
Name _____________________________________
The Roman
Date ______________________ Core ______
Version 2.0
_____ 1. a soldier in the Roman army.
_____ 2. wealthy, noblemen who controlled the early senate of Rome.
_____ 3. the two leaders of the senate chosen to serve for one year to
limit their power.
a. patricians
b. consuls
c. pilum
_____ 4. a spear designed by the Romans which will easily pierce a shield
or armor.
d. plebeians
_____ 5. the common working people in Rome.
e. legionnaire
6. Who were the Acheans and who were the Trojans?
The Acheans were the ancient G__________ and
the Trojans were the ancient R__________.
_____ 7. Where did the Trojans originally live and where was it located?
The Trojans lived in Athens and it was located in Greece.
The Trojans lived in Troy and it was located in Anatolia (Turkey).
The Trojans lived in large horses and they were located inside the city.
The Trojans lived in Paris and it was located in France.
8. What was the Aeneid, who wrote it, and what is it about?
The Aeneid was an ancient P____ written by a man named V_________ and
it was a story about the T________ W____.
_____ 9. How did the Acheans (Greeks) beat the Trojans and end the
Trojan War?
a. They fought them between a mountain pass and won the
b. They sent Helen of Troy back to the Trojans and went
home and won the war.
c. They built a giant horse and hid soldiers in side that
attacked the city and won.
d. They used their powerful ships against the Trojans and
won the war.
____ 10. Who was Aeneis and why is he important to Ancient Rome?
a. Aeneis was one of the Roman gods and he was important because all of the
Roman people believed in him.
b. Aeneis was a Trojan warrior who escaped from Troy and he is important because
his relatives started the city of Rome.
c. Aeneis was the person who designed the Trojan Horse and he is important
because he hid inside the horse and attacked Troy to win the war.
d. Aeneis was the person who wrote the Aenied and he was important because it
was a story about the Trojan War.
12. What’s the difference between a patrician and a plebian?
A patrician is a wealthy L__________________ who could serve in the
Senate, but a plebian was an everyday W________ and at first did not serve
in the Senate.
12. What was the Roman government do?
The Senators would decide on L_____.
Who was in the Senate?
In the beginning only the P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
were the Senators.
Who ruled the country?
There were two C___________
that served at the leaders for one year.
13. What was the Struggle of Orders? What happened? Who won the struggle?
When the P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wouldn’t let the P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have a
chance to vote or a chance to be in the government, the plebians went on
S______ and built a camp outside of the city. In the end, the P _ _ _ _ _ _ _
won and the patricians allowed them to be in the government.
_____ 14. What are the Twelve Tables of Law?
a. all of the laws were written down and posted in the city for
everyone to see.
b. they were kind of like the ten commandment but they added
two more.
c. this was the new government that had only 12 patricians and
2 consuls.
d. It was a measurement like a dozen because there were 12.
_____ 15. Who was Julius Caesar and what did he do?
a. He was the first person to rule over all of Rome as a dictator.
b. He was a general of the Roman Legion who later became the
Emperor of Rome.
c. He wrote a story about the Roman Wars called Veni, Vidi, Venci.
d. He named a river in Europe called the Rubicon River.
14. How did Julius Caesar die?
a. He ate a poison apple given to him by Cleopatra.
b. He was killed during the Trojan War when he fell out of the
c. He was stabbed by Cassius and Brutus who were jealous of him
and his power.
d. He was bit by a mosquito and died of Malaria.
15. Who was fighting in the Battle of Actium? Where were they fighting? Who won?
O__________ and the Roman Army was fighting against M_____ A_________
and Cleopatra and the army of Rome and army of Egypt. They mostly fought on
S______ not on land. In the end, Mark Antony and Cleopatra left and
O___________ won the battle for Rome.
____ 18. What was the Roman Legion and what was it like?
a. The Roman Legion was a large horse used to win
the Trojan War.
b. The Roman Legion was a shield that the Roman
soldiers use.
c. The Roman Legion was a disease that killed Julius
d. The Roman Legion was the Roman army and it had
the latest technology.