Study Board for Electronics and IT, Aalborg University Agreement on

Study Board for Electronics and IT, Aalborg University
Agreement on Internships for Bachelors of
between Aalborg University, the student intern and the internship
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics
Student intern:
Student No.:
Internship period (min 20 weeks):
Internship organisation:
Internship coordinator at AAU:
Internship supervisor at the internship organisation:
Weekly working hours:
According to section 11 of the Ministerial Order on Bachelor of Engineering Programmes,
internships are usually paid.
Paid internship: Yes:  No: 
As part of the Bachelors of Engineering Programme in Electronics, students must complete an
internship in a company, institution or administration unit. The internship module comprises 30
ECTS credits, which is equivalent to one semester of full-time study. During their internship,
students must be able to make time for writing a project report.
The aim of the internship is to provide students with work experience in engineering. Internships
must be of relevance to the Bachelors of Engineering Programme in Electronics, and the work
activities assigned to the student intern must be professional engineering assignments.
The student intern must have a contact person at Aalborg University. In addition, the internship
organisation must appoint a contact person with a relevant background in engineering who will
also be the internship supervisor and sparring partner.
Within the agreed framework for the internship, the internship organisation and the student intern
must agree on the specific terms and conditions for the internship, including the organisation of
work, etc.
Study Board for Electronics and IT, Aalborg University
Learning objectives [The below-stated learning objectives are reproduced from the curriculum
and must be met by students. In cooperation with the internship coordinator and the internship
supervisor, students may provide additional objectives]
After the internship, the student must:
 have knowledge about a company's organisation and work from an engineering point of
 be able to explain issues from the internship that are relevant to the bachelor programme,
including theories and methods used during the course of the internship and the results
 be able to understand and account for the connection between the theory included in the
programme and engineering practice.
 be able to assess theories and methods used and relate them to the theoretical and/or
empirical principles and methods used in the previous courses and project work of the
bachelor programme.
 be able to analyse whether the profession is encountering new scientific needs which
should/might be accommodated by the study programme.
 be able to discuss the need for knowledge exchange between the company and Aalborg
 be able to document the internship in an internship report and thus making it possible to
evaluate whether the learning objectives of the internship have been met.
 be able to analyse and reflect on the academic, work-related and social benefits of the
 manage complex and development-oriented situations in a study and work context.
Work activities conducted during the internship period [must be filled in by the student in
cooperation with the internship coordinator and the internship supervisor]
Example: The main task at XX will be XXX. During the internship, the student intern will be
affiliated with the Department of XX, where she/he must be part of the daily work, including
participation in project meetings etc. By working with one or more major projects in the internship
period, the student intern will have the opportunity to become immersed in several relevant
engineering issues .....
Study Board for Electronics and IT, Aalborg University
The student intern
Students are responsible for finding their own internship places and for ensuring continuous
contact with their internship supervisor.
The students will complete an internship report; cf. the learning objectives and the current
curriculum and regulations.
Internship supervisor
The internship supervisor is expected to spend a minimum of two hours a week with each student.
The supervisor will prepare an internship declaration including an evaluation/assessment of the
student intern. Upon completion of the internship, the internship supervisor must provide a written
statement of the student intern's performance. The statement must be sent to the internship
coordinator and the student intern.
Internship coordinator
The internship coordinator serves as the liaison between the Study Board and the internship
supervisor. The coordinator will arrange for both a midterm evaluation and the final evaluation.
Midterm evaluation
Halfway through the internship, the internship coordinator, the student and, if possible, the
internship supervisor will meet to evaluate the process and make any necessary adjustments.
The meeting will take place at the internship organisation or at Aalborg University. If the internship
organisation is located abroad, an online meeting will be held.
The student must present and defend their internship report; the Study Board will set a time and
date for this examination.
Evaluation must be carried out by the student's internship coordinator (the examiner) and the
external examiner and, if possible, with the participation of the internship supervisor. However, the
assessment will only be conducted by the examiner and the external examiner.
Student intern, date and signature:
Internship supervisor, date and signature:
Internship coordinator, date and signature:
Head of studies, date and signature:
The Study Board will send a copy of the signed
agreement to the Examination Office.
C:\Users\vivi\Dropbox\Studienævn\Forhåndsaftaler for praktik\Agreement_internships_BEng.doc