SDIST v0.1 Common probability and statistical distributions for the HP48G Series (also HP48S?) (C) 1996, Sune Bredahl Here's a collection of probability and statistical distributions which I've used myself for a time now, so I've cramed them all into a library and SDIST.LIB is the result. I've only tested this library on a HP48G and I don't know if it will work on the S series too. The commands have been written on different occations, and I can't remember if there are any HP48G-specific commands, but I don't think so. In short SDIST offers the following: * * * * 'inverse' UTPx commands, ie. percentiles of t, F and chi-square dist. Enhanced UPTx commands - not limited to d.o.f < 500 Binomial, Poisson and Hypergeometric distributions (also cummulative) algebraic syntax for all commands The probabilities returned for continous distributions are 'upper-tail' probabilities, likewise the inverse distribution functions will assume that upper-tail probabilities are given. In the following, commands will be referred to by their algebraic syntax, but obviously they work with stack arguments as well. (1) Upper-tail probabilities: T->P(n,t) F->P(n1,n2,f) CHI->P(n,x) N->P(m,v,x) SN->P(x) distribution Upper-tail Upper-tail Upper-tail Upper-tail Upper-tail probability probability probability probability probability of of of of of t-distribution * F-distribution * chi-square distribution * normal distribution the standard-normal * if n>499 an approximation is used (2) The following are 'inverted' versions of the above, ie. returns the p'th percentile of the distribution in question: P->T(n,p) P->F(n1,n2,p) P->CHI(n,p) P->N(m,v,p) Upper p'th percentile of the t-distribution * Upper p'th percentile of the F-distribution * Upper p'th percentile of the chi-square distribution * Upper p'th percentile of the normal distribution P->SN(p) Upper p'th percentile of the standard-normal distribution * if n>499 an approximation is used. (3) Discrete distributions: BINOM(n,p,x) Binomial distribution * POISS(l,x) Poisson distribution * HYPER(m,N,n,x) Hypergeometric distribution */** * These distributions work cummulative by defining x as a complex number, eg. 'BINOM(9,1/2,(0,5))' calculates BINOM(9,1/2,0)+...+BINOM(9,1/2,5). ** In the hypergeometric distribution, m is the population size, N is the number of 'succes' elements in the population and n in the sample size drawn from the population. (HYPER then returns the probability of getting exactly x of the succes elements in the sample drawn.) ******************************************** SOME NUMERICAL DETAILS I've included som info here on the computational details for the commands in SDIST. t->P, F->P and chi->P For n<500 (n=degrees of freedom) these are equal to the built-in UTPT, UTPF and UTPC commands respectively. For n>499 numerical approximations are used. The approximations (from the Stegun and Abrahamowitz book) are quite good, except in the F-distribution case if n1 and n2 differs very much. P->t, P->F, P->chi, P->N, P->SND These are found using the the built-in solver with the respective distribution so they're not that fast. The comments concerning n>499 apply here as well. BIN, POIS, HYPER When used cummulative round-off problems may occur in some delicate situations, so a normal approx. should be used if there's reason to suspect this. I still consider this a beta release, so if you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions, then please e-mail me. Enjoy Sune Bredahl,