CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction Rapid development in construction resulting a construction of various types of bridge. The advancement in material science lead to new materials used for constructing bridges. Hence, the effects of the wind on the bridge structures should be determined. Unlike dead loads, which are permanent and changing slowly, live loads and wind loads change rapidly and creating effects much larger than if the same loads applied gradually for a suspension bridge structure. Therefore, there is a need to understand the nature of wind and its effects on the bridge structural system. In designing bridge to withstand wind forces, several important factors must be considered such as the strength and stability requirements of structural system, buffeting wind effects and resonance of the bridge oscillations. The conventional methods to obtain the wind effects data are acquired through wind tunnel test. The development of computer applications in finite elements analysis enable simulation of wind flows effects that usually done in wind tunnel tests. 11 2.2 Winds Wind is term use for air in motion and is usually applied to the natural horizontal motion of the atmosphere. Winds are produced by differences in atmospheric pressure, which are primarily attributable to differences in temperature. In fact, warmer air has less density and thus rises, whereas cold air falls with respect to the adjacent air. In addition to such vertical motion, there is a horizontal one that is due to the movement of cold, dense air toward zones of lower pressure and warmer air. Winds that are of interest in the design can be classified into three major types: the prevailing winds, seasonal winds and local winds. The characteristics of prevailing winds and seasonal winds are analytically studied together, while local winds are studied separately. The grouping is on account of widely differing scale of fluctuations period. 2.2.1 Types of Wind Flows Flow of wind, unlike other fluids, is not steady and fluctuates in random fashion. Winds are classified into steady, unsteady, laminar and turbulent (eddying) forms. Steady winds have the steady mean incident flow and constant in velocity. An unsteady wind flow is one in which the incident mean stream velocity is fluctuating in some way, either with time or in direction. 12 The flow that is smooth and regular is associated with name laminar. In contrast, individuals particles and groups of particles spinning and rotating and moving first in one direction then in another with no order except that the whole aggregate is proceeding in the streaming direction is described as turbulent. The change from laminar to turbulent flow is of relevance to the aerodynamics forces and it is governed by three factors: i) Reynolds Number ii) Turbulent of the Wind iii) Roughness of the surface At low value of Reynolds number, the viscous forces are large compared to the acceleration of the air. Viscous forces always oppose motion and hence random motions of the air are damped out and laminar flow persists. At some critical value of Reynolds number the damping force becomes insufficient to damp out oscillations of the flows and turbulent flows occurred. 2.3 Characteristics of Wind Wind is a phenomenon of great complexity because of the many flow situations arising from the interaction of wind structures. Wind engineering simplifications are made to arrive at meaningful predictions of wind behaviour by distinguishing the characteristics of wind. 13 2.3.1 Variation of Wind Velocity with Height The variation of velocity with height can be considered as a gradual retardation of the wind speed nearer the ground as a result of surface frictions. The velocity increase is curvilinear varying from zero at the ground surface to a maximum at some distance above the ground. The height at which the velocity ceases to increase is called the gradient height and the corresponding velocity, the gradient velocity. The wind speed profile within the atmospheric boundary level can be expressed by mathematical relationships based on fundamental equations of continuum mechanics. The mean wind profile in horizontally homogeneous terrain was proposed by Hellman in 1916 and is called the power law, which is expressed as Z VZ Vg Z g α (Eq. 2.1) where VZ = mean wind velocity at height z above the ground Vg = gradient wind velocity at any reference height Zg above ground Z = height above ground Zg = depth of boundary layer = power law exponent coefficient 14 2.3.2 Turbulent Nature of Wind The motion of wind is turbulent. Any movement of air at speeds greater than 0.9 to 1.3 m/s is turbulent, causing particles of air to move randomly in all directions. The scale and intensity of turbulences can be likened to the size and rotating speed of eddies or vortices that make up the turbulence. The properties of wind are studied statistically. The velocity of wind can be considered as having two components: a mean velocity whose value increases with height and turbulent velocity fluctuations. Spectral analysis techniques provide a convenient method for dealing with random turbulences of wind. 2.3.3 Probabilistic Approach to Wind Load The intensity and speed of wind is considered as a function of duration recurrence (return period). A 50-year return period of 30 m/s means that the area will experience a wind faster than 30 m/s within a period of 50 years. The probability of occurrence of the speed exceeding 30 m/s within a given year is 1/50 (0.02 or 2 percent). However, there is still high probability of wind exceeding the design speed within the service lifetime of the structure. 