Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 National & State Libraries Australasia November 2008 Australian Newspaper Plan Preserving for Permanent Access Annual Report 2007/8 PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to describe progress with the Australian Newspaper Plan (ANPlan) in 2007/8. The achievements of ANPlan are evaluated against the goals set out in ANPlan’s Five Year Plan, July 2005 - June 2010 (see Appendix E). BACKGROUND Established in 1992, ANPlan is a partnership of the National Library of Australia (NLA) and each of the state/territory libraries. The National Library of New Zealand (NLNZ) is a full member with observer status. While ANPlan has always focused on collecting, preserving and providing access to Australian newspapers, the evolution of technologies has continually challenged ANPlan libraries to re-evaluate how these aims can best be achieved. The first Five Year Plan, developed by all ANPlan libraries, was endorsed by National & State Libraries Australasia (NSLA) in November 2005. It addressed, in particular, actions relating to key ‘at risk’ newspapers. A revised plan which encompassed decisions made at a workshop on the implications of digital technology for newspaper preservation and access in 2007 was endorsed by NSLA later that year. Over 2007/8, ANPlan libraries have progressed these actions, positioning themselves to fulfil ANPlan’s objectives into the future. Significant achievements for the period include: the location and acquisition of missing newspapers through the Search and Rescue campaign (4.1); 1│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 the documentation of guidelines/standards for the digital capture of newspapers and the digitisation and provision of digital access to newspapers through the Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program (4.7 and 5.8); the development of a costing framework and the gathering of data about the comparative costs of newspaper microfilming and digitisation (4.11 and 4.12); a national survey of public libraries’ activity and attitudes regarding newspaper digitisation and digital newspapers; and responding to public libraries requesting assistance or advice in digitising newspaper titles (4.15 and 4.16); newspaper heritage preserved for permanent access both through the significant contribution of the NLA’s cooperative newspaper microfilming program and through individual libraries’ commitment to their preservation microfilming programs (5.2); the estimation of total progress to date with microfilming, storage and cataloguing of newspapers, resulting in a better knowledge of what remains to be done (5.2, 5.3 & 5.4, 5.7); raising public awareness of the role of libraries in collecting, preserving and providing access to Australian newspapers and the significance of newspapers through the Search and Rescue campaign (5.9). PROGRESS Progress in achieving the goals set out in ANPlan’s Five Year Plan is described below: National Goals A. 4.1 Collecting During 2008, there has been a focus on this goal with the launch of ANPlan’s Search and Rescue campaign. The goals of this campaign were twofold: to recruit the help of the public in finding newspapers which are missing from the collections of the ANPlan libraries; and to raise public awareness of the role of libraries in collecting, preserving and providing access to Australian newspapers. Newspapers which have either been acquired by ANPlan libraries or for which access is being arranged as a result of the Search and Rescue campaign are listed in Appendix A. In preparation for the Search and Rescue campaign, many of the ANPlan libraries have revised their lists of missing newspapers/issues. These are available at: Interestingly, the campaign has illustrated the difficulty in defining the task of identifying missing newspapers in Australian libraries’ collections. Only one of the newspapers which 2│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 was found in the course of the Search and Rescue campaign was on the list of ‘nationally significant’ missing newspaper titles/issues in the Five Year Plan (Appendix E); many of the newspapers found were not previously known to exist. B. Microfilming 4.2 To preserve access to listed nationally significant ‘at risk’ newspaper titles The following listed titles have been microfilmed to preservation standards:1 Advertiser 1923-1959 (State Library of South Australia; SLSA) Refilming has been completed to the end of 1952. Evening Star (Boulder) 1900-21 (State Library of Western Australia; SLWA) Register 1836-1931 (SLSA) Refilming has been completed to the end of 1846. To date, this title has been simultaneously refilmed and digitised from the hardcopy. South Bourke and Mornington Journal 1921-1927 (State Library of Victoria; SLV) Microfilming completed for 1923-Aug 1927; 1921-22 not completed because these issues are missing. Wangaratta Chronicle 1938-1960 (SLV) Western Argus 1915-1938 (SLWA) Western Mail July 1926-1940 (SLWA) Winner (Melbourne) 1914-1918 (SLV) In summary, to date, 8 of the 12 nominated nationally significant ‘at risk’ titles have been preserved through reformatting— 6 for the full date-range available and 2 for a portion of the date-range nominated. 4.3 To re-film listed nationally significant newspapers to a quality which will support subsequent digitisation The following nationally significant newspapers have been re-filmed:2 1 Proposed Additions: The Northern Territory Library has proposed that the following four titles be added to the list of nationally significant ‘at risk’ newspaper titles to be preserved on the Five Year Plan: Army News (1941-1946); Centralian Advocate (1947 – 1954); North Australian (1883 – 1889); Northern Standard (1921 – 1955). Proposed Subtractions: The four titles which have not been microfilmed are the South Australian newspapers: Chronicle (1858 – 1950), News (1923 – 1964), Observer (1843 – 1931) and Sunday Mail (1912 – 1953). When the Five Year Plan was developed, it was assumed that all these titles would require re-filming. However, limited sampling in 2007/8 has indicated that while some of the earliest work is aesthetically poor, the text is clearly legible and not obscured and therefore suitable for digitisation. In 2008/9, the State Library of South Australia will therefore be reviewing the existing microfilm of these titles with the aim of minimising any re-filming. It is believed that they will not need re-filming in their entirety. 2 Proposed Additions: The Northern Territory Library has proposed that the following four titles be added to the list of nationally significant newspaper titles to be re-filmed to support subsequent digitisation on the Five Year Plan: Army News (1941-1946); Centralian Advocate (1947 – 1954); North Australian (1883 – 1889); Northern Standard (1921 – 1955). Proposed Subtractions: Four of the titles which have not been re-filmed are the South Australian newspapers: Chronicle (1858 – 1950), News (1923 – 1964), Observer (1843 – 1931) and Sunday Mail (1912 – 1953). The need to re-film these papers will be reviewed in 2008/9 (see previous footnote). 