COCORP Bibliography

COCORP Bibliograhy
August, 1997
Allmendinger, R.W. , J.A. Brewer, L.D. Brown, J.E. Oliver,
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Allmendinger, R.W., J.W. Sharp, D. von Tish, L. Serpa, L.
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Allmendinger, R.W., J. Sharp, D. von Tish, J. Oliver, and S.
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Allmendinger, R.W., H. Farmer, E.C. Hauser, J. Sharp, D. Von
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Allmendinger, R.W. , T. Hauge, E.C. Potter, C. Potter, and
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Allmendinger, R.W., T.A. Hauge, E.C. Hauser, C.J. Potter,
S.L. Klemperer, K.D. Nelson, P.L.K. Knuepfer, and J.E.
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Brewer, J.A., S.B. Smithson, J.E. Oliver, S. Kaufman, and
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Brewer, J.A., F.A. Cook, L.D. Brown, J.E. Oliver, S.
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Brewer, J.A. , L.D. Brown, D. Steiner, J.E. Oliver, S.
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Brown, L.D., J.A. Brewer, F.A. Cook, S. Kaufman, P.A.
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Brown, L.D., J.E. Oliver, S. Kaufman, J.A. Brewer, F.A.
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Brown, L.D., L Jensen, J.E. Oliver, S. Kaufman, and D.
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Brown, L.D., L.D. Serpa, T. Setzer, J.E. Oliver, S. Kaufman,
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Brown, L.D., C.J. Ando, S.L. Klemperer, J.E. Oliver, S.
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Brown, L.D. , D.M. Wille, L. Zheng, B. DeVoogd, J. Mayer,
T.M. Hearn, W.E. Sanford, C. Caruso, T.-F. Zhu, K.D. Nelson,
C.J. Potter, E.C. Hauser, S.L..S. Klemperer, S. Kaufman, and
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Cheadle, M.J., B.L. Czuchra, C.J. Ando, T. Byrne, L.D. Brown
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Cheadle, M.J. , B.L. Czuchra, T. Byrne, C.J. Ando, J.E.
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Cook, F.A., D.S. Albaugh, L.D. Brown, S. Kaufman, J.E.
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Culotta, R.C., T. Pratt, and J.E. Oliver. "A tale of two
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Culotta, R.C., T. Latham, M. Sydow, J. E. Oliver , L.D.
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deVoogd, B., L.D. Serpa, L.D. Brown , E.C. Hauser, S.
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Fielding, E., M. Barazangi, L.D. Brown, J.E. Oliver, and S.
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Gibbs, A.K., B. Payne, T. Setzer, L.D. Brown, J.E. Oliver,
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Hauge, T.A., R.W. Allmendinger, C. Caruso, E.C. Hauser, S.L.
Klemperer , S. Opdyke , C.J. Potter, W.E. Sanford, L.D.
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Hauser, E.C. and J.E. Oliver. "A New Era in Understanding
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Hauser, E.C., C.J. Potter, T.A. Hauge , S. Burgess, S.
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Hauser, E.C., J. Gephart, T. Latham, J.E. Oliver, S.
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