2.3.4 Dynamics Nature of Wind The gust response factor is a measure of energy transfer from wind to structures it hits. Wind loads associated with gustiness change rapidly and creating effects much larger than if the same loads were applied gradually. A structure could 15 have significant dynamics amplification of response to wind depend on how the gust frequency correlates with the nature frequency of the structure and also on the size of the gust in relation to building size. 2.3.5 Vortex Theory When a steady wind blows perpendicularly across the width of bridge deck with slender bluff, a zone of turbulent fluid flow, called wake, whose nature depends on the Reynolds number, is created on the leeward side or past the trailing edge of the airfoil. Vortices shed from the top and bottom bridge deck with a define periodicity. This oscillating streamline pattern caused by alternate vortex shedding cause a fluctuating pressure on the bridge deck that is dynamic in nature. The frequency of the fluctuating force is equal to the frequency of the vortex shedding and is proportional to the wind velocity. According to Strouhal, the vortex-shedding phenomenon can be described in terms of a non-dimensional parameter, called the Strouhal number, defined as S NsD U (Eq. 2.2) where S = Strouhal number NS = the frequency of full cycles of vortex shedding D = the characteristic dimension of the body projected on a plane normal to the mean flow velocity U = Velocity of oncoming flow, assumed laminar 16 The mechanism of vortex shedding of bridge deck is similar to that for an airfoil. The fluctuating pattern of wakes exerts a vertical dynamic force on bridge deck. The bridge will vibrate in a resonant manner with large amplitudes when the wind velocity is such that the frequency of vortex shedding approaches that of the natural frequency of the bridge. 2.3.6 Flutter Theory Flutter refers to an oscillating motion in which two or more modes of oscillation, usually bending and torsion are combined. As wind velocity increases, a critical value is reached, which triggers the flutter motion. It is characterised by a rapid build-up of amplitude with little or no further increases in wind speed. The amplitude may reach catastrophic proportions in a few cycles of motion. The bridge design should be such that the critical velocity at which this motion occurs is high, and it should be ensured that wind speeds of this magnitude will not occurs at the bridge site. In addition to aerodynamic factors, the flutter velocity depends on the elastic and dynamic properties of the bridge. 2.3.7 Velocity Pressure or Dynamics Pressure The velocity pressure or dynamic pressure, q is the pressure generated by the wind on a building by the wind assuming that the moving air comes to a complete stop as it hits the structure. Therefore, velocity pressure is the total kinetic energy possessed by the air that is transferred from the air to the structure. 17 However, the real pressure at any given point will be lesser than the theoretical value of q on account of the reality of air deviates from its original path as it approaches and passed over structure, transferring only part of its energy to the structure. Hence, the dynamic pressure represents the total kinetic energy of the air that strikes the structure. Considering the P and V is the pressure and velocity respectively, at a point from a distance from structure where air is undisturbed and at the point on the structure stricken by the wind, P1 and V1. ρ is the density of air. The expression for dynamic pressure is derived from the Bernoulli equation. P 1 1 2 ρV 2 P1 ρV1 2 2 (Eq. 2.3) Assuming that air stops completely when hits structure, V1=0 and (P-P1)=q, the Equation 2.3 becomes q 2.3.8 1 ρV 2 2 (Eq. 2.4) Wind Pressure or Static Velocity Pressure The real wind pressure, p at any point given point of a structure is the product of dynamic pressure, q with a coefficient of shape factor, Cp. Thus, p Cpq (Eq. 2.5) 18 2.3.9 Wind Force or Drag Force Consider as a whole, the total wind force or drag force, F on the structure can be determined by two methods. In theory, such force can be calculated by summing vector all the individual pressure forces. In practice, it is computed as the product of the projected surface area to wind direction, A, the dynamic pressure q and the shape factor CF. Thus, F qAC F (Eq. 2.6) The difference between Cp and CF is that Cp refers to a single point while CF refers to the whole structure. An overall shape factor, CF can be obtained in a wind tunnel tests and it can divide into two basic components, which are lift coefficient, CL and drag coefficient, CD. 2.3.10 Pressure Coefficient, CP Pressure coefficients, CP determined experimentally by undergoing the wind tunnel tests. Gauges are placed at the point