3│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Advertiser 1923-1959 (SLSA) Refilming has been completed to the end of 1952. Albany Advertiser 1897-1950 (SLWA) 1897-1901 refilmed to required standard, 1902-1950 to be refilmed. Bunbury Herald 1892-1929 (SLWA) 1892-1902 refilmed to required standard, 1903 –1929 to be refilmed. Coolgardie Miner 1894-1918; 1935-1950 (SLWA) 1894 –1911, 1913-1917, 1935-1950 refilmed to required standard, (Jun 1911-Feb 1913 were missing at the time of filming; paper ceased publication from 1917 – 1935). Daily News 1882-1950 (SLWA) Filming in progress. Eastern Districts Chronicle 1877-1926 (SLWA) Geraldton Guardian 1906-1950 (SLWA) Kalgoorlie Miner 1895-1950 (SLWA) Northern Times 1905-1950 (SLWA) Pilbarra Goldfields News 1897-1923 (SLWA) Register 1847-1931 (SLSA) refilming complete to end of 1846 South Western News 1903-1949 (SLWA) Southern Times 1888-1916 (SLWA) 1888 – Jul 1903 filmed to required standard, Aug 1903 - 1916 to be refilmed to required standard. Sunday Times 1897-1950 (SLWA) Sydney Gazette & New South Wales Advertiser (State Library of New South Wales; SLNSW) Western Australian Times 1874-1879 (SLWA) Western Mail 1885-1950 (SLWA) In summary, 17 of the 22 newspapers nominated have been either re-filmed or re-filmed for a portion of the date range specified in the five year plan. 4.4 Develop a better understanding of the future viability of microfilming While activity is still in progress in this area, communication with a small subset of universities has indicated a lack of interest in this issue from this sector. One major university reported that it was not planning on purchasing more microfilm. 4.5 Develop a contingency plan in case commercial microfilming bureau services are withdrawn This action is still outstanding. 4│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 C. Digitisation and Maintaining Access to Digital Versions of Newspapers 4.6. Confirm what ANPlan libraries’ rights under copyright law are in relation to preservation of and access to newspapers in the digital environment. This action item is scheduled for discussion at the November 2008 meeting of ANPlan. 4.7 Develop standards/guidelines for digital capture of hard copy newspapers, microform copies of newspapers and for digitisation for access purposes only. As part of the Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program (ANDP), the NLA has developed guidelines for the digital capture of both hard copy newspapers and microform. These are available through the ANDP website Project Details area ( Digitising from Hard Copy ( _002.pdf) Australian Newspapers: Statement of Work Specification for Scanning of Microfilm ( ilm_scanning_v1.2.pdf) The NLA has also made available on its website guidelines for digitisation for access purposes: Digital capture and image creation - standards and equipment ( 4.8 Develop standards/guidelines for the management, storage and preservation of digital newspaper files. While documenting these standards is still an outstanding action item, the NLA has developed a diagram outlining the system architecture for the ANDP: Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program System Architecture ( m_public.pdf) 4.9 State/territory libraries to provide comment on whether the standards/guidelines are practical and achievable. The NLA has already received comment from some of the state/territory libraries; it also welcomes comments on an ongoing basis. 4.10 Develop guidelines on how to contribute to the national newspaper digitisation service. Preliminary guidelines are available in the document: Statement of Work Specification for Content Analysis and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) ( ionforContentAnalysisandOCR.pdf). 5│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 The NLA is currently developing policy and guidelines for contributions to the ANDP. These will be discussed with ANPlan libraries at their November 2008 meeting. D. Costing Different Approaches to Preserving Access to Newspapers 4.11 Develop a costing framework for comparing newspaper microfilming and digitisation costs. A costing framework was developed by the SLSA in October 2007 and is available through the NLA’s website at: 4.12 Gather data about the comparative costs of newspaper microfilming and digitisation This data was gathered in late 2007/early 2008 and has been made available to all ANPlan libraries. The implications of this data for strategic decision making in relation to reformatting of newspapers is scheduled for discussion by ANPlan libraries at their next meeting in November 2008. E. ‘Born digital’ newspapers 4.13 Investigate issues involved in collecting, archiving and providing access to online newspapers This item is still outstanding; ANPlan libraries will report on any activity as it occurs. 4.14 Investigate the gathering of pre-press electronic versions of newspapers; decide which file types would be suitable for preservation and develop an issues paper on the feasibility of a pre-press preservation strategy for ANPlan libraries. With initial work on this action item being undertaken by the SLSA, other ANPlan libraries have followed in investigating the possibilities of preserving pre-press electronic newspapers as they have been able to. An issues paper has not yet been developed. F. Roles and Responsibilities in the Digital Era 4.15 Conduct a national survey of activity and attitudes towards newspaper digitisation within public libraries. The aim of this online survey, conducted in late 2007, was to obtain a snapshot of Australian public libraries’ activities and attitudes regarding: newspaper digitisation; the collection of electronic versions that are identical to hard copy newspapers; and the provision of access (both immediate and long-term) to digital newspapers. Responses to this survey were received from 169 libraries from the following states/territories: (NSW: 32; NT: 1;3 Qld: 18; SA: 12; Vic: 32; WA: 60).4 The number of public libraries engaging in newspaper digitisation activities is still small, with just fifteen percent of libraries reporting 3 Response was made by the Northern Territory Library on behalf of the local libraries in the Northern Territory. 4 Fourteen responses were received from unidentified public libraries. 6│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 that they have started to digitise newspapers, or intend to do so in the next three years. However, driven mainly by public demand, the interest of public libraries in newspaper digitisation projects which will enable them to provide access to digital versions of newspapers appears to be high. Overall, the focus of libraries surveyed is on short-term rather than long-term access. Many of the libraries reported that they are still working out how access to their digital newspapers will be preserved and what their role will be. Approximately half (51%) of the 169 libraries included in the survey were aware of the ANDP. Many are keen to receive guidelines about digitisation from their state/territory library or from the NLA and to hear more about the ANDP, with a view to working with this Program. Only a small minority of libraries are receiving electronic copies of newspapers, which are identical to the hard-copy version, directly from publishers. 4.16 Develop and circulate an issues paper and proposed responses to public libraries requesting assistance/advice in digitising newspaper titles. The NLA summarised the survey’s findings in a report: The Digital Future of Newspapers ( Survey.doc) and drafted a letter for ANPlan libraries to send to the public libraries within their state/territory telling them about the survey results, the ANDP and newspaper digitisation guidelines available through the ANDP website. Public libraries were invited to contact their state library or the ANDP for further information. 