Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee Form B – clinical trial drug profile This form needs to be submitted for drugs that are not on the PBS. Please provide all the information requested and do not refer the SAC HREC to pages in the Investigator Brochure. If the drug/s are approved, a copy of the MiMs is to be provided. A hard copy of the form is not required by the Ethics office. 1. Drug name Generic Proprietary 2. Manufacturer Source 3. Structural formula 4. Formulation of drug Description – nature, does size(s) In vitro properties In vivo properties. 5. Preclinical pharmacology 6. Preclinical toxicology In vitro In vivo Acute toxicity studies. Chronic toxicity studies. Reproduction and teratogenicity. Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity. 7. Pharmacokinetics Animal data Human data 8. Results of human studies Pharmacological properties in humans (Phases I, II). Desired effects in participants with target disease states (Phases II, III). Unwanted effects (Phases I-III) 1. Therapeutic doses 2. Toxic doses SAC HREC Form B and C vDec 14 Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee 2.1 Treatment of over dose 9. Proposed clinical indications 10. Dosage information Dose form(s) and strength(s) (Each to include usual Dose range dose ranges, etc. and proposed dose forms, strengths, range, Dose frequency Administration route frequency and route in the study.) 11. References SAC HREC Form B and C vDec 14 Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee Form C - information required about investigational drug(s) A CTN application is required for: non-marketed drugs/devices marketed drugs but a non-marketed indication any drugs being repackaged/relabelled. Title Principal Investigator(s) 1. Drug(s) involved in the study 2. Manufacturer of drug(s) 3. Company Sponsoring Trial include address and ABN no. 4. Is study to be conducted in one or multiple centres: ONE / MULTIPLE 5. If multiple centres, is a list of centres and investigators included with the protocol? YES/NO Do drug(s) involved have general marketing status in Australia? YES/NO If drug(s) has/have been approved for general marketing, proceed to 7. If not, answer 6 first. 6. For non-marketed drugs: 6.1 If it is a CTX application, then include TGA approval. 6.2 For CTN Scheme, are the following included? Research Protocol (P) YES/NO Investigator’s Drug Brochure (IB) YES/NO Statement of marketing or clinical trial approval by acceptable regulatory YES/NO authority (BRBA, PDA) Summary data package submitted to regulatory authority YES/NO Indication of refusal or questioning of previous clinical trial or marketing YES/NO application 7. Evaluation reports from regulatory authority YES/NO For already marketed drug, information YES/NO Does the proposed study include use of a placebo? If YES append copy of placebo composition 7.1 In what way does placebo differ from active drug formulation? SAC HREC Form B and C vDec 14 YES/NO Southern Adelaide Clinical Human Research Ethics Committee 8. Drug(s) to be supplied by: 8.1 Sponsor company: YES/NO PBS – if yes, please list drug(s) YES/NO Flinders Medical Centre Pharmacy: YES/NO Approval of Clinical Trials Pharmacist has been sought YES/NO Will FMC Pharmacy be required to: 8.2 o Dispense items provided by sponsor already packaged and labelled? YES/NO o Pre pack, label and code oral dose forms? o Manufacture dose forms eg. IV infusions (cytotoxic and non-cytotoxic), YES/NO suspensions, capsules, powders, creams, syringes etc? YES/NO Cost to be bourne by: o Sponsor/Investigator: have fees been discussed with Clinical Trials YES/NO Pharmacist? o PBS medication: for any medications supplied via the PBS the co- YES/NO payment will be paid by: Sponsor/Investigator 8.3 Is an after hours or weekend pharmacy service required? YES/NO (Please note that standard support for clinical trials is Monday to Friday 0845 to 1700. The Clinical Trials Pharmacist will discuss the trial specific requirements with the investigator or study coordinator. If this service is required there will be associated costs involved.) If yes, please provide detail: 8.4 Code for trial will be directed to Chief Pharmacist or; YES/NO Available via IVRS or similar YES/NO Investigator: o SAC HREC Form B and C vDec 14