by lithography resolution are not severe, the main challenges arise from a commercial perspective. For example, the throughput of commercial nanoimprint machines has been estimated to be about 300 disks per hour, whereas the throughput of the granular perpendicular media is roughly 3 times higher. If a switch is made to discrete-track media, 3 units of nano-imprint machines have to be bought to match the throughput which makes the needed investment very huge. This is a significant problem, especially considering the fact that the hard disk media industry made huge investments only in the past 6 years to make the transition from longitudinal to perpendicular recording media technology. TABLE I MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS OF DISCRETE TRACK AND DISCRETE BIT PATTERNED MEDIA Lithography Type of Technological half-pitch Media Challenge (nm) Discrete 25-40 Granular Same as Track granular media Discrete Below 12 Continuous Lithography Bit and writeSynchronization Another example of cost-forbidden technology transition is the cost of a mold and imprinting on media manufacturing. For example, if the cost of a mold is $400000, the cost per disk arising from the mold is 16 cents, if the number of imprints that can be made from a mold is only 5000 (assuming 5000 daughter molds from a master and 5000 disks from each daughter mold). However, if the number of successful imprints is only 500, the cost climbs up to $1.6 per piece, just from the cost of the mold. Considering that lithography is a new process in media manufacturing, achieving high yield using lithography based media manufacturing is another effect of staggered bits is lacking in the literature [8]. In addition, synchronization of the writing head over the magnetic islands during the writing process is a technical challenge that needs to be solved prior to the introduction of bit-patterned media. REFERENCES Fig. 1. The dependence of cost per disk, incurred by the mold alone, on the number of successful imprints challenge. III DISCRETE BIT PATTERNED MEDIA At areal densities in the range of 1-2 Tbpsi, bitpatterned media help to overcome certain challenges, such as grain size reduction and writabilitiy, associated with the conventional granular media. On the other hand, they bring several new challenges. Areal density of 1 Tbpsi requires features of about 12 nm in size and 2 Tbpsi requires a feature size less than 9 nm. These features need to be achieved at a pitch of only double these values. There are several lithography challenges associated with achieving these small dimensions. For example, the e-beam resist commonly used for the manufacturing of the discrete-track media molds cannot be used at this resolution. The resists that can provide higher resolution have a larger dose requirement, resulting in a larger exposure time and the associated increase in the cost of mold. Therefore, in the current scenario, the cost of a patterned media disk (just from the mold perspective) will be even larger. In addition to cost, there are also several technical challenges associated with the transition to bit-patterned media recording, which gains areal density advantage by relaxing the linear density and aggressively increasing the track density. Besides the challenges in achieving a high track density from the servo perspective, the head noise and the writability of the narrower heads will be other sources of problems. Staggered bit-patterned media have been proposed to overcome some of these challenges; however a detailed study on the [1] H.J. Richter, “The transition from longitudinal to perpendicular recording,” JOURNAL OF PHYSICS DAPPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 40, May. 2007, pp. R149-R177. [2] S.N. Piramanayagam, “Perpendicular recording media for hard disk drives,” JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 102, Jul. 2007. [3] H.J. Richter, “Density limits imposed by the microstructure of magnetic recording media,” JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, vol. 321, Mar. 2009, pp. 467-476. [4] S.N. Piramanayagam and K. Srinivasan, “Recording media research for future hard disk drives,” JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS, vol. 321, Mar. 2009, pp. 485-494. [5] A. 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