4.17 Review and revise ANPlan’s Five Year Plan to reflect the Action Plan developed at the Australian Newspaper Plan workshop on the implications of digital technology for newspaper preservation and access, held in June 2007. The revised Five Year Plan was endorsed by NSLA in November 2007. State/Territory Goals 5.1 Checking condition of masters In 2007/8, the State Library of Queensland (SLQ) reformatted 1,500 reels of microfilm from the unstable acetate to archival microfilm. In cooperation with the NLA, the SLNSW completed a project to produce duplicate negatives (printing masters) for all titles filmed as part of the NSW Provincial Newspaper Project (1969-1992). The Northern Territory Library (NTL) has checked the condition of its master microfilm of historical newspapers prior to deciding whether to re-film for subsequent digitisation. The five major historical NT newspapers have been recommended for re-filming due to the poor initial filming (missing issues, filmed onto acetate, etc.) 5.2 Microfilming For a list of titles filmed in 2007/8, see Appendix B. 7│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Cooperative Newspaper Microfilming In 2007/8, the NLA provided a total of $417,941 (GST inclusive) to state/territory libraries through cooperative newspaper microfilming funding. Newspapers filmed under this program included those designated as being ‘nationally significant at risk’ in the ANPlan five year plan and those that will support the national newspaper digitisation program. For 2008/9, $421,300 (GST inclusive) has been offered to the SLQ, SLNSW, SLV, SLSA, SLWA and NTL. When asked to estimate the percentage of newspaper titles in their state/territory which had been microfilmed, ANPlan libraries’ estimates were as follows (numbers in brackets denote the estimated percentage of newspapers in which the preservation master is filmed to current microfilming standards): NLA (for ACT): 25% (22%); NTL: 90% (no data); SLNSW: 98% (91%); SLQ: 75% (67%); SLSA: 60% (54%); State Library of Tasmania (SLT): 97% (97%); SLV: no data (<1%); SLWA: 50% (22%). 5.3 & 5.4 Improvement of storage arrangements for preservation masters and newspapers All ANPlan libraries which provided data estimated that approximately 100% of their newspaper microfilm masters were stored optimally to preserve long-term access. (No data was available from the NTL). Several of the state/territory libraries house their newspaper microfilm in the NLA’s cold store. The NTL is preparing to commence using the NLA’s cold store in 2008/9. Last financial year saw the completion of the SLV’s custom-built cool rooms in the main library building at Swanston Street. Copying masters have all been relocated here under the following environmental conditions: 12 °C; 30% RH. Most (99%) original newspapers are stored in the SLV’s purpose built offsite store at Ballarat (21 °C; 50% RH) with the remainder being stored at the main library building under identical environmental conditions. Preservation masters are stored within the NLA’s cold store. During 2007/8, 14 brittle unfilmed broadsheet South Australian titles (280 volumes) were moved from off-site storage to on-site storage to reduce handling when requested by researchers. The South Australian Department of Premier and Cabinet is currently developing a business case for a Collections Storage Project for South Australia’s cultural institutions which will result in more extensive off-site storage facilities, including cool and cold stores. 5.5 Identification, location, acquisition of missing newspapers (see 4.1 Collecting) 5.6 Reviewing custody arrangements for preservation masters In 2007/8, the SLQ received 1,500 reels of preservation master microfilm from the University of Queensland. Many of these were on acetate based film and needed to be reformatted to archival microfilm. A list of these reformatted titles is provided in Appendix C. The NTL has received several newspapers (repatriated) from Charles Darwin University Library and the SLNSW, SLSA and SLWA. 8│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 5.7 Cataloguing microfilm on the national database Australian hard copy newspapers are generally available through Libraries Australia with most ANPlan libraries reporting that 100% of their newspapers had been catalogued (74% of SLV newspapers; less than 20% of Tasmanian newspapers) onto Libraries Australia. Access to microform copies of Australian newspapers through Libraries Australia is dependent upon standardised ways for libraries to record information about their microform holdings. A discussion between cataloguing staff from all state/territory libraries in September 2006 enabled a detailed consideration of changes to cataloguing policy resulting in revised microform cataloguing guidelines ( All microform records at the SLSA now comply with the revised guidelines. The NLA applies the new standards to all its new microfilm and preservation copy microfilm. Only a small amount of pre-2006 service copy material is not catalogued to this standard. Both these libraries estimate 100% or close to 100% adherence to the revised guidelines. Some libraries have implemented the guidelines for all new material. In 2007/8, the SLQ has been able to catalogue all new titles according to the revised guidelines. Retrospective titles have been included on the Resource Discovery Project list. It is estimated that a total of less than 10% of microfilm of newspaper titles are catalogued according to the new guidelines. A project which commenced in 2007 at the SLNSW is ensuring that all retrospective newspaper records are being reviewed and that all new records for microfilm masters will be consistent with the current standards. In summary, 100% of current titles and approximately 10% of closed titles have been catalogued onto Libraries Australia according to the new guidelines. The SLV has adopted the new standards (with some variation) to all new preservation master microfilm, but not retrospectively. It is estimated that less than 1% of microform records of newspapers conform fully to the new guidelines. However, most of the records comply in most aspects. The SLT follows the revised guidelines for cataloguing newspaper microfilm (with some variation). However, virtually none have been added onto Libraries Australia. The NTL has not yet adopted the new guidelines for cataloguing newspaper microform. It estimates that 10% of the Northern Territory’s newspaper microfilm has been catalogued onto Libraries Australia according to these guidelines. No data is available from the SLWA regarding the level to which this library has been able to catalogue its newspaper microform masters according to the revised guidelines. 5.8 Digitisation The ANDP ( is a major undertaking which aims to provide free access to digitised historic newspapers. Carried out in cooperation with all of the state and territory libraries, newspapers from all around Australia are represented. The NLA also received $1 million from the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation in December 2007 to support the 9│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 digitisation of out-of-copyright editions of The Sydney Morning Herald. A list of newspapers digitised in 2007/8 is provided in Appendix D. The SLSA digitised the Victor Harbor Times (1975 – 1978; 4 reels). This project is funded by the Victor Harbor Public Library which provides access to this regional paper via DVD. (Microfilm readers are no longer kept by this library). The SLV has been engaged in a tendering process for newspaper digitising—both scanning and OCR and content analysis. The SLV intends to digitise from microfilm local and regional historical newspapers in an ongoing program over the next three years. The first titles, for which philanthropic funding has been received, will be: Bendigonian (1895 – 1920), Portland Guardian (1842 – 1953), Gippsland Times (1861 – 1971) and Camperdown Chronicle (1875 – present). 