
Department of Imaging Science & Technology
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Lorentzweg 1
NL-2628 CJ Delft
The Netherlands
Novel Imaging methods for biomedical applications
Yuval Garini
Imaging methods were greatly developed in the last ten years. Together with the
development of bio-chemical techniques and the better understanding of genetics, new
applications and instrumentation can now be used in biology, genetics and medical care.
One of the requirements of modern biomedical applications is the simultaneous
detection of many probes. By combining methods to detect multiple colors with high
resolution imaging, several methods were developed that allow to detect a large number
of probes. These methods include multiple color FISH (M-FISH), Spectral Karyotyping
(SKY), Combined Binary Spectral Labeling (COBRA-FISH) and others. These methods
are based on fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), combinatorial labeling and color
or spectral imaging. They became a standard tool in molecular cytogenetics for both
research and diagnostics.
In the seminar, the physical basics of imaging, color imaging and spectral imaging will
be described, as well as its usage in microscopy. One of the methods, spectral
karyotyping (SKY) will be described in more details.
Listed below are papers and reviews that can be most useful for understanding the
subjects described in the seminar.
Fundamental issues
J. Reichman, Handbook of optical filters for
Fluorescence microscopy.
Available on the website:
Color Filters for fluorescence microscopy
very good website source on microscopy
Download from:
Development of multicolor FISH
P. M. Nederlof et al., Cytometry 10, 20-27 (1989)
Demonstration of the potential of multicolor FISH.
P. M. Nederlof et al., Cytometry 11, 126-131
First usage of combinatorial labeled FISH probes
to distinguish more probes than fluorochromes.
P. M. Nederlof et al., Cytometry 13, 839-845
First usage of ratio labeled FISH probes.
T. Ried, A. Baldini, T. C. Rand, D. C. Ward, Proc.
Natl Acad. Sci., USA 89, 1388-1392 (1992)
Using 7 different FISH probes by combinatorial
labeling (3 fluorochromes).
J. G. Dauwerse et al., Human Molecular Genetics
1, 593-598 (1992)
Using up to 12 FISH probes by ratio labeling.
M. R. Speicher, S. Gwyn Ballard, D. C. Ward,
Nature Genetics 12, 368-375 (1996).
First M-FISH paper – Observing all 24 human
E. Schröck et al., Science 273, 494-497 (1996).
First SKY paper – Observing all 24 human
Y. Garini et al., Bioimaging 4, 65-72 (1996)
Technical description of SKY
J. Wiegant et al., Cytogenet Cell Genet 63, 73-6
Describing the potential of using direct labeled
D. H. Ledbetter, Hum Mol Genet 1, 297-9 (1992)
The 'colorizing' of cytogenetics: is it ready for
prime time?
M. Liyanage et al., Nat Genet 14, 312-5 (1996)
First mouse SKY paper
H. J. Tanke et al., Eur J Hum Genet 7, 2-11 (1999)
COBRA FISH: COmbined Binary RAtio labelling
J. Azofeifa et al., Am. J. Hum. Genet. 66, 1684–
1688 (2000)
M-FISH with 7 fluorochromes
Quantitative multicolor analysis
Y. Garini et al, Cytometry 35, 214-226 (1999)
S/N analysis of multicolor FISH methods.
A. Kallioniemi et al., Science 258, 818-21 (1992)
CGH method
S. du Manoir et al., Cytometry 19, 4-9 (1995)
Quantitative CGH.
J. Piper et al., Cytometry 19, 10-26 (1995)
Computer analysis of CGH
Color banding and other methods
S. Muller, P. C. O'Brien, M. A. Ferguson-Smith, J.
Wienberg, Cytometry 33, 445-52 (1998)
Color banding method – RxFISH
Yuval Garini
C. J. Harrison et al., Cancer Genet Cytogenet 116,
105-10 (2000)
Color banding method – RxFISH
I. Chudoba et al., Cytogenet Cell Genet 84, 156-60
High resolution multicolor
microdisected probes
O. Henegariu, P. Bray-Ward, D. C. Ward, Nat
Biotechnol 18, 345-348 (2000)
An alternative multicolor method with 3
fluorochromes Color changing karyotyping (CCK).
W. C. Chan, S. Nie, Science 281, 2016-8 (1998)
Quantum dot bioconjugates for ultrasensitive
nonisotopic detection
M. Bruchez, Jr., M. Moronne, P. Gin, S. Weiss, A.
P. Alivisatos, Science 281, 2013-6 (1998)
Semiconductor nanocrystals
biological labels
Yuval Garini