Name English 3A The Canterbury Tales & The Middle Ages Essay

Name _______________________________________
English 3A
The Canterbury Tales & The Middle Ages Essay
Directions: Write a 5-paragraph essay (1- introductory paragraph; 3- body paragraphs; 1conclusion paragraph) using the writing prompt below. Your essay should be a minimum of TWO
pages, typed and double-spaced, Times New Roman 12-pt. font. Include a proper heading with
your name, my name, class/block, and the date the paper is due. You must include information
from at least ONE of the two articles provided on life in the middle ages to assist you in your
analysis. Include a minimum of THREE quotes from the The Canterbury Tales Prologue in your
essay (1 per body paragraph). Make sure to analyze your examples to prove your points. Use the
articles to assist you in your analysis.
Writing Prompt:
Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales as a social commentary of the time period of the Middle
Ages and its people. While some characters are praised as noble and virtuous, the majority of
the characters are greedy, materialistic, and corrupt as seen through the Prologue. Consider
what Chaucer's tale reveals to readers about society and life in the Middle Ages as you write a 5paragraph essay analyzing characters from The Canterbury Tales Prologue and their values (or
lack thereof). At least ONE of your paragraphs should focus on the virtues and morals of
particular characters or groups of people in the Middle Ages. Additionally, at least ONE of your
paragraphs should focus on the corruption, hypocrisy, and vices of characters and particular
groups of people during this time period as seen through the Prologue. Overall, what do these
characters tell readers about the time period of the Middle Ages and the values of its people?
1. Minimum of THREE quotes from The Canterbury Tales Prologue with analysis after each quote
and proper in-text citation at the end of a sentence containing a quote. Ex: (Chaucer 100).
2. Reference to at least ONE of the articles provided throughout your paper. Make sure to refer
to the title's author and title in quotation marks within the same sentence that you discuss a key
point from the article. You should mention your chosen article(s) several times throughout your
paper. You may choose to quote from your source directly if you see fit.
Ex: As seen in Lovett's "Values of The Middle Ages", Chaucer criticizes the religious
figures in his tales.
3. Meaningful Analysis: Discuss BOTH the sinful and the virtuous characters using examples from
the text and your own in-depth observations/analysis. Use the articles to help you!
4. Works Cited List (last page of your paper). This should include The Canterbury Tales and the
article(s) used in the paper. Use proper MLA format.
Helpful Writing Reminders
* AVOID THE FOLLOWING: “I think”, “I believe,” “The writer tells you that…”, “In my essay I am
going to talk about…” (These are all signs of weak writing!!!)
* Start each body paragraph with a strong topic sentence that states the main idea of the body
paragraph. Topic sentences should be very general since they encompass the main point of your
entire body paragraph.
* Use appropriate transitions at the beginning and middle of your body paragraphs.
* NEVER start a sentence with a quote. Always make your quote part of a full and complete
sentence. Don’t forget to analyze the quote in several sentences afterwards!
Ex- The knight's heroism is displayed in the following lines, "QUOTE" (Chaucer 120).
This proves how noble and honorable he is as seen through his actions in battle.
*When quoting MORE THAN THREE LINES use a BLOCK QUOTE: This means indenting the entire
quoted passage and single spacing it, and then returning to your regular essay format (without
indenting again).
Outlining Your Paper:
*Write down THREE main ideas as you brainstorm. Each of these three ideas could end up
becoming a topic for each body paragraph.
* Find one quote that relates to your main idea for each body paragraph and write it down.
*Determine your thesis statement: Ultimately- what are you trying to prove?
Main idea 1:
Main idea 2:
Main idea 3:
Thesis statement:
Main Idea: Body Paragraph 1
Supporting Ideas/quote (examples from Canterbury Tales and article).
Main Idea: Body Paragraph 2
Supporting Ideas/quote (examples from Canterbury Tales).
Main Idea: Body Paragraph 3
Supporting Ideas/quote (examples from Canterbury Tales).