5.9 Promotion of the Australian Newspaper Plan Many of the ANPlan libraries promote the Australian Newspaper Plan through discussion with public libraries, clients and community groups or through displays in public areas and websites. However, ANPlan’s major promotional project in 2007/8 has been the Search and Rescue campaign (see 4.1 Collecting). As well as enlisting the help of the public to find ‘missing’ newspapers, this campaign has also sought to raise public awareness of the role of libraries in collecting, preserving and providing access to Australian newspapers. The Search and Rescue campaign, conceived by the NSLA Public Programs and Communications Working Group (PPCWG), has been a joint publicity campaign of the ANPlan libraries. In support of the campaign, the Communications and Marketing Branch of the NLA has produced media resources, including artwork and a shell media release. Other ANPlan libraries were invited to use these resources and to develop their own media campaigns. The NLA launched its campaign on 11 March, issuing a national and ACT media release. A list of newspapers from all states and territories which are known to be missing was posted on the NLA’s Australian Newspaper Plan website: A story about the Search and Rescue campaign was prepared for the April edition of Gateways. The SLQ went live with their campaign on 28 April. Their web-based publicity included a dedicated website,, with links to the NLA website and a web form for prospective donors to complete. The top ten most wanted Queensland newspapers are identified on the website. All newspapers known to be missing are listed by region. An article on missing issues retrieved to date was published in the Spring edition of the State Library of Queensland Magazine (circulation 40,000). On 12 March, the Tasmanian Minister for Education and Skills, David Bartlett, launched the Australian Newspaper Plan Search and Rescue campaign in Tasmania which resulted in excellent media coverage locally. In addition to the NLA’s release, the SLSA sent general releases to regional newspapers and local ABC radio and targeted releases to Greek and German media. The NTL localised the NLA material. Fliers and A3 posters were distributed to all public libraries in the Northern Territory, at a series of Senior Territorian morning teas held at 10│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Parliament House, and on the NTL stand at the Dreaming08 ALIA conference. The campaign is highlighted on the NTL’s home page. Notices were placed in the Northern Territory News. Media coverage of the Search and Rescue campaign in print, radio, television and the Internet, has been extensive. Although the city media picked up the story immediately, the coverage in smaller communities was even better. Most regional ABC radio stations either ran the media release or interviewed their local librarians. The following is a summary of media coverage for the campaign: TV: Channel 7’s Sunrise program Radio: ABC Radio National, Alan Jones on 2GB in Sydney and his syndicated stations, Nova radio, Radio Adelaide, Territory FM, 6PR and most regional ABC radio stations. Print: Feature story and picture in The Canberra Times, the West Australian and Public Service News in Canberra. There was also wide coverage via the Australian Associated Press news wire including in the Launceston Examiner, Townsville Bulletin, Bendigo Advertiser, Daily Liberal, Burnie Advocate, Cairns Post, Canning Community newspaper, Midland Kalamunda Reporter, Guardian Express, Comment News, Stirling Times, Fremantle Cockburn Gazette, Subiaco Post, Border Mail, Central Western Daily, Yorke Peninsula Country Times, the Kalgoorlie Miner, Wimmera Mail Times, Southern Gazette and Western Suburbs Weekly. The Senior magazine ran a story on the project. Internet: Hoover’s Online. Most state/territory libraries across the country have provided information on the Search and Rescue campaign on their websites. Judging from the demonstrated high level of public interest in contacting the ANPlan libraries, it can be assumed that the Search and Rescue campaign has been successful in helping the public to recognise the importance of newspapers in reporting social, political and other aspects of history. The campaign also illustrated that the public are willing to work with libraries to ensure ongoing access to newspapers. While it was originally envisaged that some of the finds would be presented during Library and Information Week (19-25 May), due to the amount of time taken between initial contact and libraries actually acquiring new material, it was deemed to be premature to announce finds in a national media release at this time. Indeed, some of the newspapers offered have not yet been sighted by libraries. The success of the Search and Rescue campaign in capturing media and public interest has provided the ANPlan libraries with a wonderful opportunity for further publicity about the libraries’ role in providing permanent access to Australian newspapers. RECOMMENDATIONS That the report be noted. AUTHOR Hilary Berthon, ANPlan Coordinator, NLA 11│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Appendix A Missing Newspapers found in 2007/8 VIC Spring Creek Advertiser and Rodney Standard (1868-9) This newspaper from the central Victoria region published in the late 1860s has been donated to the SLV. This was an exciting acquisition as this newspaper was known to have existed in the 1860s but no copies of it had ever been sighted by Library staff or by leading historians of Victorian newspapers. The volume covering 1868-69 was found in the archives of a local newspaper office in Heathcote, and following the ANPlan publicity campaign, members of the local historical society contacted the NLA. From there it was referred to the SLV. NSW Murwillumbah Gazette (19011902) Glenorchy Library in Tasmania advises that a reader has two issues of this paper, previously unknown to exist. TAS The examiner: north-west (1 Jan 1968 - 30 Apr 1969) Five bound volumes of this newspaper have been found and acquired by the SLT. It was not previously known that this edition existed. TAS Weekly Courier (17 Jul 1913 and 29 Oct 1914) Two volumes (1913 and 1914) have been found and acquired by the SLT. QLD The Norwester (May 1926) This newspaper was previously unknown to exist and has been donated to the SLQ. All Queensland titles listed below have been offered to the SLQ and their deposit is being arranged. QLD Jindaleader (Aug 1965 – May 1970; selected issues Jun 1970 – Mar 1981) QLD Centenary News (Jan 2004; Oct 2004) QLD The Satellite (1967-1969) QLD Barcoo Independent (15 Nov 1902; 3 Apr 1906; 12 Oct 1907; 15 Oct 1910; 22 Oct 1910; 23 Dec 1916; 9 Oct 1926) 12│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 QLD Daily Record Rockhampton (9 May 1907) QLD Warwick Daily Argus (4 Dec 1945) QLD Warwick Daily News (19 Jun 1914; 4 Dec 1945) QLD Longreach Leader (3 Jan - 5 Dec 1930 & Sep 1955) WA Kanowna Democrat (1896) Donated from Longreach Shire Council Library. The SLSA was contacted by a retired interstate academic who holds copies of Okeanis 1914, 1915. While it is unclear whether these papers will be of any assistance, the SLSA will arrange to view them. The NLA has been offered several missing newspapers, which it has not yet received. During the campaign, the NLA was contacted by Gavin Pascoe, Australia and New Zealand Curator at the British Library, with the news that some of the newspapers listed as missing were held by the British Library. Details of the newspapers that the Australian state/territory libraries were interested in negotiating access for were conveyed to Gavin but no arrangements are yet in place for any of these to be received by Australian libraries. 