where the pressure is to be measured on the structure model and shape coefficients can be derived from the readings. The coefficients are dimensionless. Positive values are for positive pressure while negative values indicate suction. The coefficient CP depends basically on the shape or geometrical characteristics of the structure and at times on the Reynolds number, Re. 19 Apart from wind tunnel testing, large number of pressure coefficients for variety of building shapes can be obtained by gathering the research works conducted by Ackeret (1936) from Institute of Aerodynamics, Switzerland. His extensive works were incorporated into Swiss Building Code and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 2.3.11 Reynolds Number (Re) The Reynolds number, Re is the dimensionless quantity as a fundamental parameter in aerodynamics for determining the shape factors of structures and consequently the wind pressure. The Reynolds number is defined as the ratio of the internal force to the viscous drag force. The former is the obstructing force generated by the frontal impact as the air collides against an obstacle. The latter is instead the force developed by the viscosity existing between air strata just like friction between solid lamina. Hence, V 2 h 2 Vh Re Vh where ρ = air density V = Wind Velocity h = diameter or width of structure μ = air viscosity (Eq. 2.7) 20 Considering , then Equation 2.7 becomes Re 2.4 Vh (Eq. 2.8) Wind Loads for Design Wind effects on structures include the direct application of wind-induced forces, movement of the structure, and the flow of the wind around the structure, which may affect pedestrians or the function of the building. Normally, wind effects are grouped according to limit states and safety and serviceability considerations. The selection of structural systems based on their ability to resist wind-induced stresses with appropriate margins of safety is an example of a design for safety or an ultimate limit state. Limiting deflections caused by the wind loads to prevent excessive vibrations and limiting the motion of the structure to prevent occupant discomfort are examples of serviceability limit state design. The design of bridge structures is based on estimates of overall wind effects, which must be taken into account in the structural systems, local wind effects and type of usage, which govern the design of components. Aeroelastic and aerodynamics information needed to estimate overall as well as local wind effects cannot be determined from first principles and must be obtained from wind tunnel tests. However, in the case of bridge structure that have geometric shapes that are not unusual aerodynamically or structurally, the information can be incorporated with existing information. The existing information provides in the 21 design Codes of Practice is based upon the extensive wind tunnel tests on similar structures. Wind flowing past a body must be diverted from its original path and such deflections lead to changes in the speed of the air. The pressure exerted by the air body on the body is thereby altered from that of the undisturbed stream. The viscosity of the air leads to frictional forces tending locally to reduce the wind speed. As the results of these processes, the body experience an aerodynamic force and moment. The wind force on a body may be resolved into three components, which are normal drag forces, transverse forces and uplift. The normal force or drag force is the total force tending to drag the body in the direction of the wind. The total drag may be separated into a number of components, which have different mechanisms such as surface friction drag and normal pressure drag. Surface friction drag arises from the resolved components of the tangential stresses on the surface of the body. This component of drag is directly attributable to viscosity. The large transverse force may be obtained from a small deviation in wind direction. The transverse force arises directly from and is proportional to the rotation induced in the flow-streaming past the body by the shape of the body offers to the flow. Some conclusions of a critical study on standard provisions developed for wind loads on structures indicated that standard provision for wind loads tend to overestimate peak wind loads on the structural systems. The poor respect to risk consistency arises from the conventional method. 22 The shortcoming of the standard provisions are attributed to the fact that the specified wind load induces stresses governing the design that may differ from those induced by the actual load, which depend on winds speed, gravity load and type of structural system. Wind loads depend on the wind flow and on the aerodynamics and structural properties of the structure being designed. The wind effects which should be considered in the design of a particular structure vary depending on the following factors: 2.5 i) Basic wind speed ii) Mean recurrence of wind speed iii) The characteristics of the terrain surrounding the structure iv) Directional properties of the wind climate v) Dynamic effects and aerodynamics instabilities of the structure vi) Structural properties of the structural system vii) Position of the areas acted on by the