Body Units & Systems - Section 1- p. 1 Body Systems & Units Notes Explain the structural units of the bodyKNOW: Anatomy and physiology-anatomy is the stud of the shape and structure of an organism’s body!! & Physiology is how the body functions Cavities (like holes in your teeth/body cavities are “holes” in your body that hold organs and systems of organs) 1. Dorsal cavity-Back-holds spinal cord and brain!! a. Cranial cavity-holds brain (cranial means brain or skull) b. Spinal cavity-spine!! 4. Thoracic cavity-this is the chest area/holds the heart and lungs 5. Abdominal cavity-holds the stomach, liver, and gall bladder 6. Pelvic cavity-holds urinary bladder and reproductive organs Analyze body tissues and membranes A. Tissues-formed when cells are grouped because they are similar in shape, size, structure and function!! Tissues are similar cells that act together to perform a function!!! 1. Epithelial tissue- like plastic wrap for our organs 2. Connective tissue-supports organs and other body parts & provides structure and support! Some types of Connective Tissue: a. Adipose (fat), b. Cartilage (firm, flexible support of the embryonic skeleton and part of the adult skeleton), c.Tendons & Ligaments(composed of dense connective tissue) Ligaments=strong, flexible bands of connective tissue that hold bones firmly together at the joints / Tendons = white bands of connective tissue attaching skeletal muscle to bone 3. Muscle tissue (three types=skeletal, cardiac, smooth) 4. Nervous tissue (neurons & glia/messengers of body) B. Organs and systems Organs-two or more types of tissues working together to perform complex functions. Organelles=small cell structures-ex: mitochondria, Organism=individual living thing. Body Units & Systems - Section 1- p. 2 Membranes 1. Mucous membranes-line the respiratory system and digestive (intestines and stomach=gastric mucosa!!) 2. Serous membrane-double-walled membrane that lines closed body cavities and contains a serous fluid to lubricate & protect organs!!! ~Parietal means wall & Visceral means organ!!! a. Parietal or visceral-parietal membrane is the outer part of a serous membrane that lines a cavity b. Pleural membrane-(remember* there are two lungs & pleural means more than one!!)-the serous membrane that lines the lungs c. Pericardial membrane-serous membrane that lines heart d. Peritoneal membrane-the serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity (“tone” ur abs!!) *remember-you “tone” your abs/peritoneal!!* Pericardial Membrane Pleural Membrane KNOW!!!! Systems=formed by organs that work together to accomplish a complex function!! Integumentary-skin/hair Skeletal-bones (206) Muscular-determines posture and produces body heat Digestive & Nutrition-mouth/stomach/anus/absorb nutrients Hematology-blood parts Lymphatic & Immune-infection control (spleen/lymph/thymus) Circulatory-involves heart and vessels that carry blood-MOST COMPLEX!!! Of the systems Respiratory-breathing/lungs Urinary (Excretory)-urine!!! (Kidneys, ureters, bladder) Nervous & (Sensory)-brain, spinal cord, nerves and senses-vision/hearing/smell/taste!! Endocrine-manufactures hormones to regulate organ activity!!/puberty/insulin(thyroid, testes, ovaries, pituitary, pancreas….) Reproductive-male and female sex organs/pregnancy/menstruation KNOW!!!! Abdominal/pelvic regions (like a tic-tac-toe board!!) 1. Epigastric-located between the hypochondriac regions 2. Umbilical-around the belly button 3. Hypogastric-pubic region 4. Hypochondriac-right and left 5. Iliac (inguinal)-right and left/groin area 6. Lumbar-located on either side of the umbilical region Hypochondriac region (below the ribs) Lumbar Region Left Inguinal or Iliac Region (also known as the GROIN!!) Hypochondriac region (below the ribs) Lumbar Region Left Inguinal or Iliac Region (also known as the GROIN!!) Body Units & Systems - Section 1- p. 3 Directions/Positions: Anterior and ventral-front or in front of the body!! (The knees are on the anterior surface of the body!!) Posterior and dorsal-back or in back of the body!! Think of the dorsal fin of a fish!! Cranial (towards head) and caudal (towards tail/butt) Superior and inferior-superior is above or higher than & inferior is below or lower. (Ex. The ankle is inferior to the knee and the hip is superior to the knee!!) Medial and Lateral-Medial is in the middle of the body or towards the middle. Lateral is toward the side of the body or side!!! (The arms are in a lateral position in relation to the rest of the body!!) Proximal and distal-Proximal is in close proximity to the center of the body or point of attachment and Distal is a distance from the point of attachment or the trunk of the body (core). (ex. Your fingertip in relation to your hands distal) -Superficial or external-outer part/mild sunburn would be superficial / Deep or internal = inside the body ~ Planes and Sections: PLANES – imaginary anatomical dividing planes/SECTION – cut made through the body in the direction of a certain plane 1. Sagittal plane-cuts body into right and left /MIDSAGITTAL divides the body equally in right and left sides!! 2. Coronal (frontal) plane 3. Transverse Plane (cross section)-cuts body into top and bottom halves IMPORTANT!! Lateral = side KNOW!! Sagittal Plane = right and left sides! Coronal or FRONTAL Plane = you have a FRONT and back!! Transverse = cut across to make top and bottom halves! Dorsal = back /posterior Anatomical Position- standing erect/palms up/hands lateral (at sides)