13│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Appendix B Titles microfilmed 2007/8 National Library of Australia Northside Chronicle (2000- ; 2 reels) Southside Chronicle (1990-1996; 18 reels) Northern Territory Library Northern Territory Times and Gazette (1891-1932; 44 reels) The NTL routinely microfilms the following current titles: Alice Springs News Arafura Times Barkly Telegraph Centralian Advocate Darwin Sun Eylandt Echo Jabiru Rag Katherine Times Northern Territory News Palmerston Sun Sunday Territorian Tenant and District Times Territory Regional Weekly Wagaitear State Library of New South Wales In addition to the current newspaper microfilming program, in which all current newspapers are microfilmed systematically as a volume is completed, in 2007/8, the following titles were acquired and microfilmed: Broadcaster (Barmedman, NSW) (Jan 6, 1927; 2 reels) Hawkesbury Herald (Dec 1921, Sep 13 1923-Dec 24 1924; Jan 15 1931; 1 reel) 14│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Hornsby Advocate (Jun 7 1962-Dec 20 1962; 1 reel) Kurnell Lookbox (Oct 15 1954-Aug 26 1955; 1 reel) Moruya Examiner (May 1993-Jun 1998; 29 reels) Mountain Gazette (1966-1969; 2 reels) News Weekly (May 1988-Jan 1992; 7 reels) Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser (1836-1842 - completed) Warialda Standard and Northern Districts' Advertiser (1969; 1 reel) Yass Post (1992; 1 reel) In 2007/8, a total of 1,164,132 pages (4,946 reels; this number includes masters, duplicates and negatives) were added to the SLNSW’s collection. In 2007/8, replacement polyester masters and duplicate negatives were produced for the following New South Wales newspapers that were jointly filmed from 1969 to 1992 as part of the Provincial Newspaper Joint Copying Project, before the production of three generations of film was policy: Tumut & Adelong Times Twin Cities Post Uralla/Tableland/Uralla Times Warialda Standard Warren Advocate Wee Waa Echo Wellington Times Western Advocate Western Herald Western Mail Western People 15│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 West Wyalong Advocate Wiadomosci Polskie Windsor & Richmond Gazette/Hawkesbury Gazette Wingham Chronicle Woy Woy Herald Wyong & Lakes District Advocate Wyong Shire Advocate Yass Post Yass Tribune State Library of Queensland With Cooperative Newspaper Microfilming funding from the NLA: Wynnum Herald (Jan 1993-Dec 2006; 45 reels) Queensland Grain Grower (1962-1977; 1978-1980; 1994-1995 ; 21 reels) Isis recorder (Childers) (Jan 1931-Dec 1980; 34 reels) Cooroy Rag (Mar 1969-Jun 1988; 14 reels) Callide Dawson News (Biloela) (Jul 1970-Mar 1980; 7 reels) Kilcoy Sentinel (1932-1939; 4 reels) Clarion (Brisbane) (1940-1956; 8 reels) Leader & Lower South Burnett News (1965-1971; 7 reels) Cairns Focus (Focus News (Cairns) Aug 1970-Dec 1974; Far North Focus (Cairns) Mar 1975-Jun 1980; Cairns Focus Jul 1980-Dec 1980; 10 reels) Kingaroy Guardian (Oct 1930-Aug 1938; 5 reels) SLQ funded titles: Alert (Nov 1899 – Dec 1939; 22 reels) Bay Leader (1977 – 1980; 4 reels) Blackwater Herald (1977 – 1980; 2 reels) Bundaberg Newsmail (1 Jan 2007 – 31 Dec 2007; 24 reels) 16│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Cairns Post (1 May 2007 - 31 Dec 2007; 22 reels) Cairns Times (Jan 1987 – Jul 1987; 1 reel) Caloundra Weekly (1962 – 1964; 1996 – 1997; 5 reels) Capricornian (Rockhampton) (1972 – 1980; 5 reels) Chorus & Dramatic Index (19 Feb 1883 – Oct 1899; 1 roll) Cooktown Independent (1931 – 1947; 5 reels) Cooroy Review (Nov 1993 – Dec 1994; 1 reel) Daily Mercury (Mackay) (1 Jan 2007 – Sep 2007; 18 reels) Gold Coast Bulletin (1 Jan 2007 – 16 Jan 2007; 25 Jan 2007 – 31 Dec 2007; 47 reels) Gold Coaster (Southern Ed) (Jul – Dec 1996; 1 reel Gold Coaster (Northern Ed) (Jul – Dec 1996; 1 reel) Gympie Times (Jul 1982 – Sep 1982; 1 reel) Hervey Bay News (Feb 1965 – Dec 1970; 3 reels) Hervey Bay, Maryborough News (1 reel) Hervey Bay, Maryborough News Pictorial (Oct 1971 – Mar 1977; 4 reels) Longreach Leader (4 Oct 1929 – 27 Feb 1931; Jun 1955 – Dec 1955 (Re-filmed to allow for missing issues; 4 reels) Noosa Country Review (Jan 1995 – Jun 1996; 1 reel) Peninsula Record (1980 – 1981 ; 2 reels) Pine Record (1980 – 1981; 2 reels) Queenslander (3 Feb 1866 – 22 Feb 1939; 190 reels – re-filming for subsequent digitisation) Queensland Times (May, Sep & Oct 1995; 3 reels) Review Cooroy (1992 – 1993; 1 reel) Rural Weekly (Jan 2006 – Dec 2007; 4 reels) Sunshine Coast Daily (1 Jan 2007 – May 2007; 10 reels) Townsville Bulletin (2 Apr 2007 – 31 Dec 2007; 27 reels) State Library of South Australia The following titles were filmed during 2007/8: Advertiser (1940-1952; 156 reels – with cooperative newspaper microfilming funding from the NLA) 17│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Advertiser (2007-8; 36 reels – with partial funding from News Ltd) Bunyip (1951-1960; 10 reels – with funding from Gawler Public Library) Leader (Angaston) (1964; 1 reel – within funding from the Barossa Public Library) Pt Wakefield Monitor (1915-1941; 9 reels) Recorder Pt Pirie (1988; 3 reels) South Australian Messenger Press Regional Newspapers (2006; approx. 127 reels) Southern Cross (1971-1980; 10 reels – with funding from the Catholic Archives) Stanley Herald (1909-1948; 11 reels – partially funded by News Ltd) Sunday Mail (2007-2008; 12 reels) Unley Citizen and Suburban Chronicle (22 Jun 1906-27 Dec 1912; 3 reels) Unley Welfare (Aug 1921-Oct 1924; 2 reels) State Library of Tasmania Major daily papers: Mercury (Jul 2007 – Jun 2008; 24 reels) Examiner (Jul 2007 – Jun 2008; 24 reels) Advocate (Jul 2007 – Jun 2008; 12 reels) Tasmanian regional and historic papers: Circular Head Chronicle (2006; 1 reel) Classified Trader (2006 – 2007; 1 reel) Cove Clarion (1988 – 2000; 1 reel) Cygnet & Channel Classifieds (2005 – 2006; 1 reel) Derby Echo (1998 – 2000; 1 reel) Dulverton Chronicle (Sep 2004 – Mar/Apr 2007; 1 reel) Gazette (New Norfolk) (2006, 2007; 1 reel) Huon Valley News (2006; 1 reel) Island News (2006; 1 reel) Kentish Chronicle (2004, 2005, 2006; 1 reel) King Island Courier (1984 – 2006; 11 reels) Kingston Classifieds (2005, 2006; 1 reel) 18│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Midlander / Midlands Monthly (Jun 1999 – 2001 / 2002 – 2004; 1 reel) North Eastern Advertiser (2005, 2006; 1 reel) North Western Advocate and Emu Bay Times (1913 – 1915 misc. pages; 1 reel) Tasman Gazette (2006; 1 reel) Tasmanian Country (2006; 1 reel) Valley & East Coast Voice (2005 – 2006; 1 reel) Weekly Trading Post (2006; 2 reels) State Library of Victoria Herald Sun (May 2007 – Mar 2008; 55 reels) Wangaratta Chronicle-Despatch (Jan 1961 – Dec 1990; 109 reels – with the assistance of cooperative newspaper microfilming funding from NLA) Weekly Times (May 2007 – Feb 2008; 5 reels) The following titles on acetate were duplicated: Melbourne Herald (Jan 1906 – Nov 1950; 204 reels – with cooperative newspaper microfilming funding from NLA) Frankston and Somerville Standard (Jan 1921 – Mar 1949; 10 reels - with cooperative newspaper microfilming funding from NLA) State Library of Western Australia The following newspapers were filmed through Cooperative Newspaper Microfilming funding from the NLA: Toodyay Herald (Mar 1912-May 1954; 26 reels) Dampier Herald and later titles (Apr 1928-Jan 1958; 15 reels) Western Argus (Nov 1918-Dec 1919; Jan 1922-Jun 1938; 51 reels) Ballidu-Wongan Budget and later title (Sep 1927-Aug 1954; 17 reels) Daily Telegraph and North Murchison Gazette and later title (Jul 1918- Jan 1947; 21 reels) Moora Herald and Midland Districts Advocate (Jan 1914-Mar 1930; 10 reels) Goomalling-Dowerin Mail (Jan 1911-May 1922; 10 reels) Mullewa Magnet and Perenjori-Morawa Advertiser and later title (Jan 1927-Jan 1931; 3 reels) Northern Grazier & Miner (Mar 1929-Jul 1944; 13 reels) Pingelly Leader (Aug 1906-Aug 1907; Jan 1910-Oct 1925; 8 reels) 19│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Wiluna Chronicle and East Murchison Advocate (Jun 1924-Jan 1947; 16 reels) With funding from the Sunday Times: Sunday Times (1960 – 1969) 20│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Appendix C Titles received from the University of Queensland by the State Library of Queensland Border Post & Stannum Miner (2 Apr 1875 - 9 Oct 1908; 3 reels) Central Qld Times (8 Dec 1888 - 25 Jan 1890; 1 reel) Daily Chronicle (2 Feb 1895 - 2 Aug 