wind flow viii) Pressure coefficients and load factors Wind Loads on Bridges The inherent static strength of heavy masonry structures to resists wind forces were not considered dangerous until major failures began to occur in slender bridges. During 1870s, bridge collapses, caused mainly by poor lateral resistance against wind loads, reached the severe rate per year in United States and Europe. The collapse of Dryburgh Abbey Suspension Bridge in Scotland in 1818 was caused by aerodynamic instability. The Brighton Chain Pier Bridge, in Brighton, 23 England, crashed in 1836 due to dynamic wind forces similar to those that destroyed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington in 1940. The other major disaster due to wind loads is the failure of Tay Bridge in Scotland in 1879. Investigation has indicated that the weakness of bridge is its low resistance to wind forces. Another catastrophic bridge disaster was the failure of the Quebec Bridge in Canada- a huge 3300 feet long bridge, on August 29, 1907. The bridge was suddenly collapsed during construction and taking with it more than 18000 tons of steel and 86 men working on the bridge. The famous disaster in suspension bridges history is the collapse of Tacoma Narrows Bridge at Washington, as shown in Figure 2.1. On November 7, 1940, it collapsed under action of a moderate 35-42 mph wind (equivalent to 5 lb/ft2 of static wind forces) that caused excessive vibration and twisting of the deck, as shown in Figure 1.2. Studies attributed the bridge failure to excessive oscillation caused by wind action, which were made possible by the extraordinary degree of flexibility of the structure and its relatively small capacity to absorb dynamic forces. Figure 2.1: Collapse of Tacoma Narrows Bridge due to Wind Loads 24 Engineers learned valuable lessons from past bridge failures. However, it was not until the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in 1940 that full scientific attention was given to wind effect problems on the bridge, especially the flexible type of suspension bridges. Many researches has been done on the wind loads on the bridges because they are frequently built on exposed sites and subjected to very severe wind conditions. The long span and lightweight construction of suspension bridges has made these bridges particularly susceptible to wind induced oscillations. Wind induced oscillations are caused either by aerodynamic instability or by buffeting. The oscillations caused by aerodynamic instability are set up in a steady wind by the interaction of the structure with the air stream. Because the oscillations induced depend on the bridge characteristics, they can be reduced in magnitude by changing the bridge shape, frequency or damping. National Physical Laboratory [Frazer and Structon, 1971] have drawn some conclusions about the effects of dynamics of bridge to the wind induced forces. Among the conclusions is truss-stiffened bridges do not suffer from vertical bending oscillations. Torsional oscillations can be reduced by incorporating features, which break up the continuity of the flow pattern. 2.6 Bridges A bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle without closing the way beneath. The required passage may be for a road, a railway, pedestrian, a canal or a pipeline. The obstacle to be crossed may be a river, a road, railway or a valley. 25 Bridges had been constructed over thousand of years. The history of development of bridge can be linked with the history of the evolution of civil engineering. The maximum span that can be bridged depends on the structural form adopted for a particular bridge. Beginning with the Brooklyn Bridge (completed in 1883), bridges with increasing span lengths have been built over the world. With the development of new materials and construction techniques, the emergence of great arch, suspension and cable stayed bridges have been built. These stand as symbols of civil engineering triumph. 2.6.1 Types of Bridges Rapid development in construction resulted various types of bridge. Bridges can be characterised into several ways depending on the objective of classification. Bridges are always classified according to the characteristics such as materials of construction, span length, span types, usage, load path characteristics, structural forms, deck type and position. Bridges can be identified by the materials used for construction their superstructures, namely timber, concrete and steel. Often, a combination of materials is used in bridge building. Recently, a new breed of materials called advanced composites materials has been developed for structural applications in bridges. Medium and long span bridges, such as cable stayed and suspension bridges, is usually consists of fully steel structures. Bridges can be classified by their structural form from an engineering perspective in the reason of the methods of analysis in depend on the structural form. 26 Structural form refers to the load resisting mechanism of a bridge by which it transfers gravitational and lateral loads from the deck to the foundation. It can be classified into slab-stringer bridges, orthotropic bridges, truss bridges, rigid frame bridges, arch bridges, cantilever bridges, cable stayed bridges and suspension bridges. 