PowerPoint Biography

Name: __________________________________
Period: _________
PowerPoint Biography
Slide 1
All About Me
By Your Name
Slide 2 - List 3 short sentences about yourself. Ideas: Age, Birthday, Where you were
born, ect.
Title: Let Me Introduce Myself
 My name is ….
Slide 3 - List 3 short sentences about where you live.
Title: Where I Live
 I live in …
Slide 4 - List 3 short sentences about your family.
Title: My Family
Slide 5 - List 4 sports or activities you are interested in.
Title: A few of My Favorite Things
Slide 6 - List a sentence telling me about it.
Title: The Funniest Thing That Happened to Me
Slide 7 - List 3 places where you want to live
Title: Where I Want to Live
Slide 8 - List 3 of your favorite places
Title: My Favorite Places to be
Slide 9 - List 5 of your favorite movies
Title: My Favorite Movies
Slide 10 - List a few sentences telling me what job you would like to do and why.
Title: What I Want to Be
Name: __________________________________
Period: _________
Grading Scale
40-36 A
35-32 B
31-28 C
27-21 D
20 and Below F
You will be grades on the following, each are worth a maximum of 5 points.
 Slide Background
 Text Size & Color
 Transitions
 Graphics
 Animation
 Length (10 slides)
 Attractiveness
 Spelling and grammar