1895; 1 reel) Daily Mercury (13 Jan 1906 - 31 Dec 1945; 112 reels) Daily Northern Argus (1 Jan 1875 - 31 Dec; 26 rolls) Daily Record (2 Jan 1897 - 30 Sep 1922; 75 rolls) Fassifern Advocate (15 Mar 1901 - 26 Jun 1909; 3 reels) Fassifern Guardian (27 May 1905 - 24 Sep 1930; 6 reels) Gympie Miner & One Mile Monkland Advertiser (4 Jan 1884 - 30 Dec 1885; 1 reel) Gympie Miner (1 Jan 1886 - 31 Dec1887; 2 Jul 1894 - 31 Dec 1894; 2 reels) Gympie Times & Mary River Mining Gazette (1 Jan 1870 - 30 Dec 1919; 60 reels) Gympie Truth & Mining Record (28 Jan 1899 - 29 Jun 1904; 1 reel) Mackay Chronicle (5 Aug 1895 – 14 Jul 1905; 10 reels) Mackay Mercury (2 Jan 1902 - 30 Dec 1905; 4 reels) Mackay Standard (1 Jan 1886 - 31 Jul 1905; 16 reels) Morning Bulletin (9 Jul 1861 - 11 Mar 1865; 1 Jan 1898 - 30 Jun 1898; 1 Jul 1914 - 30 Sep 1914; 6 reels) Nashville Times, Gympie & Mary River Mining Gazette (15 Feb 1868 - 29 Dec 1869; 1 reel) Northern Argus (24 Jul 1865 - 31 Dec 1874; 9 rolls) Port Denison Times & Bowen Advocate (1 Jan 1901 - 24 Dec 1910; 9 reels) Port Denison Times & Kennedy District Advertiser (5 Mar 1864 - 22 Dec 1900; 8 reels) Pugh’s Almanac (1 Jan 1859 - 31 Dec 1927; 31 reels) Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald & General Advertiser (2 Jan 1879 - 30 Dec 1879; 1 reel) Queensland Times (1 Jan 1974 - 31 Oct 1996; 247 reels) Rural Times (1 Dec 1985 - 31 Dec 1992) 4 reels) Settler & South Qld Pioneer (5 Jan 1901 - 28 Dec 1901; 1 reel) 21│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Super Southsider (1 Aug 1991 - 28 Oct 1993; 3 reels) Truth – A Democratic Journal (7 Jan 1898 - 24 Jun 1898; 1 reel) Valley Times (3 Feb 1993 - 30 Jun 1993; 1 reel) Weekly Times – Goodna Redbank (14 Jan 1987 to 24 Jun 1987; 3 Jul 1991 - 21 Dec 1994; 11 rolls) 22│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Appendix D: Newspapers digitised under the Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program in 2007/8 ACT The Canberra Times 1926 – 1954 NSW Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser 1816 – 1842 The Sydney Morning Herald 1900 – 1954 NT Northern Territory Times and Gazette 1873-1898 1915 – 1927 Northern Territory Times 1927 - 1932 QLD The Courier-Mail 1933-1934 The Brisbane Courier 1864-1899 The Moreton Bay Courier 1846-1861 The Courier (Brisbane, Qld.) 1861-1864 SA The Advertiser 1901 - 1919 TAS Colonial Times 1828 - 1857 Colonial Times and Tasmanian Advertiser 1825 - 1827 Hobart Town Gazette 1825 - 1827 The Hobarton Mercury 1854 - 1857 The Hobart Town Mercury 1857 - 1857 Hobart Town Daily Mercury 1858 - 1859 The Mercury 1860-1915; 1918 - 1920 The Courier (Hobart, Tas.) 1840 - 1859 The Hobart Town Courier and Van Diemen's Land Gazette 1839 - 1840 The Hobart Town Courier 1827 - 1839 23│40 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 VIC The Argus 1877 – 1944 WA The Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News 1848 - 1864 West Australian Times 1863 - 1864 The Perth Gazette and West Australian Times 1864 - 1874 Western Australian Times 1874 - 1879 West Australian 1879 – 1900 24│40 Appendix E Australian Newspaper Plan Preserving for Permanent Access Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 CONTENTS 1. Background 2. Aims of the Five Year Plan 3. Australian Newspaper Plan activities 4. National goals for July 2005–June 2010 5. State/Territory goals for July 2005–June 2010 Appendix: List of abbreviations used 26 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 1. Background The Australian Newspaper Plan (formerly NPLAN) is a cooperative initiative established by National and State Libraries Australasia (NSLA – formerly CASL) in 1992 in recognition of the importance of newspapers as primary sources of historical information and a growing concern about the status and preservation of Australian newspapers. Australian Newspaper Plan partners are: o o o o o o o o National Library of Australia (NLA) in consultation with the Australian Capital Territory Library and Information Service (ACTLIS) Northern Territory Library (NTL) State Library of New South Wales (SLNSW) State Library of Queensland (SLQ) State Library of South Australia (SLSA) State Library of Tasmania (SLT) State Library of Victoria (SLV) State Library of Western Australia (SLWA) The National Library of New Zealand/Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa is a full member of the Australian Newspaper Plan with observer status. The Australian Newspaper Plan is currently coordinated by the National Library of Australia. 2. Aims of the Five Year Plan The Australian Newspaper Plan aims to preserve all Australian newspapers and ensure the public has adequate access to them. In 2004 NSLA endorsed the development of a five year national plan addressing, in particular, actions relating to key 'at risk' newspapers. Following an Australian Newspaper Plan workshop on the implications of digital technology for newspaper preservation and access, held in June 2007, further actions were incorporated into the Five Year Plan. 3/9/08 27 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 The Five Year Plan is designed to provide impetus to the Australian Newspaper Plan through the setting of clear goals and reporting mechanisms, emphasising the national context within which partners carry out their Australian Newspaper Plan activities, and raising the profile of the Plan nationally. Sections 4 and 5 below provide a list of specific national and state/territory goals for the period July 2005—June 2010. It is intended that the Australian Newspaper Plan will be jointly monitored and reviewed by all partners. Progress on the Plan will be reported by means of annual partner reports and progress reports to NSLA. 3. Australian Newspaper Plan activities Preserving access to Australian newspapers is reliant on a wide range of activities. These include: o o o o o o o o o o identifying, locating and acquiring missing newspapers and/or issues; microfilming newspapers to ensure their preservation or re-filming/duplication if the quality of the filming or film is poor; re-filming significant newspapers to a quality which will support subsequent digitisation; storing newspapers and microfilm in a way that will optimise their life expectancy; checking the condition of microfilm masters; reviewing custody arrangements for preservation masters; cataloguing newspaper titles, including microfilm generations and digital copies; digitising historic newspapers and managing, storing and preserving digital versions using standards and technologies currently being explored as part of the National Library of Australia’s Newspapers Digitisation Program; collecting, archiving and providing access to ‘born digital’ newspapers; linking the digitisation activities of public libraries and local organisations with national endeavours. Together, these activities ensure that our Australian newspaper heritage will remain accessible into the future. 