2.6.2 Suspension Bridge Suspension bridges are recognised for spanning the longest distances. It consists of four essentials parts: the towers, the anchorages, the cables, and the deck. The deck of the bridges are supported by stiffen trusses or girders and hang from suspension cables or hangers. The anchorages at ends secured the suspension cables, which are usually built of masonry or concrete. Suspension bridges can classify by the type of cable anchorage, which is external and internal anchorage. Conventional suspension bridges consist of two parallel cables as the main load-carrying element. Loads from the bridge superstructure are transferred to the main cable through a continuous pattern of diagonal suspenders or hangers. Railroads suspension bridges always suffer the excessive deflection problems. The vertical component of tension in the side span helps reduce the dead load reaction at the end span support; the horizontal component of tension creates compression in the stiffening trusses or girders. 27 2.7 Loads on Bridges Bridge structures must be designed to resist various types of loads: gravity as well as lateral. Generally, the major components of loads acting on bridges are dead and live loads, environmental loads (temperature, wind, earthquake) and other loads arising from braking of vehicles and collisions. Gravity loads are caused by the dead weight of the bridge itself, the superimposed dead load, and the live load, whereas the lateral loads are caused by the environmental phenomenon such as wind and earthquake. Bridges structures are subjected to dynamic loads of moving vehicles besides the static loads. In the case the bridges built over waterways, the bridges are subjected to earth pressures, water pressure, and stream flow pressure and ice pressure at substructures. Two major components of bridge are substructure and superstructure. In design purposes, the forces acting on the bridge can be divided into loads acting on superstructure and loads acting on substructure. 2.7.1 Gravity Loads Gravity loads are caused by the deadweight of the bridge itself, the superimposed dead load and the live load. The dead load on a bridge structure consists of the self-weight of the superstructure, substructure and the weight of other items such as utilities services. An important consideration in dead load computations is to include anticipated future wearing surface, widening of the roadway for additional traffic lanes and additional utilities that the bridge may have to carry. 28 For bridges, live loads refer to the loads due to moving vehicles and pedestrian those are dynamic. The live loads of bridges are complex due to the dynamics movements of loadings and the effect of the live load on a bridge is a function of several parameters. The effects of dynamic live loads are much greater compared to static live loads. 2.7.2 Impact Impact loading can be defined as a suddenly applied load. For bridges, the phenomenon of impact is related to the bridge-vehicle interaction. The interaction of moving loads and the bridge superstructure results in dynamic amplification of the moving loads, resulting in vibrations and increased stresses. This dynamic response is considered in design, according to American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) specifications, by ascribing impact factor (I), in terms of static equivalent of dynamic and vibratory effects. Consideration of the dynamic responses is important for several reasons: i) Stresses are increased above those due to static-load applications, a cause of primary concern in bridge design. ii) Excessive vibration may cause, in the minds of vehicle occupants, a psychological fear of driving over an unsound bridge. iii) Excessive deck vibrations may cause discomfort to the pedestrian traffic. The maximum dynamic deflection of a bridge deck due to vehicle impact has been found to be a function of the initial amplitude of bounce of the vehicle and its natural frequency. The dynamic response of long span and cable suspended bridge are more complex. 29 2.7.3 Pedestrian Loading On most bridges, sidewalks and curbs are provided. Hence, the live load on them should be provided due consideration in design. Pedestrian crossing produces complex dynamic responses, involving different modes of vibration, as well as motion due time variation of static deflection. 2.7.4 Longitudinal Forces The longitudinal forces refer to forces that act in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the bridge, specifically in the direction of the traffic. These forces develop result of braking effort and traction effort. The vehicle’s inertia force is transfer to the deck through friction between the deck and the wheels. 