Geology 204 – Measures of Variability Announcements / science in the media Eyes in Back of Head project grading is still underway. XC: Posted! First in possibly a series. Questions from before or readings? Statistics quotes He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp posts - for support rather than for illumination. ~Andrew Lang Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth. ~Author Unknown While the individual man is an insoluble puzzle, in the aggregate he becomes a mathematical certainty. You can, for example, never foretell what any one man will be up to, but you can say with precision what an average number will be up to. Individuals vary, but percentages remain constant. So says the statistician. ~Arthur Conan Doyle 98% of all statistics are made up. ~Author Unknown Bias Q:Think of a way to prove that you are above-average in this class, without cheating (except statistically) A: Find the class average on some type of test You take a similar test and keep taking them until you happen to do better than the average Why should we care? Could you design a way to show that your drug was safe when it actually was not? How does drug research work? Drug companies fund scientific studies of their drugs. The companies decide whether to publish the results of the studies or not. Law & Order 10/6/04, “Coming Down Hard” Polling & Bias Check out Note the style of questions Note that in CNN poll many say “options rotated”. Why? Note the style of the ABC News/WP poll questions (esp. #2) Contrast with the style of the Fox News questions. What’s going on here? Confidence in action: NY Times article on SSRIs. Recently, FDA recommended to stop giving these anti-depressants to kids, because of increased danger of suicide British Study on Paxil: 20 out of 34 possible suicidal events for Paxil group compared with 8 out of 17 for placebo group Assume same definition was used for both Is this a significant difference? Let’s express the suicidal event incidence as a percent in each case, so we can compare them better: For the 20/34, the incidence is: 58.8% For the 8/17, the incidence is: 47.1% Margins of error: We can find the margin of error from: For the 34 group, the margin of error is +/- 16.8% This gives a 95% confidence range from 42% to 75.6% For the 17 group, the margin of error is +/- 23.8% This gives a 95% confidence range from 23.3% to 70.9%