28 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 4. National goals (July 2005–June 2010) The following national goals have been agreed to by Australian Newspaper Plan partners for the period July 2005—June 2010: A. Collecting 4.1 To find, acquire and preserve access to the following nationally significant missing newspaper titles/issues: Adelaide advertiser 1840-1841 [SLSA] Adelaide general advertiser and Port Lincoln Herald 1840 [SLSA] Adelaide guardian 1839 [SLSA] Adelaide Punch 1868-1869 [SLSA] Adelaide times 1848-1858 [SLSA] Adelaide truth (any dates) [SLSA] Adelaider Deustche Zeitung pre-1860; 1927-1929 [SLSA] Adelaider Post 1957-1959 [SLSA] Arab orient June-July 1979 [SLSA] Australijos Lietuvis 1955- [SLSA] Bendigo Advertiser 1853-1856 [SLV] Blyth Agriculturist* 1908-1911 [SLSA] 1910-1911 Bulong Bulletin and Mining Register 1897 various issues [SLWA] Bunyip* pre 1865 [SLSA] Burnside & Knightsbridge Herald* 1893 [SLSA] Butterfly 1869-1870 [SLT] Catholic Standard (Hobart) 1937-1940 [SLT] Colonial Record 1839 [SLT] Colonial Times 1825-1857 [SLT] Cornwall Chronicle 1835-1880 [SLT] Deutsche Post 1848- [SLSA] Deutsche Zeitung 1851 [SLSA] Ellinika Nea pre-1979 [SLSA] English and Chinese Advertiser Ballarat* 1856-1858 [SLV] Hobart Town Courier 1827-1859 [SLT] 3/9/08 29 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Hobart Town Punch 1867-1868 [SLT] Huon Times 1913-1916 [SLT] Illustrated Adelaide Post no. 1 and no. 2 1867 [SLSA] Illustrated Tasmanian Mail 1921-1935 [SLT] Illustrated Tasmanian News 1873-1877 [SLT] Latvis (Australian Latvian news bulletin) 1949-1950 [SLSA] The Mercury and South Australian sporting chronicle 1849-1851 [SLSA] Monitor 1834-1923 [SLT] Morning Star 1891-1894 [SLT] Neue Deutsche Zeitung fur Australien 1876- [SLSA] Okeanis 1914-August 1915 (thence to Sydney) [SLSA] Perth Gazette, and Independent Journal of Politics and News 1855-1857 various issues [SLWA] Pharos 1936- [SLSA] Renmark Pioneer 1893-1895; 1908; 1911 [SLSA] South Australian 1840-1843 [SLSA] South Australian chronicle and gold mining reporter 1853 [SLSA] South Australian free press 1853-1854 [SLSA] South Australian Weekly Dispatch* 1853- [SLSA] Southern Freeman 1889-1890 [SLSA] Sud Australische Zeitung any dates; 1851-1862 [SLSA] Swan Express 1916 [SLWA] Swan River Guardian 1836 and 1838 various issues [SLWA] Tanunda Deutsche Zeitung various issues 1863-1868 [SLSA] Tasmanian Mail 1877-1921 [SLT] Tasmanian Punch 1866-1878 [SLT] Tasmanian Punch Review 1866-1878 [SLT] Uralla Times Vol. 1, no. 1 Apr 15, 1876-1894; 1897; 1907-Aug 1956; 1976-Aug 1980; Jan 1983 [SLNSW] Weekly Courier 1901-1935 [SLT] *This paper has been found or part of the date range has been found B. Microfilming 30 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 4.2 To preserve access to the following nationally significant ‘at risk’ newspaper titles: Advertiser 1923-1959 [SLSA] Chronicle 1858-1950 [SLSA] Evening Star (Boulder) 1900-21 [SLWA] News 1923-1964 [SLSA] Observer 1843-1931 [SLSA] Register 1836-1931 [SLSA] South Bourke and Mornington Journal 1921-1927 [SLV] Sunday Mail 1912-1953 [SLSA] Wangaratta Chronicle 1938-1960 [SLV] Western Argus 1915-38 [SLWA] Western Mail July 1926-1940 [SLWA] Winner (Melbourne) 1914-1918 [SLV] 4.3 To re-film the following nationally significant newspapers to a quality which will support subsequent digitisation: Advertiser 1923-1959- [SLSA priority 1] Albany Advertiser 1897-1950 [SLWA] Bunbury Herald 1892-1929 [SLWA] Chronicle 1858-1950 [SLSA priority 4] Coolgardie Miner 1894-1918; 1935-1950 [SLWA] Daily News 1882-1950 [SLWA] Eastern Districts Chronicle 1877-1926 [SLWA] Geraldton Guardian 1906-1950 [SLWA] Kalgoorlie Miner 1895-1950 [SLWA] News 1923-1964 [SLSA priority 5] Northern Times 1905-1950 [SLWA] Observer 1843-1931 [SLSA priority 3] Pilbarra Goldfields News 1897-1923 [SLWA] Register 1847-1931 [SLSA priority 2] 3/9/08 31 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 South Western News 1903-1949 [SLWA] South Western Times 1917-1929 [SLWA] Southern Times 1888-1916 [SLWA] Sunday Mail 1912-1953 [SLSA priority 6] Sydney Gazette & New South Wales Advertiser [SLNSW] Sunday Times 1897-1950 [SLWA] Western Australian Times 1874-1879 [SLWA] Western Mail 1885-1950 [SLWA] 4.4 Develop a better understanding of the future viability of microfilming by (a) discussing issues with microfilming providers; (b) investigating attitudes of universities. 4.5 Develop a contingency plan in case commercial microfilming bureau services are withdrawn. C. Digitisation and Maintaining Access to Digital Versions of Newspapers 4.6 Confirm what ANPlan libraries’ rights under copyright law are in relation to preservation of and access to newspapers in the digital environment. 4.7 Develop standards/guidelines for digital capture of (a) hard copy newspapers; (b) microform copies of newspapers and for (c) digitisation for access purposes only. 4.8 Develop standards/guidelines for the management, storage and preservation of digital newspaper files. 32 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 4.9 State/territory libraries to provide comment on whether the standards/guidelines described in 4.7 and 4.8 are practical and achievable for state/territory libraries. 4.10 Develop guidelines on how to contribute to the national newspaper digitisation service. D. Costing Different Approaches to Preserving Access to Newspapers 4.11 Develop a costing framework for comparing newspaper microfilming and digitisation costs. 4.12 Gather data about the comparative costs of newspaper microfilming and digitisation. E. ‘Born digital’ newspapers 4.13 Investigate issues involved in collecting, archiving and providing access to online newspapers. 4.14 Investigate the gathering of pre-press electronic versions of newspapers; decide which file types would be suitable for preservation and develop an issues paper on the feasibility of a pre-press preservation strategy for ANPlan libraries. F. Roles and Responsibilities in the Digital Era 3/9/08 33 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 4.15 Conduct a national survey of activity and attitudes towards newspaper digitisation within public libraries. 4.16 Develop and circulate an issues paper and proposed responses to public libraries requesting assistance/advice in digitising newspaper titles. 4.17 Review and revise ANPlan’s Five Year Plan to reflect the Action Plan developed at the Australian Newspaper Plan workshop on the implications of digital technology for newspaper preservation access, held in June 2007. 34 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 5. State/Territory goals (July 2005–June 2010) The following State/Territory goals have been nominated by Australian Newspaper Plan partners for the period July 2005—June 2010: Australian Capital Territory 5.1 Checking condition of masters Masters which are poorly filmed or which are on unstable film will be identified. 5.2 Microfilming All acetate masters to be replaced through duplication or digitisation. Creation of copy masters where preservation masters already exist to be New South Wales Identifying significant newspapers filmed prior to the introduction of standards, carrying out quality checks and re-filming as necessary. Checking condition of masters and duplicate negatives. Ensuring that masters and duplicate negatives exist for every newspaper. Transferring ‘at risk’ cellulose masters to polyester. Northern Territory Microfilming of current newspaper titles to continue. Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia National Retrieve preservation masters that are held by agencies to determine whether they are at a quality designated by Australian Microfilm standards. Continue the Acetate Microfilm Copying Project begun in 2001-2002, involving the methodical replacement of acetate masters and direct duplicates with polyester film. Checking of masters is undertaken by vendor. Checking of masters is ongoing, masters which are poorly filmed or on unstable film are identified and re-filmed as necessary. Checking of masters is ongoing, masters which are poorly filmed or on unstable film are identified and re-filmed as necessary. Masters which are poorly filmed or which are on unstable film will be identified. Complete 1 500 000 frames of remaining 3 000 000 pages yet to be filmed (predominantly smaller run titles that make up a large component of Continuation of microfilming the Advertiser - 100 reels per annum so that by June 2010 we have reached the 1942 editions, at which point the editions increase dramatically in There are no non-filmed titles in the SLT collection. The SLV will microfilm a substantial run of one provincial newspaper, one significant suburban newspaper and possibly a shorter run of a