2.7.5 Wind Loads Wind loads form a major component of lateral loads that act on bridge. Bridges are frequently built on exposed sites and are subject to severe wind conditions. Wind loads on the bridges depending on parameters such as wind velocity, types of bridge, angle of attack, the size and shape of the bridge, the terrain and the gust characteristics. Wind effects on the bridge structures may be threefold as static wind pressures, dynamic wind movement and buffeting between adjacent structures. Static 30 wind pressures are those that cause a bridge to deflect or deform. Dynamic wind movements affect long span flexible bridge and prone to oscillate in number of modes. A distinction should be made between the static effects of wind and the dynamic effects of wind on flexible structures such as suspension and cable stayed bridge. Aerodynamic instability means that the effect of steady wind, acting on a flexible structure of conventional cross section, to produce a fluctuating force automatically synchronizing in timing and direction with the harmonic motions of those of the structure so as to cause a progressive amplification of these motions to dangerous destructive amplitudes. A significant force that is caused by an aerodynamic phenomenon is the wind uplift or the vertical component of wind. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge is the failure caused by this effect. Static wind force, the main wind force acting on a bridge structure, develops as a result of a steady wind that exerts a fairly constant pressure in the general direction of the wind. Pressure due to wind is calculated by applying the principles of fluid mechanics. Bernoulli’s theorem stated when fluid strikes an object; the increase in the static pressure equals the decrease in the dynamic pressure. 2.7.6 Temperature Induced Forces Temperature induced forces is a kind of environmental load. Temperature variations cause bridges to expand and contract. The temperature-induced forces are generated in bridges as a result of repeated cycles of heating and cooling from solar radiation and the surrounding air. 31 2.7.7 Forces From Stream Columns and piers in streams and rivers are subjected to forces due to the stream flow. The force of stream current against the pier depends on the velocity of the flowing water and the cross-sectional shape of pier. The forces acting on the pier increase with existence of debris and ice. 2.7.8 Seismic Loads Seismic loads are the lateral forces induced by the earthquake. The seismic forces are proportion of the bridge’s dead load. There are three methods for analysis and design of bridges for seismic loads, namely response spectrum modal analysis, the time history method and the equivalent static force method. The first two methods are called dynamics analysis. 2.7.9 Miscellaneous Loads Other loads may be present as a result of the use of special construction material and method. Construction, handling and erection loads are vital for pre-cast or pre-stressed bridges. Temporary loads imposed by the sequence of construction stages, construction equipments and false works should be considered. 32 Forces caused by displacement of supports and by shrinkage and creep of concrete should be carefully considered in analysis. The forces are of special significance in the construction of reinforced and prestressed concretes bridges. 2.8 Loads on Bridge According to BS 5400: Part 2 (1978) A bridge and its entire component should be designed to safely resist all loads to which it may be subjected during its services life. Many of the described forces and loads act on the bridge structure simultaneously. The design loads to be considered for bridge construction are as stipulated in BS 5400 Part 2: Specification of Loads. In bridge design, the nominal loads should be multiply by the appropriate value of partial load factor, fL to derive the design load to be used in the calculation of moments, shears, total loads and other effect for each of the limit states under consideration. The loads applied to a bridge structure are regarded as either permanent or transient. Dead loads, superimposed dead loads, loads due to filling materials, shrinkage and creep and differential settlement are considered as permanent loads in the Standard. All loads other than permanent ones are considered as transient loads. The maximum of effects of certain transient loads including primary live loads and secondary live loads do not coexist with the maximum effects of certain others. Therefore, reduced factor can be applied based on provision by the standard. The BS 5400 Part 2 also provides values for the partial load factor for each force, to be used for ultimate and serviceability limit states under five force 33 combinations. The combinations of loads provided in BS 5400 Part 2 for bridge can be summarised as below: i) Load Combination 1 For highway and foot/cycle track bridges, the loads to be considered are the permanent loads, together with the appropriate primary live loads, and for railway bridges, the permanent loads, together with the appropriate primary and secondary live loads. ii) Load Combination 2 For all bridges, the loads to be considered are the loads in combination 1 together with those due to wind, and where erection is being considered temporary erection loads. iii) Load Combination 3 For all bridges, the loads to be considered are the loads in combination 1, together with those arising from restraint due to the effects of temperature range and difference, and, where erection is being considered, temporary erection loads. iv) Load Combination 4 Combination 4 does not apply to railway bridge except for vehicle collision loading on the bridge supports. For highway bridges, the loads to be considered are the permanent loads and the secondary live loads, together with the appropriate primary live loads associated with them. Secondary live loads are considered separately. v) Load Combination 5 For all bridges, the only loads to be considered are the permanent loads, together with the loads due to friction at bearings. 