Microfilming of high priority unfilmed WA papers. All acetate masters to be replaced through duplication or digitisation. The creation of preservation and copy masters for high priority 3/9/08 Further priority microfilming is dependent on results of SLT’s ‘most wanted’ Re-filming of newspapers which have been identified as not meeting 35 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Australian Capital Territory New South Wales Northern Territory pursued. Queensland the aggregate of 860 Qld newspaper titles). Microfilming of current newspaper titles to continue. Following retrieval and assessment of preservation masters held in agencies, refilm if required. Program to film a portion of the current newspaper output will continue. South Australia size. Re-film and digitize the Register - 20 reels per annum so that by June 2010 we will have completed at least 100 of the 376 reels to be produced. Microfilming of current newspaper titles to continue. Tasmania missing titles/issues list. Microfilm of Mercury is in part incomplete. The missing issues will be identified once the existing microfilm is digitised. Then the missing issues will be filmed. Microfilming of current newspaper titles to continue. 5.3 Improvement of storage arrangements for preservation masters Locate microfilm preservation masters and copy masters for all ACT titles; negotiate, if appropriate, to obtain copy Ensuring all masters and duplicate negatives are in optimum storage. Relocation of preservation master microfilm to NLA. Following retrieval and assessment of preservation masters held in agencies, deposit masters in cold storage. SLQ has a MOU Ensuring all masters and duplicates are held in optimum storage conditions. Vendor ensures all masters and duplicates are held in optimum storage conditions. Victoria specialist newspaper, such as a sporting or religious newspaper as a minimum annual achievement. Titles selected will have a high level of significance, will be at risk due to poor quality and in high demand. A priority list has been developed, mainly covering 1920-1960. Ensuring all masters and duplicates are held in optimum storage conditions. Western Australia quality standards. National unfilmed ACT papers will be pursued. Microfilming of current newspaper titles to continue. Ensuring all masters and duplicates are held in optimum storage conditions. Provision of cold storage. Locate microfilm preservation masters and copy masters for all national titles; 36 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 Australian Capital Territory New South Wales for storage at NLA. 5.4 Improvement of storage arrangements for newspapers Ensuring all newspapers are in optimum storage. Northern Territory Queensland lease arrangement with Qld State Archives in storing masters in cold store off-site. For the term of this plan, Qld Newspapers will be housed in two separate repositories with 60% at the off-site facility with sound climate controls and 40% in the main South Bank repository with improvised means in achieving conditions for preservation. In the duration, following up and planning for whole of government approach to archival storage. 3/9/08 South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia National negotiate, if appropriate, to obtain copy for storage at NLA. Continue to ensure that all newspapers are held in optimum storage conditions. Continue to ensure that all newspapers are held in optimum storage conditions. Completion of new purpose built storage facility at Ballarat in December 2005 will continue to ensure that all newspapers are held in optimum storage conditions. Continue to ensure that all newspapers are held in optimum storage conditions. NLA will construct cool store for storage of significant national newspapers. 37 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 5.5 Identification location, acquisition of missing newspaper titles and issues 5.6 Reviewing custody arrangements for preservation masters 5.7 Cataloguing on the NBD 5.8 Digitisation Australian Capital Territory New South Wales In association with ACT Heritage Library, identify and publicise missing issues. Continuing to identify, research, locate and film missing or previously unfilmed newspapers. Identifying and recovering missing issues. Locate masters, negotiate with holders of masters, if not NLA, to obtain copy for storage in NLA, if appropriate. Locate masters not held, negotiate custody. Reviewing custody arrangements of microfilm masters. Northern Territory Queensland Recovery of missing issues as part of project involving retrieval of preservation masters held in agencies. Retrieve preservation masters held in agencies (for assessment, re-filming, cold storage as appropriate). South Australia Continue to identify, locate and film missing or previously unfilmed titles. Tasmania Victoria Continue to identify, locate and film missing or previously unfilmed titles. Continue to identify, locate and film missing or previously unfilmed titles. Western Australia Continue to identify, locate and film missing or previously unfilmed titles. National Identifying and recovering missing issues. Arrangements for masters are considered satisfactory at this time. Arrangement Locate Arrangements Locate s for masters masters, for masters are masters, are negotiate considered negotiate considered with holders satisfactory at with holders satisfactory of masters, if this time. of masters, if at this time. not NLA, to Obtain copies not NLA, to Obtain obtain copy for NLA obtain copy copies for for storage in storage if for storage in NLA storage NLA, if appropriate. NLA, if if appropriate. appropriate. appropriate. The NLA will undertake a feasibility study into how the NBD can be effectively used as a register of microform, including preservation masters, and the location of preservation masters. Development and implementation of standardised newspaper cataloguing protocols for all versions of newspapers. All partners have indicated the intention to undertake some digitisation activity. The conditions under which digital copies of newspapers would be accepted as preservation masters and the conditions under which digital copies would be preferred to microfilm copies as preservation masters will be considered by Australian Newspaper Plan partners. The National Library of Australia’s Newspapers Digitisation Program will explore standards and technologies to develop a national infrastructure which will support unmediated access to the content of digitised historical newspapers. Partners will contribute content to the Newspapers Digitisation Program, facilitate information sharing about the program and will work to encourage adoption of standards and technologies which will be suitable for long-term management of newspapers within the national infrastructure. See also National Goals (Section 4C). 38 Five Year Plan July 2005–June 2010 Australian Capital Territory 5.9 Promotion of Australian Newspaper Plan New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia National All Australian Newspaper Plan partners to participate in cooperative communication strategy. 3/9/08 39 Australian Newspaper Plan Annual Report 2007/8 Appendix List of abbreviations used ACTLIS Australian Capital Territory Library and Information Service ANPlan Australian Newspaper Plan CASL Council of Australian State Libraries (now NSLA) NBD National Bibliographic Database NLA National Library of Australia NPLAN National Plan for Australian Newspapers (now known as the Australian Newspaper Plan or ANPlan) NSLA National and State Libraries Australasia NTL Northern Territory Library SLNSW State Library of New South Wales SLQ State Library of Queensland SLSA State Library of South Australia SLT State Library of Tasmania SLV State Library of Victoria SLWA State Library of Western Australia 40