34 However, for a railway bridge, only first 3 load combinations are considered in design. All the load combinations are applied with factor of 1.0 under consideration of serviceability limit states. 2.8.1 Wind Loads The wind pressure on a bridge depends on the geographical location, the local topography, and the height of the bridge above ground, and the horizontal dimensions and cross section of the bridge or element under consideration. The maximum pressures are due to gusts that cause local and transient fluctuations about the mean wind pressure. Design gust pressures are derived from the isotachs of mean hourly wind speed. These wind speeds are appropriate to a height above ground level of 10 m in open level country and a 120-year return period. Maximum gust speed, VC on the bridge on which the application of wind loading increases the effects being considered shall be taken as VC = v K1S1S2 where V = mean hourly wind speed K1= wind coefficient related to return period S1= funnelling factor S2= gust factor (Eq. 2.9 ) 35 The nominal transverse wind load, Pt shall be taken as acting at the centroids of the appropriate areas and horizontally unless local conditions change the direction of the wind. The nominal transverse wind load should derived as Pt = qA1CD (Eq. 2.10) where q = dynamic pressure head ( 0.613Vc ) 2 A1= solid area CD= drag coefficient The nominal vertical wind load, PV is whether an upward or downward load acting at the centroids of the appropriate areas for the bridge super structure. The value should be derived from PV = qA3CL (Eq. 2.11) where A3 = area in plan CL = lift coefficient 2.8.2 Railway Bridge Live Load For a monorail bridge, the live load considered is Type RL Loading, which is a reduced loading for use only on passenger rapid transit railway systems on lines 36 where main line locomotives and rolling stock do not operate. Nominal Type RL Loading consists of a single 200 kN concentrated load coupled with a uniformly distributed load of 50 kN/m for loaded lengths up to 100 metres. For loaded lengths in excess of 100 m the distributed nominal load shall be 50 kN/m for the first 100 m and shall be reduced to 25 kN/m for lengths in excess of 100 m. The standard railway loadings are equivalent static loadings and should be multiplied by appropriate dynamic factors to allow for impact, oscillation and other dynamic effects including those caused by track and wheel irregularities. The dynamic factor for single track cross girders should be taken as 1.40. All elements of bridges subject to railway loading should be checked against the effects of fatigue caused by repeated cycles of live loading. The number of load cycles should be based on a life expectancy of 120 years for bridges intended as permanent structures. The load factor to be used in all cases when considering fatigue is 1.0. 2.9 Serviceability Criteria Functional considerations are the very reason for creating a structure. Structural design can be considered optimal if it can simultaneously satisfy the requirements of function, safety, economy and aesthetics [Kuzmanovic and Wilems, 1983]. Deflection, slenderness and flexibility of structure, and fatigue are three elements of the design matrix that are related to the performance of a bridge structure during its service life. Together, they form a part of the design criteria, generally known as the serviceability criteria. There are other considerations that affect serviceability and, in time, lead to functional obsolescence of a bridge. These include 37 changed traffic patterns, increased size and weight limitations of live load, and material deterioration (corrosion of steel) due to poor maintenance. 2.9.1 Deflection Deflection limitations for bridges appear to have evolved in the early 1930s when reports of objectionable vibrations of steel girder bridges began to appear. According to AASHTO, the allowable deflections due to live load plus impact were limited to 1/800 of the span for bridges carry light traffic and to 1/1000 for bridges carrying heavy traffic. The ASCE Committee [ASCE, 1958] had pointed out two reasons for limiting deflections for railway bridge: i) to avoid excessive vibration of the structure in resonance with the recurring hammer blows of the locomotive driving wheels. ii) to avoid objectionable oscillation of the rolling stock induced when the deflections of the successive spans tended to set up a harmonic excitation of the sprung weight 2.9.2 Fatigue in Steel Bridges The most disastrous failure of a bridge in recent times was that of the Pont Pleasant Bridge, West Virginia, on December 15, 1967. the cause of the failure was determined to be stress corrosion and fatigue. Fatigue can be broadly defined as a 38 phenomenon of reduced material resistance under fluctuating stresses. The fatigue limit is the maximum stress that can repeated indefinitely without causing fatigue failure when applying fluctuating loads. The phenomenon of fatigue is related to the fact that a cyclic repetitive stressing of steel can produce fracture by much smaller forces than are required for failure under a static load. Cyclic stresses are known to initiate and then to propagate cracks in structural members, eventually weakening them. The potential of crack initiation and growth increases in the presence of stress raisers. Stress raisers can characterised as imperfections that create local stress concentrations. Some examples of stress raisers are sudden changes in the geometry of a members cross section, welds or mechanical fasteners, and features that interrupt the smooth flow of stresses in a member. In bridge structures, load fluctuations, and hence stress reversal, are generally caused by the random movement of vehicles. The fatigue criterion is further aggravated by a phenomenon known as wind induced fatigue, which is caused by turbulent winds. The 1940 collapse of Tacoma Narrows Bridge is a classic example of wind induced fatigue failure. Prior to its collapse, the bridge, as shown in Figure 1.1, was seen having large amplitude vibrations, both in linear and torsional modes caused by wind [Liu, 1992]. Fatigue problems arise frequently when the tensile stress are involved, so the members need to be fatigue checked that are expected to undergo a large number of stress reversals pr a large number of variations of tensile stress. 39 Tests [AISC Mkt, 1986] performed on a large number of different steels indicate that: 1. Up to tensile strength of 1.4106 kPa, the fatigue limit of steel is about 50 percent of its tensile strength. 2. Fatigue strength of steel increases with tensile strength of steel; the higher the tensile strength, the higher the fatigue strength 3. The fatigue strength decreases with increasing number of loading cycles. 4. The presence of a weld in a specimen reduces its fatigue strength. The decrease in fatigue strength is greater for steels with greater tensile strength. 5. For the same maximum stress, the number of stress cycles required to produce failure increases with increasing stress ratio. There several approaches to evaluate fatigue such as fracture mechanics approach and stress-life-detail category approach. The detailed evaluation procedure of fatigue specific to bridges is described in the Guide Specification for Fatigue Evaluation of Existing Steel Bridges published by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials [AASHTO, 1990]. 2.10 Finite Element Method (FEM) 2.10.1 Introduction The finite element method (FEM) is a numerical procedure for solving continuum mechanics problems. FEM is a method of structural analysis based on dividing the structures into simple parts called elements. These elements are then 40 assembled into complex structure for which a solution can be obtained by simple numerical methods. The method provides engineers with a versatile tool, which has very wide applicability. Finite elements methods could handle the complicated configurations through the discretization process in this method. The method also can handle complex boundary conditions in homogeneity in materials composition and mixed structures with relative ease. One of the main attractions of the method is its versatility with respect to the type of elements that can be used to define the structure. 2.10.2 Concept of the Finite Element Method Finite elements represented the piecewise approximation of a function , by means of polynomials, each defined over a small region (element) and expressed in terms of nodal values of the function. The nodal forces that produce the various element deformation modes must be found to formulate an element. The finite element method is not restricted to problems of structural mechanics. A feature of stress, displacement or energy field is represented by a function, which varies smoothly in the actual structure. If model by triangles, the surface is approximated by flat facets. The is a linear function of x and y, which is = a1 + a2x + a3y (Eq. 2.12) 41 The four and eight node elements display warped and curved surfaces and better approximate the actual function. The function is = a1 + a2x + a3y +a4xy (Eq. 2.13) The displacement method could be used for solution in the finite element method. The displacement of any point in an element is defined with respect to the displacement of the element nodes by: U Nr (Eq. 2.14) where [N] is the shape function matrix and {r} are discrete values of the nodal displacement. The strain energy expression can be written as ε Br (Eq. 2.15) where [B] is strain displacement matrix and defined as 0 N x B 0 N y N y N x (Eq. 2.16) 42 Then the constitutive relation is formulated using the uni-axial stress strain curve of the material. For the elastic case it is defined as σ Dε (Eq. 2.17) where [D] is the elasticity matrix, which defines the material property. By satisfying the equilibrium of the system and utilising the principle of virtual work, it can be shown that Kr R (Eq. 2.18) where [K] is the element stiffness matrix and defined as K BT DBdv (Eq. 2.19) R NT Fs dA NT f dv (Eq. 2.20) and where